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Corrupting Ethan Ch. 01

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A mom seduces her daughter's virgin boyfriend.
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Lisa Robinson was your typical housewife. She loved her husband, cleaned the house, and took care of their 18 year old daughter named Stacey. Lisa was also forty-two but didn't look a day over thirty. She was constantly the center of attention wherever she went. With long reddish brown hair, firm 36C breasts, and a big heart-shaped ass, Lisa knew that she was attractive.

Some of her beauty was even passed to her daughter. Who, like Lisa, was considered very pretty and quite popular with everyone at her school. Though while Lisa was smart and graduated college with a degree, Stacey was struggling with her grades and was the verge of repeating the year because of it.

Lisa's husband Sam was a pilot for a major airline, and his work constantly made him leave home for weeks at a time. Which made Lisa quite lonely, but he'd always bring back souvenirs and gifts. He loved spoiling Lisa whenever he had the change.


It was during one of those times when her husband was away from home that Stacey told her mom as they ate dinner together about this guy she's dating.

"What's his name?" Lisa asked.

"His name is Ethan," Stacey stated.

"Does this Ethan have a last name?" Lisa asked curiously.

"Oh, it's Witerson," Stacey stated with an obvious blush on her cheeks, "Ethan Witerson."

"Tell me more about him," Lisa said.

Stacey then went into full detail when she began telling her mom about Ethan. How he was this cute smart guy at her school. About how they met during study hall a few months ago and how they quickly bonded over a particular book they were both reading. That it was her who confessed to him, and they started dating afterward. He also had his life together and planned on going to college after graduation.

Lisa smiled as she listened to her daughter talk about him. It was cute seeing her this excited about a boy. No... not just a boy. A boyfriend. This Ethan was her daughter's first boyfriend.

"I'd like to meet him," Lisa chuckled, "he still has to pass mom's approval, too."

Stacey's cheeks reddened as her mom said that. She then checked her phone.

"Hey, no cellphones at the table, young lady!" Lisa scolded, "How many times do I have to keep telling you that?"

"Sorry mom," Stacey stated as she stood up, "but I got called in for a shift at my part-time job."

"Really? Now?" Lisa asked.

"The one girl they have on shift tonight called out suddenly," Stacey explained, "so they decided to ask me to cover her."

"While it's good that you are making your own money," Lisa stated, "it's still a school night -"

"I promise to be home by a reasonable hour!" Stacey interjected as she headed out the front door, "Bye mom!"

Lisa sighed to herself as she finished eating their modest dinner and then started on the dishes. Afterward, she retired to the living room to watch a movie.

She then wondered what her daughter's boyfriend was like. Was he supportive? Caring? Did he good manners? Was he respectful?

Different questions popped into her mind one a time.

Lisa then sighed and told herself not to worry about such things. But it was only natural for her to worry. After all, this was her daughter's first boyfriend. So she wanted to make sure that Stacey was safe and to see if this Ethan guy really was the right guy for her.


A few days later, Lisa was in her room getting ready to meet her daughter's boyfriend for the first time. Humming to herself as she applied a thin layer of makeup to her otherwise beautiful face.

They decided to meet up at the diner. Stacey worked part-time at for dinner.

"Come on, mom!" Stacey groaned from her mother's bedroom door, "We're going to be late!"

"I just need another minute," Lisa chuckled as she straightened out her long reddish brown hair, "I want to look my best when I meet your boyfriend."

"Honestly, mom," Stacey stated, "I don't see why that matters. You're not that pretty or young anymore."

That struck a nerve in Lisa. How could her own daughter tell her that? She was still considered attractive.

"Alright, done," Lisa said as she stepped away from her vanity, "how do I look?"

Lisa chose to wear a nice floral colored dress with low-cut heels. The dress showed off a small amount of cleavage, and the fabric clung to her sides effortlessly. The outfit screamed sex appeal.

Her daughter Stacey, however, opted to wear just a simple purple t-shirt and dark blue skinny jeans. The very definition of casual.

"I seriously see no need for you to dress up like this mom," Stacey sighed, "but... you look good. Now, can we go now?"

Lisa followed behind her daughter as they left the house and got into Lisa's car.

On the drive to the diner, the comment Stacey told her was still eating away at her. Lisa still was considered beautiful, and her age hardly showed on her person. Sure, her breasts drooped a bit, her ass got a bit bigger, and her hips were a bit wider. But those minor differences still made her desirable. Still made her... attractive and beautiful.

Lisa then began plotting her revenge. Wondering how best to teach her daughter a lesson that would make her sorry for what she told her.

Sorry for calling her old.


Handsome. That was the first word Lisa thought of when she laid eyes on Ethan. He was handsome. No doubt about it, Ethan was attractive and tall for a guy her daughter's age. He had short, curly, dark chestnut colored hair, steel colored eyes, and a toned athletic body. They seemed to stare at each other for a bit before Stacey walked over to him and stood beside him.

"Mom, this is Ethan," Stacey stated, "and Ethan, this is my mom."

"Hi," Ethan said nervously as he shook Lisa's hand, "I-It's nice to meet you, ma'am."

"He's shy," Lisa thought, "how cute! I can see Jessica was so fond over him."

"There's no need to be nervous, young man," Lisa stated as she released her grip on his handshake, "I'm just the mom of the girl you are dating."

His cheeks turned bright red.

"Oh my god, mom!" Stacey stated in embarrassment, "Stop it."

"Shall we go inside and eat?" Lisa asked as she ignored her daughter's patronizing tone.

Lisa followed behind Stacey and Ethan as they went inside the diner.


"So Stacey told me that you're thinking about applying for college after graduation," Lisa said as she sat across from them.

Stacey cuddled against his arm possessively.

"Uh yeah," Ethan stated, "I still haven't decided on what college, though."

"Well, if you need any help with deciding on what college to go to," Lisa stated with a friendly smile, "I could help you out. After all, I graduated from college myself."

"Do you have any recommendations then?" Ethan asked, "Because I'm trying to get into this one university on a scholarship the school gave me."

"Oh, you mean like an Ivy League university?" Lisa asked, "Well there's Harvard, Princeton, and Yale for starters."

She then paused.

"But if you want my personal recommendation?" Lisa's added, "Try Yale. I graduated from there myself."

She then sighed.

"Though that was a lifetime ago," Lisa stated wistfully, "I'm just an old woman now."

"I wouldn't call you old Mrs. Robinson." Ethan said, "I initially thought you were Stacey's older sister at first."

That got a slight blush out of Lisa.

"I still got it." she then thought, "Hear that, Stacey? Your boyfriend mistook me for being your older sister. I'm not old or unattractive!"

"While I do accept the compliment," Lisa said, "I'm actually her mom."

He chuckles.

"Well, I guess I can see where Jessica gets her looks from then," Ethan said with a polite smile.

"Good eye," she then thought.

"Careful now, Ethan," Lisa stated, "you don't want my daughter getting jealous, do you?"

That caused him to laugh. Which got another giggle out of Lisa.

"Okay, enough!" Stacey stated, "Stop flirting with my boyfriend mom! It's creepy."

"We weren't flirting, sweetie." Lisa stated, "We're just having a polite conversation. If anything, you're the one being the weird one."

Stacey turned beet red.

"Aw, look, you made her embarrassed," Ethan teased, "so cute."

"Well, she IS my daughter," Lisa stated, "but I agree, she is beyond cute. I could show you pictures of Stacey when she was just a baby."

"I'd like to see that," Ethan stated, "so I could learn all her embarrassing secrets."

They both laughed again.

"Can you please stop talking about me now?" Stacey said while burying her face against Ethan's shoulder, "And mom... please don't talk about the photo album."

"Whatever you say, sweetie," Lisa giggled.

They then ordered their meals when the waitress, who Stacey knew, came to take their orders. Once they told her what they wanted, she then turned to leave.

As they waited, Lisa caught Ethan staring at her cleavage. He'd then quickly turn his head and act like he was taking a sip from his drink.

Lisa then smiled wickedly to herself. She thought of the perfect way to plot her revenge.


Two weeks later, Stacey and Ethan were in her room making out on her bed. His hands began squeezing her breasts. Suddenly, Stacey stopped him and sat up on her bed.

"I... I guess I'm not ready for it just yet," Stacey stated as she caught her breath, "I'm sorry."

"It's fine," Ethan said, "there's always next time."

"Yeah," Stacey stated as she then stood up, "we can try next time."

She then checked her phone.

"Shit! I'm going to be late for my shift!" Stacey stated as she practically ran out her bedroom door.

"Have a day at your job, sweetie," Ethan heard Lisa call out from the kitchen.

He then heard Stacey slam it shut behind her as she left for work.

Ethan then groans as he painfully adjusts his crotch. Another day of being led on. He really wanted to have sex with Stacey and lose his virginity. But every time they got close, she'd always stop. It was frustrating for him.

He sighed as he went downstairs and slipped into his shoes.

"You leaving too?" Lisa asked as she saw him reaching for the doorknob.

"Yeah, my mom just called and asked me to stop by the store to get some stuff for dinner," Ethan stated.

Which was a lie, of course. He just didn't want to be in this awkward situation. Ethan lived alone practically. His mom was overseas, and his dad was out of the picture.

Lisa crossed her arms over her chest.

"You know you don't have to lie, right?" Lisa stated firmly, "I'm not stupid. I know you two were making out up there."

"I'm terribly sorry for that," Ethan stated nervously, "it was never my intention to do those types of things with your daughter."

"You mean fucking her right?" Lisa said with a small smile on her face.

He hid his face in his hands.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about," Lisa stated, "I'm not mad at you."

Ethan sighed and reached for the doorknob.

"So.... have you two had sex yet?" Lisa asked.

"Huh?" Ethan stated, turning around to face her.


"You're got to stop egging him on like that!" Stacey's friend Kimberly stated as they changed into their work uniforms, "I'm surprised he hasn't cheated on you yet."

"Ethan isn't like that," Stacey stated, "He'd never cheat on me."

"You sure about that?" Kimberly stated, "Because to me, it seems like you are giving him mixed signals and leaving him blueballed like that. I even feel sorry for the poor guy."

"You think so?" Stacey asked.

"Positive," Kimberly stated, "In fact, I'm still surprised that he hasn't left you yet."

"But Ethan isn't like that," Stacey stated, "He's sweet, caring, patient, and faithful."

"If you say so," Kimberly stated, "but I'm telling you right now; if you keep leading him on like that, someday you'll find him with someone else."


"Excuse me?" Ethan asked.

"I asked if you two had sex yet," Lisa stated as she walked toward him, "you know... making love, birds and the bees, fucking."

"I get what you mean," Ethan stated, "and... no we haven't done it yet."

"What a weird conversation to have with my girlfriend's mom," Ethan thought.

Lisa then patted his back affectionately.

"Oh, you poor thing." she then said, "How can my own daughter be so insensitive to her boyfriend? You must be so.... frustrated with her right now."

She then led him to the living room, and they both sat on the couch next to each other.

"I'm perfectly fine with our wholesome relationship," Ethan stated proudly, "so don't worry about it."

"You can't be serious, right?" Lisa stated, "That's such a huge waste, though. What's the point in a relationship without sex or physical intimacy?"

"We really shouldn't be having this conversation," Ethan stated, "it's wrong."

"Is it, though?" Lisa asked, tilting her head, "Because from where I'm sitting, it seems like we're just having a normal conversation about your relationship with my daughter Stacey."

Ethan then tries to get up from the couch but is stopped by Lisa. Who pulled him back down and rested her hand on his thigh.

"But you know... I see the way you look at me, too." Lisa said, "Taking little sneaky-sneaky peeks at my breasts when you think I'm not looking."

She smiles coyly at him.

"You can touch them if you want," Lisa said.

"I... we shouldn't be doing this," Ethan stated as he struggled with himself, "I'm your daughter's boyfriend. You're her mom. This shouldn't be happening right now."

"Did you forget that I'm a woman too?" Lisa whispered huskily in his ear, "Even moms like me like to have sex and feel good sometimes."

She places both his hands on her breasts. Ethan's hands instinctively start squeezing her breasts. After a few seconds, Lisa removed his hands.

"But if you want to remain faithful to her," Lisa stated, "you can take your chances with that. But knowing Stacey, she'll have you waiting for half a year or even a whole year before she puts out. But by then, you'll probably would've left her for someone else. Someone who would give you the time of day."

She then pulls Ethan into an embrace. His face buried in her cleavage. Her body scent was intoxicating. His mind felt hazy.

"Or... you can take your frustrations out on me," Lisa stated, "all your pent-up urges, all your sexual desires. I'll take care of every single one of them."

She ruffles his hair.

"I can give you what you need," Lisa whispered huskily, "I can give you what my daughter refuses to give, and it'll blow your mind."

She then lifts his face from her cleavage and places a slender finger against his lips.

"This can be our little secret." Lisa said.

She then brings her lips against his and kisses him briefly. It sent a shiver down Ethan's spine.

"Because if I'm being honest here," Lisa said afterward, "I had my eye on you since we first met each other."

She kisses him again. This time, more fiercer. More... passionate than even Stacey has ever kissed him. Her tongue wormed it's way into his mouth as they began to kiss each other deeply. Both their tongues coiling around each other like eels.

"So this must be what they call french kissing," Ethan thought, "Mrs. Robinson is really good at it."

Her arms wrapped around his back as she hugged him tightly to her. Laying on her back on the couch with Ethan on top of her. Moaning in his mouth, as his hands renewed squeezing her breasts through her shirt.

"I want to do more for you now," Lisa stated as she pushed him off her.

She then knelt between his legs.

"Maybe we stop stop," Ethan breathed out, "I... don't think this is a good idea, Mrs. Robinson."

"But it seems like part of you really enjoyed our intense makeout session," Lisa stated as she pointed to his crotch, "you should really be more honest with yourself. Don't you want me to give you a blowjob? To feel my hot mouth wrapped around your dick?"

Ethan said nothing, as Lisa unzipped his jeans and yanked them down his toned legs. She then noticed his bulge was more prominent now. More outlined against the fabric of his boxer briefs. She then yanks them down as well and gasps audibly as his monster of a cock springs forward and slaps against her forehead.

"Holy.... shit!" Lisa breathed out.

Ethan had a big cock and judging by his length and thick girth, Lisa estimated that he was a at least 10inches.

"Such a yummy big cock you have Ethan," Lisa then stated lustfully, "What a wonderful treat you're giving me."

She then notices that his tip started oozing precum and promptly licks it up. Ethan shivers from the brisk action. Lisa was loving his reactions. When was the last time she made a man this excited? This hard?

"Too damn long," she then thought.

"Your precum tastes so yummy too," Lisa purred, "but I bet your cum would taste even better."

She then engulfed his cock inside her warm mouth. Ethan lurches forward as his tip hit the back of her throat. Then relaxes as Lisa began showing off her technique.

Her eyes locked onto his. Seeing what approach he liked best. She found that Ethan enjoyed her tongue licking against the underside of his tip. That he moaned louder when she applied light pressure to his ballsack and that he also enjoyed her swallowing his meat while she was deep throating him.

"So this is what a blowjob feels like," Ethan thought as he watched Lisa worship his cock like a seasoned pornstar, "it feels so fucking good. She probably does this alot for her husband."

He groaned as Lisa went to sucking on his ballsack, while stroking his shaft vigorously. Her tongue coiling around one of his testicles.

Lisa knew that Ethan was getting ready to shoot his load and went back to sucking on his dick.

"I'm... I'm!" Ethan blurted out.

"Yes! Let it all out!" Lisa exclaimed, "Give me your hot young cum! Gimme my treat!"

She suddenly felt his whole cock pulsate as she placed it back her mouth. Then a few moments later, she tasted the warm rush of his cum erupting inside her mouth. She savored his taste, before promptly swallowing the two heavy loads. His tip then rests on her lustrous lips.

"God, your cum was so tasty," Lisa stated as she licked her lips lustfully, "I think I might be addicted to it now."

She then kisses his tip affectionately.

"So how was your first blowjob?" Lisa asked.

"It was good," Ethan stated, "excellent even."

"I'm glad that you enjoyed it," Lisa stated proudly, "but surely you're not satisfied with just a blowjob are you?"

She notices that Ethan's dick was still hard and smiled mischievously at him.

"Because I plan on taking your virginity next," Lisa stated.

She then began stripping off her clothes in front of him.


Once Lisa was completely naked, she felt Ethan's eyes staring at her body. It made her feel shy.

"Stop staring at me like that," Lisa stated. "It's embarrassing. I know my body isn't as slender as my daughter's."

"Nonsense!" Ethan stated, "You're really beautiful!"

"You really know how to make a woman blush," Lisa stated.

She then walks toward her bedroom and took a condom from her bedside nghtstand. Then returns to Ethan and kneels between his thighs. She then rips open the wrapper and slowly places the rubber on his shaft.

"The condoms my husband use barely fits around it," Lisa said with amazement in her voice, "but this is all I have. So just bear with it okay?"

She then mounts Ethan and straddles his lap facing him.

"We really should stop Mrs. Robinson," Ethan stated, "won't your daughter be upset if she found out you took her boyfriend's virginity?

"It'll be fine," Lisa stated, "nobody will suspect a thing."


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