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Corrupted by the Naughty Diary 03

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A virgin wants to be taken hard by her BFF's Daddy!
7.7k words

Part 3 of the 25 part series

Updated 12/16/2023
Created 01/09/2022
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Virgin Taken by Her BFF's Daddy

The doorbell rang.

Kristen looked up to see her little sister, Britney, dart up to the door. The eighteen-year-old girl grabbed the handle and yanked open the door. Standing before her was her best friend Noriko. The two girls squealed and hugged, eager for their sleepover tonight.

Noriko was a Japanese girl that was the same age as Kristen's little sister. The girl wore a baggy shirt and a pair of jeans. Not tight jeans because Noriko's mother would never let her dress sluttily.

Kristen smiled. This was the perfect chance for her to write that next story in her diary. A naughty tingle rippled through her. She had this kinky idea that Noriko liked her daddy. She knew it wasn't true, but the fantasy was what made Kristen's pussy so hot.

If my family only knew what dirty, dirty pervert I was, thought Kirsten as she rose and headed for the stairs, they would all lose their minds.

She reached her bedroom and slipped inside. She closed the door and headed toward us. She unlocked the drawer and took out the diary. Bound in leather. She couldn't believe she found it at the Dollar Tree. It was a steal. She opened it up and grabbed her pen.

She began writing her next dirty story.

* * *

The real reason that Noriko is best friends with my little sister Britney is a naughty one. Noriko is secretly a big slut for my daddy. That's why she wears the shortest skirts and the tightest tops to tease him. She wants nothing more than to be fucked by him. It makes her so wet.

Every chance she gets, she's teasing my daddy. And then, she gets an idea. She just has to wait for enough time to pass to get Britney to go along with it. Noriko is such a wicked, wicked slut.

* * *

Noriko Yamato

"It's just we have to do our studying, first," Britney was saying as we headed up the stairs after her older sister Kirsten. Not Britney's oldest sister, that was Sheila. Kristen was such a quiet girl. She was always reading books and hanging out in her room. I wasn't surprised she'd retreated to her bedroom when I'd arrived.

"And after we're done studying?" I asked as we passed Mr. Miller in the hallway. I hardly heard him as he greeted us.

"Then we can talk about boys," Britney said, grinning. "Won't that be fun?"

"Yeah," I said. I like cute boys. Not older men like Britney's father. That was too icky. There were plenty of girls that were into that "daddy" thing. But it was just perverted. "We'll go on Teen Vogue's website and giggle over them."

"Are you going to shave your pussy like that one article suggested?" asked Britney.

My nose wrinkled. "I wouldn't do that? I want to be a woman, not seem like more of a little girl. I want to be seen as older than eighteen!"

We stepped into Britney's room as I started to close the door. Then I frowned. I felt dizzy for a second and wondered why I wanted to have the door shut. I mean, how else could Mr. Miller see how sexy I looked in my short skirt and my tight top if it was closed?

I wasn't even wearing panties. I had shaved my pussy for the first time, and I hoped you would get a peak. If I laid just right on my elbows and stomach on the floor of Britney's room as we studied, Mr. Miller would be able to see everything. That was how short the skirt was.

I was so wet for her daddy. I wanted an older man, not those dumb boys that Britney was into. She just didn't get it. She probably thought it was perverted to like older men. To lust after those sort of daddy types.

If Mr. Miller was my daddy, I would be so naughty he'd have to spank me all the time. And from the way Mrs. Miller smiles sometimes, I knew he must have a big dick and fucks hard.

I wanted to be fucked hard by him. I lost my virginity to my mother's sex toy. I know that Britney tried to hide the fact that her daddy sold dildos and vibrators door to door. I was pretty sure he sold some to my mother. Did he use them on her?

Did he fuck her? Was that why she had the surprise pregnancy? Had Mom cuckolded Dad with Mr. Miller?

I know I would have his baby.

So as I studied with Britney, I was so aware of the juices dripping down my thighs. I was so wet. I had never been this turned on before. I had passed him in the hallway, hoping my breathy greeting to him had attracted his notice.

Footsteps creaked out in the hallway. I shuddered, my naughty pussy clenching and relaxing. I tried to focus on the page, wanting to absorb this material, but Mr. Miller was coming closer and closer to the door. Any moment now, he would see my pussy.

My tight, shaved, young cunt. Virgin snatch.

"And we're supposed to use sine, right?" Britney asked. "Or was it cosine? Tangent?"

"Um, I think it's cosine," I said, the footsteps so close.

And then they stopped. I could feel eyes on my pussy. I could tell that Mr. Miller was staring at my virgin cunt. Could he see my little hymen? Or was my slit too girlishly tight? I quivered there, my heart pounding in my chest as another bead of hot cream ran down my right, inner thigh.

"You girls studying?" Mr. Miller asked.

"Yes, Dad," Brittany said, hardly looking up. "We're studying." She shot me a look and rolled her eyes, clearly exasperated by her father's presence.

"We're studying so hard, Mr. Miller," I said, wiggling my hips. "Can't you tell?"

"Oh, I can tell," he said. His voice was deep and husky. "Why, the pair of you look like you're just dripping with the effort."

I was dripping. I was so glad he could tell that. I shuddered as another bead of my pussy juices ran down my inner thigh. It was all I could do not to beg him to fuck me right here, right now.

But Britney would freak out.

"Dad, we're not studying that hard," Brittany said. She glanced at me. "Well, I guess Noriko is looking a little flushed."

"Yeah, just studying hard," I said. "I'm just dripping with the effort."

"Well, that's a good thing," Mr. Miller said. "And if you girls need any pointers from me, you just have to ass."

"We don't, Dad!" huffed Britney. "We're studying! Mind leaving us alone?"

"Well, I'll be in my bedroom with your mother," said Mr. Miller. "She's always eager to help you girls with their... problems. She loves watching me mentor them. If you need any help, Noriko, just come and ask."

"We don't need your help!" Britney spat. "We're having girl time. I can you close the door, please, Dad?"

"Well, fine, you know where to find me," said Mr. Miller. "But, I do have to say, it's a very inspiring sight to see you dripping with your effort, Noriko."

The door closed. Had Mr. Miller just told me to come to his bedroom and fuck him in front of his wife? He made it sound like she liked to watch. That was so hot. Was she some sort of cuckqueen or something?

"Sorry that my dad was acting so weird," said Britney. "He can be such a dork sometimes."

I shook my head. "It's fine."

I had to think of a way to get alone with Mr. Miller and not have Britney be suspicious. As we kept studying at math, my wet pussy dripped juices down my thighs. I concentrated as hard as I could. I needed to figure this out.

I would figure this out.

* * *

As Noriko studied, she bent all her lusty intelligence into the problem of how to fuck my daddy. The naughty Japanese girl was so wet. It took all her self-control not to finger her cunt in front of my prudish, little sister. Britney didn't know what she was missing out on. But not Noriko.

And then, after an hour, Noriko figured out how to enjoy my daddy. It popped into her mind. Like a lightning bolt.


Noriko would get her little pussy wrapped around my daddy's cock. And my daddy was so eager for it. He was waiting for her, telling Mommy to have the camera ready to film him fucking their youngest daughter's best friend.

* * *

Noriko Yamato

And then it came to me. My plan. There was a particular quirk about the Millers' house.

"I am so sweaty from all the studying," I said. "I could really use a shower. How about you?"

"But how are we supposed to talk while you're taking a shower?" Britney asked.

"Why, you take a shower in the regular bathroom, and I use your parents' bathroom." I smiled, my pussy clenching. "We can talk through it. You've told me before how thin it is, right?"

"I guess it's thin enough to talk through," Britney said, sounding a little surprised by that. "Yeah, I think it is. Okay, that's a great idea. We'll have a nice, long, relaxing shower and talk about boys."

"And men," I said. "Why waste your time with boys and you can have a man?"

"Eww, like someone my father's age? Gross. I don't get that daddy thing that some girls have."

I grinned at my friend. What a shame she didn't see how sexy her daddy was. "Well, that's what we can talk about. What do you say? It'll be fun."

"Sure," she said, closing the math book. She stood up and stretched, not dressing sexily at all. How was she supposed to turn her daddy on like that?

Well, I knew I had turned him on a lot.

I stood up in my short skirt, my pussy juices soaking my inner thighs. The sweet aroma filled my nose. I grinned as I stepped out of her bedroom, followed by Britney. I headed down the hallway, right towards that door. I reached it and knocked.

"Can I use your shower, Mr. Miller?" I asked.

The door opened and there he was, standing in a bathrobe. It wasn't tied all the way closed, allowing me to see a V-strip of his chest and all those sexy, curly hairs. He looked me up and down like I was a scrumptious meal and said, "Well, of course you can, Noriko."

"Just head right into the shower, honey," Mrs. Miller said. She was sitting on the bed in a bathrobe playing with one of her cameras. She made movies or something.

Even though I was eighteen, I felt. I was too young to watch them.

I grinned and closed the door, so thrilled that I going to do something naughty with Mr. Miller. His wife sat up, aiming the camera at me. A red light appeared. I was starring in my first video. Would she sell this?

Mr. Miller moved behind me as I entered the bathroom. This naughty quiver shot through me as I pulled off my tight top. I wasn't wearing a bra, of course. He was staring at my naked back. I felt so naughty as I bent over and shoved off my skirt.

I wasn't wearing any panties, either. He was staring at my naked ass and my naked pussy again. He was seeing how wet and tight my virginal slit was. And Mrs. Miller was filming it. That made me even wetter. I quivered as I straightened and reached into the shower turned on the water.

I heard the other one hiss through the wall. Wow, the wall was so thin. I didn't know walls could be that thin and still be up to code.

"Can you hear me, Noriko?" Britney asked. Her voice was a little muffled, but I could hear her clearly.

"Yep, I can hear you," I said and glanced over my shoulder. Mr. Miller was opening his robe. "This is so perfect. Let's take a long, long shower to enjoy ourselves while we chat."

"Sure," Britney said. "We have this amazing hot water heater that my dad put in."

I shuddered as I saw Mr. Miller's big, throbbing dick thrusting from his brown bush. He was such a strong man. In such good shape for a father of four. "He is such an amazing man," I breathed. I stared at that cock, my virgin pussy going molten. "Just providing everything you need."

"Yeah," Britney said. "Weird way to put it, but yeah."

Mr. Miller winked at me as Mrs. Miller, also naked, filmed us. He advanced, his big dick throbbing as I stepped into the shower. The water sprayed over my back as I stared in awe at that huge cock. I was finally going to get his shaft in me.

Not some boy's little prick, but a man's huge dick.

"Did you see that hobag was draped over during lunch today?" Britney asked as I was just enraptured by her father's twitching cock.

"Huh?" I managed to grunt.

"At lunch," Britney said. Her father was closer. He stood at the edge of the shower. "That slut Alexis was draped all over James. Can you believe that? Why would he let that skank anywhere near him?"

"Uh, she probably likes to suck his dick," I managed to say. This was so distracting. Her father was right there, just a foot away from me.

"Yeah, she would suck his dick. God, she's such a whore. She has absolutely no self-respect. I bet she makes him go down on her, first. He's just such a pussy that he does it because he wants to get his dick sucked."

I nodded.

"Are you okay, Noriko?" Britney asked. "You seem distracted."

Her father made a motion with his hand that was telling me to turn around. I ripped my gaze from his cock and faced the wall that my friend was on the other side of. "Sorry, it's just... I'm just enjoying the shower. The water feels really nice!"

I squeaked out that last word because her father's hands grabbed the back of my thighs. He was touching me. Then his whiskered cheeks pressed up between my legs. I shuddered as I felt his stubble rasping on my silky skin as his breath washed over my shaved pussy.

"Yeah, it is nice to be beneath the shower spray, isn't it?" Britney said as her father nuzzled against my bare twat.

"Yes," I moaned with pure delight as her father licked my pussy.

Mr. Miller dragged his tongue from my clit to my taint, furrowing through my pussy lips and sliding over my hymen. He was feeling that I had saved myself for him. He was the only man that I wanted. Needed. I leaned over, bracing my hands on the wall and moaned as he licked me again.

"Man, you really like taking showers," Britney said.

"Japanese," I whimpered as her father lapped at my cunt again. "We're really down with the bathing."

"That makes sense," my friend said as I rubbed my cheek against the tile wall. I was so glad that this worked so well, but I had to be careful. If she realized her daddy was eating me out...

I shuddered, loving Mr. Miller's tongue sliding across my virgin slit. He brushed my hymen with his every lick. That naughty barrier that he would soon be popping with his big dick. I couldn't wait for that amazing moment to have his cock ramming past my maidenhead.

My petite body quivered as the man devoured me. I whimpered, fighting not to make too much noise. It was so hard with that hunk feasting on me. He licked and lapped at me with such passion. He devoured my virgin cunt with hunger.

"I'm so glad that your parents let me take a shower in here," I moaned to Britney.

"Yeah," said Britney. "They didn't make it weird?"

"Why would they make it weird?" I asked, her father's tongue sliding through my pussy. I shuddered as he brushed my clit again.

"You know, Mom's always looking for girls to be in her movies." Her voice lowered. "The naughty ones. Not the horror movies she claims she makes."

"Oh," I breathed. "Me? But I'm barely eighteen."

"Just watch out," my friend said.

"You don't want me to be in a film?" I asked. "Doesn't your daddy star in them?"

"Ugh, I don't want to think about him doing that stuff!" I could hear the disgust in her voice. "Blegh. That's nasty."

"Mmm, you don't want to picture him eating out some girl's pussy," I purred, my body quivering. "Just licking and lapping at her cunt as she stands over him, his tongue sliding over her labia and brushing her clit. Just making her shudder!"

"No!" she gasped as her daddy did just that to me. "Eww! That's so bad. Let's talk about kissing boys. Not... that!"

"Fine, fine," I groaned, savoring Mr. Miller kissing my nether lips.

I trembled my orgasm building and building as he feasted on my cunt. He licked at me with such bold strokes. My body trembled from the heat of his licking. He did such naughty things to me. He lapped at me with such hunger. I groaned as he stroked through my folds.

My cunt clenched as he lapped at me with all the passion. He made me feel so good as he licked at my twat. I trembled there, rising towards my orgasm as Britney blathered on about the dumb boys in our class.

"Then I would close my eyes as he planted his mouth on mine," Britney purred as her daddy stroked his tongue over my clit. "And it would be so magical. Fireworks would detonate."

"Yes!" I groaned, feeling those fireworks about to detonate in me. "That's what will happen when he kisses you. He'll nibble on you!"

"Nibble?" she asked as her daddy nibbled on my clit with his soft lips.

"Yes!" I gasped. "Just imagine him nibbling on you as he loves you! It'll make those fireworks really detonate in you. Oh, yes, yes, I can just feel it. It's amazing. I love it so much, Britney. It'll be spectacular."

"Wow," she said as her daddy licked my clit. "You sound so passionate. That's amazing, Noriko. You're so looking forward to your first make out sessions. Ooh, I just know it'll be great with James. I want to kiss him so badly. I just want it so much. I could burst!"

"Yes!" I squealed as I came on her father's mouth.

My virgin pussy convulsed. My juices gushed out as the warm shower sprayed my side. I quivered there as my passion echoed through the bathroom. He licked at my cunt, gathering up my cream spilling out of my writhing snatch, the pleasure sweeping through me.

It was incredible cumming on his mouth. It was a rush to have that amazing pleasure surging through me. Britney prattled on and on as the rapture drowned my mind. Cumming on a man's lips was way better than I could have imagined.

This was not masturbation.

"Yes, yes, I can't wait for my first kiss," Britney moaned.

"Or your first blowjob?" I whimpered, my orgasm hitting that wonderful peak.

"Blowjob?" asked Britney. "I mean... I guess. Guys want you to do that, but... Do you really think it's something we should be excited about?"

"Of course!" I said, my petite body trembling as my orgasm rippled through me. "I think it's just something every girl should look forward to. That first time taking a man's dick in her mouth."

Her father licked once more at my pussy then rose. I turned to glance at him. He shifted between me and the shower, the spray spilling on his back. Steam rolled around him. His wife was filming us, a big smile on her lips.

I fell to my knees before Mr. Miller and stared at that massive cock thrusting out from his crotch. It pulsed with his heartbeat. This wonderful quiver shot through me, the last traces of my orgasm still buzzing through my body.

"You really think that blowing a boy is that big of a deal?" my friend asked again.

"Just picture it," I purred, my petite body burning. This was so exciting. So naughty. "You're kneeling before him, the guy who makes you so wet, and his big dick is thrusting out at your lips. He's hard because of you. You've turned him on."

"A stiff breeze makes guys hard," Britney said.

"Mmm, but so does your cute body," I purred. "He's staring down at you, just waiting for you to take his cock in your hand, lean forward, and nurse on him. He's eager for it. He wants you to suck on him. It's so hot. So naughty. So you do it! You grab his cock!"

I gripped Mr. Miller's cock. He throbbed in my hand, my pussy clenching at the wicked contact.

"What then?" Britney asked, her voice throaty. "What do you do with a boy's cock?"

"Mmm, you stroke it," I purred, my hand pumping up and down his cock. "And stare at the crown of it. It's swollen, almost angry looking, and just needs you to soothe it. Precum is leaking out of the slit which lubes your hand stroking up and down him."

I smeared Mr. Miller's precum up and down his shaft as I fisted him. My virgin pussy burned as I stared at his cock. He was so close to me. I just had to open wide and swallow him. This was so exciting. My heart beat so fast.

"Then what?" Britney asked.

"Why, you lick the tip of his cock," I purred, my gaze flicking up to Mr. Miller as my head leaned toward his cock. "And stare up at him. Guys like it when you look up at them while sucking their dicks, Britney."

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