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Hipster Chicks Love Big Dicks

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An idealistic wife is seduced by a corrupt government agent.
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This story is posted on the Literotica website. Do not repost anywhere else without the author's consent. This story is a bit different from my usual fare. To be clear, this is a cheating wife story, and it's not for the faint of heart. There is betrayal, seduction, and heartbreak. Don't expect a happy ending. This is the story of a hot-bodied, big-breasted, innocent wife getting seduced and corrupted by a misogynistic asshole of a man with a huge dick. And this guy is just a motherfucker in this story, so I think it would be a good idea to make something clear: the words and language this character uses are harsh, and do not reflect the views of the author or any right minded thinking individual. He is a villain, and his views support that. So, for those who think they can handle it, go forward. Just don't say you weren't warned...


It would take a force of nature to get Stephanie Miller down after the amazing day she had just had.

She didn't know what she was in for.

Steph was buzzing. She felt like a million bucks. The events of the day left her body feeling like a live wire, coursing with an excitement that needed an outlet.

"How are you so full of energy?" Eli asked, watching his wife bopping up and down, practically skipping as she walked through the tunnel towards the plane. She was in a bouncy, bubbly mood. Eli always marveled at how full of energy she seemed to be all the time. Early in the morning, late at night, she was always full of pep.

"Today was a great day. We did some real good." Steph replied, bouncing forward and kissing her exhausted husband.

"Yeah, we did. But it's late, and it's been a long day, so now... its sleep time." Eli said, his shoulders dropping in exhaustion.

"How could you sleep after today?" Steph said, feeling amped after the day they had.

Steph and Eli boarded the redeye from Washington D. C. to Seattle. They felt pretty proud of themselves after having spent the day at a rally protesting against the various wars the country was involved in, and the general "shoot-first" mentality the government seemed to have. The young married couple fashioned themselves as intelligent and well informed members of society, and they loved voicing their opinions to anyone that would hear them. They weren't gonna be those brainless droves snowed over by the government's lies and double-speak. They would speak out. They would speak their minds. They would not be silenced.

They were a cute young couple, having married at 23 just after graduating college. They had met during high school, and now a year after getting married they were still going strong. A lot of people didn't take them seriously, older people mainly, because of their unique sense of style. They would fall under the category of people commonly known as "hipsters". They took advantage of ironic trends, wearing a mish-mash of styles that older people didn't understand. She wore t-shirts with ironic, retro images, while also wearing clothes made of natural fibers, with them caring about the planet and all. Clothes that women wore in the past and were seemingly out of style she wore with glee. Corduroy pants. Pull over cardigans. She loved clothes. Eli wore tight jeans and shirts, not caring when macho guys teased him for it.

Eli had been called a slacker quite a bit, and he looked the part. He had shoulder length black hair and a scraggly beard. Despite that, he was a handsome man, his good looks buried behind his hair. But his bright smile could shine through, and his fun-loving personality was enough to charm people over.

It was a shame Steph liked wearing so much clothing, cause if you asked most men, they would prefer her to be in very little clothing. She was a stunningly gorgeous girl, and her body was absolutely insane. Jutting DD breasts, with succulent chewy nipples. A butt that was full and round, perfectly heart-shaped and built to be touched. A fit, flat belly and long sexy legs. She was also just absolutely gorgeous, with a naturally pretty face, fair skin, long brown hair, and full lips. She also loved to wear cute black glasses. She didn't need them, but she loved the way they made her look. She was bright and friendly and personable, with a gorgeous smile that could light up a room. But don't get on her bad side, or she would come at you. Eli loved that passion in her.

Both of them were in good shape, Steph especially. While Eli could be viewed as overly skinny, Steph's body was perfectly filled out and ripe. They were both strict vegans, which made it even more impressive that her body was as good as it was. No meat had entered her mouth for years.

They were both tired from a long day of protesting. They had met a lot of great, like-minded people that they planned to keep in touch with. The plane was pretty empty, but of course their seats were right next to one of the few seated passengers. Steph glanced at the seated man. He was a handsome older guy, maybe 50 or so, tanned, with salt-and-pepper hair. He didn't even glance up from his phone as both Steph and Eli started to stash their bags in the overhead compartment. Perfume hit the seated man's nose, causing him to take notice of the woman next to him.

The man, Bill, looked up as the people sitting next to him began to pack their bags away. He was immediately struck by the beauty of the woman in front of him. She looked good, very good, even dressed as she was, wearing a tight pair of jeans, a snug t-shirt, and a thin, pull-over sweater. He watched as her t-shirt rode up, exposing a hint of her sexy belly. Bill averted his eyes before he could be noticed, and he nodded politely as Steph sat next to him and responded in kind.

Steph didn't know what she was getting into. She didn't know what she was dealing with when it came to the man seated next to her. She didn't know what hid behind that fatherly façade. She didn't know Bill Savage.

Steph was a sweet, good hearted girl who was friendly to all and was passionate for the things she felt strongly about. Sure, she might be a bit uppity, but her heart was in the right place. But Bill... he was the opposite. If Steph's world was sunshine and flowers, Bill's was one of rough fucking and sexual domination. You see, Bill was a serial sexual deviant. Nothing illegal, mind you, but he was not the type of guy you wanted to leave your wife around. At least if you wanted her to be your wife for much longer.

Even though he had just turned 50, Bill was a winner with women. He was ruggedly handsome, and kept himself in great shape. He took care of his body, keeping himself taut and fit. Sure, he had a bit of gray in his short dark hair, but the look really worked for him. He was always dressed to impress. Even now, settling in for a flight, he wore a perfectly tailored charcoal suit, a light blue business shirt, and a very expensive blue tie. To all outsiders, he seemed like a business traveler, and nothing more.

That's how he lured them in.

He hid his true self well, perfecting a fatherly, professional veneer that he would project to those around him. But behind that façade, he was a master of seduction, specifically with young women. He could lure them in with his friendly veneer, but he was an absolute master at charming these young women out of their clothes. He could convince the most innocent of women to do the filthiest of things. How did he charm these pretty young ladies, you may ask? His dominant nature, his rugged looks, his smooth charm, his ability to dominate conversations, and most importantly... his giant, oversized cock.

He couldn't count how many times women told him that dick size didn't matter. How it was ridiculous that any man could have a cock the size that he boasted he had, that girls didn't want a man of the immense size he boasted about, that they would rather have something more manageable. But once he got his soda can thick, 10 inch cock buried to the balls in some tight young pussy, those women changed their tune immediately. He had been called an arrogant asshole, arrogant just because he had a big dick, and it was the truth. He had seen the power his large cock had over young, sexy women. He had seen his giant cock turn good girls into sluts. He had seen the most loyal of young wives eagerly and lovingly slide their lips around its girthy circumference. No woman was immune to its charms. He was positive that most of the women he had sex with didn't especially like him, but that didn't stop them from eagerly taking his meaty shaft down their tight throats. So, it wasn't really arrogance with him. It was confidence.

Steph didn't know the predator sitting next to her.

But alas, she might just be getting a reprieve on this night. While impressed by the beauty of the girl sitting next to them, Bill's initial plan was not seduction. To be honest, he had had a long day, and he was looking forward to a rest filled flight. But the girl next to him had other plans.

That would be her downfall.

"Hi!" she said perkily.

"Hello." Bill replied, his voice deep and smooth, not looking up from his phone. He could smell her perfume. He loved the perfume these young girls wore. He had gotten so used to that smell hitting his nose during many intense bouts of rough fucking that the smell was enough to cause his dick to stiffen.

"Are you going home?" Steph asked, making conversation. She didn't like just sitting still. She always had to be doing something. She was so full of energy. She must be a wildcat in the sack, Bill theorized.

"Steph, he doesn't want to talk." Eli whispered, but still loud enough for Bill to hear.

"No, it's okay." Bill said, pocketing his phone. He glanced over at Steph, and looked her in the eyes for the first time. Her eyes were bright and friendly behind her cute glasses, and his looked confident, hiding the depths of deviancy within him. She didn't know who she was dealing with. She just smiled, friendly as ever.

"I'm going for work. We have a field office out there. I need to get some business in order." Bill said.

"Who do you work for?" Steph asked, out of genuine curiosity. Bill smiled, reached into his coat pocket, and removed his wallet. He held it out and unfurled it, revealing his badge to the curious wife.

"William Savage, National Security Agency, Field Agent."

Bill watched with a smile as Steph's expression dropped a bit.

"You're an NSA agent?" Steph asked. "The same NSA that violates people's civil liberties and freedoms with their unconstitutional wiretaps and violations of people's privacy?"

"Pretty much." Bill replied smoothly with a little smirk. This response startled Steph. Not expecting that reply, and she couldn't help but smile a bit at the witty response.

"Let me guess." Bill started, "You two were at that little protest, weren't you?" He asked with an amused smile.

"As a matter of fact, we were." Steph said proudly, puffing her chest out.

"Well, I'll say this, it's easy for people like you to build up horror stories about what we in the government do, but the work we do is invaluable to keeping this nation safe." Bill said lazily.

"At what cost? Listen, it is obvious that you guys step over the line. What is the point of this so called freedom if you impose on it whenever you feel like it?" Steph argued, getting worked up immediately.

"Steph, please. This isn't the time or place." Eli started. He turned to Bill. "I'm sorry. She can get a bit worked up."

"I can tell. It's no problem. I love going toe to toe with a worthy adversary." Bill said with a smile at the young woman. Eli put his hand on Steph's shoulder, calming her down. She pouted as she faced forward and waited for the flight to take off.

Now intrigued, Bill couldn't help but eye her up as they took off. She was a hottie, despite all that bulky clothing. If he pushed at her a little bit, he knew she could make a fine addition to his harem. You see, Bill's work was not all above board. As a company man for years, he had connections all over the place, on all levels of society. And as an experienced field agent, he knew the ways to avoid arousing suspicion. Avoid getting caught. Bill figured he could get away with murder, but that wasn't his style. His predilection was women. He was a serial devourer of women. A chronic seducer. With his addiction, and his connections and knowledge, he was able to start up a high class prostitution ring right under the government's nose. Although... prostitution might be the wrong word. Basically, he had a black book of women on call, a list of his conquests, women he had seduced and fucked, eager to do whatever he wanted of them. He had made these nice and sweet women his sluts, and they were now willing and eager to do whatever their master wanted. And that typically entailed serving him or his group of friends and contemporaries.

But, this group was a members only type thing. It wasn't like some guy off the street could get in on the action. You had to be invited to join. And it wasn't like someone paid cash in exchange for a night with one of these gorgeous women and that was that. Sure, sometimes these women were assets used to sweeten off-the-book deals. Sometimes he had to turn women into his sluts to avoid word getting out about them. Like that pushy reporter he banged, and some of his whores' nosy best friends. But for the most part, this whole ring of whores was basically used as a way for him and his buddies to get young pussy. His buddies, men he had known for years, men who he had done work with and that he could trust. Plenty of military men, some politicians, lawyers and judges, men of power from many walks of life. Like minded individuals who knew how to treat women.

Bill was not a good man. Far from it. He was a relic of the past. A time where women were submissive to their men. Where men ran the show, and their women lived to make their men happy. Where they would do anything to keep their men happy, and put their men's pleasure above their own. His buddies felt the same way.

Bill did not feel bad about corrupting these young women, because he truly believed these ladies were destined to be at the beck and call of a strong, powerful man. In his mind, these women wanted to serve as badly as he wanted them to serve.

You would think in a time where women are more independent than ever, it would get tougher and tougher for this group of perverted old men to corrupt young women, but in fact, the opposite was true. He had no respect for this idea of "strong women". It was a farce. A fiction. In his experience, the bigger front these women put forward, the more they would crumble under the will of a strong man. In his mind, these so called independent, strong women were just dying to be fucked by a strong, dominant man. And Bill knew that Steph was no exception.

She put up a façade. They all did. She talked a big game. She dressed in a way to downplay her sexuality. It was all fake. This bitch was a phony. A lie. Plus, she had a big mouth. Bill couldn't help but imagine her putting it to better use. Her man, that dopey little shit, did not have her on a strong enough leash, and he would come to regret that. She was a woman untamed, and oh, was she ever asking for it. A surge ran through the older man, as the thrill of the hunt burned through him. It was decided then, in that moment. Steph didn't know that her destiny was in the weathered hands of the man next to her, but it was, and he had come to a decision.

Steph would be his. There was really no other choice. Steph was about to become the older man's bitch. There was really no other possible outcome. He was on the hunt and he would not stop until he had conquered his prey. Bill intended to tame her, domesticate that bitch to the point where all she cared about was stuffing her holes with giant cock.

Bill's giant cock.

Now that he was on the hunt his energy was now restored, and his attention had become laser focused. Bill admired the way Steph's firm, full tits trembled as the plane took off. His hungry eyes gazed on the slight indication of her nipples under her shirt. He admired those big innocent eyes of hers. He could have her anytime he wanted, he realized. She was dying to be taken. Dying to be turned out and fucked in the way she so clearly needed. Steph needed to be fucked badly, and fucked as soon as humanly possible. And he intended to. Before this flight was over her loyalty would be to Bill. Bill and his giant cock. She ascended from the ground a happily married woman. By the time she landed, she would be a submissive whore. His whore. She would be game for some absolute filth if Bill just gave her the right push. He had a sixth sense for this type of thing, so he knew this bitch was something special.

As soon as the seat belt light turned off, Bill undid his and pulled out his laptop. He could hear the happy couple next to him whispering to each other. Finally, Steph turned to Bill.

"I'm sorry I got so worked up before." Steph said. Bill knew why she was worked up. Her hubby didn't give her the seeing to she really needed. He knew she needed a good reaming before she could calm down properly.

"It's quite alright. When you work for the government, you get used to it. You develop a thick skin." Bill said with a smile. "I think we got off on the wrong foot. I'm Bill Savage." he said, holding his hand out.

"I'm Steph Miller." she said, taking his rough hand in her young, smooth one.

"Eli." Eli said, reaching over to shake the older man's hand. Bill shook it quickly before turning his attention back onto the young wife.

"It's nice to see young people so passionate." Bill said.

"Well, we try to keep informed. It's important for young people to be knowledgeable of where the country is going." Steph said.

"I agree. So, if I had to guess, you seem to have pretty negative feelings about the government?" Bill started. Steph laughed before speaking up.

"Well, to me, it seems like the government is just fat and bloated. We need people running the show who are committed to change, committed to improving the nation, committing to fixing the planet, and not just lining their pockets." Steph said.

"So, I'm guessing you two are those going green, save the planet types?" Bill said.

"Yes, of course... you're not?" Steph asked. Bill smiled internally. He had friends in the oil business, business that Bill was able to get into and make some serious cash. Cash that funded his various extra-curricular endeavors.

"Well, I would be happy to adopt a new energy source if we find a better one, but until then, I'll stick to what works." Bill replied. He could tell Steph didn't like this answer, but she held her tongue in response.

"So, you have a view from the inside. How can you honestly say you are happy with how things are run?" Steph asked.

"Like I said, it's easy to invent ghost stories from the outside. Believe me, I have been a government man for almost 30 years. I know what I'm talking about." Bill started. He had both Steph and Eli's undivided attention. Bill had a smooth voice, perfect for story-telling. "I have gone through many administrations, and I have seen things run many ways. Many manners, many different styles of running things. Tell me, what do you guys do for a living?" he asked.

"I'm an artist. Not quite starving, but I get by." Eli said, as if that was his stock line whenever someone asked his profession.

"Uh, I work at a health food store." Steph said.

"Perfect. As you well know, when you work in retail, you start to resent people. You start to realize that most people are completely idiotic. Correct?" Bill asked.

"Well, yeah, kind of. Some people can be frustrating." Steph replied, ever polite.

"Now, imagine instead of running a store, you are running a country. You begin to realize that these people, these citizens you are trying to protect, are complete morons who have don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. You can't coddle them. You can't let them do whatever they want. If we did, then we would have anarchy. I have realized, from over 30 years of being with the government, that the best way to lead people is with a firm hand. People will do what you tell them if you ask in just the right way. They might not like it, but most people will conform. They will go with the masses. It is our duty as the elected few to take this chaos that is humanity and stop them from destroying themselves." Bill said.


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