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Confirming Carter Bk. 02 Daedalus Ch. 03


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"Okay, let's start heading down there. Can someone find Jack? I'm starting to worry about him." Carter said.

"He's in the living room." Jennifer said, turning her tablet. "His telemetry is good, he's asleep."


1120 Hours

She didn't manage being late, she entered the room at the stroke of eleven. But with the number of people that wanted to speak to, or just touch Sam and Tammy, it was eleven fifteen before Samuels could open the meeting.

"Colonel, Tammy, would you come to the front and takes your seats please?" Andi said, her voice filling the room. "I have a brief statement to make, then we will begin."

Sam and Tammy took their seats to one side at the front of the room, and continued to smile and wave at people they saw in the crowd. As people settled down in their seats, Andi began to read her prepared statement.

"We are here today to vote to establish the monarchy of Col. Samantha Carter, installing her as Queen of Atlantis. We come together to make a choice on how she will lead us, maintain the status quo, or allow her to establish a government, and act as a true head of state. A majority of seventy-five percent is required to pass the measure before us."

"There are ballots on tables around the room. We will be asked to sign our ballots. This is to ensure that each of us only votes once, and to speak to those that follow us, to allow them to see who made the decision that shaped the world they live in. There is space on each ballot for a personal message to them if you wish to add one. I would encourage you to use it, but ask that you consider what you say carefully. History has a long memory."

"None of us are required to vote, but we do have to sign and turn in a ballot. Those not in attendance will have a blank ballot entered for them, marked not in attendance. There are nine hundred and forty-one Atlantian's now, we have had three old friends join us. All of us will be accounted for."

"We have one hour to complete our votes. Voting will begin at eleven-thirty, and close at twelve-thirty. Votes will be tallied immediately, in front of us, and the results announced immediately."

"Are there any questions?"

Hands went up all over the room, and Samuels picked one at random.

"Can't we just vote by acclimation? We all know what the result will be."

"No." Sam said, standing up and moving to the head of the aisle. "What I read, and what prompted my response, was the numbers I saw. You were saying that you wanted this. Well it's time for you put up, or shut up, and let history look back on us, and decide if what we're doing was right. But they will know who brought this about. That's only fair."

"Next question." Samuels said as Sam returned to her seat. There were no hands.

"Then please take a ballot, fill it out and return it to the table in front. As I said, voting will close at twelve-thirty."

She turned off her microphone, and went over to sit with Sam and Tammy, as people began to move toward the tables with the ballots.


1245 Hours

At twelve twenty-five, Samuels announced that there were five minutes left. There were large stacks of ballots on the table, but no one disturbed them. Many people watched them. During the vote, people came up to speak to Sam or Tammy, and they greeted them warmly, thanking them for coming. Their outfits got looks from both men and women.

At twelve thirty, Samuels closed the voting, and went out into the crowd. She picked five people at random, and asked them to go to the front of the room. She seated them at the table, split the ballots into roughly even piles, and asked them to tally them.

When the were finished, she took the count sheets and laid them face down on the table, and picked five more people, asking them to repeat the process. When those were completed, she picked two more people, and asked them to compare the counts. When both agreed that the counts matched, she took the sheets, and faced the crowd.

"We have our vote, and it is as follows:

"Eight hundred and twenty-eight in favor, seventeen against, ninety-six abstain. The measure passes, by a majority of eighty-eight percent."

The room erupted in applause, with people cheering, standing on chairs, arms waving in the air. Andi tried to speak several times with no success, so she stood and waited for them to settle down. A large group surged toward Carter, but Sheppard had placed a line of marines in front of her seat. He had to send another group to reinforce them.

It was almost ten minutes before they were able to restore order, and Samuels could speak again.

"Col. Carter, will you step forward?" She said.

Sam and Tammy came forward, and Samuels turned to them and asked, "The people of Atlantis have spoken, do you accept their vote, and the position they have elect you to?"

"Yes." Sam said.

"I'm sorry, colonel, you'll have to speak up." Samuels said.

Tammy reached over and plucked the mike off of Andi's collar and clipped it to Sam's.

"Thank you." She said, leaning forward and kissing her lightly. She turned to the crowd and stepped to the head of the aisle. She looked at them for a moment before she spoke.

"I said it yesterday, and I'll say it again today. I accept."

She looked back at Samuels as the room erupted in pandemonium.

"Satisfied, Andi?"

Samuels nodded, smiling. Then her eyes grew wide as the crowd surged around them.


1330 Hours

It was almost half an hour before they were able to restore order. Ronin had forced his way through the crowd, gathering both Sam and Tammy in his arms as people swarmed over them. He led them to a room near the front of the hall. A screen of marines had formed around them as they moved through the crowd, and they finally got inside.

Sam looked around. Ronin, Tammy and her, along with six marines were out of harms way.

"Those people like me, right?" She asked. "I mean, some of them just voted for me."

Tammy and the marines laughed, but Ronin stood in front of the door, staring at it. Carter looked down and saw that he had his gun in his hand.

"That thing is set to stun, right Ronin?" She asked.

He flicked a switch without looking, and she heard it whine as it powered down.

"Yes." He said, not taking his eyes off the door.

Tammy reached in her pocket and pulled out her comm. Slipping it on, she tapped it and waited for the beep.

"Tammy to the Court. Any Court members, please respond."

"Sheppard, Tammy. Where are you? Is she safe?"

"We're safe. We're in a room in the front with Ronin and six marines."

"Copy. Stay there. I'll come for you." He said

"Send someone to get us fresh vests. We're kind of hanging out here."

Sam looked at her, and saw that her vest had been ripped open, she looked down, and saw that hers was as well.

A moment later, they heard his voice over the loudspeakers.


Carter tried to get to the door, and Ronin turned and stopped at her.

"No. He knows what he's doing." He said. "Listen."

Tammy was counting off on her fingers, and when she got to one, they heard two muffled stunners, then silence.

Ronin turned his back to her and pushed her behind him, raising his gun and pointing it at the door. A moment later, a light flashed and the door swished open. No one was there. Sheppard's head popped around the corner, then disappeared.

"Stand down, Ronin! It's me, Sheppard."

Ronin pushed her back and motioned for three marines to get in front of her as he stepped forward.

"Step into the doorway, Sheppard. Show me your hands!" Ronin said.

"We're clear, Ronin." Sheppard said as he stepped into the doorway, his hands raised. "They just got a little excited. We only had to stun two of them."

Ronin looked at him for a moment, then holstered his weapon. Both Sam and Tammy came up on either side of him and hugged him, and he put his arms around them.

"Stay here till we get you some clothes." He said.

"I'm not goin' anywhere you're not." Tammy said. "Ever again."

"Ditto" Carter said, laying her head against him. "Thank you, I chose my guardian well."

Jennifer came in a few minutes later with fresh vests for both of them. Ronin and the marines formed a screen in front of them as they changed. When they were ready, Ronin led them out of the room.


1330 Hours

Sheppard and Caldwell had wanted to take her back to the tower, but Carter insisted that they stay, that she had to speak to the people.

She stood on the stage looking out at them now. Two rows of marines filled the gap in front of her. Her microphone had gotten lost, and they had replaced it.

"I'm sorry." She said as she looked out over them. "We weren't prepared, and weren't expecting a reaction quite like that. I think we all overreacted."

She looked at Tammy, and smiled. "We can't do it like this." She said. Tammy nodded, and they jumped off the stage, and started walking toward the seats.

The marines began to close in around them, but she waved them off. She looked over her shoulder and saw Ronin following a few steps behind.

"That's not going to happen again is it? It wasn't quite the start I was hoping for." She said, stopping in front of the first rows of seats, holding up the tattered remains her vest. "I hope no one was hurt. I...we appreciate how you feel, but I was frightened. I was afraid Tammy, or some of you would be hurt."

"You elected me to lead you, and represent you. I can't do that if I can't be with you, as a part of you." She went on. "So please, stay in your seats till we're finished."

"The first thing I'd like to do is tell you our immediate plans. We know of only one remaining threat from the IOA, the Starship Apollo. We expect it to arrive in the next few days. Once that threat has been removed, we will declare our independence to the IOA, and all the worlds we have contact with in the Pegasus galaxy. Does this meet with your approval?"

The crowd roared, but she held her ground, raising her hands to quiet them.

"We have already begun production in some areas of the city. We made drones, to replenish the cities defenses. We have found another ancient city, and the local population wishes us to occupy it, and help them restore it. We are calling it Anchorage. It is a sister city to Atlantis, with the same systems as we have here. Some of you will be transferred there, we just don't know when. So please bear with us while we work out the details."

"We plan on reaching out to the people of the Pegasus galaxy, welcoming them to join us, and come share the cities with us. We need people to bring these cities alive again, and we need each of you to help teach our new citizens our ways, and the work they will be doing."

"Now, if I may, I'd like to introduce the people I have selected to serve in my court. You know most of them, they are already my senior staff."

She turned and waved Ronin forward. As he moved next to her, she put her arm around him, laying her head against him for a moment, then looked up and smiled at him.

"Allow me to introduce Sir Ronin Dex, Guardian of the Realm."

They crowd leapt to their feet, making Ronin stiffen and step in front of her. When he saw that they were just applauding, staying at their seats, he relaxed and returned to her side.

"When you see Tammy and I out around the city, you will see Ronin with us. When the need arises, he will serve as the head of our personal guard." She put her arm back around his waist as she continued to speak.

She looked at Tammy and smiled at her as she spoke. "You may not know Tam...I'm sorry, Lady Tammy Ford, my consort."

Tammy stepped to one side, not letting go of her hand, and curtsied. The crowd applauded again, smiling and waving at her.

She waved Sheppard over to the front of the room.

"You know Col. Sheppard, now Sir John Sheppard, First Knight of the Realm and Commander of the Free Defense Force of Atlantis when it is formally established."

She introduced Samuels, Keller and Caldwell as a group then paused, looking at the audience again.

"Some of you may have noticed some new faces among us, and I'd like to introduce you to a group that has joined us recently. Here with us, are Gen. Jack O'Neill, Senior Counsel, Lord Daniel Jackson, Royal Advisor, Lady Vala Mal Doran, Royal Advisor, and Ambassador Teal'c, of the Free Jaffa Nation, who we will be establishing diplomatic relations with as soon as possible. You may have known these people as SG-1. I know them as my family."

The crowd erupted in applause again, while O'Neill and Vala grinned as they waved at them.

When they had quieted down, Carter released Ronin, and let go of Tammy's hand as she stepped forward.

"We will be adding to our court as the needs of the city change, and we are awaiting the arrival of Master Bra'tac of the Free Jaffa Nation, an old and trusted friend, to serve as Senior Counsel with Gen. O'Neill."

"Many of you have known the last member of our court longer than I have. She has been our oldest friend, and staunchest ally. I value her counsel, as I'm sure you do." She turned and held out her hands, and Teyla came over and joined her, embracing her warmly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present, as Ambassador of the Athosian Peoples, Ambassador Teyla Emmagan!" She said, her voice rising to a shout as she finished with a flourish. She stepped back, leaving Teyla to accept her due as they crowd leapt to their feet again.

When the crowd began to quiet again, she waved the members of her court forward, then moved into the crowd.

"We're going to spend the next hour or so mingling, so please, give everyone a chance." She said as she reached out, taking a hand here and there as she moved past. Ronin fell in behind her, and she turned to him.

"Be nice,'s going to be okay now." She told him as she took off the microphone, and dropped it in her pocket.

He nodded, sweeping the crowd with his eyes.

Interior-Living Room

1510 Hours

Ronin turned to Sheppard in the porter as they headed back to the suite. "You're not doing that to her again." He said. "We have people in place before she enters a room from now on."

"Now wait a minute." Sheppard said as the doors opened and he stepped into the living room. "We didn't expect something like that to happen. Those are our people down there, Ronin."

"That's right," Ronin said, throwing their tattered vests at him. "You...we didn't expect it. We should have." He turned to Sam and Tammy. "I'm sorry, I let my guard down..."

"We all did, Ronin." Carter said as she stepped over and hugged him. Tammy followed, and Sam moved to one side to make room for her.

"You had us in your arms, moving us to safety before I even knew what was happening." Tammy said as she looked up at him. "Thank you. You not only protected our lives, but our dignity."

"But he's right." She said as she looked around the room. "We forgot the mob mentality. We were expecting calm, rational people. Emotions and the heat of the moment took over...and we all saw what happened."

"I need something to drink." Carter said, moving toward the kitchen.

"You sit in here, Sam. We'll get it." Andi said, waving her toward a couch. She looked at Jennifer, and they headed for the kitchen.

"We should form that guard now, and we get the best fighters in the city, not just John's guys." Tammy said. "I know at least five that can kick any of his marine's asses, no problem. Starting with Amelia Banks."

Ronin nodded. "I like her. She's tough. She's teaching me alot." He said.

"Then you and her pick them. Three each when we go out." Tammy told him. "We can fight, but I don't think the queen and her consort should be fighting except as a last resort." She looked at Sam. "But you and I train with them. We sharpen our skills, and bond with them at the same time. And we need to start wearing shields."

"That's an excellent idea, Tammy. But we want them bonding with you, not the other way around." Andi said as she came into the room with a tray of glasses. Jennifer followed with a tray of bottles. Samuels handed Sam her coke, and Tammy a glass of water, then picked up a bottle of bourbon and poured herself a shot. "I should have had you put your shields on today."

"You're all right." Samuels said, tossing back her drink, then refilling it. "I missed this completely, and I'm sorry. I didn't think we'd really need security until we started bringing new people into the city." She looked around, then brought her gaze over to Carter.

"That's going to start happening next week, by the way. We have close to three thousand people we need to relocate because of the conditions they're living under. We've already made contact with more than ten worlds that have been hit hard by the Wraith recently, and most have agreed to accept our hospitality and protection."

"Good. I'm glad you're on that. And I want to get Anchorage online as soon as we can." Sam said, leaning over on Tammy. "That situation can't be allowed to go on."

Tammy looked behind her at Ronin, and he nodded, standing up and lifting her feet up onto the couch. Tammy guided her down, taking her glass from her as Ronin pulled her down onto the couch so her head was laying in Tammy's lap.

"Mmmmm." Carter purred. "I can get used to this kind of treatment. You need to be careful."

"That's fine, Sam. It's going to get worse." Samuels said, looking over at Tammy. "We need to talk later."

Tammy nodded, stroking Sam's hair lightly.

"We'll need ZPM's to bring Anchorage online, but I don't want you or Tammy going near the power room. We can train someone to do that, unless you want to keep your part of that in-house for the time being, then you can do it remotely. Either way, we can send someone else down to swap out the ZPM's."

"Let's keep it in-house for now. We can go ahead and charge up what we have on hand, and when we need to do more, we can train someone then." Carter said. She closed her eyes and laid her hands on her stomach. "Do we have any news on the Apollo, and what's going on with Daedalus?

"Nothing new on Apollo, but Zelenka has finished installing a cloaking generator, and it's working better than expected." Caldwell said, moving over to take a seat next to the couch. "Power requirements are much lower than the shields use, and since they're different technologies, we can use them at the same time. I like that part. I can hide, and not leave my ass hanging in the wind if something goes wrong."

"Have you tested it in space?" Carter asked.

"Yes, we jumped around the system, and Marks didn't see any change in performance when it was active." Caldwell said, a slow smile forming on his face. "We took out half a dozen jumpers in a live fire exercise, beams at five percent. Then Marks fired on one without dropping the cloak. Unlike the jumpers, we can shoot and scoot with the cloak engaged."

Carter sat up, grinning at him. "Please tell me you're not kidding. That's a huge tactical advantage!"

"Yes maam. I'm sorry, I can't help it, colonel." Caldwell said. "Eighteen years service, and my mom..."

"Relax, Steven." She laughed. "It doesn't matter. Everyone is going to do it, so I'll just have to get used to it again. It never used to bother me till I talked to Andi that first time, and she told me people thought of me as a school marm."

"Thank you. Sheppard and I have been talking, and once we get established, we'd like to go Wraith hunting. When we have the Apollo, we take both ships out and hit them. We'd blow them out of the sky before they even knew what was happening. And they won't know how it's happening, or who's doing it. If we're lucky, they'll think its internal, and fight among themselves."

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