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Coming Home


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"A lot of it."

"What sort of MILF porn?" I didn't say anything. "Mother and son?"

"No," I stated adamantly, before surrendering slightly, "Well, maybe once or twice. It's obviously fake but..."

Thankfully the conversation ceased as dessert arrived but I swear I wasn't imaging things when I felt a foot start to rub up and down my lower leg. I stared at my mother from across the table and she merely returned a look of complete innocence as she used a spoon in what I can describe as a seductive fashion. I swear, if this woman across from me wasn't my mother, I'd sweep this table clean and fuck her.

We finished our meal with a small coffee before Mum settled the bill and we wandered out into the night. I felt stuffed but a hand grabbed my own and we wandered through the city, Mum eventually leaning into me and wrapping her left arm around me, as she pointed out where she wanted to go next. I thought I should have felt incredibly awkward after everything that had happened, and was happening, but I guess perhaps the wine lowered... not the inhibitions, I wasn't going to fuck my mother, but I guess she was lonely and appreciated the company. And, as I said, I had a beautiful woman on my arm, so Mum or not, I wasn't going to complain.

The bar we ended up in was crowded but wasn't too rowdy. Some music played and there were a few couples dancing as we approached the bar, ordered a pair of drinks and found a couch to sit on. Mum sat very close to me, which didn't really bother me, though I was slightly startled when she placed a hand on my chest.

"You're very handsome, Andrew," she said quietly.


I glanced at my mother and she wasn't drunk, her speech wasn't slurred. She looked... Well, she looked happy. The urge to kiss her was almost overwhelming. "I'm glad you've come home."

I could only smile. "Me too. There's no place like home."

"Are you sure? You won't regret..."

Mum looked away so I put a finger to her jaw and turned her face to look at my own. Her smile matched my own. "Of course not. If I didn't want to come home, I wouldn't have. But it's a great job opportunity, and I get to live with you at again. You know I didn't particularly want to leave home anyway."

"You've always been a mummy's boy." I scoffed but still laughed as I knew she was teasing me. "Not in the way you mean, like some sort of wuss. But you know I've always appreciated everything you've ever done for me." She leaned forward and kissed my cheek. "We should dance," she then whispered into my ear.

"I can't..."

Her eyes pleaded with me. "Please. Just sway to the music. And try not to step on my feet."

We found a small space for ourselves on the dance floor, Mum looping her arms around my neck and I wrapped mine around her waist. We danced like that for a while before she then lay her head on my chest, feeling her arms gently run up and down my back. I followed her example as, slowly but surely, I felt my cock start to strain against my briefs. "Put one of your hands on my butt," she finally requested.


"Cup my arse. I don't mind." I wasn't exactly sure but I did as she requested, enjoying the feel of her posterior beneath my palm. It felt good. Mum certainly looked after herself. "Like the feel of it?"


She lifted her head from my chest and stared into my eyes, licking her lips. I'm not sure if it was the wine, or the cocktail that we'd just drunk, or what happened earlier. But something, deep in the back of my mind, was telling me to learn forward and kiss her. Not like how I normally would. I mean kiss her.

As I leaned forward, so did she and the moment our lips meant, I nearly came in my briefs. It was so... naughty. So taboo. But my mother was beautiful. A beautiful woman, at her sexual peak, and she had no-one but me. I don't know if it was through choice or not, but part of me wanted to make her feel special. I'd do anything for my mother. Then I felt her tongue and I tightened my grip on her, pressing forward, knowing she would feel my erection. I even heard her whimper as I squeezed her arse.

Then the alarms in my mind started and I immediately pulled back. I felt Mum resist for a moment before she realised what was happening. I kept my arms around her but had to look away. "I'm sorry," I stated, looking away from her, feeling completely embarrassed.

She didn't say anything until she grabbed my chin and made me look at her, though I still didn't actually look at her. "Don't be. I kissed you at the same time, Andrew."

"It's just..." I finally met her eyes, though I still felt the heat in my cheeks. "I mean, you're just... so different. You look different, and while you've always been confident, you're just..." I chuckled.

"Different?" she wondered.

I nodded. "And I don't know what to think. I'm utterly confused. And you look absolutely stunning! As I said, you're like a new woman, and now I have an erection in the middle of a dance floor, and part of me wants to fuck you, and I mean properly fuck you, and part of me wants to just leave and sit in my room alone, wondering what the fuck is going on up here," I finally finished, tapping my forehead.

Mum paused a minute before she asked, "Do you want to go home?"

"Yes." I sighed. "No... I don't know."

She waited a few seconds before she just hugged me. "Let's go home, Andrew."

"Okay," I replied, a simple hug in return.

The ride home wasn't too awkward but it was silent, I guess both of us sitting alone with our thoughts. Once we walked into the house, I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a beer. "Want a drink?" I asked.

"No, I've had enough."


"Do you want to talk about what happened, Andrew?"

"Not right now. I... Um..." I met her eyes and I suddenly felt overwhelmed by everything. Because I know what I wanted but I couldn't deal with it. "Mum, I..."

She walked towards me and wrapped her hands around me. She must have understood. "We'll talk about it whenever you want. And I mean it. Whenever you're ready..."

I nodded and looked at my mother. She smiled at me but... I'm not sure, but I think she may have been sad, if not a little upset. I placed the beer on the counter and walked towards her, wrapping her in a hug. "I love you, Mum. No matter what," I stated quietly, despite what was going on in my own mind.

"I love you too." She looked up at me and smiled, life back in her eyes already. "I'm going to bed. Will you be okay?"

"I'll head to bed soon too." And definitely masturbate, thinking about you.

"I'll see you in the morning."

I sat in the living room, flicking through the channels but there was nothing on. I finished my beer, dumping that in the bin outside, heading to the bathroom to take a leak. After I flushed, I looked in the mirror and chuckled to myself, shaking my head. "You want to be a true motherfucker, Andy. Just admit it," I said quietly to myself in the mirror, "You would have fucked your mother tonight if given the opportunity." I sighed. "But could you ever truly make that leap? Could she? I mean, you've thought about it for years. You think you're a sick fuck but maybe there is something there. You're both adults now. Who would actually stop you?" I paused. "Bah. No point worrying about it now."

Turning off the light, I turned left instead of right, again wondering what I may see. Her door was wide open and, in the faint light from outside, I watched my mother masturbate. I couldn't help my hand move down to my own cock and I started to masturbate myself. But when I heard my mother moan my name, I knew that next step may not be so impossible. My heart beating furiously in my chest, I quietly wandered forward until I stood over her bed. And I know she saw me as her head moved and watched me walk towards her. I dropped my shorts, exposing my erect cock as I continued to masturbate.

I can admit, here and now, I'd never seen a sexier sight than watching my mother finger herself to a shuddering orgasm. And once I heard her moans as she finished, again stating my name as she did, I matched her with my own groans as I shot thick streams of cum over her stomach and onto the bed. I sucked in deep breaths as I finished before realising what I'd just done. "Shit," I stated, before grabbing my shorts and hurrying out of the room.


I woke up early the next morning, my body clock still used to the early rising of university life. I tried to make as little noise as possible as I poured myself cereal while making a coffee at the same time. I wasn't surprised to see Mum wander in while I was pouring the water into my mug.

"Coffee?" I asked.

She kissed me on the cheek and hugged me, somewhat awkwardly. "Thanks. I'd love one."

I poured her a coffee, taking it to the table with my own and cereal as she made some toast. She eventually joined me and we sat in relative silence. I wasn't feeling awkward, considering what happened last night, and whenever our eyes met, she just returned a grin that lit up her face.

"What are your plans for today?" she asked once we'd finished.

"I was thinking of heading to the local gym for a session."

"Hold fire on that. You won't have to join one."


"I'll show you in a minute. Any other plans?"

I shrugged. "Not really. Just hang out around here."

"No plans to catch up with old friends?"

"Maybe. Lot of them have long term girlfriends or young families nowadays. Hard to organise things sometimes. I have plenty of time."

"So I may have you all to myself?"

I couldn't help the grin. "Sounds like it."

She grabbed me by the hand and led me to what I knew was the garage. Before opening the door, she told me to close my eyes. Doing so, I heard the door open and she guided me down the two steps before telling me to open them. I had to admit I was startled.

"That's why my car is parked outside. And why your Mum looks so..."

She looked at me to finish. "Hot?"

She smiled again, the type of smile which made my heart flutter, because all I truly wanted to do was make her happy. Yeah, pathetic, but she's Mum. "Anyway, I generally use the treadmill or cross-fit trainer. But I know you love using a rowing machine so I bought one just for you."

"Thanks. That's... Thanks."

"I also have some free weights. Not sure if that's your thing but they're there if you want to use them."

"This is great, Mum."

"I'm going to get changed and have a workout. You're welcome to join me if you'd like."

"I'll do that."

Changing into a simple pair of sweatpants, having to dig through my bag to find a pair, spending a few more minutes actually unpacking it so I didn't have to keep doing it, I wandered back into the gym to see Mum was already on the cross-fit trainer. Dressed in nothing but a sports bra and lycra shorts, her hair tied up, I couldn't help but ogle her arse. She must have sensed my presence as she simply glanced my way and smiled. I watched her work out for at least a few more minutes and she said nothing to stop me. My mother has a fantastic arse, something I could watch all day.

After a quick warm-up, just some general calisthenics, I sat down on the rowing machine, turning it on and switched to one of the built in programs. I chose one that would give me a serious workout. I wanted to feel the burn. I had some music programmed through my phone, attaching that to my bicep and I got to work. I was quickly in the groove and tried not to watch the numbers, instead switching off my mind and trying to not think about anything. Of course, that always failed. I used to think about coursework all the time. Now I simply thought about the woman behind me.

A ten-kilometre row would leave anyone with aching muscles and I was bathed in sweat by the time I finished. Mum walked back into the room as I was getting up, handing me an energy drink. I took off the top and drank down half the bottle as I felt her eyes roam over my body.

"You definitely look after yourself, Andrew. All that rowing?"

"Something like that."

She stepped towards me and ran a hand up and down my right bicep, up and over my shoulder and down my back, surprised considering I was covered in sweat. Her hair was still wet from her own exertions, her cheeks flushed and a slight sheen to her own body. Even with all that, she looked stunning and I guess I had a look in my eye as she simply grinned.

I don't know if it was the adrenaline still flowing my veins, maybe even the testosterone of my exertions filtering through me, perhaps it was the pheromones from my mother after her workout. But there was a part of me that just... wanted her badly. I stepped forward as she stepped back, our foot movements in opposition until her back hit the wall. She cocked her head to the side and the same grin remained. I looked her up and down and I had to resist tearing her clothes off. Instead, I simply leaned forward and lightly kissed her again, wanting to know what reaction I would get.

I got the reaction I wanted as her lips opened and it wasn't long until she introduced her tongue. I can say right now that my mother is an excellent kisser. I wrapped an arm around her waist as I felt her hands explore my body and I wasn't surprised when one of them ended up near the band of my sweatpants.

I couldn't help the gasp when her hand eventually found its way to my already erect cock, giving it a gentle squeeze which sent a shudder down my spine and caused my mother to giggle.

"My boy has a big cock," she whispered as I found her lips again. I just wanted to kiss her.

Then she started to stroke me with her right hand while she used her left hand to get my sweatpants out of the way, pooling at my feet. It didn't take long before I was moaning into her mouth and, unlike the night before, I wasn't going to break the kiss first or ask her to stop. I was left with the feeling she definitely wasn't going to stop as she continued to pump my cock. And it wasn't long until I felt that old familiar feeling.

"I'm going to cum, Mum," I said quietly, finally breaking our kiss.

"Then cum for me, baby."

I groaned again as I soon blasted hot cum over her stomach once again, one, two, three then four long streaks that nearly reached her sports bra. My legs almost buckled underneath me. "Jesus fuck... That was... I mean..."

"Incapable of speech?" I couldn't help but nod. Then she did something which surprised me, scooping up one of the lines of cum on her stomach, looking at it in her hand, meeting my eyes before she put it in her mouth.

Yep, things were definitely getting interesting.

I took in a few deep breaths, letting my heart rate calm down and then the realisation of what happened hit me like a tonne of bricks. I'd wanted what just happened but... what just happened was... And Mum seemed to realise immediately. She gently caressed my cheek as she said "Go and clean yourself up, Andrew."

I grabbed my sweatpants and, before walking out, I made sure I kissed her. "That was... fun, Mum. But..." I started, giving her a grin but she could obviously read my eyes.

She simply stroked my cheek again before kissing me lightly on the lips. "I know. Now scoot, I need to wash your cum off my body. Again."

I didn't purposely avoid my mother the rest of the day but I spent most of the day in my room, not doing anything particular as my mind raced at a million miles an hour. We did enjoy a spot of lunch together, and I spent most of the time regaling her with stories of my time at university, causing her to laugh quite a lot, which heartened me as I loved hearing her laugh. But, otherwise, she left me alone.

We enjoyed dinner once the sun had gone done, cracking open a bottle of wine as we did, continuing to discuss anything except what I guess may have been on both our minds. I still didn't really understand what the hell had gone on though I had wanted it. All I know is Mum had been a more than willing participant both times, so you could understand my confusion.

Sitting on the couch later with another bottle of wine, we simply sat in blissful silence, listening to the music as Mum sat with her legs curled under arse, leaning towards me. I met her eyes every so often, shining emerald green in the low light. She was beautiful, which simply led to mind racing and ever more confusion.

"Can I ask you a question, Andrew?" she finally asked.

"Mum, you can ask me anything."

"Do you find your mother attractive?"

I didn't hesitate. "Yep. Absolutely."

She laughed at the simple but honest response. "For how long have you considered me so?"

I shrugged. "Definitely since I hit puberty. I've always thought you were beautiful." Then I met her eyes. "I lied a little before. You know when I used to look at you before?" She nodded. "Well, you were always in my thoughts when I masturbated later. I guess I was an unusual young man. But... Mum, I've always thought you were beautiful."

I thought she was almost ready to cry. She blinked readily before leaning across to kiss my cheek. "And what about now?" she asked, barely above a whisper.

"Some of the thoughts I have now..." I trailed off.

There was silence for at least a minute or two before she finally asked, "Andrew, do you want to fuck your mother?"

"I could retort and ask if you want to fuck your son?"

"I asked first."

I gulped. Then I nodded, turning to look in her eyes. She deserved that. "More than anything. I've thought about it since the first time I saw you in the nude, if not before. I've always had these thoughts, going over a million different scenarios of how it may be possible, despite the fact who you are and... I know the thoughts and feelings I have are wrong. So wrong. But... I just know it would feel so right at the same time."

She cupped my cheek again. "I've simply been waiting, Andrew."


She nodded. "Waiting until you got the courage to finally tell me how you feel. Because I've known for long enough now. I know you used to watch me and I eventually put on a show for you every so often. And I definitely know you thought about me as I heard you moan my name."

I felt heat rise in my cheeks again. "You did?"

"As I said, I was flattered. And... Well, there is a reason why I'm still single."

I know my eyes would have widened in surprise. "No way."

"As I said, I've been waiting. And it appears you're coming around to my way of thinking."

"So what do we do?"

"We take it slow, Andrew. There's no rush. I know you're still conflicted in some ways. Like this afternoon, when I thought you were simply going to fuck me, but then you came and I could see the confusion about what we'd just done. I still feel a little conflicted myself. You're my son, and no mother should think about her son in such a manner. But..."

"The heart wants what it wants."

"Something like that. I just think I've raised you right. A son should always love his mother. Though I'm sure most other mothers don't lie back thinking about fucking their son."

"Oh, I'm sure some do but would never admit it." I took my phone out of my pocket and flicked through to the gallery. I eventually came to a few photos I figured I should share. I handed the phone to my mother as she asked, "Who's this?"

"She was my first. But who does she look like?" My mother just laughed, as I took the phone back, and flicked through others. She continued to laugh as there was a general theme to the few women I had been with. "I had to find women who would..." I cleared my throat, feeling embarrassed again, "Let me call them Mum when I fucked them." Mum burst into laughter, though it wasn't to make me feel guilty. "But now you look completely different, Mum. I mean... You're still her but you're not, in some way. You're... different."

"Because I knew you were coming home to me, Andrew. You have no idea how happy it's made me."

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