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Curious Girls Ch. 26

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Now unencumbered, Sara explores a relationship with Tamara.
8.1k words

Part 18 of the 31 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/28/2014
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"That's it?" I asked, relieved.

"That's it," replied the doctor. "Your splints are off, and your nose is healing nicely. However, your jaw isn't quite healed. Why don't we take another look in a couple of weeks?"

I sighed with disappointment. I was beyond ready to be able to talk and eat normally again.

"Come on, Baby. Let's get you home." Tamara took my hand and helped me to the car.


"If you're not working, how can we afford to live here or pay Sonya?" I wrote, the question occurring to me for the first time. I was suddenly worried Tamara could be going into debt to care for me.

"Well, right now you're technically paying for everything," Tamara clarified awkwardly, but quickly continued. "We're going to be getting an insurance settlement soon that will more than cover everything."

"I'm... paying?" I wrote with a mixture of surprise and confusion.

"The power of attorney you signed allows me to pay Sonya, and myself, for caring for you."

"You get paid too?" I asked, incredulous.

"I wouldn't be able to work and help take care of you, so I have to have some way of paying my own expenses. As long as you need help, it only makes sense that the money has to come from somewhere. But like I said, we're getting a settlement that will make up for everything. There's no need to worry."

I was a surprised she hadn't told me any of this, but it did make sense.

"It's exciting that you're finally healing," Tamara smiled, stroking my hair as she changed the subject.

"I guess," I replied half-heartedly, still disappointed that I hadn't healed more.

"It won't be too much longer until your jaw is healed," Tamara reminded me. "And once it is, you'll feel a lot better about yourself. You'll be able to eat, talk, and perhaps we'll even be able to discuss how we get our relationship back to where it was."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. I could tell she had something specific in mind, but I was hesitant make assumptions.

"You know, it's just hard to even kiss you," she explained, biting her finger suggestively.

I sighed with relief. I had been worried she had more in mind.

"And it's impossible for you to go down on me properly," she laughed, shattering my momentary relief.

I stared wide-eyed, unsure how to respond. Was she expecting me to go down on her once my jaw wires were off?

"Just kidding, again?" I wrote hopefully.

"...Mostly kidding," she responded coyly. "But you did really used to enjoy it."

Wait. What? I enjoyed going down on her? That was impossible.

"I went down on you? I'm sure I would remember that," I wrote, unsure who I was trying to convince.

"You used to beg to lick me," Tamara winked. "Every night, in fact, until I'd eventually give in and let you. Of course, you didn't have to beg too much," she laughed.

I had always planned to wait until I was married to be that intimate with anyone. I may have moved in to help Tamara financially, but there's no way I would have had sex with her. It was too difficult to express my confusion and mixed feelings succinctly with my writing pad, so I just stared with a dumbstruck look.

While it was true that I'd always thought I would wait until I was married before having sex, but it wasn't so long ago that I'd offered to give oral to Michael. It did seem strange to me that I would have offered, but my memory was a little fuzzy on the details. I suppose I panicked in the moment because I was afraid of losing him. However, in retrospect, I was glad I hadn't gone through with it. However, despite the gaps in my memory, I couldn't imagine any sane reason I could have been convinced to have sex with Tamara. Granted, oral sex wasn't quite the same as intercourse--but, for whatever the reason, the distinction between the two seemed fuzzier with Tamara.

She paused for a moment, deep in thought, before a huge grin broke out on her face. "Hey, you can't blame a girl for trying."

"I knew it!" I scrawled, relieved. "Nice try."

"Seriously though, now that your nose is healed, there is something we can do that you used to enjoy."

"What?" I wrote warily.

"I'll tell you tonight, but you have to promise to keep an open mind."

"I promise," I wrote, still unable to shake my general feeling of unease.


Sonya rubbed lotion over my leg. She was very attentive and did her best to make sure I was well cared for. She massaged the lotion into my calf, working her way up my leg as she worked a knot out of my thigh.

I sighed with pleasure as her hands expertly made their way up to my shoulders.

"I wish I'd known earlier you did massages," I scribbled lazily on my notepad. It was nice to be able to relax. I hadn't been able to de-stress this fully since waking up confused in the hospital.

"Mystery helps keep the magic alive," she grinned. "It would feel even better if I could give you a proper massage. This is more of a half-body massage," she laughed.

"Sonya, can I ask you something?" I wrote uneasily after a few moments of awkward silence. I was unsure the right way to ask my question or even what I was trying to ask.

"Sure, what's up?" She looked at me intently, noticing the change in my demeanor.

"I think Tamara wants a more sexual relationship from me."

"Oh--Um..." She stammered awkwardly. "Is that not something you want?"

"I'm honestly not sure," I responded.

"On one hand, I would tell you to say no until you're sure you're ready. On the other hand, it is possible resuming your relationship might be a way a faster way to regain your memory."

"So what do I do?"

"I'm sorry I don't have a better answer for you. I think you just have to trust your heart, and do what feels right in the moment. If she truly loves you, she'll understand and respect whatever choice you make."

"What if she leaves me instead? Or kicks me out?"

"She won't do that," Sonya reassured me. "But if she does, you can stay with me."

I couldn't tell if she was serious or joking, but I hoped I would never have to find out.


"Are you ready for me, Baby?"

At Tamara's behest, Sonya had spent half of the day preparing me for whatever it was Tamara had in mind. Sonya had bathed me, helped me to brush my teeth, and even given me a spritz of perfume. I had tried numerous times to find out Tamara's plans from Sonya, but she insisted she didn't know any more than I did. I'd anticipated as a casual, perhaps even intimate, conversation, and it was starting to feel more like I was getting dressed up for a date night.

Sonya had even set up candles in my bedroom to create a romantic ambiance. I wasn't sure if they were at Tamara's request, or if it was Sonya trying to "help out." However, upon finding them, I immediately had her move them to the living room. Having a date night in my bedroom just felt a little too leading, and that was the exact opposite of the message I wanted to give Tamara right now.

Tamara stepped out of her bedroom into the living room, and looked around. "Dang, you went all out with the candles," Tamara exclaimed

I started to write a response, but as Tamara walked closer I found myself staring in shock. She was wearing seductive lingerie which left little to the imagination. Her large breasts were hugged tightly by a satin lace bra which pushed her bosom up creating a valley between her breasts. A hint of her nipples could be seen poking through the fabric, and she wore matching pink satin boy shorts. Both the panties and the bra were somewhat conservative in coverage, but they were so sheer it was barely fair to call them conservative. It was enough to leave me speechless had I been able to talk in the first place.

"That's just the reaction I was hoping for," she smiled. "Remember when I said you'd know if I was making a move? Well, this is me making a move."

My heart skipped a beat. What was she thinking?

"Don't worry, you don't have to do a thing. I just wanted to remind you what a night together with me could be like."

She sat next to me and stroked my hair before climbing next to me. I tried to reach for my pad so I could let her know I wasn't comfortable with this--that I wanted to take things a bit slower. However, before I could write anything, she pulled the pad out of my hand and tossed it to the floor.

"You don't need that right now," she bit her lip. "All you need to do is relax."

"Sto--" I tried to protest verbally in spite of my wires. But she pinched my lips to silence me.

"What did I just say?"

After a moment, she released my me.

"Tamar--" I tried again.

This time, she gripped my face in her hands and pressed her lips against mine.

Seeing as I couldn't open my jaw, her kiss was extremely effective and stopping my protests. Even after I stopped struggling, her lips continued to firmly caress mine. Despite the firm pressure of her lips against mine, they were impossibly soft and supple. I found myself enjoying the the sensation even though I could not effectively return the kiss.

Her tongue slid teasingly over my lower lip as she circled my mouth. Our eyes made contact momentarily before hers darted back downward, and I felt her lips close around my lower lip as she sucked it between her lips. Her teeth sank gently, yet firmly, into my skin as she tugged semi-aggressively on my lip in a slightly painful yet still erotic manner.

She kissed my mouth one final time, slowly pulling back. I left my eyes closed, feeling a surge of conflicting and confused emotions. My heart pounded in my chest, and my breathing was rapid. I had so many feelings going on inside my head that I didn't know how I felt about the kiss. I found myself overall pleased with the experience and, though I wouldn't admit it, I wanted to feel her lips on mine again.

"That's much better. Now, are you going to be quiet, or do I have to kiss you again?" She threatened.

I found myself smiling, albeit still speechless. I was tempted to continue my protest just to see if she would carry through with her threat. Instead I quietly acquiesced.

"Are you ready to hear what I wanted to try with you?"

I nodded. I had momentarily forgotten that she had something specific in mind for this evening.

"Well, you see--" she hesitated, looking unexpectedly embarrassed, "I--we..."

I put my hand on hers to reassure her. She smiled, continuing.

"You used to love it when I... sat on your face."

My jaw would have dropped were it able. I'm sure my reaction was not too hard to figure out. I looked around for my pad, wanting to say something--anything.

Tamara surprised me by handing it to me. "Fine, here's your pad," she laughed. We made momentary eye contact again before I looked away, my face red.

"I already said I wouldn't have sex with you," I scribbled hurriedly.

"No, no, no. Not sex. It was just a little thing we did," she said quickly. "You thought it was sexy when I sat on your face. We both did. And it was a way for us to put off our desires to have sex with each other."

"That's... disgusting. I'm not going to let you sit on my face!" I wrote firmly.

She looked upset. I had been pretty blunt with her--too blunt, perhaps.

"You think I'm disgusting?"

"No!" I wrote, trying to undo the damage of my hasty words.

"You think my ass is disgusting?"

"N-no. But..." I wrote, unsure what to add.

"Look, I'm not going to do anything you don't want to do. I just thought it might be something that would jog your memory--something you would enjoy. There's no need to be cruel."

She stood up, clearly upset.

"Wait," I wrote, unsure why I wanted to stop her. Was there a chance that I used to actually enjoy her sitting on my face? It seemed impossible. But I did want to get my memories back, and she was right that this could be a way to jog a memory if it was really something I used to do with her. It wasn't like I found her ass particularly unappealing. In fact, If I was being completely honest with myself her ass was incredible. But having it on my face? It was almost beyond comprehension.

Yet, now that I had the idea in my head, I couldn't seem to stop thinking about it. Had I really used to do this with Tamara? What would it be like? It seemed repulsive--repugnant even, but why couldn't I stop thinking about it? And there was something about it that felt familiar somehow.

"You really used to sit on my face?" I wrote. She could clearly see my internal battle going on inside me.

"I did. You loved my ass, and you loved the way it felt when I smothered you with it."

"And what did you get out of it?"

Tamara smiled. "I loved the intimacy. It was so exciting and erotic."

I was really tempted to give in. I wasn't sure if my temptation to cave was to satisfy my curiosity or to try and assuage Tamara's injured feelings. However, I knew curiosity would drive me crazy until I knew.

She seemed to sense my defenses coming down. "We can take this slowly. And I'll leave my panties on if that makes you feel more comfortable," she encouraged as she crawled back onto the couch and straddled my waist expectantly.

Keep her panties on? It hadn't occurred to me the panties were optional. The idea was becoming increasingly unappealing. The only reason I was still considering it was to prove to Tamara, and to myself, that Tamara could not possibly be telling the truth.

"What do you say?" Tamara asked eagerly as she twisted around so her ass was facing toward me.

My breath was stuck in my throat, and I felt light-headed as I stared at her round, pale, lightly-freckled ass. Her panties revealed enough that a couple things were abundantly clear. The first was there could have been a lot less material than there was. The second was that she really did have a nice ass. It was the kind of ass that many girls dreamt of having. It wasn't flat in the least, but it wasn't so big as to be excessive. I hesitated to use the word, even in my head, but it was in a word--perfect. The fact it was so large meant I was already having second thoughts about this whole thing. My doubts only increased the longer I stared.

"I'll tell you what," she said, pulling the pad out of my hand again and dropping it to the floor. "If you're too embarrassed or shy to tell me it's OK, we can do this another way." She scooted backward and positioned herself closer to my face. Her panties were slightly sheer, so her ass crack could just barely be seen through the fabric. "I'm just going to go ahead and do it, and if you get too uncomfortable--you can let me know."

Before I could decide how to respond, her ass was already descending toward my head. I was feeling increasingly uncomfortable, and I wanted desperately to tell her to stop, but for some reason I couldn't get a sound out of my throat.

"Wait, Ta--" I managed to finally croak out despite my wired jaw, but it was too late. The soft fabric of her lingerie pressed into my nose and mouth, and I felt her warm skin against the rest of my face as she gradually shifted the majority of her weight onto my head. My nose wedged tightly into the thin fabric.

"Oh, God," she moaned. "I can't believe we're finally doing this again."

I couldn't believe it either. I hadn't exactly agreed, but I hadn't tried hard enough to stop her either. Considering she had tried to leave and I had asked her to stay, I couldn't help feel more than a little responsible for the current development. I could have let her leave, and I could have stopped her before she sat on my face. Instead, I was now trapped on the couch with my head being compressed by nearly 130 lbs of ass. I couldn't help wonder if a part of me had wanted this to happen.

It did make me feel good that she was enjoying herself, but it wasn't doing a thing for me. It was just really uncomfortable. I could barely breathe, and her fabric was pushing painfully into my nose. I was also just feeling generally uncomfortable with my face this close to another woman's ass. Was it possible Tamara had tricked me?

"This is incredible, right? Does it jog any memories for you?" Tamara asked, lifting her ass away from my face.

I shook my head. I was still appalled at what I had let happen. I tried to motion for her to get off. Despite my still confused feelings, I had to concede the experiment had clearly failed.

"No? Nothing?" she asked, oblivious to my attempt to end the failed experiment. "I wonder..." she trailed off. "In the past, we always did this a little," she paused again, running her fingers slowly over the top edge of her panties, "less modest."

My eyes widened in horror as she began pulling her panties over her thighs exposing her soft ass.

"Tamara! You promised," I reminded her urgently, speaking awkwardly through the wires. I was transfixed as her ass became fully visible. Her panties fell to her knees as she released them, turning back and looking at me.

"I'm just tearing off the band-aid, Sara. Trust me. You are going to love this."

"Stop!" I protested again, watching as her ass lowered confidently toward my face. I tried to struggle, but she held my arms effortlessly. I could barely move as it was, so my struggling was beyond pitiful. I watched helplessly as her ass crack moved closer, her large ass ready to swallow my face. A second later, I felt my face beginning to separate her ass as my nose and mouth disappeared into her cheeks.

My breath was suddenly cut off as she wiggled, using her weight and the motion to push my face right up against her anus. Oh, God. What was happening?

At some level, I'm not sure I ever thought she would actually sit on my face even clothed. Yet, somehow in the span of a few minutes, I'd gone from skepticism to having half my head engulfed by Tamara's bare ass. As I lay there, filled with complete and utter disgust and what she was doing, something strange happened. I started to notice how soft her skin felt against my face. The warmth of her ass was like a comforting embrace, and something about the experience was starting to feel familiar. It was the strangest sensation. At some level, I felt intense disgust at the fact my face was currently wedged tightly in Tamara's ample ass. However, at a deeper level I was feeling something else. Something stronger. I was beginning to feel a tickle between my legs.

I would have gasped at the sudden wave of feelings washing over me were I able, but I still was not able to breathe. How could I feel so appalled and yet sexually aroused at the same time? I ignored the feeling as long as I could, but before I realized it my fingers had slid between my legs. Fuck, why was I getting turned on my having my face wedged in Tamara's ass cheeks? What the hell was wrong with me?

Despite my confusion, the only thing that was making me feel better was rubbing myself. And rub I did. Despite the difficulties with my casts, I was starting to feel extraordinary. My lungs were starting to burn, yet all I could think about was release. It didn't take long at all before an explosive orgasm sent waves of pleasure through my body. It was at that moment I realized how desperately in need of air I was. I was about to try to motion for her to sit up when she did did so on her own.

"Well, that certainly looked like you enjoyed yourself," she grinned. "Just like old times."

Old times, I thought ruefully. It certainly did seem familiar. Comforting almost. I couldn't bring myself to look her in the eyes. I turned away.


I shook my head, still looking away.

"Please, leave. I need some time."

"Sara, I--"

"Leave." I said forcefully, speaking through my teeth.

She looked at me a moment before standing up. As she blew out the candles, she turned back to me.

"I do love you Baby, and I could tell what happened between us meant more to you than you're willing to admit. But if you're not ready to talk about it, I can wait."

And with that, Tamara disappeared back into her room leaving me alone in the darkness with only my shame to keep me company.

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