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Curious Girls Ch. 28-29

Story Info
Marriage looms as Sara struggles to understand her feelings.
10.6k words

Part 20 of the 31 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/28/2014
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"Earth to Sara."

I turned around, startled. "I'm sorry. Did you say something?"

"I asked what you think of this dress." Tamara twirled. The mermaid tail on the bottom flared elegantly.

What did I think? I was being dragged all over town to plan a wedding I wasn't convinced I wanted. That's what I was thinking.

"It looks nice," is what I said instead.

I knew I should tell Tamara the whole proposal was a hideous mistake. My situation was a bit like a roller coaster. Right now, we were climbing at a gradual, steady pace toward the high point of the track. However, once we reached the apex gravity would take hold, and it would be impossible to stop. The problem was just one minor hitch. I couldn't decide if I should stop the roller coaster--or if I even wanted to.

If there ever a time in my life when I had felt more conflicted, I couldn't think of it. On one hand I felt a clear attraction to Tamara--at least, I enjoyed spending time with her. No, that wasn't quite it either. I set that aside for now and moved on. The thing I kept getting hung up on was how I had been inadvertently forced into this situation. At the same time, I didn't want to overreact. I couldn't ignore the possibility this was kismet. Perhaps we were meant to end up together. It had not been something I had seriously considered, but perhaps this was the push I needed.

"I hung a couple options on the door," Amber called from outside the fitting room.

"Thanks, Amber," Tamara called back.

And there it was. The real reason I was out shopping with Tamara instead of fessing up. Any other excuse was a sad attempt mask my denial. Ever since I had remembered the way Amber used to treat me, I had been afraid to be alone. The details were still fuzzier than I would have liked, but no amount of wishful thinking had helped bring further clarity.

"I'm not sure it's my style," Tamara mused, staring into the mirror intently. "Plus, it's too tight around my chest. Why don't you try it on? I bet it would look amazing on you."

"I don't know," I hesitated.

"Let me go find one in your size," Tamara insisted. It was probably my imagination, but it didn't seem like she was asking.

"Let Amber get it," I pleaded, not wanting to be alone with Amber for even a few minutes.

"You think you're being subtle, don't you?" Tamara said seriously. "I can see what's going on here."

"What," I asked, panicked. Had I given too much away? Perhaps it was better she finally know the truth anyway.

"You're trying to make a move on me." Tamara suddenly broke out into a grin.

"You got me! Guilty as charged," I forced a grin, inwardly breathing a sigh of relief.


As I looked myself over in the mirror, Tamara's hands reached around my waist.

"You have never looked sexier," Tamara whispered, holding her body tightly against mine. I could feel her breasts pressing into my back.

"Really?" I asked, feeling unexpectedly flattered. I gave myself a twice over in the mirror.

"Really. This dress makes your hips look amazing. And the way to compliments your breasts," Tamara trailed off. "This is the one. This is your dress."

"I don't know," I hesitated.

"Sara, trust me. It's perfect for you."

"Well, maybe--"

"We can set it aside and keep looking, but trust me--this is the one."


"Can you help me unzip this," I yelled through the wall. I took one last glance in the mirror and made my final mental notes. I closed my eyes and pictured myself in the dress walking down the aisle. I could almost picture Tamara standing at the altar. It wasn't an unpleasant image. Maybe I just needed a little more time to adjust to the idea.

As the fitting room door opened, I turned away from the mirror and scooted toward the wall so Tamara could fit. "I like the dress, but this veil is the worst one I've ever seen," I complained, giving my unsolicited feedback. "I can barely see through it."

I felt Tamara struggling with the zipper for a moment before managing to get it unfastened. "That is so much better," I sighed with relief. "That one is definitely going to need alteration."

I slid the dress down letting it fall to the floor. I was wearing only my panties, but it wasn't like Tamara hadn't seen my breasts before. On a whim, I reached down and pulled Tamara's hands to my bare chest.

"Take a good look. I probably shouldn't let you see these again until after the wedding," I laughed flirtatiously.

"Oh? But what would your wife think?"

I jumped, realizing the voice was not Tamara's. I tore the veil off my head and flipped around to see Amber standing close behind me.

"What are you doing?!" I gasped, trying to cover myself with my arm.

"You asked me to come in."

"I was talking to Tamara!"

"Well you never said that, did you," Amber asked pointedly.

"I didn't think I had to! Where is she, anyway?"

"She saw some tiaras she wanted to look at. I was just trying to be helpful."

"Well, you could have said something when I dropped my dress--or when I put your hands on my tits," I exclaimed. I was starting to get worked up.

"I could have, true," she laughed. "But if I'd said something when you started stripping, I wouldn't have gotten the chance to feel your breasts."

"That is exactly my point!" I exclaimed. "Now, can I please have some privacy?"

"That depends how you define privacy," Amber said, scooting closer to me. "Right now, this is very private. There is no telling how long Tamara will be distracted. And there is no one else in the store right now. In fact, I'd argue it's hard to get much more private than this."

"I meant, I want to be alone!"

"Why can't we be alone together?" Amber's arms reach out and caressed my hips.

"Stop that!" I pushed her arms away. She did precisely the opposite, forcing her body against mine.

"I know you're just doing this to prove a point. You and I both know you never intended to marry Tamara."

"I know no such thing!" I exclaimed indignantly. "Now leave before I scream."

In response, Amber lifted her shirt over her head and dropped it to the floor. She was wearing a small, white bra adorned with floral patterns that contrasted attractively against her skin.

"What the f--" I exclaimed with a mixture of shock and confusion.

"Sara? Are you still in there?" I nearly jumped out of my skin as Tamara's voice startled me out of nowhere. I started to reply, but Amber covered my mouth with her hand.

"Do you really want to explain to her what's going on in here?" Amber whispered urgently.

"What? There's nothing go--" I was interrupted by Amber pushing her lips against mine.

"Stop that!" I pulled away, agitated.

"Hello? Anyone in there," Tamara asked again.

I tried a second time to reply, but Amber pushed her mouth back against mine, holding my head tightly in her hands. I opened my mouth to try to speak anyway, but Amber's tongue forced its way into my mouth. I could have still moaned or made some sort of audible grunt, but I didn't really want Tamara hearing those types of noises coming from the fitting room.

I pulled away, trying to keep Amber at arms length. Not an easy task in a fitting room. I had to say something to Tamara, otherwise she might start getting suspicious.

"Yeah, sorry! I'm changing!" That was all I was able to get out before Amber slipped back under my arms and got her arms locked tightly around my neck. Her abdomen was warm against mine.

Reaching behind my head, I tried to dislodge her grip. Her lips pushed firmly against mine, mashing roughly as she forcefully made out with me.

"Stop that," I mumbled between kisses, falling backward. Her tongue again pushed into my mouth, filling it and sliding over my tongue despite my efforts to pull mine away from hers. The further my tongue retreated, the deeper hers followed. There was no escaping.

"Are you going to be much longer? I want to see!" Tamara exclaimed.

After a few moments, Amber pulled away and re-situated her lips against my neck. "Make up something, or be prepared to explain a hickey on your neck," she warned softly.

"I was going to get rid of her anyway," I lied, smiling at Amber. She looked surprised, but smiled back.

"I knew you'd come around." Amber's lips began kissing my neck instead, her tongue sliding it's way slowly up to my chin.

"Tamara," I said, feeling very awkward. "There was another veil in the front of the store. We were looking at earlier. Do you think you could grab it for me? I want to see how it looks with this dress."

"I think I remember the one you were looking at. Back in a minute."

As Tamara disappeared, I kissed my way down Amber's chest, reaching behind her back to unfasten her bra. She released her grip on my neck to allow me better access to her chest.

"That won't keep her busy long," Amber cautioned. "But then no amount of time with you would be enough."

"Oh, it will be plenty long enough." I slid my leg behind Amber and shoved. I didn't even wait to see what happened. I spun around and exploded out of the fitting room.

I had not thought any further than getting out of the room, and I wasn't sure what to do next. Almost on a whim, I darted into the fitting room next to the one I had just exited. It was unlocked. I hid myself quietly inside just in time to hear Tamara return.

"Sara? I have your veil."

"Over here," I said, still catching my breath. Amber remained silent.

"Oh, I thought--nevermind." She held the veil up over the door. As I reached up to take it from her, she pulled it away. "Open the door. I want to see you."

I opened the door, taking it from her. "Thanks, Babe." I kissed her quickly. "You're my savior."

"Wait, you already undressed?" Tamara asked, confused. She was still wearing the dress she'd been trying on earlier.

Crap. That was right. I'd asked for the veil to try with the dress.

"Well, I actually just took it off--"

"Where is it?" Tamara asked, pushing into the room. Crap. I'd left it in the other fitting room. I was starting to panic as I tried to think quickly on my feet. It was then that I realized the real problem. I was trying to think of a logical explanation.

"You got me. I couldn't bear the thought of waiting until we got home." I locked the door, trapping her inside with me.

"Sara," she squealed in surprise, "look at you being all naughty." She grabbed my hips, pulling me close. "But why the charade? You could have just told me."

My lips were on Tamara's before she could ask any more questions. "Shup up and kiss me." She looked surprised at my assertiveness but didn't argue. As our lips mingled and mashed, the lingering taste of Amber's violation slowly melted away.

I kept my eyes closed, enjoying the feeling of her hands on my nearly naked body. Her hands caressed my skin as they worked their way to my chest. She gently squeezed my breasts, and I could feel the heat of her breath against my neck. We kissed for several minutes, before I felt her tongue dart out and glide over my lip. After another few seconds of kissing, her tongue darted out again, this time sliding partially between my lips. The third time, my tongue met hers. Our kisses were becoming increasing passionate as we gradually transitioned from occasional tongue to almost exclusive tongue.

I sucked her tongue into my mouth, sucking firmly as my hand tried to find her panties. The dress made it impossibly difficult. I reached up, squeezing her large breasts through her clothing. It was clear she wasn't wearing a bra under her dress, and all I could think about was how much I wanted to kiss every millimeter of her beautiful bosom.

Tamara pushed me against the corner, pulling my arms firmly to the wall above my head with her left hand. Her breath was hot on my lips. Her right hand slipped into my panties instead as she took control of the situation. A moment later, her fingers found my clit.

A moan escaped my lips. For a brief moment, I worried that Amber would hear us.

Not only did that fear quickly dissipate, but it did a complete 180. I wanted her to hear everything. I wanted it to be loud and passionate. Maybe hearing us having sex would finally get it through her dense skull. I had never considered myself an exhibitionist, but there was something strangely erotic thinking about Amber listening to us in the next room over. Tamara had always been the noisier one. I wanted to make sure the message to Amber was loud and clear. I wanted Amber to hear me pleasuring my fiancee. I pushed Tamara back against the other wall and knelt down in front of her. She didn't say a word, but only watched eagerly as I pulled up her dress and disappeared under it.

It was dark under her dress, but the partially sheer dress let in just enough light. Her skin was hot to the touch as I slid my fingers into her panties and tugged them down her thighs. She offered no resistance, stepping out of them as they reached their ankles. I tossed them playfully out of her dress.

She widened her stance as I kissed my way up her thighs, giving me easier access. Her skin was hot to the touch against my cheeks. I rubber her lips tenderly. Her muscles tensed in what I could only assume was a positive response. I had less cues and body language to work with from my position, but at the moment her body language was clear enough.

I pushed my finger between her lips. She was wet, but then she was always wet. If we were at home, I would have caressed her lips slowly working my way to her clit and savoring every moment of my attempts to drive her crazy. However, this wasn't the time. This had to be a quickie. This was all for Amber's benefit to boot, even if Tamara couldn't know that.

As soon as I thought she was ready, I went straight for her clit. She gasped, moaning loudly. If Amber was in the next room, there was no way she wasn't hearing this. However, just in case she wasn't immediately next door, I wanted to make sure she heard it wherever she was.

I rubbed harder and faster, alternating between teasing her inner vaginal lips and her clit. Tamara never seemed to grow overstimulated with the constant rough pressure on her clit. If anything, she seemed to enjoy it more. She was moaning loudly by this point--her volume almost that of a soft scream.

I reached around her ass, rubbing her soft, slightly sweating cheeks with my hand while still going hard at her clit. At the same time, I let my other fingers slip into the recesses of her ass, and I began rubbing her asshole with my finger. The increase in groans and gasps told me she was enjoying the added sensation. I pushed my finger slightly into her anus, and that was all it took to push her over the edge.

She fell back against the wall with a loud thump. She didn't quite scream like I had been hoping. However, she gave an enthusiastic and high-pitched squeal that it was make it quite clear what was going on in the fitting rooms. I wouldn't have been surprised if the entire could had heard us, but thankfully it was dead except for us and a store clerk. The clerk probably wouldn't even know what to make of the squeal, but Amber would know precisely what it meant.


As I cautiously exited the fitting room, Tamara looked at me.

"That was incredible," she grinned as she fixed her hair. It had gotten slightly tousled while we had been tussling in the fitting room. I just realized you never got to--" she paused, looking around. "You never got to cum," she whispered.

"Don't worry. I got myself off under your dress while you were cumming," I lied.

"Oh? That's perfect."

"What do you mean?"

"What? Oh, nothing. It's just that you usually only cum with your face in my ass, so it's encouraging that you might be starting to enjoy my pussy."

"That's not fair! I'm trying to save myself, and you know it," I protested.

"If you loved my pussy nearly as much as you loved my ass, you wouldn't be able to wait. It's nothing to be ashamed of!" She interjected, noticing that I was about to protest at her claim. She was right though, and we both knew it.

"I bet if you masturbated more with your face in my pussy, you'd start to love it even more than my ass."

"That's ridiculous," I laughed uncomfortably. "And I'm sure I'll love it just as much once we are married."

"Trust me. It would work," Tamara persisted.

"We-we'll see," I said, eager to change the subject.

"Have you seen Amber?" She asked, realizing abruptly that Amber was nowhere to be found. The fitting room she had been had been vacated.

"Not for a while," I answered truthfully. I was glad she was gone. Was it possible my plan had been more effective than I'd hoped? I just needed to stay away from Amber long enough to marry Tamara, then she would leave me alone--I hoped. And if she didn't, I would just convince Tamara to move somewhere far away--somewhere Amber couldn't find me.

"I'm sure she'll turn up," Tamara grinned. "I'm just glad she didn't to hear us."

We eventually located Amber browsing in the back of the store. She acted casual, but I could tell she was upset. She had heard us going at it. That much was abundantly clear. I just hoped it was enough.


"I was thinking we should set our date for the 19th," Tamara said, stroking my hair. Her bare breasts swayed over my head as she straddled my torso.

"The 19th? You mean next month?" I felt a moment of panic. Putting a date on it already made it feel too real--but next month?

"No, silly," she laughed. I felt relieved. I was gradually acclimating to the whole marriage thing, but I still needed some time to work through my remaining reservations. "This month," she concluded.

"This month? But that's only three weeks away!"

"So? Neither of us want a big wedding. What is the point in waiting?."

"I don't know," I hesitated, "That's so soon."

"Just think about it and let me know, but don't think for too long," she grinned. "Just think. In just three weeks, we could be starting the next chapter in our lives.

"Is that code for 'sex'" I asked, half teasing, half serious.

"For starters," she laughed. "Are you telling me you aren't curious about this?" She sat up and rubbed her crotch gently through her pajamas.

"Tamara!" I exclaimed, embarrassed and fascinated at the same time.

"You like it, I can see it in your eyes. You want this."

"No! I mean--yes, well--" I turned bright red.

She stood up, pulling down her pajama bottoms, followed by her panties.

"Do you want to try that again?" She asked, lowering her mound inches from my face.

Her scent was all it took to set my pussy on fire. I was abruptly and unexpectedly aroused, feeling the need for immediate release. I could barely breathe. It was almost scary the hold she had on me. Our earlier conversation still lingered in my thoughts. I didn't buy her theory about making myself more attracted to her pussy, but I couldn't stop thinking what it might be like to do what she had suggested--to pleasure myself with her pussy on my face. Would that be crossing a hard line for me? I wasn't sure.

"So, what do you say?"

"Yes!" I exclaimed, out of breath. I think she was underestimating the effect her scent was having on me.

"I don't know if I can wait that long," I gasped, half delirious from my sudden arousal.

"Well, why not the 12th?" Tamara asked, absent-mindedly. "Yeah, I think we could pull that off."

"Two weeks? I was kidding."

"Can you think of a reason we shouldn't?"

Tamara slid her fingers into her lips, spreading them apart.

I could barely breathe. Her pussy was so close, it was practically all I could see. Its scent was overwhelming my senses and making it difficult to think clearly. I would have agreed to anything right then.

"Tell me how much you want this," Tamara moaned, biting her lip as she continued to rub herself.

I was mesmerized. I felt so uncomfortable, but I couldn't look away.

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