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Coming Home Ch. 03

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Kerri and her father spend a last night outdoors.
3.1k words

Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/27/2022
Created 04/30/2011
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A big thank you to the readers who enjoyed the previous two installments and left very kind comments. There will definitely be a fourth chapter -- the story's not over yet.

# # #

True to his word, her father had packed everything they needed for a night under the stars: the tent, a camp stove, food, and some basic gear. Granted, it wasn't as if they were driving more than a few miles from the house, so it would hardly be an emergency if they forgot something.

They drove up into the woods, the truck bouncing over the narrow track that wound between the trees. It was already late, and the sun had dipped low in the sky by the time they reached the campsite, the evening sky transformed to a deep orange blur across the western horizon.

As they unpacked the truck, Kerri noted wryly that there were some remainders of a previous visit in their chosen spot: a ring of stones for a campfire and a rain-spotted folding chair.

"You've been up here before," she remarked.

He grunted as he threw the disassembled tent onto the ground in a pale blue heap. "Yeah," he grunted.

"So am I even the first girl you've brought up here?" she grinned.

He gave her a skeptical look. "Don't be absurd." Then his gaze softened. "Yes, you're the only girl I've ever brought up here. The first person at all, as a matter of fact."

"I feel so special. Does this mean we're going steady?"

Kerri unpacked and arranged the food, while her father assembled the tent. The tent was nearly as old as she was -- as a little girl, she'd spent hours in the back yard in that tent, creating her own world inside it, sealed away from everything else. It wasn't nearly as big as she remembered it being, of course, but she had a feeling she wouldn't mind that.

By the time it was over, the light was already fading fast, the sun long gone behind the shallow hills. Kerri caught a whiff of the ozone scent of oncoming rain. A fragrant breeze picked up, giving her a slight chill.

"I think it's going to rain," she said.

He looked up into the sky, watching the clouds gather. "I think you're right."

"It's going to be cold beans out of a can tonight, isn't it?"

"We're not barbarians, for God's sake," he said with a smile. "I brought sandwiches."

They made quick preparations for the storm by rolling the windows up in the truck and packing everything into the tent that couldn't stand to get wet -- which left just enough room for the sleeping bag. Just as they finished, the first droplets of rain began to fall, making a flat splatting sound against the fabric of the tent.

"Damn it," her father said. "Looks like I picked a bad night for this bright idea. I guess we better get inside before we're both soaking wet."

"I think it might be a little late for that," she said. She brushed damp hair back from her eyes and looked into the darkening sky, letting the rain hit her face. An appealing idea crossed her mind, and she smiled. Without saying a word, she walked to a nearby tree at the edge of the clearing and put her back to it. Her father, fumbling with the plastic cooler, took no notice of her.

Kerri bit her lip and undid the top two buttons of her sweater. "Hey, Dad," she called, raising her voice over the sound of the rain.

He stood and turned to look at her. As he watched, she undid the buttons of her sweater, which was already taking on the consistency of a damp rag. She shrugged it off, not caring where it landed, and was glad to be rid of it. She had put on nothing underneath, and the cool rain fell on her bare shoulders and chest, instantly giving her goosebumps. Her small round nipples instantly became hard in the wet, open air.

Her father watched her, stock-still and wide-eyed, his hands carefully at his sides. She undid the buttons of her skirt and threw that off as well, completing her short journey to nakedness. Her hair fell in her eyes again, and she threw it back over her damp shoulders. She took a step backward and put her bare back against the tree, lifting her arms above her head to grasp an overhead branch. She tilted her body outward, relishing the sting of cold water on her stomach.

She closed her eyes for a moment or two, focusing on the sound of the rain and the feel of the increasingly torrential downpour. When she opened them again, her father was standing a foot in front of her, his clothes soaked, water dripping from his hair and the tip of his nose.

"You wanted to see me naked in the great outdoors," she said. "Here I am--"

He interrupted her with a kiss as he pressed his body against hers, pushing her against the rough bark of the tree. She felt warm, rough hands on her breasts, felt them run down her slim waist. She moaned, grasping the branch above her head, not letting herself touch him.

Kerri gasped for breath as the kiss parted. A peal of thunder rolled across the sky, chasing a distant flash of lightning.

"We should get inside--" he gasped.

"Not yet," she said.

"I want you," he said, and the raw need in his voice almost convinced her. But there was something she wanted to do first.

"I said not yet," she replied defiantly, and let go of the branch, nearly colliding with him as she leaned forward. She kissed him again and slid her hand down to touch the crotch of his jeans -- he was rock-hard and protruding, as she'd hoped. She hooked her fingers around his belt and lowered herself to a kneeling position, the softening ground cold against her knees.

"Kerri--" her father looked down at her with something that was almost reverence,

Kerri fumbled for his zipper, pulled it down, and reached her hand inside his jeans. She pulled his cock out and drew in her breath a little at the sight of it. She put a hand around him and squeezed, and he moaned softly. Leaning forward, she caressed the head lightly with her tongue, already tasting the rain on his flesh. She teased him for a while, running her tongue down along one side of his cock and then up again, until he lost patience with her and put a hand on the back of her head. She let him pull her forward and took his cock in her mouth without further preamble.

Kerri felt him tense, heard his breath hiss between his teeth, and his other hand gripped her shoulder. He pulled her head forward more, and she nearly gagged when she felt the tip of his cock touch the back of her throat briefly, but she quickly got herself back under control. A thunderclap rang out, and she started.

"Oh, Kerri, goddammit--" he groaned, and his fingers tightened in her hair. He tilted his hips forward, pushing himself deeper into her mouth, and she relaxed and let him take his own pace. He began to move rhythmically, putting both hands behind her head now, until he was outright fucking her mouth. She gave him a little moan to let him know she liked it, pushing her hands against his stomach. The whole world receded to a distant blur, until there was nothing but the feel of him in her mouth and the sound of the rain.

After a while, she felt him slow and hesitate, and heard his voice, faintly, over the sound of the storm. He pulled away, his cock sliding out of her mouth. "We should really--"

Kerri knew him well enough to know he was trying to get her into the tent, and decided she wasn't having any of that at the moment. She hooked her hands in the waist of his jeans and yanked him forward, taking him in her mouth again. He groaned loudly and put his hand on top of her head, took a handful of her hair, and tightened his fist.

She squealed, and this drew an instant response from him -- it took only a minute for him to come in her mouth. She felt his cock pulse, but she was ready this time, pulling back her tongue and holding her head in place. He gave a soft, choked cry as he exploded into her mouth in a hot jet, and she gave a surprised squeal at the sheer amount of it. She tried to catch it all and swallow it down, but it was more than she had expected, and it sluiced down her chin in a messy dribble.

She pulled back and wiped it away with the back of her hand, gasping for breath, and beamed up at him. Only now did she feel her whole body covered in goosebumps -- either from the chill, or from what she'd just done, or both -- but found she didn't care.

"Holy shit," her father said, and put one hand against the tree, leaning over her. After a moment, he put his cock away and zipped up with trembling hands.

"Did you like that?" she asked. The question in no way needed asking, but she knew it would tease him a little to have to answer, and she relished the thought of that.

"Oh my god, yes," he said. He reached down a hand to help her up, and she took it. "Now let's get the hell out of this rain."

She smiled, daubing at her lips. "Yes, daddy."

# # #

They ducked back inside the tent and zipped the flap shut. She helped her father out of his wet clothes -- taking the opportunity to run her hands over his body again -- and then he produced a towel and dried her off, top to bottom. She giggled as he messed up her hair, enjoying the feeling of being taken care of by him -- an emotion she hadn't felt in a very long time, now very different in nature than everything that had come before.

The rain continued, filling the inside of the tent with loud, hollow noise. Shivering, they stuffed themselves into the single over-sized sleeping bag and cuddled close, spooning together. He wrapped an arm around her, and she felt his erection nudge against her backside as she pressed close to him.

They waited in silence until the storm passed over them. The rain softened, then stopped altogether, and they were left with only the sound of the wind through the trees and the smell of wet grass.

"Are you asleep?" he asked her, his breath warm on the back of her neck.

She smiled. "No. What made you think I was?"

"You were just so still."

"I was just thinking."

"What about?" he stroked one shoulder with a fingertip idly.

"About how I have to leave tomorrow, and how much I'm going to miss this."

His finger stopped, and she put her hand over his.

"Yeah," he said. "Me too."

Kerri squirmed around in the sleeping bag until she faced her father, then rolled him onto his back and straddled him, her chest pressed to his. "Is it really going to be weird?" she asked, looking into his eyes.

His brow furrowed a little. "I thought you said it wouldn't be."

"I know I said that. But this has all been so... just so amazing." She sighed. "And it's all happened so fast. It's almost everything I imagined would happen."

"Almost?" He grinned a little in surprise. "So there's something we didn't cover?"

She pressed her cheek against his chest. "Maybe."

"Tell me."

She stroked his chest with the palm of her hand. "I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't think I'm ready. And I don't think you are, either."

"Well, now I'm really curious," he said.

She grimaced. "I know. I'm sorry."

"It's okay." He brushed a lock of her hair back behind her ear, and she smiled, taking comfort in the familiar gesture.

"I just don't want it to come between us, dad. What's happened here. I know I said it didn't have to mean anything. But I think it does. I think if I came back and we just went back to the way things were before... I'd feel like--"

She felt a sudden wave of panic and sorrow, and found herself blinking back unexpected tears. She sniffled and wiped them away quickly with the heel of her hand. "Oh my god, that's embarrassing."

"Don't be embarrassed," he said softly, nothing more than a voice in the dark now that the moon had gone behind the clouds. "I've thought the same thing, maybe a dozen times since you've been here."

"Yeah?" she asked hesitantly?

She felt his chest rise in a silent laugh. "Yeah."


His hand sought her face in the dark, touched her cheek. "I promise you it won't be like that, Kerri. Whatever happens."

She leaned up to kiss him, her lips seeking blindly for a moment before finding his. He cradled her face in his warm, strong hands.

"I love you, sweetheart," he whispered.

"I love you, dad." She kissed him again. "I want you..."

Obliging, he closed his hands around her hips and lifted her up, and she felt him slide into her, suddenly, shockingly. He felt huge inside her, and she gave a whimpering cry despite herself. She threw her arms around her father's neck and pulled him close, cradling his head between her breasts. He began to thrust underneath her slowly, even as she felt his mouth close around her left nipple.

"Oh my god, dad... please--"

His hands squeezing her ass, he began to thrust faster and harder, making low grunting noises under his breath. She twisted her fingers into his hair, sobbing with pleasure, feeling orgasm beginning to build up within her, growing until she felt like her entire body might fly apart. He put a gentle hand around her throat, and that was all it took -- she came once, then again, violently, her entire body spasming, a high-pitched moan escaping her. He didn't stop, but held her fast, one hand still around her throat, the other grasping her wrist tightly, his breath fast and labored.

Kerri came a third time just before he did, and she felt him gush inside her. She groped blindly for him in the dark again, kissing him hard, shuddering as her orgasm faded, feeling his cock throbbing inside her as he finished coming. She collapsed on top of him, trying to catch her breath, watching little white spots dance in front of her eyes for a few moments.

For a long time, they lay in the dark, not speaking.

Finally, Kerri spoke. "Hey dad?"

"Yes, sweetheart."

"We're all wet again."

# # #

They slept through the night curled up with one another, so exhausted that neither of them moved until dappled sunlight shining through the plastic windows in the tent woke them both up. Kerri rose first -- always a faster riser than her father -- put on fresh clothes, and staggered into the light to find breakfast.

She was standing by the truck, picking slowly at a granola bar, when her father finally emerged, buttoning his shirt and blinking in the morning light.

Looking at him, she felt a distant shadow of the previous night's anxiety and sadness, realizing how much she would miss him. As her time at the house had dwindled, questions had begun to arise. Could things really be the same the next time she visited? Would he have an attack of conscience and refuse to touch her? Would he break down and confess to someone? Would she? Unlikely, she thought, but there seemed every chance that his buddy Rich at the store might suspect something. If their secret came out, it could wreck both their lives -- a risk that had seemed worth it at the time, and still did, but in the wake of her desire for him, doubt had begun to creep back in.

Kerri shook her head slightly and abandoned her granola bar in disgust, tossing it into the bed of the truck. It didn't matter now. What was done was done, and she had no regrets. No matter what the future brought either of them, he would always be her father, and she would always love him -- as a father and now as a lover, both emotions so indelible they might as well have been chiseled into stone.

He saw her waiting by the truck and smiled as he walked up to meet her.

"Sleep well?" he asked.

"Very," she said. "You wore me out."

"Didn't take much," he said. "You always were a lightweight."

She punched him in the shoulder, and his grin broadened. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her, squeezing her so tight that he lifted her off the ground for a moment.

"What time does your flight leave?" he whispered into her ear.

"Eleven," she said, and felt him sag a little.

"Not enough time," he said, pulling back and looking at her, his grin faded into an unsteady facsimile of happiness.

"It was never going to be," she said. "I knew that going in."

"You're coming back in December, right?" He took her hand gingerly.

"If I can." If she did in fact make it out for the Christmas break, December was going to be the real test. Her sister would be visiting too, and the wild abandon that had characterized this visit would not be repeatable. She looked into his eyes and saw that he was thinking the same.

"It's going to be--"

"Interesting," he finished for her, and they both laughed.

"But I will be back," she said.

"And I'll be looking forward to it," he said.


"Of course," he said. "So, got time for one last breakfast with your old man?"


They packed up the tent and gear in relative silence. When they were finished, they piled into the truck and drove back to the house -- one step closer to the end of her visit, one step closer to reality.

Kerri watched the sun rise over the hills as the truck wound through the trees, and, without thinking about it, took her father's hand. One way or another, she knew she would be back.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Hot Series

Such a hot story, well put together, suspense, indecision then the lust let loose BEAUTIFULLY DONE. Keep it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
its a loving incest tale!!

well written in a very caring, loving way, quite out of the ordinary for a daddy/daughter incest story,,,i love it! most incest tales are very sophomoric and juvenile,,,,not so here,,more like this please!!

WarfolomeiWarfolomeiover 12 years ago
Good work.

Can't stop reading.

hongluobohongluoboover 12 years ago
Excellent writing

great for a rainy holiday at home. Am looking forward to reading the subsequent chapters, but each so far has gotten 5 stars from me. Compelling, Hot, thought provoking...and believable. thank you

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Keep Going!

This has been such a great piece! Very god writing with an honest feel to it! I would love to see more of this even beyond chapter 4. Please think about doing so as a few here have become fans of this story!

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