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Cosmic Captives Ch. 07-08

Story Info
Trapped together in an escape pod: brief relief.
2.8k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/12/2023
Created 09/23/2023
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Chapter 07 - Answers & Solutions

On the one hand Anon was relieved that Nova had dropped her anger, and that they could have a more relaxed conversation. On the other hand he felt heavy hearted, because he wouldn't be able to offer her any encouraging words. He had studied intently about the advanced communication and acceleration systems of their escape pod, so he knew their odds of successful escape were quite low at present.

Having his penis firmly lodged inside of her, while they were engaged in a deep, serious conversation about their chances of survival was jarring or even revolting. He put all his focus into explaining the escape pod systems to Nova, though often his dick would twitch and interrupt him with an unexpected wave of pleasure. It was difficult for him to concentrate, clenching his muscles and squinting his eyes as he fought against the urge to completely lose himself in it. Yet somehow, he managed to explain that their engines weren't powerful enough for them to reach safety without assistance.

As he struggled with maintaining control of his dick, he could also see Nova flinching and rolling her eyes with every electrifying tremor that traveled down the length of his manhood inside of her.

He continued to explain that it could take a considerable amount of time for their escape pod to be discovered. He didn't want to tell her that this could even mean years of waiting until they were eventually located. So instead, he left the timeline intentionally ambiguous in order to spare her from worrying about the situation's potential gravity. Nevertheless, he tried his best to stay optimistic, for both her sake and his own. He didn't want them both to succumb to despair.

His plan didn't pan out the way he had intended. Nova was still overwhelmed and flabbergasted, even without him revealing that it could be years stuck in here. The thought of having to put up with this situation for any longer with him inside her was almost too much to bear. Anon could tell that she wasn't handling it well, and silently he thanked himself for not telling her the full story.

Every time she would become overwhelmed with rage, a surge of pleasure swept through him. In these moments, she would forget how to keep her body still and she would move around his shaft that was stuck deep in her. With every push and pull, the walls of her inner depths rubbed against him in an intoxicatingly pleasurable motion. He felt himself become lost in her.

Abruptly she paused, her eyes exhibiting a fierce conviction as she stared right into Anon's gaze. Her voice fell like a hammer as she declared that his erection must go away now if he was to have any hope of being safely freed, instead of his eyes scratched out by the very woman he had saved from certain death.

Even though she half-jokingly said it, he knew that her threat was serious. He just wasn't sure how they would go about fulfilling the task she had proposed; She was simply too adorable for him. Her tight hold engulfed his manhood, he knew there was no chance of him ever losing his erection.

Then, she suddenly began to move independently of his control, her expression one of disgust. Lowering her hips slowly and steadily, she took in more of him each second. He was captivated by the sight of her; with no break in her gaze for the entire time he watched as she drew him further and further into her. The sensation she created was beyond anything he had ever experienced before, his pleasure growing beyond imaginable.

Before he even had a chance to grasp what what was happening and what she was attempting, he felt the wave of pleasure traveling from his testicles all the way to the top of his shaft. The sensation of her bearing down upon him was simply too much for him. His member found its way further and further into her depths, pressing against her cervix. He could feel it twitching inside her, as every nerve in his body lit up with energy.

Before she could take another breath and before she could even move a second time, he had already erupted within her. He felt his unleashed power as he filled her interior with his passionate release. His semen rushed out in an unstoppable series of shots and she clenched around him as if she wanted to milk him dry.

His orgasm seemed to last forever. Wave after wave of cum filled her insides as he continued to come inside of her. Nova made a desperate attempt to escape from him as soon as possible; moving her hips up so that his dick was only halfway in her now. But his dick was twitching and it was still hard as a rock, so she couldn't push it out just yet.

From Nova's perspective his orgasm must have felt excruciatingly long lasting. It was definitely not a typical male orgasm. The hours of teasing prior had charged Anon's dick with an incredible amount of energy.

Nova kept her eyes glued to Anon, her expression mingling disgust, anger, but also anticipation. She was clearly waiting for him to finish climaxing and his penis to become flaccid. The intensity of her gaze was overwhelming to him while he still felt his organ twitch inside of her. His dick seemed determined not to let up, continuing its forceful spasms and prompting a new wave of semen to be deposited inside of her out with each pulse.

He could see the emotions that played out across Nova's face as she felt his dick's every move. Her expressions displayed her uneasiness; her eyebrows knitted together, her eyes shut tight, her nose scrunched up, her upper lip rising and her mouth slightly agape.

Anon couldn't help but find her reaction to be incredibly cute and endearing. He felt a warmth in his chest as he watched her face scrunch up in an adorable expression of surprise and disgust.

His convulsions inside of her began to slow down, the intensity of them still being powerful although less frequent. Nova now had enough time between each spasm to begin expressing her complaints. How was it possible for him to keep going, she added that she already was filled up, and asked if he would ever end shooting his stuff into her?

Anon, on the other hand, didn't want the moment to come to an end. He had to consciously tell himself not to continue. His body was driven with a huge desire to thrust his penis back inside her; since she had shifted her position, it was only halfway submerged in her pussy.

Eventually his dick came to a rest, though Anon still felt as if he were in a state of heavenly bliss. But Nova seemed to be get more aggravated at the situation - his member had yet to lose any of its rigidity and showed no sign of softening. This sudden and unnatural resilience was astonishing even to Anon, who was accustomed to his manhood going flaccid almost immediately after orgasm.

He looked down at Nova with puzzlement and a hint of amusement. She was evidently even more frustrated with his response, and began pounding his chest and screaming for him to stop being so hard and to make his dick go soft. Anon began to believe that he heard a particular tone in her complaints: it wasn't just of anger and outrage, but maybe also a hint of fondness or familiarity; like two old friends were merely bantering back and forth.

And of course her tactic of hitting and shouting at Anon didn't work; her fury had the exact opposite effect - her aggressive movements were stimulating him, making him aroused again. Inwardly he trembled as each hit sent waves of pleasure through every inch of his body.

For a fleeting moment Anon considered suggesting to her that they should have one more round. Then he would be more likely to become flaccid after reaching a second climax.

He also knew that he would have more endurance now, and would be able to really fuck her hard if he wanted to. But then some sense of understanding kicked in and he started to feel remorseful towards Nova. Fucking her hard wasn't a good idea. He hadn't considered what a rough encounter like that could do to someone so fragile or how it might make his own post-nut guilt even worse.

Additionally, what if he stayed hard even after they'd finished the second time? This was definitely within the realm of possibility, as he found himself more aroused by Nova than he had ever been before.

Chapter 08 - The Inevitable

Nova struggled for words and composure after realizing that complaining wouldn't make his hard dick go away. As a defense mechanism, she attempted to lighten the mood by making a snazzy joke about it which lead her to recall that she's not even on birth control and that adding a big pregnant belly, or a baby in this tight space would be quite impossible since two people barely fit. She laughed out loud at her own comment.

Anon couldn't help but join in laughing, though his expression soon shifted to one of agony as they both shook with laughter. Her body was trembling and so her pussy was gripping him tightly as their bodies shook. As much as he enjoyed the pleasure, he slowly began to feel a mounting frustration that he was unable to enjoy even a single ordinary moment with Nova. Every conversation and happy experience between them was continuously disrupted by his sexual desires. He had started to develop deep affection for her, and he feared that his hard dick inside of her was ruining any possibility of forming a healthy relationship. It took every ounce of his self-control just to remain in her presence without succumbing to these instincts, but it seemed the longer they spent time together, the more difficult it was.

Some time later Nova mentioned that she was feeling very parched. It had already been quite some time since they entered the escape pod. In the midst of all their struggling to escape and accommodate Anon's inappropriate boner, her simple essential needs were forgotten. There was no denying it - her body was in desperate need of hydration and nourishment, as soon as possible.

Anon himself was securely connected to the water and nutrient tubes that came from the pod, so he had no need for food or drink. Every bit of sustenance he needed was provided this way.

Nova looked to Anon for answers, as he held the most knowledge about the pod's systems. Anon knew that the only way they would both survive was if they shared the supply tubes, similar to what had been done with the oxygen supply. While he wasn't sure how long their two bodies could be supported by one system, it was their only option at this stage.

While the oxygen supply had a back up system, which he was able to use to stabilize Nova, unfortunately the same did not apply for feeding and liquid lines. He thought hard on whether there would be a way to rectify this issue, and came up with an idea. Maybe they could swap the feeder tubes periodically between them so that both of their bodies could receive vital nutrients and fluids. This meant they wouldn't be able to enter into cryogenic sleep, but at least they both would remain alive.

And it would certainly not be a simple task, as the tubes are directly attached to the passengers bloodstream. He tried to gather faith that it could be accomplished. He shared his proposal with Nova and she seemed afraid but also hopeful that this would solve their problem. With renewed optimism, he then began researching the technical information of the medical feeding system to better comprehend its complex design and inner workings. He needed to act quickly, as Nova was already without water for too long. So he was hastily pouring over diagrams and graphs related to the feeding and water systems functionality.

The realization came quickly. It would not be possible to share the nutrition and water supply effectively. It had been designed as a single-use system specifically for one person, so once removed from his body it would no longer be attachable to someone else. Even if by some outrageous chance they managed to do so briefly, it was certain that the system would break down after repeatedly swapping it, with no possibility of repair.

So Anon's hopes of things somehow working out for the best were lost, as it became apparent to him that changing the system back and forth was not an option. He was then faced with having to explain this to Nova, a task that felt impossible due to the gravity of the situation. What if it meant she was completely doomed, destined to die in his arms here in the pod? He didn't want to accept what seemed like a certainty, yet he had no other possible explanations. His heart felt like it was ripping into two.

Nova was surprisingly courageous as she processed the news. With a faint smile, she uttered that there is still a sliver of hope that they might be found before it's too late. Anon nodded in agreement, even though deep down he knew how unlikely such an outcome was. Still, he wanted to give her something to cling on to and not have her entirely give up hope just yet.

But it was Nova who would lighten the atmosphere again. Her countenance unexpectedly transformed to a cheerful smile, and she explained that she had faith that they would be saved shortly. With an amusement she added that she had been looking for a way to get away from this large dick for quite some time now. She was sure that the distress signals they send out would draw somebody's attention quickly.

With his spirits lifted, Anon was reminded of his true physical presence. He had almost forgotten about the sensations that coursed through his loins for a moment. But at the same time, he felt a bit uneasy and was worried that any sudden twitching or pulsing of his member might be offensive to Nova in such a delicate moment. He tried to ignore it and focus on the conversation, but still he could feel himself flush with embarrassment from time to time at its persistent reminder.

He was attempting to take his mind off of the situation, telling Nova that he would run a diagnostic on the pod's systems and see if they could do anything else to optimize their chances of rescue. As he combed through the pods communication data history on the computer terminal, Nova seemed to be in deep thoughts by herself.

Anon was poring over the logs of the radio system, attempting to find any signs of life beyond their own, when Nova interrupted him.

She lightly tapped his shoulder to get his attention, but when he turned to face her, she was silent. He could see from the way her eyes kept flitting around that she was looking for a way to broach whatever had been on her mind.

She addressed him by his name adding a level of seriousness to the following monolog. She began to explain that she had come up with a potential solution to their problem. However, she still wasn't sure if it would work, or even if it was the right thing to do. As she spoke, her words starting running together in her haste and nervousness. She started rambling as she skipped around the idea that had been at the forefront of her mind without ever actually articulating what she wanted to suggest.

Even though her anxious chatter had Anon mesmerised and almost fall in love with her, eventually he needed to bring it to a halt. He asked her what she was ultimately proposing. Nova wore an doubtful and skeptical expression on her face as she then proposed that it could it be possible for her to feed and sustain herself through him, with the life support tubes nourishing her channeled through his body.

Anon was holding his breath as his mind was trying to process what she had just proposed. He couldn't believe it. Was she actually suggesting that she take a drink from him. It was outrageous. But then again, what other options were there? Nothing else seemed to be helping her situation, and she needed a solution quickly.

Anon was getting conscious of how long he took to respond. Nova was looking at him with an anxious yet hopeful expression. She waited for an answer, and then he slowly nodded in agreement. He admitted that this was a thought he hadn't taken into account before now.

His imagination started to take a darker turn, water was not the only requirement. Nova would eventually need food too. This thought immediately aroused him greatly as he fantasised about Nova taking him in her mouth and sucking out his protein rich semen with relish.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This is right up my alley, please write more

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I mean, he could get her pregnant, and then find a way to transfer the nutrition system to her, and then he could drink her milk….it’s closer to his face after all.

jwswinglejwswingleover 1 year ago

Hmmm. She could be a vampire; that would kind of work for her sustenance.Otherwise, with as tight/cramped as the scenario describes the pod, they have no chance of turning one of them 180 degrees, let alone not the length in the pod for a soixante-neuf. Still, I absolutely want to see more soon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Awesome scenario!!! Please keep going

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