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Cousin Lovin

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A weekend spent with two sexy cousins and older sister.
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Hello, this is my entry into the Summer Lovin' Story Contest 2023 so please rate it if you liked it. Comments are always appreciated. Thank you.

Nathen and Emma were swimming in their pool, waiting for their cousins to come over. They were excited to get their house to themselves for the weekend since their parents and Aunt were on vacation together. Nathen was glad to be lazy for a good chunk of the summer. He knew he would always be busy once he started his first semester of college, so he promised himself that he would try and take it as easy as possible this summer.

Nathen was glad to have his older sister back for the summer. He had been missing her since she moved away to college. As much as he wanted the house to himself, Nathen had to admit that he would probably go stir-crazy, and the house would probably get so messy that it would end up being condemned if he didn't have Emma around. Three years older than him, Emma acted like an extra parent to him, always being there for him when he needed her.

Emma climbed out of the pool to check her text messages. Nathen couldn't help but check her out. Emma had always looked amazing, but she looked even better after being away for college. Her light brown hair was longer than he had ever seen, going down to the middle of her back. Her bikini struggled to contain her large breasts and left most of her nice plump ass exposed. She worked out, so her ass still maintained a tightness to it. Nathen tried his best not to check her out, but it was hard not to with how amazing she looked.

Nathen was relaxing on a floating pool bed when he heard the screech of the backyard gate opening. He looked up and saw his cousins, Zoey and Allison, walking toward the pool. Nathen tried not to stare at his cousins, but it was hard with them in their bathing suits. Zoey was just a couple of months younger than him; she had just turned eighteen a few months ago. She was the most petite in the family with small breasts, but she had a fantastic plump ass rivaling Emma's for the best in the family. She had dark brown hair that contrasted beautifully with her pale skin. Allison, Zoey's older sister, was just a few months younger than Emma. Allison had black hair in a longer pixie cut that framed her face. Allison was the most fit in the family, constantly going on runs and to the gym. She had the second biggest tits in the family, and her ass was incredibly toned but small from all her exercise. They had lived in a house down the road his entire life, so their families grew up together. Zoey and Nathen had always been close growing up and were each other's best friends. Emma and Allison had just as close of a connection. It had worked perfectly while they were growing up, with the younger siblings pairing up and the older ones doing likewise.

Zoey set her towel down on one of the poolside chairs and started methodically applying sunblock. Allison, on the other hand, ran towards the pool to jump in. Nathen couldn't help but notice how her breasts bounced as she ran and jumped into the pool.

Allison and Emma were in the deep end of the pool swimming laps together when Zoey finally got into the pool. Zoey walked down the steps and then submerged herself under the water. Nathen acted like he wasn't watching her swim towards him. He rolled off the bed when she emerged and tried to knock him into the water. Before Zoey could react, Nathen wrapped his arms around her legs and lifted her out of the water. As Nathen surfaced, he heard Zoey's scream for a moment before he threw her deeper into the water. With Zoey being the most petite in the family and Nathen being the tallest with his toned build, he easily launched her out of the pool.

"You jerk!" Zoey said as she spat out the water.

"Hey, you were the one who started it," Nathen said nonchalantly. Zoey splashed water at him, and he returned water.

"Uh-oh, looks like the lovers are fighting," Allison said. Zoey's pale skin grew flush.

"Can you shut up for once about that?" Zoey asked.

"Awe, but you two were so cute when you had a crush together," Allison said.

"We were five," Nathen said, knowing it was useless. Emma and Allison were never going to let them live it down.             

Allison kept on teasing them about it. Zoey told her to shut up. Allison swam up to Zoey, and the two got into a wrestling match, trying to grapple and dunk each other. Emma and Nathen watched their crazy cousins wrestle. This happened almost as often as the teasing. Zoey surprisingly held her own for a bit, using her petite body to spin out of Allison's hold and slip around behind her. It looked like maybe Zoey was going to win for once, but Allison was the most athletic out of all of them, and only when it looked like Zoey was going to get her did she slip out of Zoey's grip and get her in a full nelson hold.

"Let go of me," Zoey said as she tried to wriggle free, but Allison only tightened her hold.

"Not until you say it," Allison said.

"Come on," Zoey said as she started to calm down and stopped struggling.

"You know what to. Hey!" Allison said as Zoey tried to break free with a burst of energy. Zoey managed to get an arm up, which caused Allison's arm to push against her bikini. Nathen was surprised to see most of one of Zoey's breasts, but the bikini clung to her chest before she could be fully exposed.

"You're pulling down my bikini," Zoey cried out.


"Nathen's here," Zoey said as she started to get embarrassed.

"If you don't want lover boy to see you topless, then all you got to do is stop struggling and just say it." Zoey tried to fight her way free one last time, causing her bikini to ride up more. Nathen could see how the bikini was stretched tight against her breasts, holding it up. Just a little higher, and they would spring free. Nathen's cock twitched at the sight. Even though Nathen tried to pretend that his childhood crush on Zoey was long past, he never lost those feelings for her. They had a very touchy feelie relationship, which he loved, but it fueled his taboo feelings for her. A few times when they were alone, cuddled up on the couch or his bed, he had the nearly irresistible urge to kiss Zoey. It was only through sheer force of will and not wanting to do something to upset his cousin and best friend that he had been able to hold back. Even though he tried not to let it happen, Zoey had a way of intruding upon his thoughts when he was masturbating. She would pop into his fantasies like Kramer did into Jerry's apartment in the old Seinfeld sitcom that he and Zoey grew up watching reruns of together.

Zoey stopped resisting again, this time for real. "Ok, you are the best and most beautiful sister. I am the luckiest littlest," but she mumbles it.

"What was that?" Allison asked. "I couldn't hear you."

"You are the best and most beautiful sister who I am the luckiest to have," Zoey said, louder this time.

"See, that wasn't so hard." Allison let her go. When Zoey got a few feet away from her, she turned around and splashed Allison while he was talking. Emma and Nathen laughed as Allison sputtered out the water and called Zoey a bitch, but she didn't pursue Zoey to get revenge.

Zoey swam over to Nathen, looking embarrassed. "Why didn't you help me?" She asked.

"And miss the show?" Nathen said with a grin.

"Jerk," Zoey said and playfully hit him on the arm.

"You looked like you almost had her," Nathen said.

"Yeah, I thought I did for a moment. It would have been great to beat her for once."

"There is always next time," Nathen said.

"You mean in a couple of hours, tomorrow at the latest?" Emma said as she swam over to them.

"Probably," admitted Zoey. Allison was outgoing while Zoey was demur, so they tended to stay out of each other's way, except when hanging out with Nathen and Emma. Their hostility usually only showed when they teased and wrestled with each other.

"What do you guys plan to do with your parents gone?" Zoey asked.

"Yeah, are you going to throw any parties?" Allison asked.

"Not a chance," Emma said.

"Come on, that's no fun," Allison pouted.

"All I plan to do is rest, catch up on my backlog of shows to watch, and work on my tan," Emma said.

"Figures you would go off to college and then return even more boring," Allison said.

"Or maybe I was so crazy when I was away at school that I need some time to recuperate," Emma said with a smirk.

"Yeah right," Allison said, but she seemed to be trying to figure out if Emma was being serious or not.

They swam around a bit, and Allison suggested they play chicken fight. Unless they were racing, relaxing laps around the pool wasn't exactly her style. They all agreed to play. Emma and Nathen were taller, so they were always on the bottom. Zoey climbed onto Nathen's shoulders, and he wrapped my arms around her legs to hold her in place. Nathen became intensely aware that her pussy was pressing against the back of his neck. He started to get hard, but he told himself to focus on the task so we could win.

Allison climbed on Emma's shoulders, and they got into position across from each other. Emma counted to three, and then we started forward. The fight between Zoey and Allison was just as intense as before. Allison got a hold of one of Zoey's arms and started to try and pull her down into the water, but Nathen stepped forward so that Zoey could straighten up enough to recover her balance. They grappled again. Emma and Nathen had to step in towards each other to make sure we could keep their partners up. Emma pressed against him, her large, soft breasts pressing into his chest. She stuck her leg out to try and trip him up, her thigh pressed against his erection. It felt so good, but with a jolt, Nathen realized that Emma would notice that he was hard. Emma's eyes went wide. He tried to step back, but Zoey managed to get a hold of Allison. When pushing didn't work, Zoey pulled on Allison, forcing Emma to step forward again.

Emma pressed her body even harder against Nathen. Her breasts pressed against his chest, and he felt her hard nipples while she felt his erection again. He tried his best to keep Zoey up while avoiding pressing into Emma anymore and making his arousal more evident, but he was distracted by a thought. Emma's nipples hadn't been hard when they first pressed against each other. He wondered if she was getting turned on. He was distracted, and his opponents took advantage of it and knocked Zoey off him.

Allison and Emma celebrated. "Team firstborns always win," Allison taunted.

"Come on champ, I think it's time we hit the hot tub," Emma said.

"Come on, one more match," Allison said. Nathen suspected it had been too close a match and wanted a rematch to prove her superiority. It was never enough for Allison to win. She needed to deal out a crushing defeat. Nathen shuddered as he remembered how competitive she had gotten the last time they had all gone mini golfing together.

Emma grabbed Allison's arm and led her to the steps. Emma whispered briefly in Allison's ear. After Emma finished whatever she said, Allison stopped resisting, and they glanced at him. Nathen's heart stopped as he realized what Emma must have told her.

Nathen watched raptly as Allison climbed out of the water, presenting her tight firm ass that was barely concealed by her bikini bottoms, and then Emma climbed out, putting her bigger ass on display.

"Do you want to go and get in the hot tub with them?" Zoey asked.

"Yeah, but why don't we swim around for a few more minutes? I am not quite ready to get out yet."

"Yeah ok," Zoey said.

Nathen tried to think of everything he could to will his erection away, but it was there to stay.

"Aren't you going to join us?" Allison asked after a couple of minutes. She looked knowingly at Nathen as she said it.

"Yeah coming," Nathen started to swim towards the edge. Zoey reached the edge before him and climbed over the pool's edge. This gave him a fantastic view of her ass as she pulled herself out of the water. He loved everything about Zoey, but it was her ass that he masturbated the most to. He loved thinking about how the taper of her hips drew his eyes to it, making him wish to hold them while taking her from behind or while she rode on top of him. That fantastic view ruined most of Nathen's work to will away his erection. He thought about staying in the water longer but had already told Zoey they would join the others in the hot tub. He was already acting weird enough as it was. Hopefully, they wouldn't notice.

Nathen climbed out of the water and followed Zoey to the hot tub. He felt exposed as he walked up. As he was about to climb in, Nathen noticed that Allison was looking at his erection. It was just for a moment, but the look lingered. Nathen jumped in the last step to quickly hide his issue. He was terrified that Allison or Emma would say something about it to Zoey. He was already embarrassed enough, but he especially didn't want Zoey to know that he got turned in by his family members.

"How have the college boys been? Are you seeing anyone?" Allison asked.

"I am not seeing anyone, but I have hooked up a few times while at parties," Emma said.

"Oh, you got to tell me all about it. What was the biggest cock you had?" Allison asked.

"Allison!" Zoey said in surprise.

"Relax, Zoey. Tell me about the last time," Allison said.

"While..." Emma hesitated. "I went to a party last week and met one of my classmates there. We danced for a while, and then she invited me back to her dorm room." It took Nathen a moment to process what Emma just said. She? She had always had boyfriends, so the thought that his older sister was bi was a surprise.

"What happened next?" Alice asked, unphased by what Emma said.

"We made out for a while, and then her roommate came home before we could really get going. I thought that maybe that would be the end of things, but her roommate was hot and pretty cool. We all talked for a bit, and when she offered to leave and give us some privacy, my classmate asked if she wanted to stay if it was okay with both of us, and I said yeah," Emma said.

"How was it?" Alice asked.

"Amazing. They focused on me, eating me out and playing with my tits. I lost track of how many times I came that night," Emma said wistfully. Nathen was used to them talking about boys while he and Zoey hung out near them, and while they had always been a bit vulgar, they had never been that explicit. Nathen got hard as he imagined his older sister in a lesbian threesome.

"Maybe talk about this later," Zoey said as she pointedly looked at Nathen to remind them that he was there with them.

"Come on, I am pretty sure you want to hear about this too, miss virgin," Allison said.

"Shut up," Zoey said, but she no longer objected to what they were talking about. She was too embarrassed.

"I think it was one of the best times I ever got eaten out. Her roommate ended up being even more of a freak than she was, and while my classmate was eating me out, she ate my ass," Emma said.

"Emma!" Zoey said while starting to blush.

"It feels a lot better than you would think," Emma said. "So what about you?" She asked Allison.

"You're making me jealous. I have been in a bit of a dry spell the last few weeks," Allison said.

"I can be your wingwoman and help you get laid," Emma said with her sweet smile. Nathen almost questioned if this conversation was really happening.

"Thank you. I have been needing a good fucking," Allison said.

"I can vouch for that. I have been hearing her vibrator almost every night," Zoey said with a sly smile.

"Zoey shut up," Allison said in embarrassment. Zoey smiled, glad that she could finally make her older sister feel embarrassed for once. They laughed, and Zoey and Allison got into a splash fight. Nathen and Emma had to take sides in the battle, so it didn't end until the area around the hot tub was drenched in water. Afterward, they sat silent for a time, relaxing in the water.

Allison and Emma got out of the hot tub first. As Emma got out, she asked if everyone was okay with eating pizza tonight, and they all said yes. Nathen couldn't help but check them out as they climbed out of the hot tub. Emma had such a nice plump ass, while Allison's was small but firm. Nathen forced himself to look away before Zoey caught him checking them out.              

"Ready to go in?" Zoey asked Nathen a few minutes later. He had been relaxing with his eyes closed and had just calmed down enough to lose his erection.

"Yeah, let's go," Nathen said. Zoey climbed out of the hot tub before him. Her bikini bottom clung tightly to her ass, contouring her curves perfectly. Nathen told himself to look away but couldn't resist looking at Zoey's perfect ass.


After eating pizza, Nathen and Zoey went to his room to watch movies for the rest of the night. They liked enough of the same shows and movies that there was always something for them to watch together. Zoey always insisted on them cuddling together while they watched things. It was another thing that Nathen loved, yet it increased his deviant feelings for his cousin.

"Hey, you two, make sure to keep the door open," Emma said as she knocked on Nathen's door as she walked by. Nathen and Zoey let out a sigh. Even though they had crushes on each other more than ten years ago, their older sisters would never let them live it down.

"I really wish they would drop that already," Zoey sighed.

"Me too, but maybe if we didn't cuddle up like this together," Nathen said, pulling his arm out from underneath her head. Zoey grabbed it and held it in place as she snuggled against him. Nathen knew that some would think it was weird for them to be so close to each other. Zoey had been the first to initiate the cuddling. Nathen loved every moment since it gave him some outlet for his romantic feelings for her.

"Nope. We are not stopping. Just because we are cousins doesn't mean I shouldn't be allowed access to someone so fantastic at cuddling." Zoey said, snuggling up even more into him. Nathen had an odd sense of déjà vu back to the first time Nathen had tried to point out that maybe they shouldn't be cuddling like this, but Zoey had convinced him back then, too. Since Zoey started it, Nathen wouldn't fight something he also wanted.

Nathen loved the feeling of Zoey's body pressed back against him. Whenever their bare skin touched, or a hand lightly rested on a thigh, it sent goosebumps racing across his skin. The point of contact acted like the epicenter of an earthquake as those pleasure waves echoed out, rebounding off one another as the touches overlapped. Nathen started to get hard as Zoey's ass pressed against him.

Zoey shifted back against him and pressed her ass into his erection. She tensed up. Nathen froze, waiting for her to freak out, but instead, she relaxed in his arms. Nathen sighed in relief. He scooted back against the wall so as not to be fully pressing against her ass, but Zoey followed and pressed against him again.

They lay like that for the next hour. Nathen was hard the entire time. When the movie finished, Zoey got up to use the restroom. Nathen lay on his back with his hands cradling the back of his head, looking up at the ceiling and processing what just happened. Since she had to have noticed, Nathen realized there were two possibilities. Either Zoey didn't care that he was getting hard and was ignoring it so as not to embarrass him, or maybe even she liked it. Nathen knew it was probably the first thing, but the thought of Zoey getting turned on by him made him even harder.                            

Nathen reached down and started to rub himself through his shorts. He thought about all he had seen today and how it felt to have the different girls' beautiful bodies pressing against him. As Nathen thought about how he had nearly seen Zoey's fully exposed breast and felt Emma's nipples pressing against him, he started to rub himself more. Nathen knew that he should stop. Zoey had only been gone for a couple of minutes, and he didn't know how long she would be gone, so he shouldn't risk it, but after being turned on all day, Nathen was dying for release. Nathen slipped his hand inside his shorts and started to jerk off. He was so pent up that he knew it wouldn't take long. He could get away with it if he could finish before Zoey returned. Nathen used his memory of the events and his imagination to push himself closer to the edge.

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