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Convincing My Wife

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Wife convinced to spread her charms (1 of 3).
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Kimberly and Brian have been married for ten years and their sex life is spirited. Not as much as their honeymoon when they screwed almost non-stop for three days, but not far off. Kim has a great personality, very sociable with nary a harsh word toward anything and is a real pleasure to be around. She's also hot as a pistol: long brunette hair, sparkling green eyes, high cheek bones, full lips, and 37C breasts with a shapely but tight ass on a petite 5'-2" 110-pound frame. She's alluring but doesn't over dress -- doesn't have to. Even a loose blouse can't hide her tits and she gets ogled wherever she goes. Brian's favorite outfit for her though is nothing -- just Kim naked on her back and waiting for his 9 inches.

One night Brian was giving Kim a slow easy screwing. He wanted it to last and was able to control himself. He had pumped his cock with deliberation for ten minutes as he cooed in Kimberly's ear. "Your pussy feels so tight... That's your pussy squishing isn't it?... Baby, your cunt is so wet... You like my cock in your cunt, huh?... You like me fucking you, don't ya?..."

Kim just whimpered back in full agreement. She had three orgasms already and was moaning to a fourth.

Brian kept up the dirty talk. "Want it harder, baby?... Want a cock to ream your cunt hard?... I bet you want it harder... Tell me your cunt wants to be fucked hard..."

"Yes, fuck me hard... Make me feel it," she murmured, knowing it was what he wanted to hear.

He was working into frenzy. "Tell me you're my slut and wanna be fucked. Beg me to fuck harder."

"I'll be your slut... Please fuck me harder... harder...," she hissed.

Brian screwed her like a John Deere piston and with a bellow shot his wad deep as she came the 4th time. They lay still catching their breath with his dick still buried in her. He whispered, "Fucking you is God's greatest gift." After a minute he pulled out and changed positions so that he was sitting on the bed with his wife's mouth near his cock. "Clean it for me... nice and slow." Kim engulfed his cock in her mouth and began a slow blowjob.

"Tell me, Kim," he said as she sucked him off, "Didja ever, for just a moment, imagine that I was somebody else?"

"Hump uh."

"...Ya know like a movie star or an old flame or one of those young studs at your office?"

She stopped the vacuum. "Of course not. Why would I do that?"

He went on, "Just for fun do what I say. Wrap your lips around my dick." She stuck it back in her mouth. "Now close your eyes and imagine that it's Tom Cruise's dick in your mouth. Now finish cleaning it." She gave him head for thirty seconds, sucking all the fluid off his dick and looked him in the eye. He said, "See what I mean? For just a second you thought it was Tom Cruise in your mouth and it gave you a tingly slutty feeling, huh?"

"Don't be silly," she retorted.

"I have to admit, sweetie, I fantasize about that once in a while."


"Watching you screw or suck another guy."

"Well, I hope it's just a fantasy," Kim replied, "Why would you like seeing me violate our marriage vows, for heaven's sake?"

Brian answered, "Well, to be picky, the vows don't actually say anything about screwing, just cherish and obey and stuff. I guess it's because you do it so good. Kinda like Michael Jordon: it's best to play hoops with him, but he's so good it's super to just sit and watch him play."

Kim had the last word, "Sounds silly to me." But a flash of naughtiness went through her mind, and for a brief moment seemed more exciting than silly. They rolled over to go to sleep. Brian slept with a smile, thinking he had successfully planted the seed for his long held fantasy.


A couple of years back Brian got some camera equipment and had Kim pose for pictures, many quite pornographic. For their private entertainment he made videos of their fucking in every conceivable position, of Kim sucking his cock, of him roughly squeezing her tits and pulling her nipples, even a little butt slapping as Kim took his cock in her mouth. They both, after watching a favorite TV show often in the nude liked to follow it with one of their videos. Not that they both weren't always ready to go at it, but this just added a touch more enthusiasm. After one such recent viewing they stayed cuddled around each other with a little cock rubbing and tit pulling. Brian asked, "Ya know what I really like about watching our videos?"


"It lets me experience part of my favorite fantasy. I can sit here with you watching us screw and then imagine that it isn't me, it's some other guy screwin' ya. That gets me so hot I can hardly stand it "

"You're crazy," is all Kim could muster though she allowed the perverse picture into her mind.

Still following the routine of their videos they ran upstairs breathing heavy and both dove in the bed. Brian put her legs over his shoulders, jammed her head against the headboard and yelled, "You little tart, I'm gonna fuck the shit out of you," and rammed all nine inches in her love hole. After 30 seconds he began to taunt her. "Imagine I'm Tom Cruise again, fucking you like crazy. Pretend the cock inside you belongs to Tom." Another 30 or so seconds. "Picture our stud hunk next door neighbor on top of you running his cock in and out... in and out." Another minute. "Picture a big black man that you've never seen before with a storied big black cock stretching your pussy." Another minute. "Jesus! I can't help it! Here I cum!' and he shot a massive load into her. Kim shuddered, squeaked, and came at the same time."

"As long as it's a fantasy, I'll play along. But let's keep it at that," Kim cautioned though now not sure she meant it.

"No, honey, I don't think I can," said Brian, still panting, "I can't help it. The desire is uncontrollable. I don't know where or when but sometime in the future I'm going to get some other man to fuck you while I watch and take pictures."

"I don't think so. I don't know why you want to see me screw another man." Kim protested

"Are you sure you don't want to?" he challenged, "Are you sure it wasn't that big black cock you were thinking about that made you cum? God I'd love to see a 12- to 14-inch black dick all the way up your pussy. Think you could take that, huh? Maybe down your throat, huh? Think you wouldn't like it... just a little, maybe?"

"You can't make me," she responded

He went on, "No, sweets, I can't make you. But when I want something real bad I can be pretty convincing. Maybe I can replay what we did a couple of weeks ago for fun. Maybe a palm or a belt to your ass cheeks would help convince you. Or as a last resort I can just overpower you, ya know."

"You're a pervert," she replied as a hot flash quietly wafted over her.

Brian answered, "Maybe it is a little perverted but there's nothing wrong with it. No, it might be some time off, but you're going to do it, and I'll wager that you get to likin' the idea."

A month later Terry and Larry, two of Brian's buddies, stopped over to watch a basketball game together. The fridge was stocked with beer and they freely helped themselves. Kim wore a loose light sweater with a conservative mini-skirt. But she is unable to keep her tits from being prominent and the guys ogled her breasts as much as the eyed the game. The men got their own beers though were quite profuse (and polite) with compliments to Kim. During the second half, starting with Brian, they asked Kim to get them beers. By the fourth quarter they polished off a six-pack each and instead of asking simply yammered, "Get me another, darlin'," their compliments got cruder and there was a tiny bit of touchy-feely. With her easy going nature, Kim took it all in stride.

After the game Brian put some music CDs on and they lolled around talking about the game and sports generally, and sipped beer. Larry had quite a buzz on and was too busy eyeing Kim to talk much. After a while he slurred, "Brian, you're not bein' a good husband. This great music's playin' and you rudely haven't asked your bride to dance."

Brian sauntered over to Kim and asked her to dance. She gave him a brief half smile, put her left arm around his shoulder and her right hand in his, and they started to slow dance. Larry and Terry sat and not subtly stared at Kim's tits as she danced quietly in a slow circle with her husband. Then Larry came up and asked if he could cut in. Kim looked at Brian a little askance but politely danced with Larry. Larry's hand shifted from Kim's waist to her ass where he pulled it tight into his groin. Kim gave Brian a look of apprehension but he paid her no mind. Soon Larry and Kim were dancing in one spot swaying to and fro allowing Larry to get a little rubbing action with his bulge.

Then Terry cut in. He kept his hand on Kim's back but pulled her hard into his chest compressing her tits and moved her hands behind his neck. With just a wobbling back and forth they looked more in a passionate embrace than in a dance. Terry would alternate his hand between her back and her ass where it would pull her close just slightly and rub her ass cheeks in a circle. Kim still took this though gave a couple of concerned looks at Brian. Brian didn't respond, just kept a pleased look on his face as he watched his wife and Terry dance.

After a good five minutes, Brian cut back in but suggested they take a break. He led Kim to his easy chair and had her sit on his lap facing forward. "You're a good dancer, hon," he cooed, "Good to dance with and good to watch." She gave him a squinty look but he didn't stop, saying to his buddies, "Isn't she a good dancer? Good to dance with? And isn't she good to watch?" They boisterously agreed. "See, babe. They all want to dance with you. And everybody wants to watch you." Another look of uncertainty from Kim. "I think she's beautiful. Isn't she good to look at whether she's dancing or not, guys?" Kim was still as another cacophony of agreement came from the guys.

Brian moved it up a notch. "You guys can look and stare but I'm her husband and can do more, like this," he said as he placed a hand on a tit and squeezed it. Kim quickly brushed it aside and the guys oooohed and aaaahed with a little snicker. "Hey, don't insult me in front of my friends like that," he told her.

She whispered back, "I don't want you to do that in front of others."

Brian snapped, "Listen. I want to do that. It's only a little tit feel through your sweater and can't hurt anything. It's what I'm going to do so don't give me any trouble. Or would you prefer I drape you over my lap and spank your bare ass in front of everybody?" Without waiting for a reply he turned to the guys and asked, "Would you guys like to see me spank her bare ass?"

"Damn straight! Yeah man! Ho Boy! Can we help?"

The last comment convinced Kim and she whispered, "Oh, All right. Just a little."

Brian ministered to Kim's right tit, squeezing and tweaking the nipple which was now starting to poke the sweater. "It's better playing with both," he added, put hands on each tit, and squeezed, poked, pulled and pinched them for two minutes. He asked, "In addition to watching her good dancing, aren't her tits beautiful, too, and great to look at?"

The men had moved closer and both intoned, "Her tits are gorgeous." Larry added quietly, "Can I touch 'em for just a second?"

"Sure," Brian replied, and Larry touched one of Kim's tit.

Kim reacted reflexively and pushed his hand away saying, "No! You can't!"

Brian also reacted briskly and bellowed, "We'll see about that!" and in a flash had Kim draped across his knees as she gasped, "What are you doing??" He pulled her head up and said into her ear, "It'll be just like the fun we've had doing this before... just a little harder since it's punishment." Paying no attention to any response, Brian instructed Terry, "Help me hold her down. And Larry, lift her skirt above her waist and pull her panties down to her knees. No. On second thought take her shoes off and pull her panties completely off." Soon, with Kim babbling nonsense, her panties were across the room, she was held tightly on Brian's knees, and her lily-white bare ass stuck in the air like a searchlight. Brian's right hand went flying through the air and landed with a hard slap on her ass. She yelped. Brian's hand found its target seven more times. Her ass was beginning to show red marks and she was blubbering and sobbing.

"No crying," Brian yelled at her, "I'm just doing what I know you like... or do you want me to give you something to really cry about?" Kim kept it up. "Larry, take your belt off, fold it in half, and give her three whacks right on her ass... then two on her thighs. Don't pay attention to her noises; trust me, she likes it, so really lay it hard into her. Give her 15 to 20 seconds between spanks to think about it" Kim was wailing like a banshee. Larry paid no attention, removed his belt, folded it, and with a satisfied sneer gave her a roundhouse lash on her ass. She shrieked. After a long pause Larry gave her another lash, followed by another shriek. Larry wielded the belt as hard as he could. After another pause another hard whack on her ass. Then another. Then a mean lash on the back of her thighs. Then another. Kim was wailing and blubbering uncontrollably. But deep inside her was a great feeling of excitement. It occurred to her that maybe this is the time. Maybe tonight her husband was going to make her fuck another man. She wouldn't admit it but the thought of her husband beating her ass to make her fuck someone else was getting her hot. Brian followed with a half-dozen hard slaps with his hand and, since Kim was making no effort to escape, invited Terry to have a turn. Terry slapped her ass another three times. Brian grabbed her hair, pulled her head up and asked, "Are you convinced now, sweetie, or do you need some more?" Kim just sniffled and murmured.

Brian sat her back on his lap with her skirt still above her waist. She started to pull her skirt down but Brian grabbed her hands and told her no. He said to the guys, "You thought her tits were gorgeous in her sweater, wait 'till you see 'em uncovered... they're super gorgeous." He pulled her sweater up over her tits and whispered to her, "I knew you'd like it... see how hard and pointy your nipples are?" Then to Larry, "Feel how firm but squeezable her tits are and how solid her nipples are." Larry played with her tit, pinching, pulling and twisting the now accessible nipple.

Larry commented, "This is the most fantastic nipple I've ever seen. It must be close to an inch long and hard as a nail. I wish my wife had nipples like this."

Brian continued, "She really likes the way you're pulling and twisting them. She also likes sucks and light bites. Terry, get on her other tit. Let's get two guys working on them." Now Kim had two tits being toyed with by two separate men. Her blubbering was starting to taper off, and while her eyes were still pointed to the floor, Brian detected a little heavy breathing. After a couple of minutes Kim's heavy breathing was pronounced and accompanied by moans and purrs. She closed her eyes and leaned back against Brian. Brian cooed to her, "I'm getting so hot watching two men play with your tits." "Huummmmm," she replied. Larry and Terry squeezed, mashed, lightly slapped, pinched, pulled, twisted, sucked, and bit for another couple of minutes.

"You guys are doing good; you're getting her real hot," Brian said. "I bet she's getting' hot to trot. Terry, check her pussy and see how hot she is."

Terry got a big smile on his face, looked down at Kim's pussy and ran a finger around her pussy lips and in her pussy. "She's so hot a guy could drown in her cunt juice," he chuckled.

"Finger fuck her with 2 or 3 fingers," Brian commanded. Terry pushed three fingers deep in her pussy and began to pump them. Kim's moans got louder and she moved her hips to meet Terry's finger thrusts. Terry finger fucked her for a minute when Brian interrupted, "Let's go fuck her for real!" Brian led her by the hand to the bedroom with Larry and Terry following behind, Terry struggling to keep a finger in her pussy as they walked. In the bedroom Brian had Larry remove her sweater and Terry remove her skirt. She was totally naked. Brian suggested his buddies do likewise, and in a flash they were bare-assed naked.

Brian laid Kim on her back on the bed; Kim gave no resistance "Larry, you first. C'mere." Larry walked to Brian and Kim. Brian said to Kim, "I want you to inspect his cock first. Grab hold of his cock and see how big it is." She reached out and fingered the shaft and head. It was as hard as a flagpole and looked to be seven inches. Brian continued, "Now you and I are going to make it official and permanent. Look directly at his cockhead and say distinctly 'I want you to fuck me so my husband can watch.'"

Kim hesitated, glanced around the room and then at Brian who stared into her eyes. Then she pulled Larry's cock closer, looked at the peehole and mumbled, "Will you fuck me so my husband can watch?" Brian got up and started the video cam as Larry climbed on top of Kim and asked her to help him get it in. Like a zombie Kim reached for Larry's cock and directed it into her pussy. Larry told her to wrap her legs around his legs and started a slow but deep fuck. Kim continuously moaned punctuated with a loud 'ummph' with each thrust.

Brian gave the camera to Terry and said to Kim, "Babe, this is better than I hoped. You wouldn't believe how happy and hot I am watching another man's cock fuck your cunt. Feel it. Feel how hard I am." Kim fingered Brian's cock. It felt like a steel rod. Then she started to jack it with her fingers. "I hope you're getting all of this," Brian said to Terry. Larry fucked her and picked up the pace. Much to Brian's delight Kim kept pace of Larry's fucking with her jacking off.

After five minutes Larry announced, "I'm goin' to cum! What should I do?"

"Fill her cunt with your cum," Brian replied. "I'm cumin' to... I'll fill her face." With those words Kim shook violently, yelled 'Oh! Gawd,' and came first. Shortly Larry growled and shot his load deep in her cunt. Brian had to finish himself and shot jism all over Kim's face and hair with Terry videoing a good close-up. Brian said to Terry, "I don't want to see her cunt vacant. I want to see a cock in it at all times. Get to it. I want to see you fuck the shit out of my wife." Terry needed no convincing and easily slid his cock into Kim's now sloppy pussy and started banging her for all he was worth. In less than a minute of being fucked by Terry, Kim came a second time. Brian beamed. He then said to Kim, "Your cunt is being taken care of but your mouth is empty. I'd like to see you clean Larry's cock." In a reaction dazed by being fucked hard she opened her mouth and took Larry's cock into it. Terry could last only three minutes and blasted his load into her pussy. Kim came a third time (twice in less than three minutes) with Terry. Brian gave Kim a full-mouth kiss and cooed, "Thank you, honey; you were great," and as a humorous after thought added, "Larry's cock doesn't taste bad, does it?"

Taking his question seriously, Kim answered, "Huh uh."

Brian told everyone to stay naked, went to the kitchen, and returned with a bottle of Champaign and three glasses. "To a successful evening, "he announced a toast. "My wife, as you guys found out tonight, is a great fucker... maybe the best ever. While I love to fuck her myself, I've always wanted to watch her getting fucked with another's cock. I'm happy I did. And I thank my wife." He then whispered into Kim's ear. "This of course makes you a slut... I love it and I love you."

They lolled around and polished off two bottles before calling it a night.



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