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Curious Girls Ch. 05

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Sara returns home to discover she's not out of the woods.
6.7k words

Part 5 of the 31 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/28/2014
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I awoke suddenly at the feeling of someone else on my bed. I opened my eyes to find Tamara hovering over me. I could only just make out her form in the darkness. She was just in the process of swinging her leg over my torso. Before I could respond, her weight was resting on my body and my arms pulled under her knees.

"Tamara... what are you doing?"

"Sssshhh," she whispered, "I know you want this."

She scooted forward until she was sitting on my chest, my chin pressed against her. She was wearing a revealing night gown which did little to hide her form. In fact, it did quite the opposite. I averted my eyes from the outline of her full breasts, her erect nipples pushing visibly through the fabric. She was apparently also wearing no panties. I grimaced at the feeling of her pubic hair rubbing against my chin.

"Tamara? What are you doing?" I asked in panic.

"You don't have to pretend anymore. Just lay back and enjoy this."

She sat up and scooted forward on her knees. Although it was hard to make out much detail, it was clear that I was staring directly up at Tamara's crotch.

"What are you talking about?" I said in a panic. "I don't want this!"

"Sssh. Sssh. It's OK. Don't talk." She began to lower herself toward my face. I took a deep breath and I braced myself for the inevitable.

"What's going on here? Tamara?" I suddenly heard a new voice. Krista? Tamara paused.

"K-Krista...,' Tamara stammered, "This isn't what it looks like."

"It looks like you're about to use my sister's face for something naughty." Krista pointed out.

"Well...," Tamara replied, "Then I guess this is exactly what it looks like."

"Why are you doing this to her?" Krista asked. I sighed in relief. Krista would put an end to this.

"She deserves it. She's always such a bitch. You know it's true."

"Well, sure... she certainly can be. But I've come to accept that it's just how she is." What was she saying? I hadn't ever been a bitch to my sister, had I? I mean, I'd sometimes told her what to do, but I viewed that as part of my role as a parent figure.

"Well, I don't accept it. I'm going to teach her a lesson... you're welcome to join me."

"I couldn't!" Krista exclaimed. "Mostly because I wouldn't know where to start." She laughed.

"It's easy. Just watch me, and I'll show you how it's done. Although, you can start undressing if you like." What was going on? Everything had turned surreal. I wasn't sure what I found more shocking: her warm, wet, and hairy pussy covering my mouth and nose or watching my sister out of the corner of my eye as she stripped naked, watching Tamara intently.

"I'm getting wet just watching you," Krista giggled, "I can't wait for my turn with her." How could my sister treat me this way? It didn't make any sense.

In response, Tamara began rubbing herself on my face. It didn't take long before she was breathing heavily, and moaning. Suddenly, she was overtaken by orgasm and she clenched her legs against my head, pressing roughly against my face as cum poured out of her, covering my face. Her cum filled my nose, and I opened my mouth to breath, but it was immediately filled with her juices as well. It poured down my face, drenching my pillow. I choked, unable to breathe. I tried to spit it out, but more kept pouring into my mouth. I was literally suffocating. As I started blacking out from lack of oxygen, I watched as Krista's naked pussy replaced Tamara's over my head.

"How am I supposed to have a turn when she's about to suffocate in your cum!" Krista exclaimed!

"She doesn't have to be conscious for you to use her face." Tamara replied.

"Ooh. Good point." I watched as Krista's pussy descended toward my face just as I faded into unconsciousness.


I jolted awake. What the-- I was still out of breath. What the hell that? Obviously, my fears were starting to manifest in my dreams. The more I dreamt of Tamara and I in sexual situations, the more I became afraid of it happening, and the more I was starting to dream about it. It was a vicious cycle. Why was my sister in my dream though? The thought of Tamara using me that way was bad enough, but my sister? I shuddered.

Suddenly, as my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I noticed the faint outline of something above me. It was fairly white in the darkness, but I couldn't quite make out specifics. Apparently my mind was playing tricks on me, or my dream was still too recent. It looked exactly like the outline of an ass, and it seemed to be getting bigger. A moment later, by breath was cut off as my head disappeared into what I could only surmise was the firm, heavy, and warm embrace of someone's ass.

"Mmmmmmph!!" I protested, struggling. I had been mid-breath. What was going on? I was already out of my breath from my nightmare, and someone was sitting on my face again? Was it Tamara? I couldn't tell, but I was already too weak to struggle. I tried to pull my head away, but I felt hands grab my hair and force my face tightly between the smooth, but firm cheeks. They held tightly, not letting me have a moment's reprieve. I expected the ass to lift off my face momentarily and give me a breath of air, but it didn't. I started to panic as my lungs began to burn. I struggled my hardest with my last bit of energy as I started to see spots. I felt myself slipping back into unconsciousness.


I opened my eyes. The light was shining brightly through my window and my head was pounding. What a miserable night. I must have slept a long time for it to be so bright outside. I felt incredibly disoriented. My dreams had felt so realistic, particularly that last one.

I stretched. My entire body ached. I felt exhausted. I couldn't help think about the last few days. Part of me wanted to believe it was all in my head. The rest of me knew there'd be something just as wrong if the last weekend came from my imagination. What did this mean? What was my relationship with Tamara now? Was her abuse over? Somehow I doubted it, but I felt powerless to do anything about it. I didn't even begin to have an idea how to fix things.

What I hated perhaps most of all, was that I couldn't even be free in the solace of my nighttime isolation. I was still feeling nauseated from that first dream, and the thought of Tamara using me that way. Forget about Tamara, the thought of Krista using me that way. What was wrong with me? I rubbed my eyes and slid my arm under my pillow. My arm brushed something, and I pulled out a pair of panties from under my pillow.

How had these gotten here? I shuddered and dropped them as I remembered that Tamara had left them behind. I paused as I recollected. Hadn't I hid them away under my bed? I could have sworn I remembered doing that. I carefully grabbed them at the hem and lowered myself over my mattress and started to stick the panties under the bed when I noticed another pair already there. Two pairs of panties? I was so confused. Where had this new pair come from? Tamara hadn't been in my room last night, had she? My memory was so fuzzy. I was so exhausted and, coupled with sporadic dreams, I couldn't seem to remember much clearly.

That last dream *had* felt more real, but that was my imagination, right? I would know for sure if Tamara had snuck into my room and smothered me unconscious, wouldn't I? She *had* expressed an interest on the trip home of smothering me until I blacked out. Of course, that could have been what triggered the dream too. Nevertheless, I still had a pair of, presumably, Tamara's panties in my hand. I tossed them under my bed too.

If Tamara had been in my room last night, what did that mean? Was I not even safe in my own bedroom? Damn it! I wished I could remember clearly what had happened.

I wandered downstairs cautiously, it felt like it had been so long since I'd been in the comfort of my own home. I was beginning to think that camping trip would never end. I looked around, but there was no one to be found. The house was silent.

"Krista?" I called out loudly. There was no answer. I ate breakfast quietly, still trying to figure out what I should do. I could tell Krista what had happened, but I wasn't sure she'd believe me. In addition, I couldn't help but remember the blackmail photos and recording Tamara had of me. I wasn't sure I was ready for those to get out.

After eating, I drove myself to the hardware store and picked out a door knob with a lock on it. I didn't know if Tamara had entered my room last night, but I knew one thing for sure. I'd feel a lot safer with a lock on my door.

I spent the better part of the afternoon figuring out how to install it. I definitely was not the most mechanical of individuals, but I had the determination to see it through. I refused to sleep in my room another night without a lock on the door.

Just as I finished, I heard the front door opening. Krista walked in followed by Tamara. They were both laughing about something. They were both actually wearing makeup and their hair was fixed. I felt like such a mess next to them.

"Sara!" Krista exclaimed, "I didn't get to see you last night!"

"Yeah, sorry..." I mumbled awkwardly, avoiding eye contact with Tamara. "I was exhausted."

Krista ran over and hugged me tightly. Her hug was very comforting. It was a reminder that there was still some normalcy in my life, despite what my dreams said to the contrary.

"Hey, there's my camping buddy!" Tamara smiled. "Where's my hug?"

I glared at her, but hugged her anyway to avoid drawing attention. I tried to pull away quickly, but she held me tightly. I felt her breasts pressing against me as she pulled herself onto her toes.

"Don't forget that everything that happened between us... stays between us." She whispered. Like she needed to remind me.

She pulled away, speaking in her normal voice. "We should go camping again sometime! The weekend went by too quickly. There's so much more I would have liked to have done." She winked at me. I looked away.

"I don't think camping is for me." I said.

"Come on, Sara! I'll be there next time." Krista laughed. "Besides, Tamara has been telling me about all the fun you guys had together."

I doubted very much Tamara's accounting of events would match mine, so I excused myself. As they continued toward the living room, I stared at Tamara. Could she have been in my room last night?

"Hey, Tamara... you didn't stay over last night, did you?"

"Nope," she replied, "Why do you ask?"

"No reason." I turned and headed quickly back to my bedroom as the two of them disappeared into the living room. I spent the next 30 minutes or so cleaning myself up. If Tamara could manage to look so presentable, I could too. I'd show her that she couldn't get to me.

I fixed my hair, put on some shorts and a cute top, and I was just finishing my makeup when I heard Krista calling up to me.

"Sara! You should come play a game with us."

"Be right there!" I yelled back. I finished up my lip gloss and made my way downstairs. I put on a brave face. I'd show Tamara I wasn't scared of her. I wouldn't give her that satisfaction.

"What game are you playing?"

"Twister!" Krista grinned.

My heart sank. Was there a worse game they could have chosen?

"Couldn't we play something else?" I begged.

"Well, I guess we--" Krista started to respond.

"Naw, come on!" Tamara urged, "It'll be fun!"

I grimaced as they set up the game. How did I always get myself into these situations? At least Krista would be in the room with me.

The game started normally. However, it wasn't long before we were getting tangled up in each other's arms and legs. I was actually starting to have fun and get a bit competitive. It made it much more interesting, because we were taking turns calling out body parts and colors.

"Right hand!" Krista yelled.

"Blue!" Tamara added.

It was my move. I looked around for a blue to put my right hand on, but I only saw one I could reach that wasn't already occupied by Tamara or Krista, and it was the one right between Tamara's legs.

"Can I have a different color?" I begged.

"Well... I guess--" Krista started.

"No. That would be cheating," Tamara interrupted. I looked at Krista, but she didn't argue with Tamara.

"Fine." I grumbled, letting my competitive nature get the better of me. I would show Tamara she couldn't phase me. I confidently moved my arm to the only place I could, sliding it right between her legs.

"Ooh." You're not enjoying yourself, are you? "Tamara mocked.

"Oh, shut up." I grumbled, not wanting to show my embarrassment. Krista stayed silent, except to call out a move for Tamara. The next color could have taken Tamara partially away from our awkward position, but she didn't take the opportunity. I suspected she was trying to make me uncomfortable so she could win, but I wasn't going to let that happen.

"Right hand," called out Krista quickly.

"Red," Tamara replied.

Whew. Thank God for Krista. Her quick calling of my right arm allowed me to move it to a different color and finally get away from Tamara. However, after a couple more moves, I'd managed to get myself twisted backward so I was facing upward. By this point, she actually had both her left and right feet on blue and was standing right next to me near my head. However, it was a bit awkward because she had her hands on yellow and blue which meant she had her ass just to the side of my head.

"Right leg." Krista called out for Tamara. I suspected she was on my side, and was trying to help get Tamara away from me. I was just about to call out red when Krista stumbled and fell.

"Crap!" Krista laughed. "I can't believe I fell."

"Well, I guess we can use the spinners now." I suggested.

Krisa walked over and spun them, announcing Tamara's next move.

"Left foot... green!" She yelled.

Although there were a few options for Tamara, she opted for the one directly on the other side of my head. I found myself unexpectedly staring up Tamara's skirt.

"Come on, Tamara," I joked, "no one wants to see that."

"Why don't you look closer?" Tamara snapped back. She was already so short that she didn't have to lower herself much. The next thing I knew, Tamara is rubbing her panties on my face.

"That's so not cool." Krista called out, half joking, half annoyed.

"I'll still beat her." I reassured Krista.

"I'm more determined to win than you are." Tamara laughed, suddenly thrusting herself hard into my head. Her crotch hit me roughly in the face, disorienting me and knocking me off balance. I swore aloud as I fell to the ground.

"You're such a cheater," Krista was noticeably angry at Tamara now.

"Aw, come on! It was funny!" Tamara laughed.

"It wasn't funny. This game isn't fun anymore," Krista shook her head and stormed off.

"Come on," Tamara yelled after Krista, "don't be a sore loser!"

Neither of us really knew what to say. Things were already tense between us, but Krista's reaction seemed a bit extreme. What was bothering her so much? Not that I minded the assistance against Tamara.

"I... uh, I should go check on her, I guess," I said awkwardly to Tamara.

"Yeah, sure... whatever."

I walked up to Krista's room, and found her lying on her bed.

"You OK?" I asked her. Her response surprised me."

"What are you thinking, letting her do that to you?"

"Letting her? I didn't *let* her." I defended myself.

"Whatever. It doesn't matter."

"Krista... whatever I did, I'm sorry." She didn't respond. I waited for a minute in silence, then turned to leave her alone. As I reached the door, she spoke up.

"Wait. I'm sorry. I think I'm just tired... Why don't we relax and watch a movie or something?" she suggested.

I could tell something was still bothering her, but at least she was willing to put whatever it was behind her. We hugged, and went downstairs together. Tamara was in no hurry to go anywhere (to my annoyance), so we all settled in to watch a movie together. Initially, we all started on the couch, but I slid down onto the floor to watch the movie from there. Krista started to lay down.

"Wait, I'll come over there and you can prop your head in my lap." Tamara offered. She slid over, and Krista lay her head in Tamara's lap. It was all well and good until Tamara propped her feet up on my upper chest.

I debated if I should say anything, but ultimately decided to ignore her. She was just trying to annoy me.

I thought about giving her a hard time, or pushing them off, but I really didn't want to get any more on her bad side than I already was. So I just let them stay. However, as the movie progressed, they slowly inched their way up until her toes were touching my chin. This was starting to remind me of the game "chicken." A battle of wills to see who would give in first. Well, it wasn't going to be me.

Oh, God. Her toes were touching my mouth. I pursed my lips, but she continued to caress my lips with her toes, sliding them between my lips and over my teeth. Disgusted, I tried to turn away without drawing attention, but her feet kept finding me.

Krista lay with her head in Tamara's lap, none the wiser to Tamara's silent assault. I was suddenly surprised as she clenched her toes around my nose, forcing me to breathe through my mouth.

Before I realized what she was planning, she slid her foot back and shoved it into my open mouth. Ok, this was too much. I was about to protest when I had second thoughts. What if Krista wanted to know why I'd let Tamara stick her foot in my mouth without saying anything. What if I tried to tell her about Tamara's abuse? She might think I was just trying to get her back for this incident. Plus, if I got more on Tamara's bad side, there was no telling how she would respond.

I sighed and decided it was safest to just play along for now. Not an easy decision to reach while Tamara's foot was forcing its way deeper into my mouth. My tongue was trapped against the bottom of her foot, her toes dangerously close to making me gag as they pushed toward the back of my throat.

Eventually, she pulled her wet foot out of my mouth and rubbed it on my face. It was so humiliating. Finally, I'd had enough.

"You know, I'm tired. I think it's bedtime for me."

Krista and Tamara both tried to convince me to stay, but I couldn't be around Tamara right now. I finally got away and locked myself in my room. I threw myself on the bed and cried myself to sleep. Something I'd been doing a lot of lately.


I was startled awake. I thought I'd heard a noise, but everything seemed quiet now. I lay there listening, but all I heard was the wind and occasional sound of a passing car. Wait, I couldn't normally hear things so well outside. What was going on? Was my window open? I looked around the room. It was very dark, but the moonlight shone into the room making it possible to see somewhat.

As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I noticed a strange form in the shadows near my bed. There didn't appear to be movement. Obviously, my dreams from last night were making me paranoid. I closed my eyes again, but just to reassure myself, I opened my eyelids just slightly and watched the shadows. Still nothing. I was just about to close them again when I noticed a subtle movement.

I panicked, but stayed still. The shadow continued to move and I realized that short frame and big chest could only be Tamara. I watched in horror as she slowly and quietly removed her panties. Oh, God. What was she planning? What should I do? She had no idea I was awake which gave me an advantage. I watched through my eyelashes as she crept closer to me. I could tell she was completely naked from the waist down, but between the darkness and keeping my eyelids mostly closed, I couldn't make out much else.

I could jump out of bed and start screaming, but there was no guarantee it would work. She might run away in a hurry, but she also might tackle and gag me before Krista would have time to hear me. After the camping trip, I wasn't at all confident I could take her one-on-one.


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