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Country Store Ch. 02

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College girl finds trouble in a familiar place.
7.8k words

Part 2 of the 19 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 01/26/2007
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I spent the rest of my summer trying to forget my little adventure in the Country Store. I felt dirty at first and a little embarrassed but eventually those feelings faded and I scared myself a little at times when I sort of got excited thinking about the old fat man slamming into my little pussy from behind. I wondered what that would have looked like had someone been watching? A young, fresh coed getting fucked by an old, dirty clerk on a pile of old boxes. Hmmm, yes, that was probably quite a sight. Luckily for me, there was no one there to see so the image was solely in my mind.

The summer was coming to a close and it was getting to be time to start thinking about getting back to school. My friend Ken was driving me back and we were set to leave in a couple of days. It was very depressing because the weather was still very nice and I was having a blast hanging out at the beach with all my friends. I spent at least 5 days a week there so my tan was amazing. I was very proud as I looked at myself in the mirror every morning. My body was in great shape and the tan lines around my breasts and waist just made it seem sexier to me. The only bad thing about the summer was that I didn't have any boyfriend to speak of so I was a little frustrated at the lack of intimacy, if you will.

I was lying in bed the night before we were scheduled to leave. Ken wanted to get on the road relatively early so he was picking me up around 8:00. We had a four hour drive ahead of us so that would get us there around lunchtime. Perfect, we could catch a bite at the cute little diner on campus. I missed the tuna melt sandwiches there. The ceiling fan was spinning over me slowly, moving the warm air around softly. It was hot but I loved it, the heat didn't bother me, especially when I could lat around without any clothes on. My door was locked so my mom or dad couldn't wander in as I lay naked on top of my sheets. I loved the feel of the warm air as it flowed over my body. I closed my eyes and let my mind wander. Life was grand.

I felt my nipples harden a bit as my thoughts moved to the little episode in the store on the trip home. I felt my pussy getting hot as I remembered being fucked from behind by the clerk. What was I doing? How could I think that what happened to me could be anything other than a violent rape? But, I didn't tell anyone so what does that say about me? Did I actually enjoy it? What kind of girl would enjoy something like that? My thoughts raced around as my fingers touched my erect nipples. I felt a little surge of electricity hit my nipples. A soft moan escaped my lips. My fingers pinched my nipples and pleasure flowed through my little body. My left hand continued to rub my sensitive nipples and my right ventured farther south to my hot little pussy.

I bit my lower lip as my finger hit my swollen clit. My hips lurched up as the pre-orgasm hit me. I rubbed my clit softly and my body was now on fire. I felt my orgasm start at my toes and run up my long legs. Just before it hit me the sound of the old man slapping against my ass ran through my mind. That did it, I exploded on my bed and my body lurched up into the air. I felt the shudder of my orgasm run through my body. I shook for at least 30 seconds as I came hard. My fingers were pulling on my little clit and pinching my nipples hard. I could feel the sweat pouring down the side of my face. I slowly came down from my pleasure high and my breathing slowed down. I was trying to take slow deep breaths. My eyes were still closed as I felt sleep come over me slowly. My mind ran in and out of consciousness and the last thing I remember before I faded off to sleep was the feel of the old man's cock as he rammed it into me.

My alarm went off at 7:00 and I sat up in bed. I was covered in sweat as the temperature has risen dramatically overnight. I looked down and saw my breasts and thighs glistening with the moisture on them. I felt a drip of sweat run down my chest and fall off my nipple. You gotta love the south, I thought and smiled. I climbed out of bed and jumped into the cool shower. The water felt good running over me and I felt much better as I got out and wrapped myself up in a towel. I looked at myself in the mirror and decided I didn't need any makeup today. I was still young enough to get away with it and I didn't feel like messing with it. We were only riding back to school.

I walked into my closet to pick out clothes. It had to be something light as it was a scorcher outside. I looked around and picked out a light little white peasant blouse that had elastic around the top and bottom. I loved this shirt so I grabbed it. I thought about wearing some jean shorts but my eyes hit my little blue cotton skirt. It was pleated and very cute. It was also very light and relatively short so it would be very cool. I grabbed it and walked back into my bedroom. I opened my dresser and looked at my underwear. I decided on a pair of white lace bra and panties. The bra needed to be white or it would be too obvious under the white shirt and the panties matched so I pulled them out and plopped down on my bed.

I slipped the panties up over my legs and I loved the way they contrasted with my tan skin. I snapped the bra on in front and slid it around to get the clasp in the back. I pulled the cups up over my full breasts and pulled the straps over my shoulders. I put the shirt on over my head and pulled it down. The sleeves were such that you could wear them over the shoulder or pull them down over your arms and expose the shoulders. I had chosen a bra with straps so I pulled the shirt up onto my shoulders. I slipped the little skirt on and went back into the bathroom to check out the mirror. The shirt was very cute and you could barely see the bra. The bottom of the shirt ended a couple of inches above the skirt so my flat little belly was exposed. I liked this look and I thought I would take advantage of my belly as long as I could. The skirt hit my legs around mid thigh and it went well with the shirt. My long tan legs looked good coming out of the skirt and I was very pleased. I turned to go back into my bedroom and I thought about Ken. I had only seen him a couple of times over the summer but I knew he had a crush on me. I think he will enjoy the ride back to school. I chuckled as I realized I was such a tease.

I drug all my luggage down to the door just as Ken pulled into the driveway. I saw him get out of the car and I opened the door.

"Hey Kim, you ready?" he said.

"Yep, almost. All my stuff is here." I responded.

"No problem, I'll get it." He said, cheerfully.

I watched him lug my huge bag out the door and towards his car. He was really a nice guy and sorta cute. I had never thought about him romantically, more like a brother. Maybe that would have to change, I thought as devious images raced across my mind. What was wrong with me? Was I becoming a little slut? I couldn't stop the erotic thoughts from running through my mind. I shook my head slightly and went into the kitchen.

"Mom, Dad, I'm leaving." I yelled.

My Mom came into the kitchen from the den and my Dad came from the study.

"Have a good trip, sweetie, and call us as soon as you get there." My Mom said and hugged me tight.

"Do you have your AAA card and all your school stuff?" My Dad asked.

"Yes, Daddy" I said and walked over to him.

"You be a good girl and I want to see the grades I know you can get." He said with a serious look on his face.

"Yes, Daddy." I said in a little girl voice and hugged him. I felt him squeeze me hard and lift me off the ground. I could not help but feel his hard chest smash my breasts. He held me up in the air for a few seconds and put me down slowly. He kissed me on the forehead.

My Mom kissed me on the cheek and gave me another hug. I saw Ken return to the door and all my stuff was gone. My Dad walked over to the door and shook Ken's hand. I saw them talking as my Mom continued to hug me. She let me go and we started towards the door.

"You kids be careful and call if you need any help." My Dad said to Ken.

"Sure thing, Mr. Simpson." Ken said.

Ken stepped out the door and I followed him to his car. I turned and waved one more time before I scrambled into the front seat. I smoothed out my skirt as I sat down and turned to look at Ken. He was staring at my legs and he snapped back as I looked at him. I smiled and he blushed. So it begins, I thought.

"You got everything you need, Kim?" he stammered.

"I think so, you?" I said, amazed at myself for so blatantly teasing him.

"Yeah, I guess we're ready then." He said, regaining his composure.

He started the car and started to back out. As he turned around to look behind him, his crotch moved towards me and I saw he was already sporting a little bulge and we hadn't left the driveway. This was going to be a fun trip.

We hit the highway with the top down and the wind was whipping my long blonde hair around the front seat. I grabbed it and pulled it into a ponytail. I had kicked off my shoes and I was sitting cross-legged in the front seat. Ken and I were laughing so hard as we were telling all the funny stories about our summer. I was laughing so hard I was afraid I would pee my pants. My hands were in between my legs, pushing my skirt down and exposing even more of my legs.

"Kim, we have to stop soon and get some gas." He said.

"Good, because I am about to burst so no more stories." I said.

"Aw, I was going to tell the one about Johnny falling asleep at the party." He said.

I had heard about that from one of my friends so I knew some of the details.

"No way, save that one until after I can pee." I said.

"If you insist." He said.

I straightened out my legs and leaned back in my seat. My legs were a little stiff so I propped them up on the dashboard. My skirt fell down a little and I saw Ken's head snap over out of the corner of my eye. I closed my eyes and played the little innocent schoolgirl as I felt the wind whip around my legs and my skirt jump a bit.

"Wake me up when you want to stop" I said, without opening my eyes.

"Ok, sweet dreams." He said.

I leaned back farther. I felt the wind moving around my legs and it felt great in the heat. I decided I would not move and see what would happen to my skirt. Ken would think I was asleep after all. I stayed in that position as my skirt did a few little flips from the wind. I felt it move a little closer to my waist and I knew most of my thighs must be visible. I knew Ken was probably staring big time, I hope he didn't drive off the road. Just as I thought about a fiery crash, a big gust of wind whipped around my legs and I felt my skirt hit me in the stomach. It landed at my waist and I knew Ken could now see my panties. I sat perfectly still and tried very hard not to move. Another gust pushed it a little but it stayed pretty far up my legs. It stayed there for a couple of minutes before another gust pushed it down my legs. I smiled as I felt a surge of drowsiness hit me. I was so bad.

"Kim, wake up" I heard a small voice and felt a push on my shoulder.

I came to out of a deep sleep and realized my legs were still on the dashboard. They seemed to be asleep. I pulled them down and rubbed them to get the feeling back into them. We were stopped at a gas station.

"I think my legs went to sleep." I said to Ken.

"I'm not surprised, you were snoring." He said.

"I don't snore!" I said and he just smiled back.

I felt the feeling start to return to my legs and then realized my bladder was about to explode.

"Oh crap, I have to go bad!" I said.

"Go ahead, I need to get some gas." He said.

I opened my door and pulled my legs out. I grabbed my shoes and slipped them on.

"Get me a coke, ok?" Ken asked.

"Sure." I said and climbed out of the car.

I walked slowly around the car, trying to get my legs to respond. They started to feel a little better as I grabbed the door and went in. I stopped dead in the doorway when I realized I was in the same country store that we stopped at on the way home. My heart skipped a beat and my eyes darted immediately to the clerk behind the desk. He was a different guy. I felt relief wash over me. He was black and incredibly even fatter than the other guy was. He had a sweet face and he smiled at me.

"Can I help you, honey?" he said.

"I need to use your restroom." I said, trying to relax.

"Right back here." He said and turned to point at the door behind the counter.

I scrambled around the counter and went in the bathroom. I pulled my little panties down and sat down. My relief was immediate as my bladder emptied. I realized I had gotten lucky that the other clerk wasn't there. There was no telling what would have happened to me if he had been there. Would I have turned and run? My mind raced with the possibilities. I finished and wiped myself clean. I stood up and pulled up my panties. I thought about Ken for a second and wondered how long he had stared at my legs and panties while I was sleeping. I was such a bad girl, I should stop doing that to him. He was such a nice guy.

I opened the door and stepped out. I noticed the clerk from the back and he looked even bigger from back here. He turned to face me.

"Thank you so much." I said.

"No problem, honey. You need anything else?" he responded.

"Yes, I'm going to get a couple of drinks." I said.

"Help yourself, they're right over there." He said and pointed to a cooler at the other side of the store.

"Thanks" I answered and started to walk toward the cooler.

I froze as I got close to the entrance as I saw someone rounding the corner with a couple of cases of beer. He blocked the way out from behind the counter so I stopped to wait for him to go through. I looked up and immediately my heart rate went up.

"Well, I'll be God Damn!! Sugar britches, you came back to see us!" the man said and it confirmed to me that I was looking at the same clerk who had raped me before. I could just stare at him.

"And you're looking hot again! Frank, did you meet sugar britches?" he said, turning to the other clerk.

"This is the little girl who visited me a couple months back and offered her charms to me." He chuckled as he placed the two cases of beer on a pile to his right. He continued to block my only escape route with his massive body.

The other clerk just stared at me and I felt like I was on display.

"Frank, open that top drawer and pull out those pictures." The man said.

The other clerk opened a drawer and pulled out a stack of pictures. I knew exactly what they were and I was getting scared again. He handed them to the man in front of me. He started flipping through them.

"See, here is one of her holding up her nice little titties to me and here is one of her after she pulled down her panties and she is showing us her pretty pussy. Ah, but here is my favorite. See, here she is leaking my cum after she let me fuck that pretty pussy." He held up each picture as he described it.

"Well, sugar britches, what brings you back to visit?" he asked.

"I...just needed the bathroom." I stammered out.

"Yeah, that's what you said last time before you sucked me off and spread those pretty legs for me. I think you came back for some more action. A little slut like you just couldn't drive past without checking it out." He said and laughed.

"No, I really just needed the bathroom. Please let me go." I pleaded.

"Henry, maybe we should just let her go." The black clerk said.

"Frank, what was it you said when I showed you those pictures? I believe it was something like -- If that little whore comes back around I will feed her some black snake. Wasn't that it, Frank?" the man said.

I saw Frank lower his head and I realized that was probably exactly what he had said.

"No, I think sugar britches here is going to show us another good time to pay for using our bathroom. Nothing is free any more, baby girl." He said and started to walk towards me. I couldn't move as he grabbed my arm.

"Frank, have a seat over there." Henry said and pointed to a stool. Frank went and sat on it, his bulk hiding the entire stool.

Henry led me over to him and pushed me down to my knees.

"Now sweetie, take out the famous black snake for Frank." He said as he held a strong hand on my shoulder.

"Please, don't make me do this, just let me go." I pleaded as I felt tears welling up in my eyes.

"Baby girl, I have pictures of your sweet goodies and I also have a nice surveillance video of you taking my cock here behind this counter. Now if you don't want daddy to see any of that you will cooperate and then we'll send you on your way." He said softly in my ear.

I thought of my daddy watching that video and reached out to unbuckle the pants in front of me. I undid the belt and then the button. His belly jiggled as the pressure was released. I grabbed the zipper and pulled it down. I saw he was wearing dirty white underwear. I also saw a huge bulge behind the underwear. I reached slowly in and pulled out his cock. It was not completely hard but it was already at least 8 inches and my hand barely fit all the way around it. It looked scary.

I held the massive piece of flesh and felt it hardening in my hand. It was now at least 10 inches and was easily the biggest one I had ever seen. I felt Henry's hand pushing on the back of my head and he pushed me until my mouth came in contact with the head. I took a deep breath and opened my mouth slowly. Henry continued to push and the huge, black cock started to slide into my warm mouth. I felt it cross my teeth and quickly fill up my mouth. I could see there was still a lot of it left hanging out.

"Go ahead sweet thing, swallow that monster. I know you can do it, you probably sucked off the whole football team back at school." Henry said.

I could not get any more of it in my mouth but Henry continued to push my head. I felt it hit the back of my throat and I put my hands on the black man's thighs to try and keep it from going any farther. I felt Henry put his other hand on my head and started to push harder. The cock entered my throat and my air supply was cut off. I started scrambling to breathe and Henry rammed my head forward, shoving the huge cock all the way down my throat. My nose was buried in his pubic hair and the smell was horrible. I could feel the dizziness coming as I struggled for breath. Just as I felt I would pass out Henry pulled me quickly back.

I leaned back and tried to regain my breath. My head felt light and I could feel my chest gasping for air. I recovered rather quickly and my breathing was restored. I looked and saw the giant cock glistening with my saliva. It was sticking straight up from his lap and looked even bigger.

"Ok, now baby, you start loving on that monster with that pretty little mouth of yours and you make sure you use that tongue to make ole Frank happy." Henry said.

I looked over at him and he was staring at me with the pictures back in his hand. I looked back and reached for the big tool and pulled it towards my mouth. I licked the head and sucked it into my mouth, moving my tongue around the head in my mouth. I went down as far as I could go and then pulled slowly back out. I let it pop out of my mouth and then ran my tongue down the shaft and back up. I took the cock back in my mouth and sucked it as deep as I could. I heard Frank moan as I moved my head up and down on him. I felt him grab my head and run his hands through my hair as I bobbed on his massive black cock. I could feel the veins as my lips rubbed across it. My mouth was getting tired from having to stay open so wide for so long.

I felt him grab my head hard and pull me towards him. I held back as the cock hit the back of my throat again and he relaxed and didn't pull any farther. I felt his cock twitch in my mouth and then felt a large spurt of warm cum hit the back of my throat. My mouth filled up immediately and I tried to swallow. Some of the warm liquid went down my throat but another large load fired into my mouth. I felt it leaking out around the cock in my mouth and running down my chin. I pulled back slowly to try to get the cock out of me and felt another load shoot out of it. Now the cum was flowing out of the corners of my mouth and landing on my chest. I felt it soaking my shirt. I popped the cock out of my mouth and tried to swallow again. I saw another load shoot out and hit me in the chin. I got most of it down my throat and my mouth was finally empty. I let go of the cock and it plopped down against his thigh. I was trying to catch my breath when I felt my hair being pulled up and I scrambled to my feet.


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