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Curious Girls Ch. 24-25

Story Info
Tamara takes advantage of Sara's amnesia.
11.3k words

Part 17 of the 31 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/28/2014
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I blinked several times, trying to make sense of the world around me. A nearly indecipherable jumble of voices and noises assailed my ears; my vision was blurred and the lights blindingly intense. Somewhere in the distance, a machine beeped at consistent intervals. A voice asked me a question. I couldn't make out enough of what was being asked to formulate a response. I tried to speak, but I couldn't tell if what I was saying was making any sense. And then everything went dark.


My eyes opened reluctantly, slowly adjusting to the darkness. I could make out a few noises coming through the door as well as the occasional car passing on the street outside the window, but the room was otherwise completely silent. I appeared to be in a hospital room, but I had no idea how I got here. As I stretched my arms and legs, I felt no pain or discomfort. Putting my feet on the floor, I cautiously transferred weight and stood. Still nothing--I didn't appear to be injured, so why was I in a hospital bed?

I flipped the light switch near the door, giving my eyes a moment to adjust. I was startled to notice someone sharing the room. I pulled the curtain back to discover a young woman lying asleep in the bed. Upon looking more closely, I realized I recognized her. Was she here for the same reason I was? She appeared to be similarly uninjured. Perhaps we'd both been knocked unconscious and they were keeping us for observation?

Tamara lay there, looking so peaceful. I had always been a little jealous of her, although I would have never admitted it. That was probably much of the reason I was always so mean to her growing up--I suppose also resented the way her and Krista spent so much time together. However, I had never had an opportunity like this before, and I certainly wasn't going to squander it. But what could I do in the middle of a hospital room that would be sufficiently entertaining? I could wake her up and tell her I'd overheard the doctor say she had a disease of some kind--Cancer? AIDS? Crabs? I chuckled to myself. I knew it was mean, but her reaction would be immeasurably rewarding.

As I continued to brainstorm, my thoughts kept trending against my will toward the obscene. I was almost embarrassed to even entertain such ideas. But I couldn't stop thinking about how satisfying it would be for her wake up with my ass on her face. Talk about a priceless reaction. However, the more I tried to dismiss such a crude, unrealistic idea, the more I couldn't get it out of my head.

As I worked up my courage, I noticed there were restraints on the bed. That seemed unusual. To my knowledge, there was no reason a normal medical bed would have restraints. Perhaps it had been the only bed available. Whatever the reason, I wasn't going to question my good fortune. I carefully slid the straps around Tamara's arms and legs, tying her firmly to the bed. The exhilaration of knowing that even if awoke, there would be nothing she could do to stop me. Even the risk of getting caught by anyone else coming into the room was unexpectedly stimulating. I hadn't expected that reaction. However, the more I thought about Tamara's face nestled between my warm ass cheeks, the more my arousals grew.

I crawled cautiously onto the bed, still lacking confidence but compelled by the thought of her reaction. It wasn't like she could tell anyone. Who would believe her? My medical robe was getting in the way. Despite my reluctance to expose myself, I pulled the robe off and let it fall to the floor. The cool air against my skin caused my nipples to harden. I squeezed my small breasts, enjoying the sensation. They may not as been as impressive as Tamara's, but her large assets weren't going to help her now.

I moved painstakingly slow to avoid spoiling the surprise. Eventually, I reached Tamara's head, and my lips were dry with anticipation. She was still asleep, and she was about to get a surprise she'd never forget.

Turning around cautiously, I lowered my ass until it was inches from her face. The minute she woke up, I was committed to going through with this. I started to have second thoughts. Was this really such a smart idea? I heard a soft moan causing me to panic. Without further deliberation, I lowered my full weight onto Tamara's face. I couldn't believe I'd actually done it. Initially, there was no response, but a moment later Tamara began struggling. I could literally feel her face pushing into my ass as she struggled for oxygen. I bit my lip as I enjoyed the feeling of her soft skin skin against mine, her cheeks separating my cheeks. I lifted my ass off Tamara's face to give her a moment to breathe--but only a moment. As I sat back down, I felt my weight come to rest on the side of her head as she turned to avoid me. Well, that wouldn't do at all. I grinned as I forced her face upward

"Wait! Sto-" Tamara's cries were muffled by my ass cheeks. I felt so powerful. I could do anything right now. I felt her nose pressing against my anus, sending shivers up my spine. I felt so naughty. No matter what punishment Tamara might try to inflict on me in return, this would be worth every second.

Her struggles intensified, and I could hear her protests get louder as I rode her face. Should I make her lick my ass next? No--there was no way she'd do that. I wished I had a larger ass like Tamara. It would have made her humiliation that much more satisfying. It wasn't enough to feel her nose in between by ass cheeks, I wanted to feel her face--hell, her entire head. I considered sitting up to allow her to a moment to regain her breath, but for some reason I just stayed there and felt her struggles weaken under me. After her struggling had nearly stopped, I reluctantly sat up and gave her a few breaths--but only a few. On one hand, I felt a little bad for treating her this way, no matter how much she deserved it. On the other hand, I really, really liked rubbing my ass on her face. So, I decided to compromise and rub my ass on her face some more.

As I wiggled my ass back and forth roughly, I enjoyed feeling her nose pushing firmly against my anus where it belonged. It was a strange feeling for sure, having another woman's face jammed in my ass. However, the feeling of power it gave me was intoxicating. I had ultimate control over her right now. What I was doing was so disgusting, I knew she'd stop me if she could--and it was very clear she couldn't.

There might not ever be an opportunity like this again, and I was damn sure going to take full advantage of the situation. I continued to smother her, giving her only the occasional breath of air. I liked knowing that every breath of air was being filtered through my ass cheeks. Perhaps that's why I was so generous in letting her have as many breaths as I did. It was turning into a bit of a game for me as I discovered the fun of letting her recover enough strength to put up a struggle only to smother the fight out of her. It was particularly satisfying to smother her near to passing out, only to let her have air at the last minute while still making sure her nose never fully escaped my ass cheeks. I grinned as I heard her gasping for air, each breath with her nose ever so close to my anus.

I had long since lost track of the number of times I'd smothered her nearly unconscious, but I never seemed to tire of the thrill it gave me to feel her desperation as she tried to breathe--to know that she was so desperate for air that it didn't matter where her nose was. She was so desperate for my ass air, it was almost pathetic. I waited until she was weak and desperate, and then I forced her nose into my ass cheeks tightly enough so that she could breath, but just barely. I then waited until just before she was about to inhale, and I farted directly into her face. I heard her squeal beneath me as she began to struggle weakly, but with renewed energy. I laughed at her pitiful attempts, simply sitting my ass back on her face until she calmed down again. I farted in her face a few more times as the need arose, each time enjoying the experience just as much as I'd enjoyed the first. I had no idea what Tamara must think of me right now, but I knew Tamara would make sure I never had another opportunity like this again. That meant I couldn't let her go until I was completely satisfied she'd had enough--and more importantly, not until I was done amusing myself.

I honestly could have kept going forever, such was my enjoyment at torturing Tamara. However, each time I felt her weakening under me, I felt myself getting a little wetter. It was getting hard to think straight, and I found my thoughts increasingly turning to the idea of doing something even naughtier. I had never been attracted to Tamara, so it was confusing how turned on I was becoming. It was hard to separate whether the feelings were related to Tamara specifically, or simply the domination and humiliation. At the moment, it hardly seemed to matter. I slid my hand between my legs, caressing my crotch. If I was ever going to do it, now was the time. But did I dare? I sat up and turned around as she gasped for oxygen. For the first time, we made eye contact.

"Sara?" She asked with a mixture of recognition and shock.

I spent a few seconds to savor my dominant position, watching Tamara lying terrified below me. My pussy quivered with the thought of feeling her nose inside me--covering her full lips with my cum. As I ran my fingers over my vaginal lips directly above her, I found myself debating whether she would suffer more with long pubic hair or short. I normally kept my hair well-trimmed, and there was a certain appeal to the idea of smothering her under a a hairy mound, but I also liked the idea that either way she'd get a nice intimate view of me as I had my fun.

I wanted so desperately to shove my mound into her face, but I could see how much the anticipation was getting to her. There was no harm it taking a few more moments to enjoy the look of terror on her face before I muffled her protests inside my wet, swollen lips. She was saying something, but every ounce of my focus was taken by watching her mouth moving. I could think of little more erotic right now than her full, supple lips covered in my cum.

The very thought caused little jolts of electricity to shoot through my pussy. I noticed her eyes widen. I realized my fingers had subconsciously slid between my legs. Her eyes were transfixed as she watched my finger pushing through my lips. I enjoyed watching her eyes as I gave her a little show, massaging my vaginal lips before pushing my finger all the way inside me. I was definitely already wet enough to give her another experience she'd never forget--no matter how badly she wanted to.

She was still saying something, but I didn't need to listen. I knew what she wanted--what she needed. I pushed my wet finger between her lips, feeling it slide over her tongue as she tried to pull away. I grinned as I watched her revulsion as she tasted me for the first time. If she disliked the way I tasted that much, she was in for an extremely unpleasant night.

I pulled my finger out of her mouth and placed it into my own. "Sara, please--," I heard her say just as I felt her lips push into mine and her protests were silenced. Her attempts at speaking only increased the sensations I was starting to feel between my legs.

"I'm just getting started," I grinned down at her, watching her eyes widen. "I'm think I may enjoy this more than I thought."

"Sara, please... I don't like this," she mumbled into me as I situated myself.

"Shhhhh... let it happen." I slid my fingers through her hair.

"If you let me--" Tamara started to say something, but there was nothing she could say that would interest me. What was the point in letting her talk? I felt her nose begin to separate my lips as I lowered my weight back onto her face. I was getting wetter and wetter all the time, and I was beginning to get caught up the the sensations of arousal coursing through my body. I wasn't remotely attracted to Tamara, but the thought of forcing her to pleasure me against her will was enough to excite me like nothing I'd experienced before. My vaginal lips separated as I pushed my mound against her mouth, taking part of her mouth and chin inside me. She was still trying to say something, but I found myself unable to hear her words through the need building inside.

I wasn't quite wet enough yet, though it wouldn't be long; I was too impatient to wait. Leaning over, I spat directly on her mouth and proceeded to rub it around her face with my fingers. As my lips swallowed her mouth again, I rubbed my mound against her face, my saliva lubricating her skin just enough to allow me to fully enjoy the sensations of my clit rubbing over her lips. As nice as that felt, her nose felt even immeasurably better. I enjoyed the feeling of her struggling beneath me--perhaps too much. I wondered if she realized how much pleasure she was causing me by her struggling. I loved how firmly I was able to push my clit against her nose--knowing my scent was all she'd smell for hours was just an added benefit.

As I rubbed my slick vaginal lips over her nose and mouth, I enjoyed the electric feeling shooting through my body. Tightening my grip on Tamara's hair, I pulled her face roughly into me. I was dripping wet by this point, and I could tell by Tamara's struggles that she noticed too. Damn, I was wetter than I'd ever been. On one hand, I was surprised by the intensity of my body's reaction. On the other, I liked the thought that Tamara was getting to experience it too.

Slowly, my hips fell into a rhythm as I fucked her face, her struggling beneath me only encouraged me to hump her face harder. As my enormous breasts bounced with each thrust, I ran my hands over my breasts enjoying the way my hard nipples felt against my hands. I loved the look of terror in her eyes, because despite her fear I could tell eyes were transfixed on my breasts as they bounced over her head. She clearly wanted me even if she refused to admit it, and I would give her exactly what she wanted.

A moan escaped my lips, and I felt an intense urgency wash over me. I had never needed an orgasm as desperately as at this moment--and I needed to feel it with as much of Tamara's face inside my pussy as possible. As I continued to enjoy the feeling of my breasts bouncing heavily in conjunction with the waves of pleasure each thrust brought, a thought occurred to me. Since when did my breasts bounce like this? And when did I get this wet? I looked down at my breasts, and they were much larger than they should have been. I should have been a B-cup, yet I was looking at something well over a DD. And my skin was--it was covered with freckles.

I looked down at Tamara and noticed the hair in my hand was blond. I pulled away and realized I was looking at--myself? My pubic hair was red. I was--I was Tamara? Nothing was making any sense. Nothing, that is, except the uncontrollably strong feeling that the girl beneath me, whoever she was, needed my cum on her face. I regained my composure as my own sexual needs and desires took control of my body. I resumed thrusting against her worthless face, feeling my sexual gratification getting a little bit closer with every wet thrust of my pussy into her nose and mouth. I knew, somehow, that I was looking into my own eyes. But I just couldn't stop. I needed release. I grabbed my--her hair, and gripped it tightly as I neared climax.

I could sense her growing weak as my pussy sapped her strength. I knew she was close to blacking out, but I was even closer to cumming. Did it really matter whether I came before or after she passed out? There was a certain appeal to humping her unconscious face, but I wanted her to have the full experience--at least the first time. Every part of her face felt nice to my eager clit, but her nose was quickly becoming my favorite. She was in clear pain as I thrust my clit into her nose more times than I could count, but I couldn't bring myself to care. It took all my willpower to back off just enough to keep her conscious.

With a final thrust, I felt the tension in my body release as my muscles convulsed. My entire body was overtaken by intense waves of pleasure. I knew Tamara was likely smelling and, hopefully, tasting my cum. It was amazing to know I could feel such pleasure while simultaneously causing her such distress. I watched as her eyes slowly began to close as she suffocated in my cum, struggling for even the smallest breath. However, my pussy had a tight seal over both her nose and mouth, and my legs didn't want to move after such an intense orgasm. A moment later, she was unconscious.

You would have thought that Tamara passing out might have ruined the fun, but it didn't stop me from enjoying the rest of my orgasm as I felt hot, sticky cum flowing onto her face. I continued to rub my pussy slowly and firmly up and down the full length of her face. When she awoke, I wanted to make sure there was no question what happened after she'd passed out.


I woke up gasping and choking. Everything was blurry, and I was being wheeled somewhere. There were people all around me.

"We need to intubate!" I heard a voice say with urgency. A light suddenly shone directly into my eyes.

"She's awake. I need 10 mL of Propofol!"

I tried to respond, but I wasn't able. And then everything went black.


"Don't try to speak," a voice urged, "Your jaw is broken, so we had to wire it shut. You won't be able to open your mouth for a while. And it's best if you don't even try. I want you to nod yes or no to answer my questions. Do you understand?"

I nodded.

"Do you know who you are?" the voice asked. I was disoriented and confused, but nodded.

"Is your name Samantha?"

I shook my head.


I nodded.

"Great, Sara. And do you know where you are?"

I paused for a moment, and then I nodded slowly.

"Do you know why you're here?"

I shook my head slowly. I had no recollection of anything leading to this point.

"You were in a car accident. More specifically, you were hit by a car. Is any of that familiar to you?"

I shook my head again.

"You may be suffering from a mild amnesia caused by the trauma to your head. We'll keep an eye on you for a few days, and I want you to let me know if anything doesn't seem right to you."

I wanted to ask how bad my condition was, but it was difficult to convey my question without being able to speak. I finally managed to ask awkwardly through the wiring, "How bad?"

"You're in good hands. However, we're going to have to put you back out in order to put a cast on you. Is that alright?"

I nodded my assent, and a moment later I felt brief disorientation as the drugs kicked in.


I woke up, only half aware I was even awake until I heard voices. I was afraid to even try moving until someone told me I could.

"Good, you're awake."

I opened my eyes. A nurse stood over me.

"You'll be happy to know everything went smoothly."

I wanted to speak, but I hesitated and nodded instead.

At that moment the doctor walked into the room. "Sara, I'm glad to see you're awake. You've had an exciting week."

"Ungh?" I grunted with a mixture of shock and confusion."

"Just a figure of speech, but you sustained pretty significant injuries in your accident. You've been mostly unconscious for the last--," he paused and looked at his clipboard. "Two days, give or take."

"You only mentioned a cast," I mumbled through clenched teeth, unable to make sense of what he was telling me.

"I'm sorry if I wasn't clear before. As you may have noticed, your jaw and nose were broken when you hit the pavement, and in addition to the cast on your arm, we had to put you into what is known as a hip spica cast. You also sustained some injury to your spine, hips, the femoral bone of your left leg, and the distal humerus in your right arm. Most of your injuries were caused when you were hit by the car, but it looks like your right arm took the brunt of your fall."

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