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He paused, then said "I have a proposal for you. I want you to let me finish completely before you say anything, then feel free to ask any questions before answering."

Looking slightly confused, she said "OK..."

"Now, first of all, this isn't going to be a couple of months. Linda isn't coming back. This is permanent. Second, I know you know what she makes. I'm going to equal that, starting now. Lastly, the most difficult part. As soon as Linda is gone, I am hiring Jill. She will make base level salary, but she is going to be duct-taped to your hip. You will teach her everything you know. I want her to take your job". Irene started to speak, but Mike held up his hand. "Please, let me finish. Yes, I want her to take your job. This could take quite a bit of time. During the training time, a 25% Trainer addition will be added to your salary. Also, I don't want to lose you. Even after she is fully trained, you will keep your salary. You will work in her spot if she is out for any reason, and you will be the senior secretary. I will need weekly progress reports every Friday. She needs this, Irene. She needs to value herself." Mike stopped talking and looked at her with questioning eyes.

Irene took a deep breath. "This is weird, training my replacement if you will. But I like her and I love working here. I would really like this in writing, however. A girl has to protect herself, doesn't she?"

"Your next task is to write this out. We will look at it tomorrow and if we both agree, we sign it. Also, don't tell Linda I said she was leaving. She wants that to be secret."

She smiled and shook his hand. "We have a deal!"

"One more thing" he said, "she will need some elegant clothes for this weekend. Make sure of that when you take her out shopping. Don't let her tell you 'No' about anything. She needs elegant clothes, some work suits, and some everyday items. She gets them, and you may have to force her. Please."

"I got this Mike. I know how to talk to her, and we will get everything PLUS!" she giggled. Mike put his head down, saying "I'm going to be broke after this..." as Irene sashayed out, still laughing.

Mike went home, and she had made dinner. Mac and cheese with some hot dogs. Not one to complain, Mike praised it like it was fine cuisine. She looked at him like he was insane and laughed along. They sat down and watched a movie after dinner. She sat close to him on the couch and snuggled in after the movie started. By the time it was half over, she was sleeping. Mike stared at her, realizing just how attractive she was, then feeling guilty. He gently woke her up and led her to her bed. After he laid her down, he went to kiss her forehead. She tilted her head and it became a kiss. A real kiss. After way too long, he thought, she let loose and looked up at him, smiling. "Good night sweet prince" she giggled.

He reddened, standing up. "Have a wonderful night, Jill."

He went to bed, still reeling from that kiss. He had noticed that the entire house had been cleaned, all the laundry done, everything. "Damn" he thought "A fella could do a lot worse for a wife". He then banished that thought from his mind, and started thinking of Saturday, making plans in his mind.

In the morning, when the alarm went off, he quietly got up, showered, and crept out so he wouldn't wake her up...and promptly smelled breakfast. He had forgotten his alarm again. She was up and had made biscuits and gravy. "Wow, you cook so much better than I do" he said.

She blushed and said "Liar" as she began cleaning the mess.

"No, seriously, I can't make this that well. I don't know what you did, but it is outstanding!" he said.

She turned and said "Don't patronize me. That is the only thing I really know how to make."

"AAARGH!" he cried, "I've stepped on myself again. I was just giving you a complement. Please don't be so defensive. I want to see you smiling, not plotting my demise!"

She looked down, and quietly said "I haven't been given many complements until I came here. Give me some patience too. Please."

He softened and picked up her hand and said "You're going to have to get used to it. You amaze me more every day. I saw everything you did yesterday, you worked harder than I did. Slow down. You have to start a real job on Monday. Take a break."

Her head flew up, hand to her mouth "Really? Are you serious? Who am I working for, McDonalds?"

He started laughing, holding her hand still. "Jill Parnell, would you do me the honor of working for me? I promise to pay you fairly, no family discounts."

She stared at him "What in the hell am I going to do for you? I don't know anything. I don't want a pity job!"

He squeezed her hand, quieting her and said "This is no pity job. You will be training, and I expect you to work hard. You will start at entry-level pay. If you don't work at it, you will have to go find something else on your own, kiddo."

She listened and nodded "You know I will work, Mike. For you, anything." He looked at her, believing her. He could see the determination in her eyes.

"I know I won't have to fire you for not trying. I just want you to understand that I really want this to work too" he said.

She smiled and began to herd him out the door "If you don't get to work soon, the boss will fire you!" He laughed, leaving her smiling in the doorway.

"I could get used to this" he said out loud, to no one.

That day was a rough one at work. He was starting an LLC with a PI firm, allowing for seamless integration between his cyber security, personal investigations, and physical security as well. They had been planning this for some time, but snags always come up. His PI friend, Tony Alvarez, was the one who had checked Jill's documentation. "Tony, I have a favor to ask" Mike said.

"Anything, my friend, you know me" said Tony.

"The secretaries are going out Friday night, and they are taking Jill. I would like some physical security to follow then, discreetly of course. I think I'm being paranoid, but better safe than sorry" said Mike.

Tony thought for a second, then said "I have the guy for you. Looks like a regular guy, but he was Special Forces. He can kill you with a melon baller!" he laughed.

Mike said "I'll pay the normal fees, you won't be out any money. Just keep all the girls from getting molested, unless they want to of course!"

Once Mike got home, he went looking for Jill. She was out by the pool, getting some sun. She was wearing a bra and panty set, but the bra was undone and the panties pulled tightly into her butt to maximize the sun coverage. She obviously didn't know he was home. He quietly went and changed, putting on his swimsuit. He quietly opened the door and cannonballed into the water, drenching the unsuspecting Jill. "What the fuck!" she screamed, raising up off of her chair. Mike just froze, staring. She was topless, and her wet underwear might as well have been missing too, as they were virtually invisible. She screamed at him laughing, until she suddenly realized why he was staring. "Oh! Shit! Shit! Shit!" as she tried to cover herself and ran in to the house.

Once he recovered his senses, he slowly walked in. "Jill, I'm coming in!" he yelled. She was in her room. He gave her a few minutes and knocked.

"Be right out" she said.

"Well, at least she doesn't seem to angry "he thought. When she came out, dressed in a t-shirt and shorts, she growled at him with a smile "Paybacks are a bitch, and you are getting paid double!" Then she looked closer, smiled at him slyly and said "I guess when you call me beautiful you really mean it" looking down at his swimsuit.

He looked down and went red. Hard as a rock. "I guess that's fair, you did show me yours" he said. It was her turn to blush.

"Can we get some takeout for dinner, I don't want to cook" she said, trying to change the subject. He nodded his agreement and went to his bedroom to change. Once everyone was "calm", they decided on fish-and-chips and went out to get some.

Once in the car, she looked at him, blushing again, and said "At least I know that you think I'm pretty now."

He said, "I'm sorry, sometimes things just happen".

She said "I am choosing to take it as a complement. You said I needed to be more gracious about that!" Laughing, the tension between them broken, they proceeded to order their food and bring it home.

After they ate and cleaned up, she let out a long belch. He stared as she said "Not sorry, just satisfied!" "You never cease to amaze me" he said. "Just surprise after surprise from you."

"And all of them are FABULOUS!" she exclaimed, laughing and grabbing him, hugging him tight. "You make me feel safe. I've never felt that since I was a little girl. You probably don't understand, but one day I will tell you. I need to be more...happy with myself...before I can do that." She put her head down and burrowed into his shoulder. He held her for a few minutes, then began to move back. She looked up at him and gave him a kiss. One just like the earlier on, on the lips, and with passion. This time she waited for him to break it.

She looked up at him, smirking, and said "You're doing it again". He looked down and cursed under his breath, moving back from her. She began laughing and stepped back. Eyes sparkling, she said "I knew you liked me, but...."

He blushed and said "That thing does what it wants. Remember, it's a complement!" They laughed a bit, and then he said, "Time for bed for me".

She said, "Something you need to take care of?"

He blushed yet again. "No. Just have things to do tomorrow."

"Suuuure" she laughed as she went into her room. He noted that she was no longer locking her door. "What to think about that?" he mused. It took him some extra time to find sleep that night.

Meanwhile, she was in her room not sleeping either. She was wondering what had happened out there. "Oh no. No. No. Was this what love felt like?" She knew it wasn't right. She also knew that something had changed within her. She was confused beyond words, but eventually sleep found her.

It was Thursday. Just a work day for him, but for Jill, it was shopping day. Irene texted her "I'll be there at 9, be ready!" At 9 am on the dot, Irene pulled up in her Jeep. Jill stepped out, locking the door behind her. "OK girlfriend, we have work to do. I've made a list of places to go, let's get started!" said Irene. Down the road they went, starting at the mall. They bought shirts, skirts, shorts, pants, slacks and spent some at Victoria's Secret as well.

Towards the end of the day, Irene pulled into a different store. They went in, and Irene said loudly called out "Vinny!! Where are you!!" An older gentleman came out of the back at broke into a grin.

"Irene! You can't need new clothes already, you just bought some!"

"Vinny, meet Jill. She needs the complete setup. Hook her up my man!" Vinny invited her to a pedestal and began to take measurements.

"Hey, no touching" Jill said.

Irene spoke quickly "He has to have accurate measurements. Besides, he plays for the other team, you have nothing to worry about." Jill looked confused, but she had some trust for Irene. She allowed Vinny to take her measurements, but didn't relax until he was complete.

"I have just the thing for you my dear!" Vinny said. He pulled out eight different outfits. She tried each one on, and he had to touch her again as he marked them for tailoring. "Don't be so tense young lady. You are beautiful, but I would prefer your boss if you get my drift!" Vinny said as he worked. The light went on for Jill, and she relaxed and even giggled a bit.

"Sorry Vinny, I'm just not used to this. I've never had a tailored outfit in my life."

Vinny stood and looked her in the eye "And you'll never have a finer one than mine!" he proclaimed, and Irene began laughing at him.

"Vinny, they are great, but..."

"Don't listen to her, she is jealous because I am making you finer clothes that hers!" Vinny laughed.

As the girls walked to the car, Jill looked at Irene and asked, "Why do I need these?"

Irene, not wanting to spoil the surprise, said "I just do what Mike tells me to. You would have to ask him. One more stop and we're are done!"

The girls pulled up to a dress shop. Jill looked over at her, raised an eyebrow, and said "You probably can't tell me why we're here either".

"Nope. Just doing my job" Irene said with a smile. They went in and picked out several dresses. There were female tailors here, and she was fitted with three by the time they left. Irene looked at her, noting that she wasn't smiling anymore. "What's wrong Jill? You look upset."

"I just don't understand why he's doing all this for me. I'm confused about him in so many ways. I just don't know what to think right now" Jill said.

Irene looked at her and said "Look. He is the guy I measure all others by. If I could get him, I'd marry him. He's got it bad for you dear. I see it in his eyes. You best do all you can to land that fish, because otherwise you'll be like me, looking for a unicorn and finding nothing."

Jill began to smile, thinking of how confused she was but feeling good about it anyway. "He's got it bad for me, huh. I don't know about that, but..."

Irene broke in "He follows you everywhere you go with his eyes. He laughs when he's around you, but rarely any other time. He details his subordinates to take care of you when he can't be there! He's got it really bad, girl. He may not even know, but he does."

The girls came home, bringing a pizza for dinner with them. Mike got home minutes later, so they all got some hot slices. Irene finished eating, then looked at Jill in her eyes, shifting them back at Mike. Of course, Mike was staring at Jill. Irene began to laugh and said "Time for me to go. I'll pick you up tomorrow at 7 for some fun!"

Jill said, "See you tomorrow, we have some things to discuss!"

Mike watched Irene walk out, looked at Jill and asked, "What was that all about?"

"Just girl talk, don't worry Mikey!" Jill replied. Mike sighed, knowing he'd never find out. After they cleaned up, they watched another movie. This time, Jill snuggled right away. He put his arm around her and, almost instantly, the rest of the world faded away. It was just him and her, and the world seemed right.

When the movie was over, she had to wake him this time. "Mikey, bedtime. Come on, let's go." He walked to his bedroom and watched her walk into hers.

"Damn. Life is so good and so complicated at the same time" he thought. He knew things were evolving, but he couldn't yet see the end. He drifted off to sleep, his last thoughts of her.

Mike woke up to breakfast again. "You're spoiling me" he said as he walked to the kitchen. She was cooking some bacon, and he slid his arms around her and kissed her neck.

She said, "You have to let me go unless you like your bacon black!" He let go and sat down, watching as she cooked. She finished, turned around and blushed. "Hey now, I'm just a fry cook. You have better things to stare at".

He looked at her and said "Nope." They laughed, ate their breakfast, then he went to work. She sat at the table, wondering what she was going to do. She finally decided that it would work itself out, and she got to work on the house. She was deep cleaning every room, and she was almost done.

Mike went to work feeling like a lovesick schoolboy. He didn't even realize he was at work until he had parked. He walked in and went to his office, trying to focus on work. He didn't notice that Irene came in until she began talking. "Mike, what's up? You aren't paying attention to anything today. Where's your head at? Is something wrong? You've got me worried."

Mike looked up at what had been his dream girl, and now she was just a girl to him. "Irene, I've got a problem you can't help me with. I would love to explain it to you, but I think it would cause us problems. I can't lose you from here, I don't know..." Mike trailed off, unable to speak.

Irene immediately came around the desk and pulled his chair out, pulling him to his feet. She looked him in the eyes and said "It's Jill, isn't it." She saw the truth and the fear pass through his eyes before he looked away. She pulled him close and gave him a hug. "Mike, she's into you as well. I know, she won't admit it. There is a lot she isn't saying, but I am sure of one thing. You guys make a great couple, and you both want it."

Mike's eyes went wide, then he asked, "Did she say something to you about it?"

"No, she didn't have to. It's obvious" Irene said.

Mike put his head in his hands. "This can't happen. It can't."

Irene, confused, looked at him. "Why?" she asked. "If you're both happy, what is the issue?"

"I can't tell you. Just believe me, it can't happen" he moaned into his hands. He picked his head up, looked at Irene and said "Why couldn't have been you? I would've fired you, then married you."

Irene, blushing, said "I hoped you would for a few years. I know it won't happen now, but I hoped."

Mike looked at her, calming down "You need to go get ready for your girl's night. I'll be ok. Go, have fun."

Mike dug into work for the rest of the day, trying to forget his problems. He wanted to finish some things, so he was working when his phone rang. "Jill" was the tag on his phone. Taking a deep breath, he answered "Hello?"

"I will be leaving in an hour, I hope you'll be home before I leave" she said.

"I didn't realize how late it was, I'm sorry. I will leave in just a couple of minutes" he said.

"I will leave your dinner in the oven so it stays warm. See you soon!" she rang off. He pulled himself together, logged out of his computer, and left.

When he came in, he smelled something different. "Mmmmm, smells good" he said. She turned in from the kitchen and Mike's eyes bugged out. She had on a LBD, tight and deep cut, cut high enough on her hips to show their perfect shape, with two-inch heels. "Who are you, and why are you in my house?" Mike said smiling.

She blushed and looked down, "Do I look nice in this?"

"Oh, nice is not the word. Hot, smokin', amazing, and a few others, but not nice" he said as he tried not to openly leer at her.

She ran and gave him a hug. He looked down at her and realized she was perfectly made up as well. She laughed and said "I had a makeup tutorial yesterday. Did I do it right?" "

You're going to need a big stick to beat the guys away. A VERY big stick" he said.

"Come on, Mike. I'm going out with three other hot chicks. I will just be the wallflower" she said, looking down and still blushing.

Mike thought "I seriously doubt that..." just as the doorbell rang.

Irene was there with two other girls. "This is Sherri and Penny. They are the secretarial gals I told you about. Girls, this is Jill."

Penny looked and whistled. "Wow Jill, Irene didn't tell us a model was coming with us!"

Jill laughed, looked at Irene and said, "Are we stopping to pick up Cindy Crawford?"

Irene was the redhead, Penny had long black hair with a fairly average body and the face of an angel. Sherri was of mixed heritage, and her hair was frizzy and dyed multiple colors. She was clearly the wild one of the group.

"You girls go have fun. I'll be here when you get home, don't worry about me" Mike said, shooing them out of the door. He needed some alone time with his thoughts, and that LBD didn't help anything for him.

The girls all went out, stopping at two places before finding one they liked. Penny was the DD that night, so she sipped bits of the others girl's drinks at most. "It's someone else's turn next time, so I guess I will just have to deal with you drunk ladies" she said. The girls drank, danced, but mostly talked amongst themselves about work, guys, and such.

Sherri looked at Jill and said "Spill it girl. You're staying with him, you're hot, he's hot. Is he as good in the sack as he looks?"

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