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Contractual Obligation Ch. 04

Story Info
Mark angles for rich contract and Summer gives in.
5.3k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 11/21/2017
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Mark worked his ass off the next day as he wanted a clean weekend. His slaves all busted their tails as well, as per his orders. He even had them leave out their remote buzzers as he didn't want to tempt himself into zapping them mindless, like he had with Shannon. She was still a bit goofy the next morning but had straightened up after some coffee and a quick turn as Shannon the Maid.

Mark had cleared out his work docket and he left at about 6pm. He hung out at a coffee shop as his three slaves worked longer to finish off everything. Shannon picked him up shortly after 7 and took him home. Breanne and Summer arrived shortly thereafter and changed into slave uniforms. After a quick fuck and some food, Mark sat them all down to start work on Brittany's contract.

Mark soon discovered he needed to have his slaves dress more modestly as in their slave clothes they distracted the hell out of him and it seemed to distract them as well. Breanne thought it had something to do with how the contract was written. In her case she was allowed to assist Mark in reviewing and writing contracts but the others weren't. In slave get up, they were slaves and seemed to be unable to be anything else.

Mark noted that in his list of contract points and made a note to update that during re-negotiations. Once back into more normal clothes they got to work. Mark laid out a full contract and then they murder-boarded it. His three lawyer slaves were pretty good and got some points he missed. Mark kept an eye on Summer though. She still had refused to accept the clause about guilt and Mark knew she was still looking for a way out. Due to the contract though, he had given her rights and she stuck to them regardless of what he offered. So he made sure to triple check any of her suggestions to make sure she wasn't setting up a time bomb for him.

Mark had originally thought of contracting Brittany to marry him, but after some review and discussion they had vetoed the idea. Brittany was a sexy little thing with Golden Blonde hair down past her shoulders, a fine set of tits, hourglass figure and some serious grace that made her ass sway like a hypnotist's pendant, but Mark didn't want anything tying him down. Having her as his sugar momma and mistress would work fine and they set out to make it happen.

Mark knew he didn't have to worry so much about public perception, anymore; provided he wrote it out properly. But he wanted to keep his situation under wraps; so he could keep on the prowl for more slaves. With Brittany contracted, a whole new hunting ground would be opened to him. High society, jet setters, elite parties, private get aways; a large and untapped hunting ground full of hot women, money, and power into which he could sink his claws. But if it was common knowledge that he had numerous women in his thrall; it would likely make women wary and more careful; and he wanted to avoid that at all costs.

They finished the draft late Friday night. They all actually slept normally, and then reviewed it in the morning fresh. After a couple more changes, Mark made up the final copy on his computer. But when he went in to print it he discovered that he had left his ledger in the office locked in his desk. He was a bit annoyed but he just mailed to himself and figured he would print it up later.

The rest of the weekend was spent having some fun experimental sex with Shannon and Summer. While Summer was still resisting, Mark had definitely found her turn ons. She loved to strut around naked and she was truly a horny slut when she was fooling around in a place where she might be seen. Mark fucked her on his porch at noon on Saturday and she had cum so hard she nearly passed out when she and Mark realized that they were being watched from across the street by an older man who had opened his window. Her dress when not at work was now so skimpy it was nearly illegal. Mark had had to bribe a waiter nearly $200 to let him and his women in to a back booth because of her short skirt and her exposed pussy. Breanne had encouraged her along with smiles, jokes, and caresses.

Mark was certain Summer was going to give in, but she kept resisting and asked everyday to see her contract and do her research. Breanne no longer cared and was fully embracing being the number one slave. Shannon had technically given up her rights to review, but after "earning" it back with a fantastic blowjob she had given it a cursory look over and had shrugged.

"Eh, looks pretty iron-clad. I'll get into it more later, but right now I'm feeling randy. Turn me into the Maid and let me clean your bedroom."

Mark had followed his smiling French Maid into the bedroom where she took him to task for fucking her on the bed after she had made it. Mark was pretty sure she was in the bag after that.

Monday rolled around and Mark was twitching with excitement when he went into work. Just as he sat down a huge load of files got dumped on his desk all marked "Priority". Mark grumbled and dug into work. Unfortunately he couldn't get any time off that morning, and even had to work into lunch. And then something else happened that threw a bit of a wrench into his plans.

He was coming back to his desk after dropping off the last file and was planning on getting a quick bite before printing up the contract when he suddenly heard "Mark! Oh Mark! Hi there!"

Mark turned and was able to keep his face straight as a very happy young woman bounced up to him.

"Kate? Oh hi. I didn't know you were here. I thought you were off in college."

The young woman giggled and twirled her hair around her index finger. "I was silly! But I got soooooo lonely. I couldn't find any cute boys in Boston University so I transferred to Columbia. I'm talking to daddy to maybe get me a job here some of the time so I'm not bored. Won't that be nice, we can see each other a lot more then."

Kate, or Catherine as she sometimes preferred when lording over others, was the only daughter of the senior partner Ralph Maxwell. She was 19 years old and had packed off to college several months ago. She was very pretty. Blonde hair, nearly platinum, that hung down to her mid-back, lovely skin, a perfect hourglass figure, about five foot 6 inches, and about a 34CC cup made her quite attractive and she knew it too. She had somewhat of a reputation as a party girl who had her daddy wrapped around her little finger.

There had been rumors about her and another intern back in high school and that when he had spurned her, she had wrecked him through her daddy. The other rumor, equally bad, was that another one had become her secret boyfriend and had then been crushed by her daddy when he found out. While she was bubbly, pretty, and fun, she was also dangerous to any man at the firm.

And Mark was pretty damned sure that she had a big crush on him.

Before she had left college, she had come in and hung around his desk a lot. She had tried to walk home with him a couple of times but he had carefully dodged her. She had texted him and called him with some "legal" questions and some college questions about where she should go and other crap like that. Mark had been VERY careful and had breathed a sigh of relief when she had left a couple of months back.

And now she was grinning at him with a very sly smile and a look that said trouble.

Mark made a bit of small talk with her and then Shannon walked up to him and said "Mark, you have some priority files on your desk. Cut the chat and get to it. Kate, good to see you, but I need Mark to get back to work."

Kate frowned and said "It's Catherine." She smiled at Mark and turned and sauntered away. Shannon gave Mark a short look and headed down the hall. Mark moved to his desk quickly and sent an email to Summer, Shannon and Breanne about Kate and that they needed to keep an eye on him. If they saw her trying to get with him, they needed to distract her by sending him work, meeting invites, or anything else. They were too close to Brittany to have a 19 year old horny co-ed muck it up.

Mark's email proved to be a smart move. His slaves had to intervene with him and Kate three times that afternoon. Mark was going to stay late but saw Kate was hanging out in a conference room near his cubical. He instead quit right at five and headed out with the pack. He was able to duck into an elevator just as it closed and was able to ditch Kate.

Instead of going all the way down, he stopped at three floors down and went into the men's restroom. He hung out in a stall for nearly 30 minutes until Summer texted him with a "She's gone. I'm the last one and I'm leaving now."

Mark waited a few more minutes and then walked back up to his floor. He ducked into his cubical and unlocked his desk. He pulled out his ledger and opened up the bindings. He counted out the needed papers and tucked them into a folder. Looking at the ledger he muttered "You know, given how important this stuff is I need to count how much I have left. Eh, I'll do that in a minute." He quickly ducked into Breanne's office, powered up her computer, loaded her printer and printed up the contract. He carefully reviewed it and put it into his briefcase.

He headed back to his desk and grabbed his binder and his briefcase. He locked down the binder and then thought a second. He then counted his remaining pages. "Okay, 142 pages left. Good to know, if I'm careful I can maybe stretch that into ten contracts. Heh, ten more hot slaves after Brittany. I'm loving life!"

Mark headed out of the building with a smile and headed home. That night he was sure to turn off all phones and had a nice long fuck with Breanne. He then had Shannon the maid draw her a bath, bathe her, give her some lovely tongue action in her nice and clean pussy, clean her again, and then dress her.

The next morning Breanne went to work with the contract in her briefcase and Mark dove into his stack of work. Kate did stop by that day once in the afternoon "after class" to see what he was up to, but one of the senior partners came by and started up a discussion with Mark on a couple of contractual questions. Kate got bored fast and left once she realized that she couldn't leverage the man.

Mark was pretty excited though. When senior partners did something like this, it was usually a sign they were scoping out potential new talent. Mark had completed his bar exam and was simply awaiting his results and he knew this was a very good sign.

That night Breanne reported no luck.

The next day Mark was busy again, but about 2pm he got a text from Breanne stating "Office. Now." Mark had to calm himself down as he walked into her office. Breanne's secretary was not at her desk so he let himself in with a knock.

He was closing the door when Breanne wrapped her arms around him and locked lips. After a hard long kiss, she gasped out "Got it! Brittany signed it! She's ours for the taking!"

"Show me!" Mark hissed. Breanne pulled him over to her desk and pulled a file out of a stack of files. She opened it and under several sheets of dull legalese about taxes on cars Brittany had inherited, was the contract. Mark flipped to the last page; and there was her signature.

"She gave up after page 2! I had stacked the most boring, the dullest, most complex crap in front of it. She had been signing papers since 9am and I swear she was about ready to go nuts. Cripes, I could have had her sign over her entire fortune by the time she got to this one! But it's done. Master would you be so kind as to stamp and sign and take our newest slave on?"

Mark smiled at Breanne. "You mean MY newest slave Breanne? Ten lashes when we get home, and tomorrow you wear the super buzzer." Breanne giggled at that and Mark reflected that he needed to come up with some new punishments. He pulled out the contract, stamped it, and signed it.

"Ms. Tiffany, you're now my slave and my life just got a shit ton easier." Mark looked at Breanne and said "We'll let her finish off her legal business before I serve her on Friday evening. Then she is all ours."

Mark looked at the contract and smiled. "I never would have believed this contracting business would work so well Breanne. But once it's written out, signed, and I notarize and sign it, that woman is MINE. And now I'm horny. I'm going to the supply closet by the back stairs. Be there in five minutes, bring your ball gag. I'm going to tear your pussy up something fierce."

Breanne gave Mark a hot tongue kiss and Mark straightened his tie and wiped his lips. He turned and headed out the door. Just as he left, he saw Kate talking to Breanne's secretary a few yards away. Kate smiled at him and waved and Mark waved back as he headed off towards the broom closet.

Five minutes later he tore up Breanne in the closet. He gagged her, tied her hands behind her back with her own stockings, hiked up her skirt, bent her over a couple of large boxes of paper and banged her doggie style. He then scooped her up onto the boxes, spread her legs apart and banged her against the wall. Mark then pulled out some lube, greased up Breanne's ass and fucked her in the ass. She thrashed about at that and Mark used her other stocking to tie her feet together and to a metal shelf. He came hard in her ass, he untied her from the shelf, dragged her over into a corner, tied her feet again and then stuck a remote buzzer in her pussy.

"Nice fuck, Breanne. But I'm going to do you like I did Shannon last week. You're already a messy heap of horny girl. Make up smeared, cum all over your legs, pussy and ass, your blouse is sweated through and ripped open and your bra is undone. Never mind your hair and that glassy, "I've just had my brains fucked out" look in your eyes. No, much better that I just tie you up, cover you with a blanket and get you later."

Mark pulled a tarp over his slave and gave his remote control a tap. The heap under the tarp twitched and let out a muffled moan. Mark headed out and kept tapping the remote for the rest of the day. At 6 pm he was able to move a drooling giggling Breanne down the freight elevator with the help of a smiling Shannon and loaded her in the back of her SUV. That night was some fun as Breanne got her lashes and Shannon got her slot for that evening's fuck.

Thursday was definitely one of those days that you could laugh or cry about for Mark. He was so excited that he had Brittany in the bag he nearly walked in to the office she was working in and served her on the spot. He was able to hold himself in check, but he was feeling so worked up that he kept buzzing his other three slaves. He had caught Summer coming out of the restroom with a frazzled look on her face that showed his buzzing was causing her some problems.

But then his distracted state got him into some trouble. He made a couple of errors on a contract and got chewed a bit for it. And one of the more senior partners had made a comment about "focusing at work" where Mark was sure to overhear it. While Mark was more than ready to quit now that he had Tiffany in his power, his pride in his work overrode his horniness and he got back to work. He did a good recovery and also nailed another Senior Partner walk by discussion. It was just after five and Mark was good and horny. He was packing up when Kate stopped by his office.

Oddly enough, she didn't seem so flirty with him, but actually seemed a bit serious.

"Mark, I need to ask you something about contracts." She said.

Mark blinked at that. That was actually odd enough to make him stop what he was doing and look at her. "Contracts? Well, I'm considered to be pretty good at contractual law, but if it's a real legal problem you need to ask your dad to put you in touch with someone here. I haven't been notified that I passed the bar yet, so I'm not technically a lawyer."

Kate nodded. "I understand, but it's not anything like that. I've got a friend who is getting ready to start up a job, but the contract she is being asked to sign is pretty complex. She let me read it and it was very difficult to understand. She was looking for something called a loophole."

Mark nodded and explained about loopholes. That led to a thirty minute discussion about loopholes, obligations, spirit versus intent, and some other aspects. Kate actually took some notes on the talk, especially about the spirit of the contract versus it's intent or letter.

"So if you want a contract to specifically mean something, you really need to spell it out in specific writing so there is no basis for disagreement. Okay, that makes a lot of sense. Mark, thank you a lot for your time. This has really helped me out and I can give my friend some good advice about what she needs to look into. I'm going to see about getting her with one of the company lawyers anyway, but this helps us understand the contract a lot more than what we started with."

Mark smiled. "You know, I'm glad I could help. I enjoyed this talk. I really do love contractual law and I hope I wasn't boring you any."

Kate giggled. "Nope! You were a big help. Um, Mark, I know that you get uncomfortable around me sometimes when I flirt with you. I'm sorry about that. I know that you could get into trouble with my Daddy and maybe his partners, and I wanted you to know that I'll be more grown up about it. But one thing. I DO have a crush on you. And maybe when I'm older you might consider me someone other than the boss's daughter, but I promise I'll not put you in a bad spot with my attentions. Okay?"

Mark looked at her and saw she was staring at her feet a bit and slightly flushed. He smiled and put out his hand. "Kate, thank you for that. That was a very nice thing to say and offer. And maybe I'll take you up on that offer later. But until then, friends?"

Kate grinned and shook his hands. "Friends."

Kate turned and headed towards the elevator and Mark smiled as he finished packing his stuff. "Heh, maybe once she is out of college I will take her up on that offer. But not as a friend."

Mark got home and his slaves were glad to hear about Kate. "Now we can focus on your newest slave Master. She will be wonderful. I've heard some fun rumors about her and her friends." Breanne said as she licked her ruby red lips.

"Oh? What kind of rumors?"

"She's seriously old money. Best schools, summers in exclusive camps, trips to Paris and Europe every break, but of course she was lonely. Some of the rumors say she is bi-sexual and she and her clique of friends are into some really kinky shit. Exclusive sex clubs, private masked parties where anything goes, slavery and bondage. All sorts of fun stuff. A couple of parties like that, with some people signing contracts for admission, would set us up with some very fun slaves Master."

Mark thought about it. "If it's true, yes. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. First we reel her in, then we run her through the paces and then we figure out whom among her friends are next."

Mark stretched and motioned Summer too him. The naked woman knelt and bowed before him. "Yes Master?"

Mark pulled out a leash and clipped it on her collar. He then pulled out a black face mask that covered her eyes and all her upper face. "I'm taking you out tonight. I did some fun research and I've found an exhibitionists club. I'm taking you there and we are going to perform on stage in front of a whole room of strangers.

Summer flushed bright red and gasped. Mark could see she was excited, though. She was breathing faster and her eyes had a definite twinkle to them. Mark held up his hand as she opened her mouth. "Not a word Slave Summer, you will not speak until we return. Breanne, a full trench coat for her. Shannon, you are now Maid Shannon, clean the house and prepare some food for our return. Once done, Breanne you may use Maid Shannon or regular Shannon as you please."

Shannon stood up and without a word went to change while a grinning Breanne put a full trench coat onto Summer. "Oh this will be such fun Slave Summer. Master, fucking you, using your body as his toy, in front of all those people, watching you pant, and moan, and cum!"


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