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Curious Girls Ch. 03

Story Info
Sara and Tamara get more intimately acquainted.
5.7k words

Part 3 of the 31 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/28/2014
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I awoke to the sound of birds chirping. I squinted as my eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight shining through the tent windows. I was momentarily confused by the cheery atmosphere. Had everything that happened with Tamara been a dream? It was all so crazy. I closed my eyes tightly and prayed to God it had been in my head. Dreams of Tamara spending the day shoving her boobs in my face would have raised a lot of other questions, but I would have greatly preferred it over the alternative. However, a quick check of my surroundings confirmed what I already knew. I was still trapped in my sleeping bag with a belt around my torso holding my arms in place. But where was Tamara?

I wasn't about to waste any time. I wiggled, rolled, and struggled to slide the belt enough to pull my arms free. I made absolutely no progress whatsoever; I was trapped. Just as I was losing hope, I discovered I could slide down into the sleeping bag a little which gave my arms more leeway to pull the belt upward. I kept at it until I was able to slide the belt enough to give my arms wiggle room. It was taking a long time, but at least I was making progress. I had no idea what time it was, or how long I had before Tamara showed up. There were so many things that could go wrong, and the pressure was nerve-wracking. I potentially had only minutes to get free. If I couldn't get out in time, there was every possibility that I'd have to suffer through another day of humiliation.

Tamara had indicated she might be willing to release me this morning, but I didn't want to leave anything to chance. However, I also didn't want to upset her prematurely and cause her to change her mind. I finally managed to wiggle my arm up enough to grip the zipper of the sleeping bag, but before I could go any further I heard footsteps followed by the tent zipper being opened.

"Good morning, Sara," Tamara said cheerfully, "Sleep well?"

"Uhh," I hesitated, afraid she would notice I had loosened my bonds. "Yeah. Pretty well. You?"

"My sleep was amazing. Best I can remember... I had a dream or two that started off poorly, but they ended quite... nicely," she smiled as she recalled her dreams.

"That's cool," I said awkwardly, "So, it's morning... any chance of you letting me go now?"

If she agreed, I would just have to feign ignorance and pretend the belt shifted while I was asleep. I wasn't sure she would buy it, but I was in a somewhat sticky situation and didn't have many options. I could always pull the sleeping zipper down quickly and run for it, but it seemed like a poor plan.

"Ummmm," she hesitated, "I know I sort of agreed to that, but I'm not sure I'm ready to let you go just yet..."

"What? You promised!"

"I know, I know... but in one of my dreams last night, I was reminded of so much you had done to me over the years I'd forgotten about. It got me really angry again. But then, in my dream, I did what I'd been threatening to for a while now. I smothered you with my ass, and you know what? It was such a perfect payback. It felt amazing."

"Tamara," I pleaded, "Revenge isn't going to make you feel better."

"The hell it won't," she scoffed, "...but even if it didn't, in my dream it was also just fun."

"Tamara... that was just a dream. You've already smothered me under your ass. You're not going to feel any better doing it again without panties."

"There's only one way to find out... besides, it really does seem like it would be a much more satisfying payback. You got off too easily yesterday."

I could see she wasn't going to listen to reason. She'd already made up her mind. I just needed to distract her so I could make a break for it. Naked or not, I could think of little worse than what she had in store for me.

"If you're going to insist on carrying through with this... could I at least eat breakfast first?"

"You'll be fine," she said, dismissing my request. I tried again.

"Well, can I at least have a drink of water from my bag? I'm really thirsty." She hesitated.

"Fine," she sighed, rolling her eyes. As she turned around to rifle through my bag, I quietly unzipped the sleeping bag and slid out as quickly and quietly as I could.

I may have had the height advantage, but Tamara had about 25 pounds on me -- even if it was mostly in the chest. She was also surprisingly strong for her size. It seemed her trips to the gym were paying off. I expected to have a significant advantage on an even playing field, but I didn't stand a chance.

I made it to the tent opening as she dove desperately to stop me. She managed to grab my foot, causing me to stumble and hit the ground hard. I struggled to pull myself to my feet, but she was already climbing on top of me. As she climbed onto my back, I tried to buck her off, but she held tightly. She grabbed my arm, pulling it out from underneath me and pulled it behind my back. She then did the same with the other. My face hit the ground as she managed to restrain both of my arms with one of hers and pulled off her belt with the other. I struggled the best I could, but having no arms made it difficult. Slowly, she managed to wind the belt around my wrists, tying them together.

"Tamara, please... you don't want to do this." I'm not sure I'd ever been so terrified in my life.

"That's where you'd be wrong," she grinned, "I really, really do want to do this."

"Please," I begged, "I'll do anything."

"I'm glad you feel that way... but the only thing I want you to do right now is bury your face in my ass."

"I'm never going to do that Tamara. Never."

"A.. it's so cute how you think you've got a choice," she stood up and grabbed my feet.

"If you do this, I'll report you," I was getting desperate.

"No... you won't. Because then I'd have to release all the videos and photos I took yesterday."

"You're lying." My mouth felt dry. When had she done that? She pulled out her cell phone and seconds later, I heard my forced confession to Tamara about how long I'd wanted to kiss her chest.

"So, as you can see, this IS happening." She pulled my legs, dragging me kicking and screaming back into the tent.

She pulled me into the center of the tent, and left me struggling unsuccessfully as she zipped the tent closed. I saw her pull out a small lock which she used to seal the tent opening. No one was going in or out. I was quite literally trapped in a tent, in the middle of the woods, with my sister's best friend. I had no chance of escaping, and she was beyond determined to humiliate me in the worst way possible. It all seemed so surreal. She dug around for another belt as I managed to pull myself onto my feet. I didn't know what my plan was, but I had to try something. She pushed me slightly with her foot before I could stand up, causing me to lose my balance and tumble over before she tackled my legs. I made things difficult for her, but it was a losing battle. I was quickly restrained, and she rolled me onto my back. She straddled my torso as she sat directly onto my chest.

"Help," I screamed, "Please, somebody help me!" She grinned.

"Scream all you like, no one will hear you. In fact, it'll make it more fun if you do." I knew she was right. "So," she said as she lightly slapped my cheek, "How does it make you feel to know that you're only minutes away from having your nose in my ass?" She was definitely enjoying torturing me.

She stood up and unfastened her shorts, wiggling out of them. As she kicked them to the other side of the tent, she turned around and faced my feet. She began sliding her panties down, a millimeter at a time. She shifted her hips back and forth as she slid them down, giving me a show.

"So, how's the view from down there?" she grinned. She continued tugging at her panties, slowly revealing her ass. It was very white and without as many freckles as more exposed parts of her body, but there were still a decent number scattered across her buttocks.

"Please," I begged again, almost in tears. She ignored me entirely and continued removing her panties.

"I can't believe this is finally happening," she said excitedly, "I used to just want to get back at you, but after that dream last night... I'm genuinely curious what it will feel like." Her panties slid down her thighs to her ankles. She kicked them away haphazardly. She was now entirely naked from the waist down.

She knelt down and got on her knees, still straddling my torso.

"Please! There has to be something I can do," I begged.

"Oh, there is... but, you're already doing it."

She scooted back, closer to my head. As she lowered her ass toward my face, I turned abruptly away. She didn't appear to mind. I felt her warm, supple skin press against me as she began rubbing her cheek against mine. After a few minutes of teasing, she reached back and her hand covered my face. She wrenched my face upward, and I felt her legs tighten against the sides of my head.

"Oh, God. Oh, God. No! Pleas--mmmmmmph!" I felt her weight press against my face. This was it. My worst fear had finally been realized.

My nose slid directly between her cheeks. I tried to turn away, but she held me tightly. She shifted more of her weight onto my head, and I felt my entire face sinking into her ass. I couldn't see. I couldn't breathe. My entire world was Tamara's ass. I couldn't believe she'd actually done it. I couldn't believe my face was literally in another person's ass. It was so humiliating.

"That feels kind of weird, actually," I heard Tamara say, "Not quite like my dream. It's a strange sensation having someone's face wedged between your cheeks." Maybe she'd let me go? I hoped against all odds that she'd come to get senses.

"But you know what," Tamara paused, "I like it. It just feels right... ya know?"

"Mmmmmmph," I tried again, struggling.

"It's so dirty... and so much more satisfying than I expected. I can only imagine what it's like for you down there," she laughed. I was in hell. I was suffocating in the ass of my sister's best friend. I continued to try and free myself. "Oooh," she moaned, "I *love* when you struggle beneath me. I feel so... in control. When she was holding my arms before, I hadn't felt nearly so terrified as I did right now. Before, I at least knew that if I struggled hard enough, I had a chance to push her away momentarily or sneak in a breath of air. Now, my arms were fully restrained, and all I could do was lie there helpless as she violated me. My lungs were starting to burn.

"Mmmmmmph," I attempted to tell her I needed air, but my words were muffled in her ass. She started wiggling back and forth, and I felt my face slipping deeper. "Mmmmph! Mmmmph," my protests got more urgent. Finally, she sat up giving me a chance to catch my breath.

"Mmmm... I think I've found my new favorite way of shutting you up."

"I don't--Mmmmmph--" I tried to protest as she sat back on my mouth.

"I can tell you're trying to say something," she giggled, "but it's amazing how little I care right now." Her ass pressed firmly against my head. She was deceptively heavy for her size. She wiggled roughly, shaking my head side-to-side. "Can you imagine what Krista would say if she saw us now? Ooh... let's take some pictures for her." I felt her weight shift as grabbed her phone. I heard her snapping several photos. "Now let's just hope you never give me reason to share these with her."

She began bouncing up and down on my face, her weight slamming into my nose. It was very disorienting -- I kept having to steal small breaths, and every time she lifted up enough for me to open my eyes, I would open them only to be immediately slapped in the face again by her ass.

She came to a rest and went back to smothering me in her ass. I eventually got so distracted with self-preservation that I forgot to even struggle. She had a tendency to smother me near to blacking out, only giving me a breath or two before getting comfortable again. I stopped struggling as much just so I could avoid using the little oxygen I had in my lungs.

"Sorry, I should try to give you more air, but I keep getting carried away," she laughed sitting up.

"Fuck you," I said angrily, "Don't act like you care about me."

"Oh, sorry. I wasn't clear. I don't care about you, but more air for you means two things for me. First, it's longer that I can keep your face in my ass without stopping. Second, your struggles get awfully weak when I sit on your face for too long."

"Wait, what? You said you didn't care about me..." I asked, confused.

"Huh? Oh, sorry. I like when you put up a good struggle. I can't help it, you struggling helplessly beneath my ass is intoxicating, and more than a little hot."

E It concerned me more than a little how much she was enjoying this. Also, I began to wonder from her comment if she was into girls. Was it possible she was getting a sexual thrill from this? That thought terrified me in a whole new way.

I tried to turn away as Tamara decided I'd had enough air. She ended up sitting on the side of my head, my nose just barely escaping being smashed under her weight. She reached down and forcefully grabbed my face with her hand, pulling it back upright as she lowered herself back onto my face.

She began sliding back and forth. It wasn't enough just to have my head wedged in her ass, she was getting intimately acquainted with my face. The feeling of my nose sliding up and down the length of her ass was extraordinarily disconcerting. I closed my eyes and tried to tune out the assault. That's when I noticed something even worse. The few breaths of air I was managing to sneak in were getting filtered by her ass. Needless to say, it didn't smell like roses.

"Oh, Go--mmmmmph" I moaned in realization as I thought about what that meant. She continued rubbing her ass all over my face.

"Oooooh," she moaned, "I love the feeling of skin-on-skin. It's so kinky."

"Tamara, please... I don't like this."

"It doesn't matter. I like this," she grinned, "I like this a lot." She grabbed my hair and forcefully yanked my hair, pulling my head up slightly as she slid her feet under. With my head propped up, she was able to rub her ass even harder and more aggressively on my face. No matter how I tried to turn away, somehow her ass kept finding my face. I was constantly out of breath. It was hard to even think about trying to escape, all I could think about was trying to get a breath of air.

After what felt like forever, she finally lifted herself off my face and stood up.

"What do you say... late lunch break?" Without confirmation from me, she untied my legs and wrapped the belt back around my neck. It was a similar process as before, only this time she seemed reluctant to let me out of her sight. She led me into the trees, still naked from the prior day. "Go ahead and pee if you need to."

"You have got to be fucking kidding me."

"You're the one who tried to get away earlier, you brought this on yourself."

"Can't you at least look away?"

"You have 60 seconds. It's up to you how you use them, but then we're going back," Tamara said, ignoring my plea. Just when I thought she couldn't find a new way to humiliate me further. I spread my legs and relieved myself awkwardly as she watched. "Oh, how the mighty have fallen," she laughed, "To think you used to intimidate me. You're pathetic." She tugged the leash around my neck, tightening it. "Come on, let's get some food. We have to keep your strength up after all," she grinned.

"Tamara, there has to be something I can do for you. I'll give you money," I begged. Her eyes narrowed.

"You think you can buy your way out of this? You mock and ridicule me for years and then think you can buy my humiliation and low self-esteem away?" She seemed genuinely insulted. "Had you offered yesterday, I might have actually said yes. Today? There's not enough money in the world." She led me back to the tent, and bound my legs back. I wanted to try something, anything to escape, but I was out of ideas. She snapped the lock back into place. She pulled out some more cans of food and, propping my head up, spoon-fed me.

"Tamara, please. I'm able to feed myself you know. Just untie my hands. I'm not going anywhere."

"I'm keeping a close watch on you until you convince me I can trust you to behave yourself."

I sighed and watched as she fed herself from the same spoon. Normally, I wouldn't have cared about eating after someone, but I hated Tamara so much right now that the thought of something touching my lips and tongue after touching Tamara's just made everything seem worse than it already did. She held the spoon at my lips.

"Tamara," I asked nicely as I could, "Is there any way you could get me my own spoon?"

"What? You're too good to eat after me?"

"No! It's just... it's just a germ thing," I tried to backtrack, "You know what? Forget about it."

"Oh, I'm sorry... does this bother you?" She slowly licked the spoon all over.

"It's fine, really."

"What about this?" She spooned out another serving of food and spat directly on it.

"You know, I'm really not very hungry anymore," I lied.

"Eat it."

"Really, I'm not hungry."

"Open your mouth, or I'll make you, and you know I can do it," she threatened. I sighed, knowing she was right. The last thing I needed was to encourage her to get aggressive again. I was still in shock a bit at the way she had lashed out at me yesterday. Shy, timid, Tamara? No one would ever believe any of this.

Reluctantly, I opened my mouth and let her slide the spoon in. I swallowed, trying not to show my disgust. For the rest of the meal, she did the same for each spoonful she fed me. It was such a minor thing compared to all of the other humiliating things she had subjected me to, but I could tell she was enjoying the fact that I hadn't tried to fight her and had simply complied with her demand.

As she was almost done feeding the two of us, my phone started ringing. She hesitated before reaching for it. She glanced at the caller ID before answering the phone.

"Hey, Krista," she exclaimed, walking back over to me.

"Krista," I yelled, trying to get her attention. "Hell--mmmmph!" Tamara's hand quickly covered my mouth and nose. I struggled to pull away from her.

"Oh, yeah," Tamara said casually, "I answered her phone." She looked around before grabbing something on the ground near me. "She yelled hello to you, but had to use the restroom in a hurry."

She removed her hand and shoved something into my mouth. I quickly realized she had just gagged me with her panties. My eyes widened, but before I could force them back out, I found myself back under her heavy ass. She was also beginning to get sweaty from her earlier exertion and increasing temperature outside.

"What have we been up to?" she asked with hardly a pause, "Well, we've just been having a great time getting to know each other better." I struggled to turn my head to the side. Even if I couldn't get Krista's attention, I had to get Tamara's panties out of my mouth. I was feeling increasingly nauseated thinking about where her panties had been. I tried hard not not to swallow. I couldn't stop my tongue from touching them, but I tried not to think about which part of her panties my tongue was pressed against. She held me easily. My struggling only served to cause my face to slip deeper into her damp, warm ass. She laughed at something I couldn't hear.

"Yeah, well.... we're going swimming down at the lake now... Ok... By the way, our phones are almost dead, so don't expect to hear from us until tomorrow. Alright... By--What? Pictures in our bathing suits?" She hesitated. "Yeah, my new bathing suit *is* cute...OK, I'll take a picture when she gets back and send it to you." She hung up and tossed the phone away. "So, your sister says hi," she laughed, "She also likes the fact that we're getting to know each other so much better. Unfortunately, she wants a picture of us in our bathing suits before we go to the lake..." She sat up, letting me force the panties out of my mouth. Her ass hovered threateningly close over my face. It wasn't a pleasant view.


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