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Crooked Cop

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The law said so.
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The road was dark as night had settled in. The police cruiser accelerated along the road, the engine humming as the driver fed it more gas.

Inside the cruiser, was Officer Chester.

Chester had been on the force as a patrol officer for the last twelve years. He also had a gambling and drug problem, and was quite the corrupt officer, having abused his powers numerous times.

Chester was driving along the dark road, his eyes scanning ahead.

"Unit five, the situation is a ten-twenty-six." crackled Chester's radio.

Chester responded back. "Ten-four that, over."

Chester sighed, as he continued, speeding on.

This particular area was quite desolate, and also quite boring to patrol for him.

Up ahead he saw a pair of tail lights suddenly appear, the small red glow, piercing the darkness.

As he approached the car from behind, he noticed that one of the tail lights was broken.

Chester sped up behind the car, his cruiser's bright headlights illuminating the car in front of him. He turned his flashing red and blue lights on and bleeped his siren once.

Chester loved to pull people over.

It gave him such a delightful feeling. He had busted many people for drugs, only to let them go, but keeping the drugs. He loved to do stuff like that.

Chester was hoping to score now, as he had recently run into a bad string of luck at the Blackjack table. He owed quite a bit of money to some bad people and needed some quick cash.

He saw that a woman was occupying the vehicle, and was by herself. She pulled off to the side and shut her car off.

Chester followed right along behind her. Turning his car off, he opened his door and slowly exited.

Officer Chester slowly approached the woman's car, the gravel crunching in an audible sound beneath his boots.

As he reached the driver side window, it rolled down. He looked inside, his eyes locking onto a young nervous woman.

"License and registration please, miss!" Officer Chester barked at her, as his eyes scanned the interior.

"What did I do?" she pleaded to him, her fingers running nervously through her long blond hair.

"Miss, give me your license and registration, NOW." he said stiffly repeated.

The woman, having been stunned by the harshness of his tone, followed his command moments later.

Officer Chester noted that the young blond woman was dressed in a hot, low cut dress. She was probably coming home from a bar or club he thought to himself.

The young woman opened her glove box under the watchful eye of Officer Chester. She reached in and grabbed a piece of paper, handing it to him, as well as handing him her license.

"Wait here!" he snapped at her, and walked back to his police cruiser. He loved that scared look on her! He ate it up.

She was a very hot, sexy woman, he noted to himself as he walked back to his car.

His mind replayed the vision of her short skirt riding up her legs as she was reaching over to grab her registration.

A plan quickly formulated in his mind. He looked around the area. There were a few houses up ahead, but they were quite far away. The rest of the area was quiet, and enveloped in darkness.

He slowly reached under his seat and grabbed an item, and tucked it in his pocket.

Walking back to the driver side window, he looked at the young woman, trying not to stare at her large cleavage, spilling out.

"Miss your tail light is cracked, that is why I pulled you over." he said, as he handed her license and registration back to her.

"Where are you coming from, and where are you headed?" he quickly shot at her.

"Just a fancy restaurant downtown in South Bend, I was with friends, having dinner." she said to him, as she grabbed her items back from him.

"Have any drinks?" He pushed his questioning, as he couldn't help but eye her body.

Before she could answer, a sudden transformation undertook Officer Chester, as his face turned to rage and his actions were fast and deliberate.

"Okay, Miss, please step out of your vehicle, NOW!"

The young woman, her face showing confusion and fear, did not seem to comprehend his words. Her eyes peered at him in scared amazement.

"What do you mean?" she stammered at him, tears started to slowly trickle down her cheeks.

"I mean, GET OUT, NOW!" He yelled as he grabbed her door handle and yanked it open. For a split second, her long legs filled his vision, before he grabbed her by the shoulders, and quickly pulled her out of her seat.

Officer Chester dragged the young woman to the trunk of her car, noting the firmness of her tight body.

He positioned her in the classic arrest position and handcuffed her.

The young woman protested the whole time, yelling at him to stop.

Officer Chester went back to the woman's car. He entered her car, and pretended he was searching it.

Suddenly, as if he found something, he pulled out a small vial.

Exiting her car, he walked over to the woman with the vial in his hand.

"Look at what we have here!" Officer Chester jeered to the woman.

Her eyes grew large, as she shook her head. "That's not mine!" she exclaimed. "I don't even know what that is!"

He smiled a sarcastic smile. "Sure you don't, know what crack is!" he replied. "You can go to jail for a long time for this shit!" He waved the vial at her.

"What do you mean?" she said, her head turning to look over her shoulder. "That ISN'T mine, I don't even know what crack looks like!"

"Miss." he said, as he lay a calloused hand upon her shoulder. "I'm gonna have to frisk you for weapons or more illegal narcotics."

"No way!" the woman shrieked. "She attempted to turn around and back away, but was slammed back into place. She lay stunned, her breathing was shallow as she felt winded.

"Get the fuck off me, you framing fucker!" she screamed at him.

Officer Chester smiled. He looked at her tight body and began to run his hands over it.

He began by patting and grabbing extensively at her arms and tits, before sliding his hands down to her abdomen and hips.

His hands went slowly down her legs. His rough skin ran across her soft bare skin on her calves and down to her ankles.

He then slid his hands slowly back up her legs, then up to her bare thighs, his fingers grasping the bottom of her ass cheeks.

Tears ran silently down her face, as Officer Chester stopped and laughed a wheezy laugh at her.

"We can do this the easy way, and we can fuck, or I can take you in for narcotics!" he said suddenly to her, his hot breath wheezing on the side her face.

He had her, he knew it.

The young woman was still laying on her stomach across her own trunk of her car, her hands handcuffed behind her back.

"No one is here to help you." he continued. "Look around."

The young woman looked around and noted that the bastard was right. This road was a quiet area this time of night.

"Will you let me go if I let you?" she said nervously?

"Let me what?" Officer Chester smiled smugly.

"Let you ... fuck me." she whispered.

"Well, I really shouldn't let you bribe me you know." he said. "It's against the law to bribe an officer with sexual favors."

Officer Chester just loved to mind fuck his prey, it made him feel in charge.

"But," he began. "In your case I think I'll make an exception!". With that, he unlocked her cuffs.

He suddenly flipped her around to face him, her steps were clumsy, as she was wearing long heels.

"Hey!" she cried. "Take it easy!"

Officer Chester looked quickly around pushed the young woman down. She resisted at first, but the pressure he was applying kept holding her down, until she complied.

Chester had not shot a load in what felt like almost a month. Indeed he couldn't even remember the last time he had!

He was quick to unzip his pants and pull down his underwear. He pulled his cock out and told her to stroke it.

The woman stared at his cock, noting the thick veins running through it. She placed her fingers around his shaft and began stroking it.

As his cock hardened, the head began poking through his foreskin, the mushroom quickly expanding in size.

Chester moaned.

Her head was pushed forward by his rough hand, his intentions were obvious.

She took a small breath and began sucking his cock, her hand pumping his shaft. She felt him getting larger, his cock pulsating in his mouth.

The thought of having this cop blow a load of cum in her mouth made the woman almost gag in revulsion. He stank of body odor, and was quite portly and ugly.

Furthermore, having been blackmailed into sexual acts really made this situation horrendous.

She withdrew her mouth from his still hardening cock and began licking his head with her tongue. Maybe if she made him shoot his load really fast, he wouldn't fuck her she thought.

That would be even worse, having this asshole blow his wad into her. She wasn't even on the pill!

"That's right girl, you sure know how to suck a mean cock." Chester said to her, his lips curled into a smile.

The woman was not used to such a large cock in her mouth. She couldn't believe the thickness of it!

"Rub my balls and look at up me." Officer Chester commanded suddenly to her.

The young woman grabbed an egg sized testicle and began rolling it gently around in her palm. She looked up at him, her teary eyes met his.

Officer Chester moaned out loud again as he looked at the woman with his cock in her mouth.

He smiled again at her.

She was rubbing his swollen testicles and her tongue was rolling around his cock as she sucked him off. Chester kept smiling at her, he let her continue this for awhile.

She switched from testicle to testicle slowly rolling them, her other hand and her mouth working his thick monster cock.

Suddenly, Chester pulled his cock from her mouth, his angry knob, wanting more.

The woman felt dread. She knew she was going to be getting fucked by this dirty cop, and his vein filled monster.

"Get up, I will make this fast, I don't want to be seen with you, someone might mistake me for fucking a prostitute!" he chuckled.

The woman was reluctant.

"Why don't I keep blowing you, I love the taste of hot thick cum in my mouth!" she said teasingly to him, her mind in utter disgust.

Officer Chester acted as if he didn't even hear what she said. He picked her up by her sides, and then lifted her off her feet.

He placed her on top of the trunk of her car. Flipping her skirt over her hips, Chester began pawing at her string panties.

"Please, sir!" she pleaded to him, her voice shrill with fear. "Don't do this, don't do this!"

Her voice trailed off into sobbing, as he grunted while ripping her panties off, the strings torn like they weren't even there.

He placed his calloused hand upon her stomach and pushed her slowly back down. She lay back on her trunk, her eyes staring into the dark sky.

Chester told her to spread her legs. The woman slowly spread spread them, her long heels dangling off of her feet.

She turned her head to look away as he placed his thick cock into her. She had never felt such a fat cock inside of her pussy, it felt like it would tear her in two!

Chester didn't waste any time. He began ramming into her at a fast pace.

"Please don't cum inside of me!" the young woman stammered, as her body was thrust back and forth.

" I'm gonna fill your little fuck hole with my seed bitch, and there's nothing you're gonna do about it!" he sneered to her.

Chester already felt the familiar twitching begin at the base of his spine.

The young woman began trying to uncouple herself from Chester, she started squirming against him.

"Please no,no,no don't do it, please, I can't!" she cried.

Chester moaned and looked down as his cock plunged into her pussy, and then back out at a frantic pace. He couldn't contain himself any longer.

"Here it comes!" he grunted, dripping with sweat. The woman beat on his chest, but it didn't do any good.

He held her down, a hand over her mouth, as his cock exploded inside of her.

The young woman felt his cock pulsating, and felt a warm feeling slowly filling her pussy up.

She closed her eyes, tears streaming again, as she stopped fighting.

Chester felt the fight go out of the woman. He removed his hand from her mouth, his cock still twitching inside of her pussy.

He caught his breath and slowly withdrew his cock out of her pussy. He grabbed it, and began stroking it, milking every last drop out, all over her pussy.

Officer Chester smiled as he took in this moment. He saw that he had made a mess of her shaved snatch, having rubbed his white sticky cream all around it.

He reached his hand down to her pussy and began rubbing it in, her short pubic hair feeling slick with his cum.

He laughed, and grabbed the bottom of her short skirt and wiped his cock clean.

"You may go." he said as he buckled his belt.

"But I'd advise you to replace that tail light!" he laughed a wheezy laugh.

The young woman slowly closed her legs and pushed her skirt down back over her hips and thighs, as she raised her head up.

"I'll keep these for evidence!" Chester said, holding her torn panties in his hand.

She slowly and gingerly hopped off the car. Putting her big tits back into her dress, she cried again, her tears making Chester laugh.

"Better hurry and leave Miss, before I change my mind." he warned her, as he opened the police cruiser door,and hopped in.

The cruiser started up with a roar, and began to pull away.

Officer Chester rolled his window down and said to the young woman before she got back into her car "You have yourself a good night!" before speeding away.

The young woman watched the cruiser until it faded out of sight. She continued to look straight ahead, before she slowly turned her car on.

She reached down and felt the officer's sticky cum covering her pubic hair, even though that bastard rubbed it in. She pulled out of the ditch and began driving away, her pussy still tingling.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

it is so hot!

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