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Confirming Carter Bk. 02 Daedalus Ch. 03


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"You think Ellis is going to give us the Apollo?" She asked, looking between him and Sheppard.

"No, we're going to take it colonel. Ellis is a hard ass. He'll follow his orders even if he disagrees with them." Sheppard said. "Steven has a plan, we'll review it with you later."

"That's fine. Would someone check and see if the mess hall open and serving? We made people skip a meal again. And is anyone else getting hungry?" Carter asked.

Interior-Col. Sheppard's Suite

1630 Hours

Carter, Sheppard, Caldwell and O'Neill were relaxing in John's living room. There was a bottle of tequila and a row of glasses on the table, and as they emptied, Sheppard would line them up and run the bottle over the line, refilling them.

"You know, if she ever fires you, you could have a career as a bartender, no problem." O'Neill told him.

"I did that in college for a while before I got into ROTC, but I learned this trick from my dad." Sheppard said grinned. "He was a big fan of shooters."

Carter picked up a glass and tossed it back, then leaned back in her chair. "So tell me about this plan you have for taking the Apollo. Start with the risks and losses on both sides." She said. "I don't want to kill those people unless I have to, not to mention, damaging the ship."

"The risk is minimal. We're looking for zero losses on both sides. No injuries either, unless someone lands wrongs. And we're not even gonna put a dent in her." Sheppard said. He looked over at Caldwell. "It's your plan Steven, you tell her."

Caldwell sat forward on the couch and held his hands in front of him. "By the time he gets here, Ellis will know that the SGC and the IOA haven't heard from me, and will assume that the Daedalus has been destroyed somehow. He'll drop out of hyperspace at least fifty diameters out, if not more, to ensure he has as much warning as he can get if you launch jumpers on him. The last they heard, Atlantis used up all the drones in different Wraith attacks."

"As soon as he drops out of hyperspace, we launch Daedalus, to give us time to get out to him. We have her cloaked on the dock right now, tomorrow morning, we'll take her into orbit and keep her there, still cloaked. She creates turbulence in the atmosphere that the Ops Center detected as we came down cloaked. I'm not sure if Apollo's sensors could detect it, but I don't want to take the chance."

"So how are you going to take the ship without hurting or killing anybody?" O'Neill asked. "You got some kind of stun beam or something like that?"

Caldwell ignored him. He held one hand over the other, then looked over at Carter.

"What I have in mind is moving into position over them, and I mean right on top of them." Caldwell said. "Marks can bring us within thirty meters if his shields are at full power, closer if they're down. We want to be as close as we can get."

"We wait for a signal from you. We'll be monitoring communications, so the best time to do it is when he's talking to you, and won't be expecting anything."

"Oh, for god's sake, Caldwell, just tell us what you're going to do!" O'Neill said, picking up a glass and tossing it back."

"We're going to beam the crew of the Apollo into Daedalus' holds, and at the same time, beam our boarding party over to take the bridge. At that range, we can do it whether his shields are up of not."

O'Neill choked, holding his hand in front of him mouth to keep from spraying tequila across the room. "You're going to what?" He sputtered.

"We do it all the time, general. Ship to ship transfer in hostile space. Ellis and I have done it from as far as a hundred meters with both ships shielded. Over that, it gets dicey. It was his idea, which makes this really funny. Using his own trick on him."

"And you can take everyone off at once, and send our boarding party over at the same time?" Carter asked.

"We can get close. If we have most of them targeted when we get the signal, we can have that ship empty in five seconds. But we'll do the bridge crew first, they'll all be stationary, and beam our people in at the same time. Then we take the rest section by section, beaming in squads of marines with stunners as we clear them, just in case. Apollo's layout is identical to Daedalus, so Marks won't have a problem. Worst case scenario, we'll have them all off in less than a minute."

"Do you want to practice a few times? Or do you feel confident enough to go as you are?" She turned to Sheppard. "You're onboard with this?"

"We've got the element of surprise, so we hit 'em with shock and awe. And believe me, Ellis is gonna be shocked when he lands in that hold."

"I'm comfortable that we're ready to go. We just have to load up the boarding parties and go." Caldwell told her.


"It's just crazy enough to work. Now we just have to wait for Apollo to show up." He said.

Interior-Dr. Samuel's Suite

1640 Hours

"You said it was going to get worse." Tammy said as she took a seat in Samuels' living room. "What did you mean by that?"

"Nothing sinister, but Sam's going to resist, and I need you to help me push it through." Andi told her. "I'm going to bring in a household staff. I already have three Athosian women that Teyla trusts, and I'm going to bring in at least six more. Three for each shift to begin with."

"We don't need to do that And..."

"Yes, you do." Samuels said. "Not just to take care of you, but because it will be expected. Royalty does not do for themselves, and the court is going to be too busy in the coming weeks to do what they've been doing. Jenn and I are already falling behind on what we need to do."

"I'm going to put them three to a suite down on one forty, and use the other three suites for cooking and household supplies. I'm keeping this small, Tammy. The newer royal households on Earth have dozens of cooks, maids, and attendants, the older ones have hundreds. You can get used to a cook, a housekeeper, and a personal maid for each of you. You won't even see them most of the time anyway. You're both going to need a secretary too, but I'm going to wait until we get things worked out with Earth to worry about that."

"I can understand that. You've all been doing a wonderful job taking care of her. And me." Tammy said. "But we only have seven rooms, we don't really need that many people do we?"

"You will, and as time goes by, and the children are born, you'll need more." Samuels said, picking up a tablet and handing it to her. "I'm going to make this building the royal residence. Everyone else will be moved out by the end of the week, and relocated to the main towers on the other two piers. The suites in this building will become libraries, nurseries and personal spaces. No one except the court, your personal staff, and guests will enter your residence from now on. I think you'll want to keep your suite, you both seem to enjoy the pit."

"Ronin will like that." Tammy smiled. "And yes, I want to keep my pit."

"I agree, and we're doing this for security. I'm already converting the main suite over in the north piers main tower as a conference center, and war room, and the one on the east pier as a formal dining area. I need three more days, then we'll start having meetings in the north tower. I'll miss the kitchen, but this will be better for us."

Samuels stopped and looked at Tammy. "I know you think I'm up to something, and like I told you earlier, I am." She said. "I'm trying to stay ahead of the wave that's coming at us. Jenn, Steven, and John are all doing the same thing. I intentionally undersold what's involved in setting up a new government, and chose the monarchy because it's the easiest for the people that have to run it. And with the woman we picked the run it, the risk of despotism is non-existent."

"But the only way we're going to survive, and get her plans implemented, is to be independent, so she can call the shots that she wants too. We can't be under anyone's thumb, or beholden to anyone. We have to get up on our feet on our own, and be helping others while we're doing it."

"I had no idea there was so much involved, or so much was going on already." Tammy said, scrolling through the tablet. "How much of this have you talked to Sam about? Has she approved any of it?"

"I send her an update every evening reviewing what's in progress. She's reading them, and I'm getting approvals, or adjustments, depending on the item. I didn't copy you because you have more important things to worry about than day to day operations." Samuels said leaning back on the couch, looking at Tammy steadily.

"You have the most important job of all. And I wouldn't want it, I'd crumble under the weight of it." She said with a sad smile. "As consort, you're her confidant, lover, friend, and companion. The fact that you love her just makes it easier, but I think god was smiling when you stepped into her life. And I hope she keeps smiling on us. We're going to need all the help we can get."


2340 Hours

"I talked to Andi earlier." Tammy said as she slid up and down over Sam.

She had her arms pinned down, and was straddling her leg, her own leg grinding up between Sam's. She purred as she writhed on top of her, their breasts sliding across each other on a sheen of sweat.

"She said she wouldn't want my job." She whispered as she nibbled at her ear. "I want to eat you. Your little pussy is sopping wet, and I want to taste you."

"I wouldn't want her to have your job." Sam laughed. "I only want you. Let me get on top." She panted as she brought her arms around her waist, then rolled over on top of her. She threw one leg over, straddling her waist, then slid slowly up over her body as she raised up onto her knees. She stopped when she was kneeling over her chest, her thighs brushing the outsides of her breasts. Her hand moved down over her stomach, and Tammy watched as it drew closer to the golden bush framing her juice coated mons.

She ran her fingers slowly between the fleshy lips of her pussy, twisting them back and forth as she stroked them up and down. Tammy panted as she lay under her, her hands coming up to cup the cheeks of her ass, squeezing and molding them in her fingers as she tried to pull her closer.

"Can you see how wet I am, Tammy? You did this to me. You always do this to me." She breathed as she pulled her fingers from between her legs. She brought them up in front of her face, pulling them back when Tammy raised her head and tried to take them into her mouth.

"No, not yet." She smiled, stroking just the tips of her fingers across her lower lip. "Lick it up, taste me." She said. "I want to watch."

Tammy let her tongue slip out, running it slowly across her lip. Her eyes rolled up in her head and her mouth opened. Her hands clenched on Sam's ass, lifting her as she pulled her closer.

Sam held her fingers closer, letting Tammy take just the tips into her mouth, then started feeding them slowly in and out as she licked them clean. Tammy moaned around them, sliding down under her as Sam moved up higher over her. She threw her head back and moaned as Tammy raised her head and began lashing her tongue around all over the puffy lips of her pussy, then reached down, spreading them apart to let her tongue slip up between them.

Her hand came down, brushing the hair away from Tammy's face as she began eating her eagerly, her tongue lashing and laving all around, her lips sucking at the swollen labia. Tammy slipped her tongue up inside her as Sam leaned forward, resting her hand on the shelf over the bed to support herself, then started rocking back and forth. Pressing her pussy down onto Tammy's face, she worked her ass in slow circles, brushing her clit over the tip of her nose.

"Oh god! Do me too!" Tammy groaned as she pushed her off, rolling onto her side and pressing her face back between her legs.

Sam pulled her closer, burying her own face between her legs, moaning happily as they rolled around on the bed.

Interior-Dr. Samuels Suite

2355 Hours

Andi switched the feed from her tablet to the monitor at the foot of her bed and hit replay, then sat it on the nightstand. She hit a button on her comm, and lit her pipe as she waited for Wilkins to answer.

"Yes, Andi? It's kind of late for you isn't it?" Wilkins said when he answered.

"Can you come over?" She asked as she sat her pipe down. "It's been a few days, and I'd really like to see you. You can spend the night, and do anything you want."

"Ten minutes? I want to throw a bag together." He laughed. "Load a pipe for me, You already sound buzzed."

"I am. Hurry Tim, I really need you tonight."


That's all for Chapter Three. Please read Chapter Four for more of this story.

I hope you liked this episode. Please post a comment so I know if I'm the right track with this...

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ChequamegonChequamegonalmost 9 years ago
Keep up the GREAT work

Not much more I can say. This is a great story. Certainly one of my favorite topics with the SG theme. Keep writing. Wish I was retired so I could read more, faster.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
book length is great.

My personal favorite is the long story. this gives you the best way building the story and people. I like the longer chapters of minimum 4 pages. one of favorite sci-fi story is "The preacher man". The story is 53 literocica pages long. To make a long comment shorter. The worry the length of the story. worry about the story itself.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Best stories ever. Keep it comming.

This is the best story that I have read in years. Good story line, interesting character spin. I hope that this is a long story. Thank you for your hard work.

kazilla122kazilla122almost 9 years ago
No this is on the right track

I don't think you should take not having many comments to be a bad thing. The story is well written and thought out. As far as people not liking scifi or long stories that doesn't seem to be true, most good stories have more story than sex. But that might just be my opinion.

RibaldWriterRibaldWriteralmost 9 years agoAuthor
Glad you liked it...

I actually had some concerns about the crowd reaction/mob mentality scene, but decided to go with it. It seemed a little over the top at first, but a few other people thought it fit well with the storyline.

I'd really like more feedback, but I guess Sci-Fi isn't a big draw here, especially book length pieces. I'll be posting Book Three next week after all of Book Two finishes posting.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
on the right track.

what a great story. I really liked the mob-incident, it was unexpected and made them more Human. that they hadn't thought about everything. keep up the good work

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