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Confirming Carter Bk. 04 Expansion Ch. 06

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Book Four of the Confirming Carter series.
13.3k words

Part 30 of the 30 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/19/2015
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Two Days Later


0640 Hours

"Mmmmmm, that feels good." Sam purred, lifting her legs and wrapping them around Kinai's back. Her hands moved down, coming to rest on the back of her head, and she moaned as she let her pleasure her.

Kinai moaned as she lashed her tongue around the soft, slick flesh of Sam's pussy, then darted it into the juice dripping hole. Her teeth nipped at her puffy pussylips, chewing on them gently.

"But I have to make you stop." She groaned after a few minutes, pushing her away as she slid up on the bed.

"Why, you seemed to be enjoying..."

"I was." Sam smiled as she reached down and drew her up, putting her arms around her. She pushed her back so they fell on the bed, facing each other. "But we have things to do, and I can't just stay in bed with you all day, no matter how much I want to."

"You enjoyed what we were doing last night." Kinai said softly as she ran her fingers lightly over the swell of her hip, then moving it between her legs as she pushed her onto her back.

"And you kept me up half the night!" Sam laughed, grabbing her wrists as she rolled over on top of her, pinning them to the bed over her head.

"Are you two still at it?" Tammy asked as she came into the room. "Did either of you even notice that I went and slept with Larrin last night?"

"Really?" Sam laughed, rolling off of Kinai and sliding off the end of the bed. "You didn't do anything..."

"No, we just slept." Tammy said, shaking her head. "I was really tired. Besides, you two weren't exactly in a sharing mood last night."

"I wished to pleasure Samantha." Kinai said, shaking her head and making her hair fly out in a halo as she got up on her knees facing her. Her face screwed up in a confused expression as she looked at her. "Why are you dressed like that?"

Tammy was wearing fatigues and combat boots, and had a web belt slung over her shoulder.

"We're going to Matrei's outpost today." Tammy told her. "Now get your ass out of that bed and get some clothes on, I have a job for you."

"You heard her sweetie." Sam laughed as she walked into the bathroom. "She's in queen mode, so you don't want to mess with her."


Interior-Robotics Lab, Central Tower

0630 Hours

"This is our lab." Tammy said as she led Kinai around the partition and over to her terminal.

Kinai looked around the room, then slid onto the stool in front of the terminal.

"This is what I want you to look at." Tammy said, leaning in front of her and typing strings of symbols. "This is Angelo's profile. We haven't installed any personality elements yet, but what I want you to do, is go through his existing profile and see if you can find any mistakes I may have made. Are you familiar enough with these entities to do that?"

"Yes." Kinai nodded, looking back over her shoulder at Angelo. "I have played with configuring them. I have a profile running as a simulation that I would like to put into a working unit."

"Entity, not unit." Tammy said, smiling at her. "They get kind of touchy about that."

"Now, Angie's going to stay here with you, and you can make changes to his profile, but you will save them into a secondary memory area to test them." She went on. "You will not make any permanent changes to his primary profile, is that understood?"

"Yes, I understand." Kinai said, turning to look at her.

"Good." Tammy said, walking over and pushing a partition aside. "You can do any testing you need to do in here, or you can just take a break and let him fuck your brains out, it's your call."

Kinai laughed as she walked over and looked at the bed in the side room, then followed her as she walked across the room.

"Prosthetics are in these cabinets." Tammy said as she opened one and pulled out a tray, lifting the lid. "These are average sized penises, there are other trays with larger and smaller ones."

She took out one of the penises and walked over to a table, attaching it to a device.

"You can test both the penises and vaginas with this." She said as she stepped over to another terminal. "They just snap on, then you activate them through the terminal like this."

She made a series of keystrokes, and the prosthetic stiffened quickly into an erection. She touched a few more keys, and it returned to a flaccid state.

"One thing I would like you to do is look at the autonomy settings." She said as she walked back over to her terminal. "He's set to level seven right now, but that was done by accident. Fran, Dr. McKay's android, has a setting of eleven. Angie told me that the autonomy settings are built into the personality profiles."

"That is correct, the more complex the personality, the higher the autonomy setting." Kinai said. "If you do not add personality elements, the android will develop its own as it interacts with you."

"That's good to know." Tammy said, taking a comm unit from her pocket and handing it to her. "Use this if you need to. Just push the button and say OPs, and they'll connect you to anyone you want. Rodney and Fran are expecting to hear from you, so feel free to reach out."

Kinai smiled and sat the comm on the table, then said, "I understand, but how do I return to your home, or find food?"

"Angie knows the symbols for the residence, and has clearance." Tammy smiled. "Just call Andi, Dr. Samuels, if you want food brought over."

Kinai nodded, but before she could speak, Tammy went on.

"One last thing." She said, leaning over and typing quickly. A new screen appeared, showing an outline of a human body. "I just opened a new configuration screen, so you can start designing an android. I'm not promising that we'll let you build one, but you can at least play with the system."

"Thank you." Kinai said, throwing her arms around her, then pushing her away as she pulled her t-shirt up over her head. "Now go away. I have work to do."



0740 Hours

Sam looked up from her plate and smiled as Tammy walked into the kitchen.

"Where did you and Kinai take off to?" She asked. "Where is she, getting dressed?"

"I took her over to the lab and parked her in front of a terminal." Tammy said, sitting down and leaning back in her chair. "I told her I wanted her to look at Angelo's profile, and see if she could find any mistakes. And I told her that she can configure a new android, but made sure that she understood that we may not let her build it."

"How much access did you give her?" Sam asked, pushing her plate away.

"Angie won't let her make any permanent changes, and I have a backup if she figures out how to get around that." Tammy told her. "And I locked out the production systems, so she can't start any cooking. Otherwise, she has free access to the system."

She smiled as she looked over at Sam.

"I'm betting that she's going to spend half the day fucking him, and the rest of the time playing with configuring a new android. I doubt if she'll even look at his systems, but I told her to save any changes to a secondary memory area for testing if she did. We can check later, I activated the cameras in the lab, and the system records any activity in a separate log."

"She'll look at his profile, even if she doesn't do anything to it, just to see if you're as smart as she thinks." Sam said. "I'm glad Andi didn't say anything about us the other night when she said Kinai may be the smartest person in the city."

"Andi doesn't give up anymore than she has to, you know that." Tammy laughed. "I actually thought she was testing Kinai, to see if she got a reaction when she said that."

"She probably was, considering how much she still tests us." Carter laughed, getting to her feet. She smiled as she looked at her reflection in the refrigerator door. "I forgot how comfortable fatigues were. I quit wearing them when I came to Atlantis."

"Green's not really your color sweetie." Tammy said as she came over and wrapped her arms around her. "But I do like this black t-shirt on you."

"I used to dress like this all the time at the SGC." Carter said, turning and putting her arms around her. "I always liked the way I looked. Now that I think about it, I think alot of guys did too."

"You little tease." Tammy laughed, letting her go and stepping away. "You weren't as naive as you made me believe."

"No, it's not that..."

"I know." Tammy laughed, pulling her comm from her pocket and putting it on. "But you're going to wear that outfit, or something like it more often. I'm getting tired of seeing you in the same thing day after day..."



0810 Hours

"Why must we wait?" Matrei asked as she paced back and forth behind the OPs station. She turned and looked at Carter as she went on. "They went through the stargate more than twenty minutes ago! We should have gone with them!"

"Come with me." Carter said as she turned and walked toward the conference room.

Matrei followed her, and Carter closed the door behind her.

"You will not speak to me like that in front of my people." She said in an even voice. "Our people do not quest..."

"I have been waiting years for this day!" Matrei said, facing her, her hands on her hips as she glared at her. "That outpost is mine! Now have them open the gate and sen..."

Her head rocked to one side, and she fell back against the wall, barely managing to stay on her feet after Carter slapped her.

"I am your queen Matrei." She said as she stepped over to stand in front of her. "You asked us to take you into our domain, and pledged your loyalty to us, so I expect you to stop behaving like a spoiled child and act your age."

"That outpost is ours, mine and Tammy's, we are Atlantis." She said as she looked at Matrei. "That outpost, and any others belong to us, as part of our domain. We will share them, with you, the Travellers..."

"You promised..."

"I made no such promise Matrei." Carter laughed. "You heard what you wanted to hear. Your family has been catering to your whims for so long, you don't know any better."

"But we will not." She went on. "We govern or rule as the need requires, and if you want to see that outpost, or anything besides the facility you work at now, you need to accept that. This is not a game. We are going to make life better for the people of this galaxy, and if you're not going to help us, you will stay out of our way."

"I...I queen." Matrei said softly. "Forgi..."

"Col. Carter? We just received a message from Dr. Jackson." The OPs tech said over the intercom. "He says they have the outpost powered up, and it's safe to come through."

"There's nothing to forgive Matrei." Carter said, patting her on the cheek as she opened the door. "Let's go take a look at your outpost..."


Interior-Ancient Outpost, Sector 534G5

0820 Hours

"After you." Carter said, motioning toward the stargate as she looked at Matrei.

Matrei nodded, and stepped through the portal.

"What did you say to her?" Tammy asked, taking Carter's hand and stopping her from following.

"I explained the facts of life to her." Carter said with a smile. "Now come on, I want to see what she's so excited about."

Tammy smiled as they stepped through the portal, and a moment later, as they emerged from the other side she said, "Wow, somebody call the gardener."

There was a wide clearing, overgrown with grasses and weeds surrounding the stargate, extending several hundred feet in every direction, reaching out to a treeline on three sides. The trees were hundreds of feet tall, as thick as redwoods.

The fourth side, directly in front of them, was open, and dozens of low buildings could be seen not far away.

"I'm surprised you waited Matrei." Carter smiled as they walked up to her.

"I know the way, so I wanted to guide you." Matrei said, then looked toward the buildings. "And I want to see your faces when you see it."

"These buildings are shops, homes, and storage areas." Matrei said as she led them down a street several minutes later. "The entrance to the main outpost is here."

She palmed a door open, and led them down a short corridor.

"I used to have to push that door open to get in here, then go down the stairs, but the porters should work now." She said as she palmed a panel, and a door slid open in front of them.

"Daniel, where are you?" Carter asked as she opened a channel on her comm.

"Level five Sam." Jackson said.

She nodded at Matrei, holding up five fingers, and she tapped on a panel. The doors closed, then opened almost immediately.

Daniel Jackson turned toward them when he heard the porter doors open, and walked over to them.

"Sam, Tammy." He said as he came over to them. He looked around, grinning as he said, "Vala's not going to like it, but I think I'm going to have to move in here for a while. This place is a much more recent addition than Atlantis or St. Louis. A lot of the technology here is even more advanced than what we've seen in Atlantis. I think this might have been an R&D center."

"Some of the documents we recovered said as much." Matrei said. "The ancients preferred to develop new systems and technologies off site, to reduce the risk."

"Our people do the same thing." Jackson said as he stepped over to a console and tapped on a keyboard, bringing up an image. "This is a map of the outpost. There are nineteen levels, the upper levels are staff quarters and recreation areas, then what appears to be admin, where we are, then a dozen levels of work areas."

He changed the view on the screen, and the three lower levels were expanded.

"These are labs, testing, and production areas. They have their own power and environmental systems." He said. "I'll need to go through the logs, but it's going to be weeks before I can even begin to tell you what they were doing here. I have them sealed off until we figure out what's down there."

"But I want to..." Matrei began.

"That's fine Daniel." Carter told him. "We can use that time to do an inventory, see what we may want to move to Atlantis, and get the place cleaned up."

She smiled as she looked at Matrei.

"You didn't think you'd be able to move in tomorrow did you?" She laughed. "We haven't even decided if we're going to let you have this outpost. Relax Matrei, give us some time to look around, and determine how safe it is, then we can make a decision on what we're going to do with it."

Matrei looked at her, her mouth opening, then she nodded and turned to look at the map of the outpost.

"Can I at least get a copy of that diagram?" She asked, looking back and forth between Carter and Jackson.

"I'll send you the schematics for the entire site, that way, you can see everything." Jackson said. "But keep in mind that the replicators were here after the ancients, and we don't know what kinds of things they may have left behind."

"You and your guys came over in biosuits, and you reported everything was clear, otherwise we wouldn't be standing here Daniel." Tammy said.

"Yes, I'm not worried about toxins or infectious agents in the air." He said. "I'm more concerned about what we may encounter, like the original Atlantis expedition did."

"He's right, we lost almost a dozen people in the first few months because they went poking around, turning on equipment, and not taking the time to ask questions before they did." Tammy said. "McKay almost died half a dozen times the first year."

"We have an advantage now." Carter said, nodding in agreement. "We can read and understand ancient, but we still need to go slow, just to make sure."

"So it will be months before you make a decision." Matrei said. "Can we at least look around? I haven't been in here when it was powered up."

"I want to take a look around too." Tammy said, walking over and taking her hand. "Come on, just don't go touching everything..."


Interior-Robotics Lab, Central Tower

0900 Hours

"Wha...why did she do this Angelo?" Kinai asked as she scrolled through his profile. She pushed her plate away, turning to look at him. "It doesn't even look like she knew what she was doing when she modified your autonomy settings."

"Tammy was not aware that my autonomy settings had been modified until I informed her after the fact. She inquired about it when she noticed a change in my behavior." Angelo responded. "Earlier that day, she had discovered a physical fault in nerve bundle six thirty-four, and while repairing it, she made a manual change in my neural control system."

"That's just sloppy." Kinai muttered.

"As she told you earlier, both she and Samantha are learning these systems as they go." Angelo said. "They have begun working with Fran, and Dr. McKay, and Tammy is now using me as a resource..."

"So they found this technology, and just started playing with, not realizing what they were really doing?" She asked.

"Tammy researched our systems and the assembly process prior to building Boris." He replied. "Samantha configured his profile, and discovered the bonding protocol. Boris had already bonded with her before she realized what had happened."

"When they decided to build me, they had a much better idea of how to proceed, and my progress has been far superior to Boris's. Fran, Dr. McKay's android, assisted him when he was configuring her personality profile, so she is even more advanced than I am."

"They are learning as they go, that is why they are limiting the number of you they are building."

"Yes. I believe that this is why Tammy requested your assistance." Angelo said.

"Another secret I must keep for them it seems." She said as she stood up and walked over to him.

"Come Angelo." She said as she led him over to the bed, then slid up onto it and stretched out. "Pleasure me while I consider how this can be used to my advantage."


Col. Sheppard's Office, North Tower

0930 Hours

Sheppard, Caldwell, Larrin and Zelenka sat around the table watching as Rodney scrolled through images on the monitor.

"We've made a few modifications to the control interface, and as you can see, it is quite a bit larger than the original version." McKay said. "Being able to spend time on a hive and a cruiser made it possible to do physical testing on how the various systems are connected, and work together."

"Does this mean that there's a been change in what the interface can do Dr. McKay?" Caldwell asked.

"Yes. Command and control, along with life support, can now be controlled from one place, instead of each requiring separate a interface." McKay said, changing the image on the screen. "We still want to place a separate interface for life support as a backup, but that's mainly a safety concern."

"The interfaces still need to be installed and tested, and we'd like to do that testing on Wraith ships that the Travellers already have in their possession, to minimize the risk." Fran said.

"I can arrange to have you to taken to a hive and a cruiser to do the testing you speak of." Larrin said. "But it may take several days to get a ship here to transport you."

"We can have the Apollo take them wherever they need to go." Caldwell said.

"It doesn't matter who takes us, we still need a week to assemble a second interface." McKay said. "Radik, I'll send you the plans and schematics, and you can have people start mass producing them, but it will be faster if Fran and I build the one we need for the testing process."

"Thank you Rodney." Zelenka said. "I am sorry that I haven't been as involved with this, but..."

"I understand, you're busy with the space station." McKay said. "I'm surprised you haven't moved in up there already."

"I intend to, once we start training the crew." Zelenka laughed. "Larrin and Dr. Arbann put the first hundred trainers through the modules for the repair bays, and the construction process, since those are what we will be using first. A third of them also received training on the food and waste processing systems, maintenance, and the teaching machines."

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