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Cracking the Whip

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She teaches him his limits.
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It all started about a month ago. When this very beautiful woman first started talking to him. The felt as though they could talk to each other about anything. So they did. Each would tell of what turns them on and what really turns them off. Neither of them seemed to be too offended by the others fantasy's. Here is one fantasy that he shared with her.

"Abby would you be interested in tying me up?" he ask her.

"Well it is funny that you would ask that, since I have just recently got into using rope as a play toy." She stated with a half long smile. "What are you wanting done to you once I have you tied up?"

He thought for a long moment then stated, "Anything you want, as long as it doesn't do any permeate damage."

"Anything I want?"

"Yes you heard me anything you want." He said.

"What if I want to pinch your nipples or slap your cock and balls around a bit."

"If that is what it takes then please do it all. I have never found a limit to where I am willing to go. So I am hoping that you can teach me my limits." He said.

"Ok Larry, here are the ground rules before we ever begin. First you will have to totally naked. Second if you become too loud then I am allowed to gag you. Third I can do anything I want to you as long as it doesn't leave permeate damage. Do you accept these rules?" she asked.

With his face blushing all he could do was just nod yes.

"Take off all your clothes and place them on the floor."

He took off his shirt, shoes, and pants putting them on the floor as instructed.

"Now take off your underwear too. Don't make me repeat myself you wont like the outcome of it." She said with a stern look on her face.

"But I thought you would be naked too?" he questioned.

"I never said that was one of the rules." She laughed.

Slowly he removed his under ware and placed them on the floor. Now standing naked in front of the long legged beauty he felt really vulnerable. Listening to her laugh at his small penis which was rapidly shrinking do to his worry at what was to lay a head.

"Now lay back on the bed and hold your arms up above your head. Hold very still while tie you up." She took the ends of the rope that were already secured to the head board and tied both hands tightly. Reaching down she placed her fingers on his nipples and slowly began to twist and pull on them. A quiet gasp escaped from his lips as his cock began to rise. "Humm you really do enjoy having a dominate woman play with your nipples don't you." She asked.

He said, "Yes ."

"That is yes mistress Abby." She stated and she pinched really hard upon his nipples.

"Oh my god, mistress that really hurts. Please don't pinch me any more. I am begging you."

"You haven't even began to beg yet." She said as she kept man handling his nipples. "I am going to give you a safe word. That word is basketball. Remember that word cause if at anytime it gets to much then you use it and I will stop."

"Yes mistress Abby."

"Good boy." She said as she got up. Walking to the closet she removed a bar that was about 3 foot long and had two cuffs on the end of it. A worried look came across Larry's face because he knew if she put him into the spreader bar then he couldn't close his legs if it got too much for him to handle.

Laughing she asked, " What's a matter big boy, you afraid of little ole me if I put you into this device?" All Larry could do nod. She placed both ankles in the device and tightened them up. After making sure he was secured she reached up and grabbed one of his balls. Just lightly rolling it around between her finger and thumb. She smiled to herself as she applied more pressure and watched as his face contorted.

Dam what was the safe word, he thought to himself. It wouldn't matter anyway since he was unable to talk thru the pain. She just laughed and repeated the same on the other ball.

Reaching into the night stand she produced a small plastic rod. With her eyes lit up she began to slow tap the inside of his groin on both legs, alternating from one side to the other. His cock now standing at full erection made a perfect target for her to take a swing at. With a wicked smile she pulled back and lightly hit the underside of his cock causing him to writhe with pain on the bed. She placed the plastic rod back onto the night stand and reached under the bed and pulled out a leather paddle. It was about an inch and a half wide and probably a quarter of an inch thick. With her hand raised above her head he came down upon his thighs causing him to scream in pain. Laughing she hit the other thigh. He was becoming very noisy now. She reached down into the pile of clothes that he had laid upon the floor grabbing his under ware. She twisted them up and placed them crotch first into his open mouth.

Laughing she said, "I told you I would gag you if you got too loud. I wished you could see these pretty red whelps I have left upon your thighs. I think your nipples would look good with them also."

His body jerked as she came down upon his nipples both at the same time. Throwing his head back and forth fighting the pain and shame of being made to take this kind of abuse. Walking to the foot of the bed she grabbed the spreader bar and forcefully flipped him onto his stomach.

Laying there like that gave her an open opportunity to start in on his up turned ass. She beat it with all the strength she could muster. Only after about 5 minutes she noticed that he was no longer struggling. She rolled him over on his back to see that he was out cold.

She removed his gag and sat beside him wiping the tears from his face waiting for him to wake back up. A few minutes later he awoke to see her standing beside the bed naked. Abby climbed up on the bed straddling Larry's chest.

"Baby I want you to eat my pussy." She said as he climbed over his chest and placed her pussy to his face.

He felt the warm and wetness upon his lips as he pushed his tongue out to give her the ride of her life. He licked the clit and moved his way between her lip and inserted his tongue as deeply as he could into her.

"Oh yea baby, just like that. Make me come on your face. Just a little more, oh ya, oh ya, here it comes." She said as she squirted into his waiting mouth.

Reaching back behind her she started rubbing his cock and making it harder by the moment.

"Since you have been such a good boy I think you deserve a treat." She said as she slid down his chest to his crotch. He could feel her warm as she just hovered over him. In turn it caused him to hump into the air as she laughed at him. She settled down over his hard cock and impaled herself to the max of his length. After about 5 minutes they erupted into a mutual orgasm.

Exhausted she collapsed on his chest.

"I love you." She said to him.

"I love you too." He said as he faded off to sleep.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Not erotic, just sadism. A fair few spelling and grammatical errors.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Then he beat her to death and buried the body

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
I love you ....

Not easy to believe ....

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