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Controlling Cop

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She finds out she enjoys obeying orders.
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I briefly considered grabbing a robe out of Jenny's closet, but why bother? I was wearing a t-shirt for a nightgown that ended at mid-thigh. I wasn't exactly indecent. The only other person in the house was Jenny's Dad and he was surely asleep by now. I was just going to grab a drink of water anyway. It was way too hot for a robe.

Jenny had just started college this fall and was home for Thanksgiving break. We were spending the night at her house catching up. I hadn't been able to afford to go to college so I was looking for a job.

I felt my way down the stairs in the dim light from the nightlight along the base of the wall, and tried to picture the layout of the floor as I felt my way through the dining room into the kitchen.

"Now, what are you doing wandering around in the middle of the night young lady?"

I must have jumped a mile at the deep, rough voice. A dry laugh floated in the hot night air. He was sitting in the dark, just the glow of his cigarette visible at first.

"Join me," he commanded. There was no denying that voice. I figured it came from being a cop. I also wasn't predisposed to saying no. My Catholic school upbringing had made sure of that.

I walked over and sat down at the kitchen table in the chair next to his. As my eyes became accustomed to the low light, I realized that he wasn't wearing a shirt. He was a big man, at least 6'2" and broad shouldered. I bit my lip, wishing I could reach out and touch his chest. I could just make out that there was a tattoo on his shoulder but I couldn't see what it was in the dim light from the street lamp coming in the kitchen window.

He crushed out his cigarette and took a drink from the glass. The sharp tang of alcohol reached me. I fidgeted. Was he drunk?

He set the glass back on the table then leaned over and slid his fingers up my knee to my thigh, just shy of my nightie hem. I breathed in quickly but made no protest. Then his fingers dipped under the hem and went back down to my knee. I shivered. I wanted to do something but I didn't know what so I just watched. He traced the same pattern, up my thigh, under the hem of my nightie, going further each time before backing out.

He took hold of my hand and tugged. I went willingly to my feet as he pulled me over to sit on his lap.

He wrapped his right arm around my back to support me as his big, rough left hand slid up under the hem of my nightie and back down to my knee again and again, caressing my leg and thigh.

"I bet the young men have all been sniffing around you, haven't they?"

I shook my head shyly. A stinging slap landed on my thigh.

"Whatever I tell you to do or ask you a question, you will reply yes sir or no sir. Now, have the young men been sniffing around your juicy little cunt?"

"No, sir."

"No? What a waste. A juicy young thing like you, so delicious and willing."

As if to prove his point, his left hand pushed my thighs apart and his fingertips teased my young pussy through the crotch of my cotton panties. I'd only been out on a few dates and none of the boys had tried anything like this. They'd been content to kiss and grope my breasts. None of them had inspired the wild beating of my heart like he did either.

I felt his fingertip push the panty crotch aside and slide along my slit.

"Mmmm, already wet. I think we're going to have fun, aren't we Nicky?"

"Yes, sir." I sighed.

The feel of his rough finger on my clit was thrilling but a little scary too. I loved how hard and powerful his arm felt around me. He could do anything he wanted to me, whether I wanted him to or not. But I wanted him to do everything he did that night.

I felt his finger probe further down my slit, slipping between my lips, pushing further and further until it started to get uncomfortable. I was so tight yet that I couldn't even wear a tampon without it hurting.

I heard him chuckle again. "Oh yeah, you've been a good girl. You'll be my girl tonight."

"Yes, sir."

I liked the sound of that. I wanted to be his girl. He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. I sighed as he licked my lower lip then yelped as he bit it. He pulled his finger back out and raised it to my lips, rubbing it along my lower lip.

"Lick that off." I opened my mouth obediently and he pushed the finger in. "Now, suck it, suck it hard like a naughty little girl."

"Yes, sir."

I sucked my own tangy juices off his big, thick finger until he pulled it back out of my mouth.

"That's right. Yeah, I could tell you were a naughty girl, you've just been fooling everybody with your good girl act. I'm going to teach you tonight what a naughty girl you really are."

"Yes, sir."

He pushed me off his lap with his right arm as he kept a hold of my hip with his left. He pulled me around to stand in front of him.

"Now, reach down and take hold of the hem of your nightie," he directed me.

"Yes, sir." I did as I was told.

"Slowly lift it up... stop."

"Yes, sir."

I stopped, holding the nightie just above my breasts in front of his face. I looked down to see his lips parted as he just looked at my tits. I liked the way he was looking at me. It made me feel powerful.

He spread his legs and pulled me in between them until I was just in front of him; then I felt his rough face rubbing against my soft breasts and across my sensitive nipples. He flicked just the tip of his tongue across my right nipple, making it harden, then sucked it hard into his mouth. I felt his big hands squeezing my ass roughly as he assaulted my breasts.

I knew I should say no. I should have protested. I shouldn't have let him do that to me. But I'd been a good girl so long. I wanted him to make me his naughty girl.

His hands hooked over my little cotton panties and pulled them down, pushing them further down my legs.

"Step out of them. Take your nightie off and drop it."

"Yes, sir."

I stood naked in front of him as he grasped my hips and pushed his face into my pussy, inhaling deeply. He maneuvered us around so he could push me up onto the table.

"Lie back," he commanded.

"Yes, sir."

I lay back on the table as I felt him grasp my knees in his big paws and pull them wide apart. He just sat there for what felt like an eternity, his hands on my knees. I couldn't see his face now. Then I felt a light touch on my clit and jumped. I realized he was licking my cunt.

"Naughty girls need a tongue lashing," he said between licks. "Mmmm, so creamy. Just like a sweet dessert. You taste good baby. Cum for me, cum on my tongue."

"Yes, sir." I panted.

I felt him plunge his tongue into my pussy and lick all over it. It felt so good, so nice. I panted and moaned as my body shuddered.

I looked up to see him standing between my legs. I heard his pants unzipping and I saw his cock for the first time. Oh my God! It was huge!

"Please," I said, shaking my head. "It's gonna hurt."

"Awww, don't worry, pretty little baby," he said, reaching up to stroke my nipples for a minute then pinch them. I sucked in my breath. "Pain can feel good too. I'm going to show you how good."

"Yes, sir," I replied nervously.

I watched fearfully as he stroked a hand up and down his thick shaft. I suppose it was a normal size but fear made it take on giant proportions to me. I watched him reach down and line it up, feeling the smooth head rubbing along my cunt lips. Then he began to push in.

At first it felt good, solid, as he pushed in little by little. Then it began to feel full, then tight, then painfully so. He would push in a little and stop for a second then push a little further.

Finally, he reached forward and stroked his hand across my cheek before covering my mouth as he thrust in all the way. I screamed out, muffled under his hand. He thrust in and out twice before he stopped and held still.

"That's the worst of it baby. It just gets better from now on. Now you're my naughty little girl." He slowly began to pull out and push in, letting me feel it completely.

"I'm gonna turn you into my little slut. My naughty girl."

"Yes, sir. Oh please, please make me your naughty girl."

He grinned, thrusting harder and faster into my sore cunt. Surprised it could even happen with how I'd hurt, I felt another orgasm building in my body. His big fingers teased my swollen clit again as he thrust until I came, writhing on his cock, as he fucked me then shot his hot cum into me.

I felt the walls of my pussy suck at his cock as he pulled it out of my cunt. He pulled me up and wrapped his arms around me to hold me steady as he kissed me. I felt warm and delicious.

"You'd better go back upstairs before my daughter starts to miss you," he said, running his hands over my naked ass one more time.

"Yes, sir," I sighed.

He leaned down to pick up my nightgown and held it up for me. I put my arms up and let him slide it down on to me. He pulled me against him for another kiss and pushed his tongue into my mouth as he reached up and squeezed my breasts.

Finally, he helped me off the table and walked me to the stairs. He kissed me again and gave me a little push up the stairs.


The next morning we all sat down to breakfast. Jenny's father was friendly and nice, as always, smiling and joking. The soreness in my pussy was the only thing telling me that what had happened the night before was real.

"I'm going to go grab a shower," Jenny said, and headed for the stairs.

"Okay," I replied and watched her go down the hallway. When I turned back, her father had my panties from the night before in his hand. He held them to his face, no longer smiling. He stared at me.

"Mmmm, I love naughty little girl for breakfast," he said, sniffing the crotch. "Come here."

I got up and walked around the table. Stopping a few steps before him nervously, I held my hand out for the panties. His eyes narrowed.

"Have you forgotten how you're supposed to respond?"

"N-no, sir."

"Kneel," he commanded.

"Yes, sir." Once again, I did as told.

"I think a little girl needs some milk for her breakfast.

"Yes, sir," I gulped.

He unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his jeans and unzipped them, pushing them down enough to release his cock. I had stopped far enough away from him that, when I knelt, I was still a few paces away. He held his cock and started stroking it.

"Crawl," he said.

"Yes, sir." I crawled closer on my knees until he reached out and pulled my head to his groin.

"Suck it. Suck it like you sucked my finger last night."

I leaned in and sucked the head of his cock into my mouth. He groaned. I sucked harder, swirling my tongue around the head, loving the feel of it and the power I felt as it swelled in my mouth. He ran his fingers though my hair and then held my head as he thrust into my mouth.

"That's my naughty little girl." He smiled as I started sucking him off eagerly. When I felt his cum spurt into my mouth, I swallowed it all.

He leaned down and pulled my mouth to his, kissing me hard. "You're mine now. Remember that."

"Yes, sir."


I made excuses about looking for a job and went over to his house every chance I got. I loved the way he touched me, roughly fondling and groping me. He would push me up against the wall and kiss me, rubbing his hardening cock against my body. I loved the way he manhandled me.

He touched me in ways no one else could and fucked me mercilessly; on every bed in the house, in his chair in the living room, on the back porch swing, even in the garage on top of his squad car at lunchtime.

We watched porno flicks and he taught me some of the things we saw. I learned to take his big cock deep into my throat and in my ass. He would handcuff me to the bedpost and spank me if I hesitated to do anything. I learned to enjoy that too.

It wasn't too long before he decided that he didn't care what the town said, he wanted me in his bed all the time. Again, I did as I was told. And I've been very happy doing it.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Mmm loved it! Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

I would love to read more about the handcuffs and spanking! The handcuffs would really add to the fact that he's a cop, and maybe add more in about the friend and possibly have her walk in on them?


AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

this story wasn't overly long,but it sure packed the made excellent word choices,getting your story out with minimal fuss. i usually need many more detail,but not with this fastpaced,erotic read.job well everyone else has said"more please".thanks MP.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

Your story... wow. Your story made me cum so hard. I've never left a comment here ever before. Please write more like this one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Needs a sequel!

Here's a story that just demands a sequel. I would love to see the stories of everything that's touched on in the last couple of paragraphs.

This story was really hot, but it totally left me wanting more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Burning Hot..domination,roughlust,shades of incest

Powerful literotic writing , raw animalistic lust unleashed..and like most Magica's stories ,the location itself adds to the heat of everything...see the matching between the darkness of the kitchen where they meet and the darkness of the desires they have!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
i agree

your story had me at the title. i always had a thing for cops. the ending was a bit abrupt; however, i was hopeing for more. then again, always leave them wanting more? sg

Granite_IIGranite_IIover 17 years ago
Very Erotic

Very erotic story! You write very well. The only thing is that it ended too quickly. I was hoping for more. Keep up the great work!

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