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Curious Girls Ch. 09

Story Info
Sara struggles with the aftermath and an uncertain future.
6k words

Part 8 of the 31 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/28/2014
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The cold air nipped at my skin as blasts of wind caused the snow to swirl around me. I found myself at the top of an isolated slope; the snow-covered trees were breathtaking. I shivered as I ran my hands up my body and over my breasts, my nipples already hardening in response to the brisk air. Why was I always naked?

I heard the sound of snow crunching softly underfoot, and I spun around in surprise. Standing in front of me was an almost fully naked Tamara. Her full breasts swayed softly as she moved, her nipples equally erect. Tamara's skin seemed extra white, her freckles standing out more than usual against the snow. Were it not for the freckles which covered her body, she might have blended perfectly into the landscape. Her curly, red pubic hair stood out against her pale skin like red paint on a white canvas. She wore fur-lined snow boots which came up to her mid-calf and around her neck hung a regal cape which clung to her body in the wind. And to complete her ensemble, a tiara was nestled atop her head. Had it not been for her being otherwise naked, she would have almost looked like royalty.

"Tamara," I asked as she approached, "What are you wearing?"

She quickly backhanded me. "You will not speak without permission," she said icily. Her eyes cut into me, and I found myself averting my gaze.

"I-I'm sorry, Tamara." I apologized instinctively.

She slapped me again, harder this time. "What did I just tell you?" She demanded. "And you're never to call me by my given name again. From now on, I'm to be addressed as 'Mistress.' Is that clear?" I kept silent, knowing punishment awaited if I spoke without her permission. She slapped me again, this time nearly knocking me to the ground. "Answer me when I ask you a question!" She demanded angrily. I was dumbfounded.

"Y-yes. It's clear." I cautiously responded. She lifted her hand to strike me again. "Mistress!" I added in a hurry. She lowered her hand.

"Good. Now, on your knees!" She barked. "Kneel before your queen."

I tried to resist, but my body moved as if it had a mind of its own. My knees pulled me to the ground, and I found myself staring directly between her legs.

"I bet you'd love to lick me, wouldn't you?" She loomed over me.

"Yes, Mistress." I found myself replying against my will.

"Well, you're in luck because I'd love to let you." She smiled.

I watched as my hands reached up to her hips and pulled her toward me. Despite my efforts to push the thoughts out of my head, all I could think about was sliding my fingers into her pubic hair and finding that hidden treasure. I felt a deep desire to push my face so deeply into her that her scent and her taste merged and became one. I was starting to get wet thinking about burying my tongue into her warm, wet folds and tasting her nectar. As my lips approached her body, I was abruptly struck down.

"I never gave you permission to touch my body!" Tamara chastised. I grimaced, expecting further punishment. "Besides, I said only that I'd love to feel your tongue, but I don't think you've earned that privilege yet."

"Yes, Mistress. I'm sorry, Mistress."

"As a punishment for being over-eager, I'm going to ride your face more literally today."


"Lie down." She commanded. Her very voice quelled my desire to tell her to go fuck herself. I felt intensely ashamed for my thoughts toward my goddess. I lay myself down on the ground knowing I deserved whatever punishment she gave me.

She was holding some sort of contraption now. Where did that come from? She slid some sort of metal-framed shoes on my feet, locking my feet together. The rest of the contraption slid up and locked above my knees. The device effectively locked my legs together and prevented me from bending my knees. She pulled a thin, but long, rope away. Each end was attached to an ankle, and it stretched to my neck. She tugged it, spinning me in the snow until my feet were pointing toward the steep slope.

"There," she grinned, "You'll make a very nice sled." She stepped over my head, and I found myself staring at her perfectly smooth, pale ass cheeks. I just couldn't get past how there were so many fewer freckles on her ass. I watched impatiently as she lowered herself. I couldn't wait for my face to be nestled into her perfect ass. It was where I belonged.

Somewhere in my mind, I wanted to throw my arms up and stop her, but instead, all I could do was lie there as she settled her weight onto my head. Her skin was icy cold. There wasn't any of the warmth I would have expected.

She pushed us both with her legs, and I felt gravity starting to take hold as we moved onto the slope. She lifted her legs and lay them across my body, every part of her skin was cold to the touch. Strangely enough, the snow itself wasn't that cold against my skin. As we picked up speed, she tugged on her reins to steer my body. Her cape fluttered in the wind, exposing her marvelous form.

The hill was very bumpy and, as a result, her ass bounced rapidly into my face. Occasionally, a big bump lifted her several inches into the air before landing heavily back on my head. I felt so disoriented, yet I still couldn't resist. Despite the discomfort and pain, I was still enjoying contributing to the enjoyment of my goddess. Maybe when we were done, she would let me lick her ass instead. I was starting to get turned on again.

We finally reached the bottom of the hill, and Tamara laughed in enjoyment. I expected her to sit up, but she didn't. She just kept laughing. I could feel myself fading due to the lack of oxygen, and I was loving every minute of it.


I awoke to Tamara's ass hovering over my face. Definitely not something one wants to wake up to. I was momentarily confused, and then I remembered what had happened. Tamara had raped me. I doubted she saw it that way, but I certainly did. The rest of my memories were slowly coming back. After she'd used my face for her enjoyment, rather than leaving me to my humiliation, she'd taken the opportunity to pleasure herself another couple of times at my expense. My face was so drenched in her cum it was surreal.

Then I realized something else. I had woken up sexually aroused. Was that from my dream? The dream disgusted me now, but I remembered being so turned on in my dream. Even staring now at those inviting ass cheeks, I felt no sexual arousal, yet I couldn't shake the way I'd felt in my dream. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to think further on it just now.

"Tamara," I gasped. "Please... you've had your fun. Aren't three orgasms enough to satisfy you?"


"What?" I asked, confused.

"Four orgasms," she laughed, "although the last was a bit naughty since you were still unconscious." She grinned.

"Tamara, please..."

She ignored me. "I was going to force your nose into my ass until I was ready to go again since that always turns me on but, now that you're awake, why don't you put your tongue to work on my breasts?"

"I'm not going to help turn you on, just to have you turn around and use my face again." I said pointedly.

"It's so cute the way you think you have a choice. You can either suck my nipples or you can suffocate under my ass, but after that you *will* give me another orgasm."

I knew she was right. "Fine, I'll... suck your nipples." It was hard to say, but I got it out.

She turned around and leaned over, her pert breasts seemed even larger hovering over me. It made me think about the first time she'd done anything like this to me. It didn't seem like so long ago that I was shocked and repulsed by the thought of her topless like this--the thought of her nipples in my mouth. Now, I eagerly welcomed the feel of her hard nipples between my lips--against my tongue. I welcomed it because it meant my face wasn't in her ass. No, that used to be the worst thing I thought could happen to me. Now, I would welcome her ass on my face if it meant my face wouldn't end up covered in her cum. It was all about perspective.

I licked away at her breasts, flicking her nipples with my tongue and and sucking her pink and somewhat large areolas into my mouth. At least this time, she didn't seem interested in torturing me or slapping me in the face with her breasts. The downside was that she was planning on shoving her wet pussy in my face again soon, and I was only helping to make things worse for myself. The worst part about sucking her nipples was her moaning. At least, that's what I thought until I noticed that her fingers were between her legs. Maybe she'd get carried away and realize she didn't need me. I could dream.

She really seemed to love having her breasts played with, and after what seemed like eternity, she gasped.

"Oh, God. You're getting better at that! I can't take it anymore. I need to feel you." She pulled away and turned around.

"Tamara, what are you do--mmmmmmmph?" My face sank into her ass without any hesitation from her as she settled heavily onto my head. She leaned forward and began thrusting into my mouth. It hadn't before occurred to me how close my mouth had been to her pussy when she'd sat on my head in the past. She needed only to lean forward a little, and her pussy covered my nose and mouth.

The worst part was that my nose was still wedged up against her asshole, so she was simultaneously rubbing her ass on my nose and her crotch on my mouth. The only positive was not having to stare at her wet pussy as it repeatedly mashed into my face, but staring at her ass wasn't much better.

Part of me wanted to protest or struggle, but not only was it just tiring me out unnecessarily, I was pretty sure it just made her grind harder on my face. Additionally, between the blackmail material she had on me and her threats to dominate my sister instead if I didn't cooperate, it didn't give me much choice. So, I just lay there and took it. I just didn't know how much abuse one person should be expected to suffer through. I had no real sense of the passage of time, but it felt like Tamara's pussy had been rubbing on my mouth for a couple of hours now from beginning to end--an eternity for something you're not enjoying. Unfortunately, Tamara seemed unaware of the passage of time. I couldn't even zone out and pretend I was somewhere else. The intensity of her grinding and thrusting coupled with having to struggle for every breath while not choking on her cum kept me very much in the moment.

I wondered how many men would have eagerly taken my place--or just stood there and watched. I was sure this would have been a sexy sight for most straight men, but I suspected none of them had ever had another man forcibly straddle them and force his big, hard cock down their throat. I amused myself thinking of the irony of such a situation while trying to distract myself from the never-ending assault on both my face and my dignity. Tamara stopped thrusting. I was a bit confused. She was obviously extremely aroused, yet I was sure she hadn't orgasmed.

"Fuck!" She gasped, out of breath, "I'm getting turned on too fast. No need to rush, right?" She laughed. After a moment, she began rubbing a bit slower on my face. However, It didn't last long as she gradually lost control to the pleasure my face was giving her and her intensity began to increase again. Just when I thought she was going to climax, she slowed again. This continued for some time with each slower interval getting shorter and each intense interval longer and more vigorous. I could tell things were escalating, and she would soon be lost in her rapture. Not only did Tamara have a strange compulsion to pleasure herself on my face, but she had to drag her pleasure out as long as possible. It was just my luck. Unexpectedly, she came back to reality and came to rest on my face.

I felt her pulling at the plastic wrap that was restraining me, but I was mostly focusing on the inability to get any oxygen while she was resting. Not being able to breathe while your entire body is restrained is always a scary feeling. However, I was curious what she was doing. She seemed to be tearing holes in the plastic surrounding my breasts until she was able to pull my breasts through her holes in the plastic wrap. The cool air felt nice, but the reprieve was short-lived.

Tamara caressed my breasts with her hands, and I hated to admit how nice it felt. However, I suddenly felt sharp pains in both of my breasts as she dug her long nails into my skin.

"MMMMMMMMPH!!" I screamed in protest.

"Just want to make sure you're not enjoying yourself too much." She laughed. She gripped my breasts in her hands, using them as leverage as she resumed rubbing herself on my mouth and chin. "You call these breasts?" She mocked. "You made fun of mine for years--I wish I'd realized it was just your own jealousy. Still, as much as you made fun of my tits, you must have been really jealous. That's half of why I'm being so nice to you and giving you plenty of time lately to fully appreciate them up close. The other half? I'm not going to lie... it's a little bit selfish on my part." She suddenly slapped my breast--hard!

"Mmmph!" I protested again. She continued slapping my breasts until my pale skin started turning a bright red.

"I can't believe you used to intimidate me," she sneered, "you're pathetic." Her words stung more than they should have. "And to think," she continued, "I used to think you were useless when all these years, but it turns out you do have a use after all--a purpose if you will--and that's to be my personal fuck toy."

Her bluntness stunned me. "I'm not a sex toy, here for your personal amusement." I retorted angrily.

"No? Then explain why your face fits so perfectly into my pussy." She demanded.

"What? That doesn't make any sense!" I protested, "And besides, you said you just needed this one time in order to get this out of your system!"

She laughed loudly. "I'm sorry, but the emphasis was on needing to get it out of my system. Unfortunately, after feeling how incredible you make me feel, it's *so* fucking far from being out of my system."

She began grinding more vigorously on my face again, making it difficult for me to continue the conversation. I struggled not to cry as she resumed slapping my breasts, alternating hands randomly so as not to lose her rhythm on my mouth. It scared me how difficult it was to get through to her once she reached a certain level of arousal. It was like she didn't hear a word I said, and it didn't seem like she was intentionally ignoring me. She was literally oblivious to anything but her own pleasure in the moment--and she'd reached that point.

Tamara's moaning reached an elevated pitch and her thrusting a feverish speed. I still couldn't believe how wet she got--easily two to three times more than I'd ever been. It just didn't seem possible. If I was going to be subjected to this intense humiliation, having my face drenched in her juices and cum was just adding insult to injury.

Her legs clenched in ecstasy, and I struggled to breathe as her weight settled onto my head. Her warm, thick, and sticky cum covered my lips and dripped down my chin onto my neck as she slowly became aware of the world again and the waves of pleasure shooting through her body subsided.

"Mmmmm... fuck yeah!" She moaned, "I'm definitely going to want to feel *that* again." She yawned. "I'm starting to get a little tired. Maybe you should do the work for the next one."

"Next one? Please, Tamara. It's so late."

She sat back down, her pussy squished wetly on my mouth and nose.

"So, how about it? I've gone easy on you. It's your turn."

My eyes opened wide. "Mmmmmph!" I struggled pointlessly.

"Lick it or smother in it."

I shook my head enthusiastically. She moaned. "As nice as that feels, I'm *very* eager to feel your tongue." She ran her fingers through my hair. "Don't be shy. As amazing as I smell, I bet I'll taste even better."

"Fuck you!" I spat.

"Now you're getting it." She looked at me intensely.

I lay there stubbornly. There were limits to what I could do, and there was absolutely no way in hell my tongue was going near another woman's pussy. She sat up slightly waiting for an answer.

"No, Tamara. That's too far." I said with less conviction than I intended. "I can't. I'm straight."

She laughed. "So am I."

"What? You are?" I asked in confusion.

"Of course. Why would you think I wasn't?"

I was incredulous. "You *just* asked me to lick your pussy!"

"What does that have to do with anything? You don't have to be a lesbian to enjoy good head."

It was like talking at a brick wall. "But, as a straight woman, you wouldn't want to go down on another woman, right?"

She frowned in disgust. "What the hell is wrong with you? That's nasty!"

"Right, so put yourself in my shoes. Why would I want to lick you any more than you'd want to lick another woman?"

She looked confused again. "Nope. Not following at all."

"Ok," I paused in frustration, "Let me try this again."

"Uuuugggh!" She groaned, "I'm too horny for all this talk about licking pussies" She sat back on my mouth. "I'll be able to focus more on what you're saying once you stop talking about licking me and actually do it!"

I adamantly refused. I'd let myself be pushed far enough. If I caved and gave her what she wanted, there was no way she'd ever leave me alone. Not that I was convinced she ever would anyway.

"C'mon, just stick out your tongue, and I'll do all the work." She begged. Hardly an appealing offer. After a while, she sighed. "Maybe I'm trying to push you into this too fast. Maybe you need more time to get used to the idea."

She climbed off of my face. "Perhaps you just need to smell my scent for a while." She grabbed my legs and pulled me back toward the end of the bed, simultaneously pushing me onto my stomach. I didn't have to wait long to figure out what she was planning.

She climbed back to the head of the bed and lay with her legs on either side out my head over my back. She grabbed my hair firmly and lifted my head as she scooted under me. I could do nothing but watch as she lowered my face into her crotch. "There, now you can enjoy my scent for a while," she laughed. I tried holding my head up, it was impossible for very long. My only option ultimately was laying there with my face in her crotch. She kept her knees tightly enough together that I couldn't turn my head to the side.

She held my hair aggressively, using it to pull my face into her pussy. "Oh, fuck. I'm getting turned on again." She moaned, thrusting upward into my face with increasing force. My hair was long enough she was able to hold my face between her legs while lying back and thrusting upward. My face bounced up and down as her crotch smacked repeatedly into my face. This caused her thrusting to be somewhat imprecise, so sometimes she hit my face anywhere from my chin to forehead. Her thrusting knocked my head upward, only to have her immediately pull my face back down with a firm tug on my hair. Her pubic hair rubbed abrasively on my skin. It was very disorienting because sometimes my nose would slide directly into her slit and the next time smack me wetly in the eye.

As she approached orgasm, her thrusting intensified as did her grip on my hair. The pain was intense, but I held back the tears. I wasn't about to give her the satisfaction. She pulled my hair roughly, forcing my nose into her wet slit. She sat up, and her hand gripped my hair close to my scalp. She began yanking my hair roughly side to side, rubbing my face in her pussy. She was so wet! I couldn't breathe. I realized using my nose to pleasure her clit.

As she climaxed, she wrapped her legs around my head and leaned forward. I felt her hand tighten its grip on the back of my head and held my head tightly against her crotch until her orgasm subsided. After a few moments, she collapsed back onto the bed. She sighed softly, finally appearing content. Her knees were still propped up making it impossible to turn my head away, so I simply lay there with my face buried between her legs, only lifting my head occasionally for air.


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