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Coming Home Ch. 05

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Susan and Sean cuddle up for a movie.
4.9k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 12/09/2022
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Chapter 5

By the time Susan stepped out of the shower she was sober, thoughtful, and very pruny. She hadn't planned on spending so long under the spray but she was used to the rapid cooling of her house's ancient boiler letting her know when it was time to get out and the penthouse's hot water supply seemed endless. She's spent the extra time clearing her head, letting the shower soften the tension in her body until the wine's affect completely faded. Her clothes had dried some and the nectar scent of her wetness had faded but she wasn't taking any chances. Wrapping a towel around herself she gathered her clothes in her arms and slipped out to get fresh ones from her luggage that still sat by the door. Sean was in his room, thank god.

Susan pulled a pair of white pajama pants and a grey sweater from her bag and dressed like a burglar afraid of getting caught in the act. Halfway to the laundry room she stopped herself. Three articles of clothing for one washer load was a waste of detergent. She'd nagged Zoey and Mattie about being wasteful often enough and she was no hypocrite. 'Look at you, sneaking around like a guilty teenager. You were drunk! You had too much of that overpriced wine and made a fool of yourself. Sean...Sean's eighteen years old.' she reasoned.

She took a deep breath and straightened her shoulders before walking right up to her son's bedroom door and knocking three times "Sweetie? I'm doing a load of laundry. You have anything for me?"

A thump sounded through the door followed by hurried steps across carpet. Her boy opened the door with that goofy grin on his face. Susan couldn't help but smile and roll her eyes. "My god. Your lucky that's a cute smile cause you sure wear it a lot."

Sean blushed and stepped back into the room to pick up some scatted clothes and a ratty towel from his bed "'s's nice to hear you ask me that. It's been a long time's just nice ok?"

Susan felt her heart flutter at the sentiment and waited patiently for her son to gather up his laundry. He'd changed into a different pair of sweats and removed his shirt at some point. Susan's gaze wandered over his muscled shoulders, biting her lip as heat blossomed in her core again. 'Jesus Christ get a hold of yourself!' she thought.

She did a better job of hiding her wandering eye than her son had, her gaze snapping up to his face the moment he turned to hand her his dirty clothes. "Thanks Mom. I usually do my own laundry, I swear." he said.

'With just you, your father and whatever fluzy he brought home I'm not surprised' she thought. "Well I'm doing it today so you can finish the dishes. Deal?"

"Deal." he said, and stole a kiss from her cheek as he moved past her. She watched him pull on the rubber gloves with familiarity and hugged the bundle of clothes to her stomach to quell the butterflies within.

Sean spent the afternoon going through a stack of official looking books and ledgers he'd dragged out of his father's bedroom and making calls to a number of people regarding the penthouse. Susan left him to it and did what few chores were left out of habit. It sounded like he was serious about handing the place over and going back with her for good. He'd told her that's what he wanted, but in her experience young men said things in the heat of the moment and changed their minds the next day.

Her daughters came to mind as she watched Sean take care of business. Matilda wasn't interested in dealing with real life issues at all and Zoey's naïve childishness was going to get her in trouble as she got older. Their late father's lack of parenting and Susan's preoccupation with the worst of his behavior had a lot to do with it, but she didn't know how to change things for the better while working full time just to put food on the table. Susan glanced at Sean again, a small smile tugging at the corner of her mouth as she cut vegetables for the soup they were having for dinner. Having him around might help his sisters in more ways than financial relief. At the very least it couldn't hurt to have a man in their lives who wasn't a complete bastard.

They talked about their plans for the next few days over dinner. Sean wanted to sell the penthouse to his jujutsu instructor at a price that practically made it a gift. Apparently the man ran his business out of his own home so that nearly half the space was consumed by the dojo. According to Sean the old man would try to refuse at first, but upgrading to the penthouse with it's spacious central area would make too much sense for the proud sensei to turn down in the end. Sean talked about him as if he were a stern but caring uncle, and Susan wondered how integral the martial artist had been to her son's divergence from the darker path his father had paved for him.

"Wanna open another bottle?" Sean asked about halfway through the meal. The question caught Susan by surprise and she raised her eyebrows at her son. Sean blushed but his smile was warm and hopeful. "Just a couple glasses this time." he continued, already standing from the table and moving to the kitchen.

"Sweetie...Pumpkin..." she began, using the old pet name from his childhood to reinforce the fact that they were mother and son "I'm not sure that's a good idea. We...I don't think we can handle it as well as we thought we could.". She clutched at her thighs under the table and hoped the meaning behind her words reached him, that the alcohol was responsible for what they'd almost done, that they could still make the right choice.

Sean paused with one hand on the fridge door and looked back at Susan. The sudden shift of his expression from warm excitement to confusion then deep disappointment pulled at her heart in a way she didn't expect. He felt rejected by her, his mother, after ten long years of yearning to be with her. It was written all over his face. Susan was struck by the possibility that things could change between them for the worse in this moment, the love she'd felt since their meeting at the funeral could give way to an awkward distance she hadn't the first clue how to mend. He might even change his mind about coming home with her.

"Actually..." she said slowly, licking her lips as she raced to find some safe choice before it was too late " glass couldn't hurt. Just one for each of us though, ok?"

Sean sighed in obvious relief. That goofy smile reappeared bigger than ever and Susan felt lighter as the darkness of that possible future receded from her mind. "It's just as well." Sean said from the kitchen, hidden behind the open fridge door as he selected the next most expensive bottle from the rack "We can't really take all this with us and the Takamori's don't drink.".

It wasn't ironclad reasoning for opening a second bottle in the same day, but Susan smiled and nodded. Sean had opened the bottle and carefully poured two full glasses of rich red wine before Susan realized she was staring and turned her attention back to the soup in front of her. She accepted her glass with a smile when he returned to the table and clinked it's rim to his when he offered. As the wine coated her tongue with the first slow sip she closed her eyes and told herself to relax. One glass was not a big deal, and nurturing the fledgling relationship with her son was worth a concession or two.

The second half of the meal was awkward at first but a few sips of wine and Sean's request for more news about his sisters helped them regain their comfortable rhythm. They talked and laughed well after the meal was over, the effects of the full wine glasses making it easy to tip the bottle and fill them again, and again.

As afternoon gave way to evening the setting sun bathed the sky an array of oranges and reds, drawing Susan to the massive wall window to take in the view of Vancouver harbor she'd probably never see again. Sean moved up behind his mother as she stood at the window and looped his arms around her middle, his warm hands caressing her stomach with slow circles.

She leaned back against his chest, grasping his arms tenderly as he held her. After a long moment of quiet intimacy his arms tightened and he kissed her shoulder just inside the collar of her sweater. Susan's eyes fluttered closed as he kissed her again, closer to the crook of her neck followed by a light graze of his teeth that drew a whimper from Susan. She melted against him, fingernails scratching his strong arms as he teased the hot skin of her neck with slow, firm love bites.

She should have stiffened at that first exploratory kiss, rebuked his advance and let him down gently with a mature conversation about boundaries. It was just so HARD to fight this growingdesire, to put all the reasons to stop into words and use them before it was too late. Her lips parted in an attempt to speak, to tell Sean to stop making it so hard to do the right thing, but all that came out was a sweet moan of bliss as a hungry growl teased the rim of her ear.

'Oh God...oh fuck...' she struggled to form coherent thoughts through the thick red fog of lust that surged over her like a tidal wave. 'He wants to...he's going to...' she shivered as Sean's right hand caressed along the front of her sweater to cup the side of her heavy breast. She hadn't donned a bra in her earlier rush to dress, and she could feel the heat of his palm through the sweater's fabric, feel the eager strength in his touch as that hand closed against her delicate flesh and strong fingers rolled her stiffening nipple. Her own hand rose to where Sean kneaded her just as it had earlier that day in the kitchen, but she couldn't bring herself to do more than caress the back of Sean's hand, encouraging him to continue.

He kissed her ear as his warm hands stimulated her long neglected body, teased it between his teeth before his lips moved to her cheek then the corner of her mouth over her shoulder. She turned her head and felt his mouth find hers, her body responding to the firmness of his kiss with surprising passion. When his tongue pushed against her lips she welcomed it with her own, each kiss ending with lewd wet chirps while their tongues continued their sensual dance.

She could feel Sean's hardness again, pushing eagerly against her pert round rump before sliding down between her thighs. The sweats Susan had changed into were thinner than her slacks had been, and she could feel the hot flesh of his rigid crown stroking at her mound through their clothing. She knew she was soaking through those thin barriers, telling her boy what a mess she'd become.

Sean's left hand glided down along Susan's stomach to her waist, his fingers teasing just beneath the band of her sweats before moving around to her hip and firmly pushing the garment down her thigh. Susan's mind whirled as she felt a rush of air along her sweltering sex and she planted her palm on the glass in front of her to steady herself. God...this was happening. She was letting it happen, wanted it more than anything. Did he have protection? There had to be condoms in Freddy's bedroom.

The thought of rummaging through the bedside drawers of her dead ex-husband's bedroom for birth control sobered Susan just enough for her to grab the waistband of her sweats beside Sean's hand and stop the downward motion. Her son paused, his right hand still firm on her breast, his hot breath teasing the red skin of her cheek. His cock throbbed between her thighs, and for a tense moment Susan wasn't sure if he would listen to the unspoken message. Very slowly, Sean's right hand eased from her breast and his left drew her sweats back up to her hip. " want to stop?" Sean whispered in that hungry growl.

Susan's body screamed at her to just let go, to let her boy to do whatever the fuck he wanted. She slowly turned to face her son, blushing hard and trying to control her breathing enough to speak. The same expression of aching disappointment he'd had when she said no to the wine was on his face again, but there was also a barely suppressed frustration that tensed every muscle of his jaw, neck and shoulders. That cold fear of breaking the delicate bond they'd formed since the funeral returned deeper and darker than ever.


Sean fought to slow his breathing, to beat back the animal urge to shove his mother's sweats down around her knees and pin her curvy body to the glass in front of them. He'd felt her stiffen and grab at her clothes to keep him from undressing her, asked her if she wanted to stop, knowing from her actions that she did but wanting to hear her say it. Hoping that the words spoken allowed would to help quell the raging fire that made it so hard to behave.

She stared at him, heavy bosom rising and falling with each breath. Her lips parted, fumbled over an unspoken word then closed again. Another long moment passed before she suddenly reached out and took hold of Sean's forearms, drawing them around her again as she whispered to him through a weak smile "I...I want to watch a movie. Any movie you want. We can't take that monster of a tv with us. Let's get a nice big blanket and cuddle up on the sofa like we used to.?"

Sean blinked and stared down into those pretty eyes, bright blue just like his own. She was pressing herself against him so firmly, her breasts mashing against his chest as she looped her arms around his shoulders and teased her fingers into his hair. She was talking to him with an intensity that didn't match the sudden request. A subtle desperation behind the words made it seem like she needed him to play along, to pretend that they weren't about to do...what they had almost done. He was so confused, his brow furrowing as they stared at each other.

He opened his mouth to answer but his mother suddenly lifted herself up on her toes while pulling him down by his shoulders to press her lips to his in a deep, firm kiss. They held the kiss for a good long while, then shared a smaller one as soon as they parted before she cupped his cheek with her palm and teased her fingertips along the rim of his ear. "Let's just watch a movie...under a nice big blanket...ok?" she tilted her head slightly as she whispered to him again, her expression almost pleading.

The kiss banished his fears that she didn't want to continue and a clumsy chuckle of relief slipped from him. Sean couldn't begin to guess what was going on in his mother's head at that moment but after five seconds of tension passed between them, he decided to trust her. He smiled down at her warmly, nodding before lifting her against his body by her waist and kissing her again "That sounds great Mom. Just great. I'll get the blanket off my bed.". They kissed again before he slowly parted from her and retreated to his room to get what he promised.

Sean changed into a thinner, looser fitting pair of grey sweats and tied the drawstring around his waist. He thought about pulling on a fresh shirt but decided against it, grabbing the rumpled blanket from his bed and bundling it up in his arms before heading back out into the living room.

Susan was waiting from him on the sofa, sitting strangely upright with her slender hands placed neatly on her thighs. She smiled at him, a touch of nervousness behind her eyes. Sean spread the blanket out between his hands and turned to fall back onto the sofa beside her and drape it over both of them up to their chests. His mother hadn't moved from her strangely stiff sitting position, and flinched just a little when Sean slid his arm across her shoulders and hugged her soft body against his side. In that intimate embrace she seemed to decide that she could let go of the tension she was holding within herself. Susan let out a long sigh as Sean stroked his hand down along her back and under her arm, closing her eyes and nuzzling her cheek against his shoulder.

"So, what's your favorite movie now?" she asked casually, her motherly tone at odds with how her right hand slowly cupped his thigh under the blanket.

Sean cleared his throat and blushed, trying to think as Susan slowly caressed his thigh up and down through the thin fabric of his sweats, her fingers just inches from grazing the throbbing tower in his his lap. "Ah...still Aliens." he admitted.

Susan smirked and tilted her head to look up at him "Oh Lord. I still can't believe you liked that movie when you were seven. It's so scary!"

"It's a classic!" Sean laughed and give his mother a firm squeeze around her middle, his warm hand casually sliding up onto the side of her heavy breast beneath the thick warm blanket. He felt her shiver just a little from the touch before she leaned her weight onto him again.

Susan rolled her eyes and sighed as if resigning herself to a chore that needed doing "Well...I did say 'whatever movie you wanted', and I do like Sigourney Weaver.".

Nothing but that soft pink blush rising along Susan's throat suggested that anything unusual was going on beneath the blanket, not even when her son's warm hand began to slowly knead her pillowy flesh through her sweater. Sean was still confused by the sudden change in her behavior. Was this game of pretend really any better than when they were going at each other in the kitchen? Was it a performance of normalcy for some imaginary audience? He didn't understand, but didn't want to risk screwing things up by pushing his mother about it, especially since she hadn't actually cut him off.

Moving as casually as he could, Sean grabbed the remote from the armrest on his right and tapped his way through Netflix's menus to find the old scifi-horror classic. "You just let me know if it get's too scary. We can switch to The Notebook." he teased, playfully rolling the stiffened flesh of his mother's nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

Susan's eyelashes fluttered and whatever she was going to say came out as an adorable stammer instead. She bit her lip and shifted her body against his side before meeting his gaze again and smirking as she wrapped her fingers around Sean's throbbing manhood. "I think I can handle it.." she whispered, holding his gaze as she gave his shaft a squeeze through the fabric of his sweats and began dragging her fist up and down his length with agonizing slowness.

'Fuck...we can play whatever game you want!' Sean thought to himself while trying to control his breathing. Warm precum was already pouring from the tip, soaking into his sweats as the fabric bunched around the crown then straightened, bunched then straightened. He lowered his left hand down from the side of Susan's breast and started tugging the fabric of her sweater upward to bunch the garment around her stomach. Sigourney was just waking up from her nightmare on the big screen when Sean slid his hand up under Susan's sweater and cupped the lower curve of her breast with a slow, firm squeeze. The blanket shifted slightly over her chest, the only indication of her son's manhandling of her body.

Sean glanced down at her now and then, watching her expression as he caressed her soft flesh and teased her surprisingly large nipple between his fingertips. The pink blush had risen onto her cheeks to give her pretty face a charming glow, but she kept her posture relaxed, her head resting on his shoulder as they watched the movie together. They cuddled on the sofa like this under that big warm blanket until the starship carrying the movie's heroine and a bunch of rowdy marines arrived at the doomed colony world, Susan stroking her son's aching erection while he kneaded her bare breast at his leisure.

Finally Sean broke the spell by turning his head and kissing Susan's soft brown hair, closing his eyes and taking a moment to breath in the scent of her as his hand mashed the flesh of her breast up against her soft warm body. She tilted her head to look at him and he whispered to her as their eyes met "I love you Mom. I'm so happy your here.".


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