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Curious Girls Ch. 12

Story Info
Tamara becomes careless as her sexual frustration grows.
5.8k words

Part 10 of the 31 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/28/2014
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I awoke to the wet smacking of Tamara's mound thrusting rhythmically against my face. I'd apparently been unconscious for any sort of foreplay because she was already in full swing. Her fingers intertwined with my hair as she mashed her clitoris against my nose with a fiery intensity. Her need and desire showed clearly on her face as she moaned, biting her lip in anticipation of the waves of pleasure about to shoot through her body.

"Sara?" Krista's voice was unexpectedly at my door. Tamara paused in mid-thrust. She was clearly only seconds from achieving release. She looked momentarily conflicted.

"Damn it!" She whispered, quickly resuming with renewed vigor. She was obviously determined to finish quickly before letting me reply to Krista.

"Sara. Are you awake?" Krista asked louder. Tamara was obviously having trouble finishing up with the panic of the moment and the repeated distractions.

"Fuck!" She swore again, her frustration was obvious as she lifted her swollen lips off of my face. "Don't you fucking dare tell her about this or you'll regret it." She whispered.

"Fine, whatever." I exhaled with irritation. I wanted so badly to tell her off, but I knew better now. I had learned that lesson the hard way before.

"Sara?" Krista knocked at the door.

"Yeah?" I replied to Krista through the door. "What's up?"

"Have you seen Tamara? I woke up and she wasn't here."

"Have you looked downstairs?" I suggested, glancing at Tamara for any cues on how I should respond.

Tamara looked like she was going to explode from anticipation. "Hurry up," she moaned softly. "I'm so close to cumming." I doubted she cared at this particular moment what I said as long as it made Krista leave.

Krista replied, "Yeah, I can't find her anywhere. I'm getting worried."

Tamara continued whispering. "Once she leaves, I'm going to cover your face with my cum. And after that I'm going to do the same to your tongue..." She moaned again as she slid her fingers between her legs. I couldn't tell if she was talking to me or herself, but I was getting nauseated listening to her.

"Actually," I replied, my plan still forming in my head. "I forgot. I talked to her not long ago. She wasn't feeling well so she went home."

"Good thinking," Tamara bit her lip and grinned, "Now we've got all night."

"What? Why didn't she tell me?" Krista asked.

"She didn't want to wake you. I just happened to see her and I told her I'd tell you. Sorry I was half-asleep a second ago and forgot."

"Oh. That's too bad." Krista answered. "I guess I'll give her a call in the morning."

Tamara was clearly beyond reasoning. She was only waiting until the moment Krista left to force my face back into her slit.

"Hey," I said, ignoring Tamara's lustful stare. "Why don't we have a sleepover tonight instead?"

"You bitch!" Tamara cursed at me.

"Sure!" Krista said excitedly. "I'll just go get my stuff."

"Wait," I stopped her hurriedly. "Why don't we sleep in your room?"

"Oh, sure. That works too!"

"I'll meet you there in a couple minutes?" I offered.

"Okay!" Krista's footsteps disappeared down the hallway.

"You're going to pay for that." Tamara snarled.

"Maybe," I gave her an icy stare, "But not tonight." I tried to sit up, but she pushed me back down.

"Let me go, Tamara," I demanded. "You and I both know you don't have time to finish."

"Fuck!" Tamara swore again. She didn't verbally relent, but she allowed me to push her off my face and didn't try to stop me as I sat up. "This isn't over."

"It is for now."

I tried to ignore her angry stare as I left the room. I couldn't believe I'd won. I could tell how turned on she'd been only to have me block her like that. It was probably a mistake, but at this moment it was the most satisfying feeling in the world. However, the minute I closed the door on her, my whole body started shaking. I started doubting myself. Was I making things worse for myself? Could they be worse?

I decided to just focus on now. I had to take this one step at a time. I stopped quickly into the hall bathroom and freshened up before continuing to Krista's bedroom door. The last thing I needed to do was roll into Krista's room with my face smelling of her best friend. I took a deep breath, and I slipped into Krista's room.

"Hey, you!" Krista smiled.

"Hey, yourself." I grinned back.

"Make yourself comfortable." Krista offered.

"Thanks. You have an extra pillow and blanket in here, right? I forgot to grab mine."

"Uh... sure." She pulled her second pillow off her bed and grabbed a spare blanket out of her closet.

"Thanks." I made myself a spot on the floor next to her.

"Are you sure you wouldn't rather sleep up here with me?" She offered.

"No, it's OK! I don't mind sleeping on the floor." I wasn't about to impose any further on her kindness than I already was. I was just happy to be out of my room. I didn't feel safe there anymore. I remembered the lock on my window. Tamara had the ability to enter through either my bedroom door or my window while simultaneously locking everyone out. If she ever caught me alone in there, there was every chance I wasn't leaving until she was good and finished. And knowing Tamara, that could easily be hours.

As we lay there in the dark, we did the usual exchange of gossip and chit-chat you would expect from a sleepover before falling asleep. And around the time I was about to drift off, Krista's voice jolted me back awake.


"Yeah?" I could tell her voice had tensed a little.

"Do you remember that conversation we had a little while ago... about kissing?"

"What?" I had a moment of panic as her question jolted me back to thoughts of the dream I'd just had only a few moments ago whilst Tamara had been busy making herself comfortable on my face.

"The conversation we had on the carriage..."

"Oh, no! Sorry, I remember. You just caught me off guard." I apologized.

"Yeah... well, I was thinking about your advice... about practicing kissing, and I was thinking about asking Tamara to practice with me."

"What?!" I said in a startled panic.

"What's wrong? I thought you'd be happy for me..." Krista asked, confused.

My dream was still too fresh in my mind. There was no way in hell I was going to let things play out the way they had in my dream. That is, I was afraid that if Krista and Tamara became involved, Tamara would eventually become more important to Krista than I was. I didn't really think that Krista would ever treat me like she had in my dream, but there was still that lingering fear that it would open avenues for Tamara's continued mistreatment.

"What? No... I... I am. I just, it's a big step... are you sure?"

"I've thought about it a lot. I feel so naive sometimes. I don't even know how to kiss, and I would feel weird asking any guys because I'm not attracted to men. So, I don't know what else to do."

I thought quickly. "Well, Tamara is your best friend. What if it changes or destroys your relationship with her?"

"I know it's a possibility," she said with frustration, "But I don't have anyone else I feel comfortable asking."

If you were to ask me later what I was thinking at the time, I'm not sure I could answer you. However, at that precise moment, it seemed like a perfectly rational response in light of the fears my dream had elicited.

"I'll practice with you." I offered before my brain had time to process.

"What?" She asked, confused. "You'll practice... what with me?"

"Kissing." I knew there was no way I could do what I was suggesting, but I didn't have a better solution at the moment.

"You'd do that for me? Wouldn't it be too weird?" She asked hesitantly. "What if it hurts our own relationship? That's even more important to me than Tamara's relationship."

"Yeah, but we're sisters. It's not that weird for sisters to practice kissing with each other, is it? And I can tell you right here and now it won't hurt our relationship a bit."

"Well, maybe..." She didn't look convinced.

"Besides, I need practice too. I'm also... I've also never kissed anyone so you'd be helping me too." I heard myself talking, but I was too busy trying to figure out how to get myself out of this mess to pay much attention to what I was saying. I knew I had to stop her from getting any closer to Tamara, and for now I'd done that.

"I'll tell you what... why don't you think it over, and we'll talk about it when you're ready." She could take forever as far as I was concerned. "Just... don't say anything to Tamara until you're sure."

"Uh... OK. I'll... I'll let you know." She seemed conflicted, but for now that worked.

"And Sara?"


"Thanks. You're a good sister. I don't know many other people with sister's as understanding as you have been lately. I love you."

"I try." I smiled. "And... I love you too."

I was potentially getting in the way of my own sister's future happiness because I'd had a stupid nightmare and because I wanted her help to keep Tamara away from me. I was putting my own needs ahead of my sister. I felt like crap.


I awoke the next morning feeling a bit better. It was the first night I'd felt safe in a while, and I'd slept soundly. Thankfully, my sleep was devoid of the nightmares which had been plaguing me of late. However, I still hadn't come up with an idea to get myself out of my promise to Krista without pushing her back toward Tamara. In hindsight, it occurred to me that if she'd asked Tamara, Tamara would probably have just said no, and the problem would have been solved. Still, I wasn't sure I was willing to take that chance. Maybe I simply needed to find Krista a girlfriend, and convince her to make the first move with Krista. I suspected all she needed was a small confidence boost, and she'd be just fine on her own. At least, I hoped it would be that simple. Worst case, it wouldn't be the end of the world to kiss her a couple of times just to show her it was no big deal.

"Good morning." Krista rolled over and smiled.

"Likewise!" I greeted back, rubbing my eyes.

She hesitated. "While I was waiting for you to wake up, I thought about the offer you made last night." I panicked all over again as she continued. "My initial reaction was that it'd be too weird, and I was going to turn you down. But then I thought about something else you said. You've also never kissed anyone, and you're older than I am."

"So? What about it?" I asked.

"So, I think you've been hiding your own embarrassment. I think you were thinking more about helping yourself than you were thinking about helping me."

"What? I-it's not like that," I stammered.

"It's OK. You've been such a great sister that I decided to say... yes. I want to help you--to help both of us."

I was so confused. She thought she was also doing me a favor? I played along, not wanting her to change her mind.

"You got me! I'd thought about asking you to practice with me, but I was too embarrassed."

"Don't be embarrassed. I'm glad we can learn together... as sisters."

I had been hoping my suggestion that she take some time to think about it would keep her busy longer.

"Yeah," I replied, "Me too. And it was fun having our own sleepover! We should do these more often. Why did we stop?" I asked in earnest.

"I don't know, but we can do them any time." Krista replied.

"How about again tonight?"

"Well, why the hell not?" Krista shrugged, laughing. "You can stay with me every night if you want."

I wasn't sure if she was serious, but it probably wasn't a long-term solution either way. Still, knowing I should be safe from Tamara for another night was a load off my mind. Tamara had done everything possible to make me feel unsafe in my room. Even walking in there felt like I was literally begging Tamara to take advantage of the situation. My room had become a sort of sex trap--a rape room if you will, and I wanted to be nowhere near it.


I did everything I could over the next couple of days to keep Krista away from Tamara and hanging out with only me. As I lay on Krista's floor for the third night in a row, I found myself hoping Krista would never tire of having me stay over with her.

"Sara?" Krista asked.


"Do you... want to practice kissing now?"

"What? Uh... Um..."

"Have you changed your mind?" She asked expectantly. "I don't mind asking Tamara."

"No! No, it's not that. You just... caught me off guard. Um... why don't we plan a time soon to do it, and we'll make it happen?"

"Okay!" She said happily.

I knew I was going to have to figure this out at some point. I knew the simplest solution was to buck up and do it, but I just couldn't bring myself to kiss my own sister. Could I?

It wasn't long before we both drifted off to sleep.


I awoke suddenly in the middle of the night. I opened my eyes just as a hairy muff covered my nose and mouth. For the briefest of moments, which I blamed on all the perverse dreams I'd been having lately, I wondered if it was Krista. It was pitch black and I couldn't make out a thing, but that didn't stop the form atop my face. Whoever it was, they weren't wasting any time. Her lubrication was already beginning to coat my face. I debated if I should struggle or yell, but I realized I couldn't. If it was Tamara, I didn't want Krista to find out like this. And if it was Krista, yelling would do no good. So, I just lay there afraid to make a sound as I let the form have their way with my face. I didn't struggle, and I didn't scream--I just lay there and let myself be violated.

Soft moans were beginning to emanate from my aggressor. It was clear they too were trying to stay quiet. That, and the familiar smell which was invading my nostrils told me who was riding my face. It was Tamara--of course it was Tamara. Why would I even think it could be otherwise? Unfortunately, it didn't change anything. Her slick juices coated my lips as she humped my mouth, and I just lay there and let her do it. I'd never felt so powerless. It was clear she was trying to make up for the last couple of failed attempts--I could sense her pent up need without her ever saying a word.

However, although I silently bore her assault on my face, it turned out she wasn't so good at stifling her own noises. An unexpectedly loud squeal escaped her lips.

"Sara?" Krista's voice suddenly pierced the darkness.

The form atop me stopped moving, never saying a word. She rested there with my nose and mouth still buried deeply between her vaginal lips. She was obviously hoping Krista would go back to sleep if I didn't respond.

"Un-huh?" I managed to get force out the sounds of an acknowledgement.

"Are you OK? I thought I heard you say something. Were you having a nightmare?"

I still wasn't able to see a thing, but I felt the form lifting off my face.

"Uh, yeah." I half lied. "I was having a nightmare, but it's over now."

"What was it about?" Krista asked.

"I... uh, I was being attacked. I was powerless and I couldn't do anything to stop it."

"I'm so sorry! Are you OK? Do you want to join me up here?" Krista offered.

"Actually, yes... that'd be nice." I pulled myself to my feet as the Tamara released me. She watched silently as I climbed into Krista's bed. "Thank you," I said sincerely to Krista.

I snuggled up to Krista. I didn't know where Tamara was, but I didn't care. I'd underestimated her resolve before, but there was no way she'd try anything with me laying in the same bed as Krista. I worried about how desperate she seemed. She was getting careless. I listened carefully for any sign that Tamara was either in the room or had left the room, but all I heard was a deafening silence. Eventually, I finally managed to fall back asleep.


The next morning, I awoke to find the bed empty. I felt surprisingly well rested, and it looked sunny outside. I glanced over at the clock on Krista's night stand. It was after 1:00 in the afternoon. I made my way downstairs and found Krista on the couch downstairs.

"Hey there, sleepy head," she greeted me.

"Thanks for letting me sleep with you last night." I replied.

"It was nothing."

"No, I mean it," I said sincerely. "I know you don't like sharing your bed."

"Really, it's OK." She smiled. "Nightmares can be terrifying."

"So... what have you been up to this morning," I asked, changing the subject.

"Tamara came over. We hung out for a bit."

"What?! She--is she gone now?" I tried to play it cool.

"Yeah. She wanted to go upstairs and wake you up, but she got edgy when I insisted on coming too if she was going to go wake you up."

"She... she wanted to wake me up alone?"

"Yeah, but I wanted to let you sleep. I finally told her she could go wake you up if we did it together, but she seemed to lose interest-- actually, she's been kind of edgy in general lately."

"Oh? How so?"

"I can't really describe it," Krista said thoughtfully, "She's just been kind of tense. It's actually seemed a bit like she was mad at me over the last couple of days, but I can't think of anything I've done that would have upset her."

I wouldn't be surprised if Tamara was mad at Krista. Krista had interfered with her fun twice in a row recently, and was now the reason I was sleeping safely at night. And poor, innocent Krista was none the wiser.

"Whatever, she's crazy," I dismissed. "You need a new friend."

"Sara, be nice!" Krista scolded.

"Sorry," I smiled, "I was just kidding." Krista knew Tamara and I had never really gotten along, but she accepted my apology.

"It's OK." She smiled. "Oh, hey... so, not to change the subject... but when do you want to schedule our practice time?"

"Uh... schedule it? Why don't we just wait until we both feel like it's the right time? I'm not sure I like the idea of putting it on the calendar."

"I know it might seem weird to schedule it, but that way we know it will actually happen. Maybe Thursday night at 7:00 PM?"

"Uh... well, it's just--" What did I say? It just seemed weird to schedule a time to kiss my sister.

"Is that not OK?"

"No," I smiled. "It'll be perfect." I felt even worse with a deadline looming. Still, I would just give her a kiss or two on the lips, and that'd be that. No need for her to go to Tamara.

"Great," She smiled back, "I can't wait. I'll make sure to use extra chapstick!"

"Extra chapstick?"

"I want to make sure my lips stay kissable throughout the entire practice session." She winked.

How long did she expect our practice to last? Everything was just feeling too real, but I was trapped, and I had no way out, and It seemed she may have a different idea of what our practice would be like.


A couple days went by and the weekend finally arrived. I spent most of my free time lately with Krista, including sleeping in her bed every time since the incident. So far, it had kept me from having to face Tamara--or was it keeping me from a faceful of Tamara, I wondered sardonically. The only downside was Krista kept hinting at our pending practice session. She just wouldn't let me forget about it. The more time that went by, the more I accepted that I'd gotten myself into a situation with no solution. That is, no solution other than to do as I'd agreed. I would have to practice kissing with my sister. Surely it wouldn't be that bad. Still, that wouldn't stop me from trying to find a way out that made everyone happy.

As much as I was trying to spend all of my time with Krista, I didn't want her getting suspicious. That meant occasionally giving her some space. Unfortunately, that meant Tamara had convinced Krista to go out with her for New Year's Eve, and I had no idea when they'd be home.

I spent the evening lounging in Krista's bed watching TV. I'd rather have been out celebrating the new year with Krista, but I refused to spend time with Tamara.


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