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That just made me smile. Now that everything was out in the open, we sat back again in silence, drinking wine, listening to the music. It wasn't long until Mum rested her head on my shoulder, wrapping an arm around her as she wrapped an arm around my chest. I thought she was going to sleep but she didn't, instead occasionally squeezing me, absolutely content.

"Want to make out for a bit?" she asked sometime later.

That made me chuckle. "Um... Yeah, sure."

I mean, I'd be stupid to say no, right? So we made out and it didn't take long for hands to start wandering. I know she spent time appreciated my body. I wasn't what you would call muscular, but despite my youth, the years of training at university had certainly broadened my shoulders and given my body a bit of definition at least. Mum was just fit and it wasn't long until she was laying back on the couch underneath me. Eventually she broke our make out session, leaning back slightly.

"I know you want to take this slow so... Would you like to watch me masturbate again?"

I nodded, immediately scooting back to give her room. She spread her legs as much as she could, lifting her skirt before she completely disrobed. I almost slapped my forehead when I realised she wasn't wearing a bra or panties. Her pussy was already glistening from the excitement as she lay back, running her hands along her body though her eyes never left mine.

Watching my mother masturbate was probably the hottest thing I'd ever seen to that day in my life. It wasn't the night before, where it was dark and barely took a few minutes. She really took her time as she spent time playing with her nipples and breasts, running her hands across her body before she finally started to finger her pussy or gently flick her clit.

"Masturbate too, baby," she asked.

Well, I'm not one to say no to my mother so I quickly had my erect cock out but I wasn't worried about trying to cum. I simply drank in the view of her. I did move even closer and I swear I could feel the heat radiate from her sex as she continued to play with herself. I think she was close to orgasm a few times but slowed down. I'll admit I was tempted to join in but... As we'd agreed, we'd take it slow. There was certainly no rush for us to simply enjoy a fumble though I knew we both wanted to.

"I'm going to cum, baby," she cried in between the series of moans, her body starting to spasm as what must have been one hell of an orgasm took hold. Once she'd settled down, I simply listened to her deep breathing, her eyes still locked on mine before they moved down to my groin.

"Are you going to cum? Would you like to cum on Mum again?" Then she smirked. "How about this; tits or mouth?"

"Mouth," I replied immediately.

We spent a few awkward seconds getting into position as I was already rather close to ejaculating. Her face was so close to my cock that she could have probably touched it with her tongue. Which is what she did a few seconds later. I groaned, stating I was about to cum, so she wrapped her lips around my cock just as I started to shoot ropes. It was another fantastic orgasm and Mum didn't spill a drop, her hands wrapped around my waist as I finally finished. She looked up at me with a large grin on her face, opening her mouth to show it was empty.

"Yummy," she stated.

"Holy shit! That's...."


I couldn't help but laugh. "Broken record, right?"

"You think I'm both hot and attractive, Andrew. I'm not going to complain."


Once I started the new job, we fell into a routine. We always had breakfast together before heading to work. We didn't work in the same department because, as I'd expected, I was going to spend some time doing boring odd-jobs. I didn't let it get me down though. Mum always came to grab me and we enjoyed lunch together, ensuring we joined other people so we didn't look... weird. The days were long but we always left together, and I always made sure I helped with the cooking duties once we got home, including preparing lunches the next day.

In addition to the 'normal' aspects of our daily lives, we continued to experiment with other, taking our time. We hadn't had intercourse yet. I know I wanted to. I know she wanted to. But there was no rush. That's not to say we weren't doing other things though. We were doing plenty.

I'd discovered that my mother was, like me, a complete exhibitionist. She had no problem undressing in front of me, coming into my room completely naked if she wanted something, while I must have spent most nights in her room watching her masturbate. It wasn't long until I was starting to help out, first with my hands but I was desperate to taste her. It wasn't something we planned. We didn't plan anything. It would happen if it did, but Mum was in the moment and I leapt at the opportunity. She certainly didn't stop me. In fact, I felt her hand on the back of my head and she pushed her pussy into my face. It didn't take long for her to have a shuddering orgasm. Once her body had stopped quivering, she dragged me in for a kiss, not shocking me at all considering my mouth and chin was coated with her juices, before she asked, "Who taught you how to eat pussy?"

"I got some practice in with others before I gave the best to you, Mum."

"You're such a sweetie."

"Always the best for you, Mum."

"Give me a few minutes to recover and, if you want, you can do it again."

"I'd eat you out all night if you asked."

That was the green light to me spending plenty of nights with my head between her legs. I'm not going to gloat about how many times I made her orgasm but there were some long nights where I left her an exhausted, sweaty mess by the time we were ready for bed. Not just in bed, either. I'd occasionally surprise her around the house, coming up from behind and wrapping her in a hug. Sometimes, it was just a hug, mother to son. Sometimes, I had other intentions which she realised, particularly if my erection pressed into her.

Another thing I learned is that Mum loved to suck my cock. She knew about my sexual partners and she said, apart from the man who provided the sperm for my birth, her list of partners was... small. When I asked, her reason was simple. "I was far too busy, either at school, university or at work, and then I was raising you at the same time." I'd had other experienced ladies go down on me so Mum was content to admit her lack of experience giving head was perhaps unusual for someone her age. But I knew what I liked and she had no problem listening to my suggestions. It didn't take long until she could make me cum within minutes of swallowing my cock, though she appeared to enjoy taking a load on her tits or stomach. "I'm used to it after those first few times," she stated.

So that was our lives for quite a while. A lot of kissing and fondling. And a lot, and I mean a lot, of oral sex. Some weekends we wore each other out, barely leaving the bedroom from walking into the house on Friday night to Sunday night. We were like new lovers in the honeymoon phase, yet our phase appeared never-ending. Mum was insatiable and was as often the instigator of a bout of sexual relations as I was. That made me feel special as well, which is what I guess mothers should do!

The days passed into weeks and it was while being driven home one day that Mum dropped a bombshell, albeit a good one. "I see you're progressing well at work."

I shrugged. "I just had to get noticed."

"You are. Your name is on everyone's lips. I've had plenty of the big bosses come and see me, asking all about you."

"What do you say?"

"That my son eats his mother's' pussy like a champ." I cracked up laughing. "But seriously, they're very impressed, Andrew. Which is why I've managed to get you a spot with me to the next conference."

"Awesome. Where?"


"You're shitting me?"

She laughed at my disbelief. "No. It's just going to be me and you for four days in Paris. How does that sound?"

"When do we go?" I asked eagerly.

"In two weeks. We fly out on Wednesday, have a day to acclimate and the conference set to take place on Friday. We then have two days to ourselves before flying back on Monday."

Those were the longest two weeks of my life as I waited to jet off to another country with my Mum and I knew, in the back of my mind, that this would be where we would take the final step. I don't think we'd been waiting for the perfect moment but to jet away to the 'City of Lights', have a hotel room to ourselves and visit one of the most romantic places on Earth, I think we subconsciously decided together that it would be there that we would consummate our physical relationship.

We travelled business and had a pair of seats near a window to ourselves. It was during the flight that Mum decided to share some stories about work.

"Quite a few of the girls in the lab and the office have taken a fancy to you, Andrew."

Not to sound too cocky but that wasn't too much of a surprise. I wasn't completely ignorant of the attention I received. "How many?" I wondered.

"Oh, at least a dozen have approached me, asking if you were single. Some are curious as to why you show them absolutely no attention."

"And what do you say?"

She leaned in close to my ear so no-one could hear. "I say he's too busy eating his mum's pussy to worry about some idiot little girl. And that no-one could suck his cock like his Mum." I burst into laughter as she kissed my cheek. "No, I just say he's with someone and it's quite serious. Now they are left wondering who it is as neither of us actually talk about our private lives."

"Do you get any interest?"

She shrugged. "I do but I tell them I'm not interested. I have the one man in my life I want. They probably think I'm some lonely old woman who fosters far too much attention on her son." She smirked. "They'd be absolutely right in a certain way."

Upon landing, we were escorted to our hotel, a grand old building that looked hundreds of years old. There was a concierge who welcomed us, a porter helped take our bags but it was when Mum introduced us as 'Mr and Mrs Smith' that made me do a double take. I managed to shut my mouth just in time from asking a question that would have put her foot in it as I could see the look in her eye as she spoke with the receptionist.

"Enjoy your time in Paris, Mr and Mrs Smith," the receptionist stated.

"We plan on it," my mother stated and I swear the receptionist blushed as the insinuation in her tone was obvious. She glanced at me, fire in her eyes and I couldn't help the gulp.

The room was exquisite, the bed in the middle of the room enormous as we walked out onto the balcony and took in the view.

"I want to go up the Eiffel Tower," Mum stated.

"Of course."

"Would you be interested in visiting the Louvre?" I nodded. "Is there anything in particular you want to see?"

I shrugged. "I'm not sure. Why don't we just wander around and see where the day eventually takes us?"

"As long as we go up the tower, I don't mind either way." She leaned into me as we continued to take in the view. "Oh, one more thing, Andrew."


"You're going to fuck me this weekend. I think it's about time, don't you think?"

I just chuckled. "I know. I've been thinking the same thing."

She kissed me again. "Just thought you should know what I really want."

We spent all of Thursday hard at work, preparing for the conference the next day, managing to keep our hands off each other... for most of the time. There may have been a sneaky blowjob during lunch, while we did end up in bed together after a nightcap, spending a good hour enjoying the taste of my Mum's pussy, bringing her to orgasm time and again. In the low light provided as we lay back once she claimed to be finally worn out, I couldn't help but admire her beauty, drinking in her naked body. She even started to blush as my eyes wandered.

"I can't believe my son looks at me with such... hunger in his eyes," she said quietly.

"I've always thought you were beautiful, Mum. You know that."

"What do you like best?"

I laughed. "That question's a trap if ever I heard one." But she gave me a serious look so I said, "Your eyes."

A broad smile appeared. "I was expecting you to say something else."

"Oh, I appreciate every inch of you, from your tiny feet to your red hair, but when you look at me with that sparkle in your eyes, is it little wonder I'm lying here with you now, having just done what I've done, as a son to his own mother?"

She leaned forward and kissed me lightly on the lips. "No, I guess not," she said quietly, "I sometimes have to pinch myself that my own son loves me in such a way. And I wouldn't have it any other way."

Friday was a washout in the sense that we barely spent any time together, Mum in a series of meetings, as was I, not even managing to get together for our usual lunch while we were seated separately at dinner, though that didn't stop us from sharing the occasional glance before she smiled at me, causing me to smile in return. I received one or two questions about who she was and I didn't know what to say. But, considering some people may know who we may have been, I thought being honest would probably be the best course of action, particularly if news filtered back home and the last thing either of us wanted was awkward questions.

Unsurprisingly we were both exhausted by the time we arrived back at the hotel, the clock close enough to striking midnight. I don't think either of us were up to doing anything, probably the first time in quite a while, but that didn't stop Mum from thinking of something romantic, as the bathroom had an enormous tub so we eventually lay back together under the bubbles, enjoying a bottle of wine, the only light provided by candles. It was definitely one of the most romantic nights we had spent together as my hands simply stroked her body under the water, occasionally teasing her but neither of us really doing anything to bring about an orgasm.

We were up early on Saturday, or at least Mum was, desperate to get out and see the sights available. I'll admit I was still knackered after the day before so Mum did the only thing that would get me out of the bed. She crawled up the bed until her face was above mine, opening my eyes to see a broad smile before she kissed me. That woke me up as my hands quickly moved though she slapped them away with a giggle. "Later, Andrew. I want to see the tower, remember?"

Strolling around Paris hand in hand, we probably looked like just another of the tens of thousands of couples who figured the city was one of the most romantic in the world. We took in some of the sights, wandering along the Champs-Élysées before heading into the Louvre, taking a couple of hours to wander around, seeing the major sights, wanting to spend more time but, well, it was a little crowded. After heading to the Latin Quarter for a spot of lunch, we finally headed to the Eiffel Tower, waiting in line with the rest of the tourists for one of the elevators up to the viewing platform.

Once we finally got to the top, the view was breathtakingly spectacular and Mum was beyond excited as we stopped at all four sides, taking the occasional picture together. We spent at least an hour or more there, generally standing in silence as we enjoyed the scenery. "Have you ever seen anything more beautiful, Andrew?"

I looked at her. "Yes. Yes, I have."

I wasn't surprised she kissed me after that, and we weren't alone, plenty of couples being caught up in the moment. I guess Paris did have that about it. Yes, I doubt any of the other couples were mother and son. Though, I guess we were the ultimate proof that you never knew.

We headed back to the hotel for dinner, enjoying an a la carte menu, all of it paid for by the company. Neither of us had anything alcoholic to drink as we knew what was going to happen tonight. We conversed about nothing in particularly, sometimes just enjoying the ambience, sitting hand in hand, Mum continuing to dazzle me with her smile. She'd been happy ever since I'd returned home but I'd say she'd never been happier. Her smile was infectious and I think both of us were grinning like idiots. Even one of the waiters had to mention it, stating he'd never seen a married couple appear more in love than the pair of us. That made Mum burst into laughter as he walked away. "If only he knew," she added quietly.

After dinner and a coffee, Mum simply stated, "I think it's time we headed upstairs, Andrew."

The insinuation was clear.

Once back in our room, I'll admit to feeling slightly awkward. Generally, whatever happened between us occurred naturally but, knowing what we both had wanted for ages was going to happen tonight, we had to let it happen as naturally as anything else, but knowing the ultimate goal was intercourse. We'd always stopped any time before we got too close. And, believe me, we had got close a few times.

Mum put on some music to set the mood and we enjoyed a dance. I still wasn't a great dancer but Mum had done her best to teach me some moves. As we danced, we slowly undressed each other, our hands exploring the other's body. Mum especially loved running her hands up my back and over my shoulders. I know I was slightly bigger than I was when I returned home but Mum practically cooed about my muscles, always saying how much of a man her son was. It usually made me blush, as I was usually the one to pour compliments her way.

I positioned Mum back until she sat down on the bed and she shuffled backwards up the bed, spreading her legs to expose her glistening pussy as she beckoned me with a finger. I crawled across the bed, stopping above her sex, feeling the heat radiate from it and enjoying the scent of her excitement. A single flick of my tongue on her clit caused her to spasm, causing me to chuckle at her reaction. I gently ate her out, savouring the taste of her juices, quite happy to do it for as long as she wanted.

Which wasn't long, as despite the moans and body movements I'd learned, she was soon begging me to stop. I looked up into her eyes, no doubt my mouth and chin glistening from her juices, as she said "I need you inside me."

Who wouldn't want to hear their mother say that to them? Only me? Probably.

Mum shuffled again as she ran her hands up my arms, positioning my cock near her entrance. "I'm probably going to cum in about two minutes," I warned her.

She giggled. "You're that excited?"

"You know I've thought about this moment for years."

"We have all night, baby. Now put your cock in mummy's pussy."

Well, I'm not one to refuse my mother anything so, after taking a deep breath to calm myself, I slowly inserted my cock inside her thoroughly soaking sex. Once fully inserted, I just had to stop and take some deep breaths again, while enjoying the feeling of her cunt at the same time. Mum simply moaned, "Oh... my.... God," enjoying the sensation of her son absolutely buried inside her.

I slowly started to thrust and I wasn't wrong about not lasting long. Thankfully Mum was already completely excited so, while she might not orgasm before I did, I'd make sure she did later. I quickly picked up the pace as I felt on the verge of orgasm.

"Mum, I'm going to cum," I groaned.

"Then cum in me, baby. Cum inside your mother like a good boy."

So I did, hearing her talk like that helped as I thrusted away. Another thirty seconds, I pumped my mother so full of cum I thought it was about to pour out her nostrils. I nearly collapsed on top of her, barely holding myself up as she simply kissed me, running her hands up my arms and down my back as I remained inside her, surprised that my cock wasn't exactly softening. Or, at least, not as quickly as it usually did. But neither of us made any motion to disconnect.

"Your cock feels so good inside me, baby," Mum said quietly, "I've been waiting for this for so long."

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