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Cutty Ch. 38

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A morning full of work.
11.8k words

Part 38 of the 38 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/05/2019
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51.A Morning full of Work

It was Saturday morning and Donna was out with her children on the gym track at the school. She was very relaxed as she sat alone at their usual table. Lisa was running now and Trixy tried throwing the discus a bit.

It was cold outside but not too cold. And she was dressed against the cold: a warm beige fur coat, together with thick black stockings, a red woolen plaid skirt, reaching somewhere hallway her thigh and creeping up higher now she was sitting. High heeled white leather boots, with warm wool inside, and a thick tight white blouse, outlining her nipples as her breasts were only supported with a push-up bra, covering only the lower part of her breasts which left her nipples free. The fur coat luckily covered her upper torso completely, hiding her nipples. In all, not proper clothing for the weekly school training but very good against the cold. And lately, very standard for Donna.

Her large peach mirror sunglasses hid her eyes, dark outlined and with an abundance of red eyeshadow, from view. This way she could observe her surroundings unnoticed. Other mothers, families, were observing her. They were ridiculing her outfit, her abundance of make-up. They could see her bright red lips, the blush she had used, and the way her hair was now with blonde streaks. Still a bob, showing off her large hoop earrings. She could see them snickering, see them gossiping. Her reputation was quickly going down the drain, that was for sure.

But somehow, she started to feel contempt for these families. With their snobbish ways, thinking they are so much better than others, she did not like them anymore. What did they know that they could judge her? Were they ever confronted with problems like hers? No, they never were, so they had no right to judge. She was beginning to despise them for their simple mindedness.

She stretched her left leg on purpose to show off her long, well trained, leg with the white boot. The few men in the audience noticed and it pissed-off their women. She smiled knowing she had her revenge. They would not dare to confront her now.

With the mothers handled, she focused back on her kids. That was so much better. This morning was so delightfully different from her recent experiences. She had always loved these 'soccer mom' moments, where she was only busy with her kids, her family. How she loved them, how she missed them. Yes, she missed her old life. But, if her new life allowed her these moments a bit more... she could stand it.

She clapped loudly and shouted encouragements to Lisa as she finished. Lisa had given her utmost and was sweating all over, but took her time to wave at Donna, her mother, with a smile. Donna felt her heart jump a few beats and returned the wave with her own and a very big smile.

With tears welling up in her eyes, Donna turned to look at her other child, Trixy. She had seen it too, and as she saw her mother look at her she gave her a big thumbs up. Stifling a laugh and a tear, Donna returned the sign. She was an emotional wreck but oh so happy. Lisa was acknowledging her again!

"You are Cutty?"

Disturbed, Donna looked up at the woman who had sneaked up to her and was now standing by her table.

"I figured as much." The woman said as she sat in Lisa's chair. "You are Cutty, the mother of those lovely ladies on the field. The wardrobe kind of gave you away."

Confused and with suspicion, Donna looked at her visitor. The dark blond lady was dressed in a beige business suit covered by a brown coat, and looked very sharp, very executive. Who was she? What did she want?

"I am here to use your services." The lady explained as she looked Donna over. "I need some relief, and Ms. Brendan assured me you are really good. A bit inexperienced maybe, but good."

Donna now knew the lady was informed of her situation. But was she really implying to have sex with her? here? That could not be true, could it?

"Come, I do not have all day." The lady said, as she patted Donna on her thigh. "You can do me and be back before they have their break."

The lady got up and walked away in the direction of the parking lot of the school.

Donna looked around and got up too. She knew it would be foolish not to follow. The lady knew Ms. Brendan, so there would be grave consequences if she did not. But what was required of her, and more questionable, where?

She followed the lady to the parking lot where she got in a large extended limousine, with dark tinted glasses. Not the most discrete type of car. But you could not see what was going on inside.

Donna walked up to the car, and one of the rear dark tinted glasses opened a bit.

"Get in."

Donna opened the back door and got in, glad to be out of the windy parking lot. She nestled herself onto the deeply padded seat and examined the interior. It was of a nice brown leather, looked pretty new, definitely something Ms. Brendan would like.

There was an open bottle of champagne in a bucket with ice and the lady was pouring herself a glass.

"Ok, I had a rough meeting this morning and need to get some frustration out of my system. So, no pleasantries. Just expose your breasts, get between my legs and start licking."

With that, the lady made herself comfortable on her seat, spread her legs, took a sip from her champagne, and looked expectantly at Donna.

"Well?" She said impatiently when she saw Donna waver, "Get going, Cutty."

Donna dropped her coat and willed herself forward onto her knees. She opened her blouse, exposing her breasts with the free nipples and bent forward.

"Ow, come on, will you!" The lady said annoyed as she pulled down her own panties.

Donna pushed her head up the lady's legs, into the awaiting vagina. She inhaled the musk scent and set her mind at zero as she started to lick the dry labia.

"Fucking whore, use more spit! You're hurting me!"

Donna gathered more saliva in her mouth and used her tongue to coat the lips she was slobbering on. The lady smelled pungent. She was really dry. Maybe too agitated? Donna just hoped she would be able to get her off fast.

"Shit, I needed this." The lady sighed relieved moving a bit to give Donna better access. "A stupid fucking soccer mom in whore clothing sucking on my clit, while her children are outside, training with the track team, in total oblivion."

"Come on, faster, Cutty! Faster!" The lady ordered as she grabbed Donna's hair painfully and thrusted Donna's face deeper into her vagina.

Donna could hear the lady gulp down the champagne as she was trying to lick her client to the best of her abilities. But the lady was so rough with her, making it very difficult to do her job.

"Oh, you fucking whore! Low life slut! Dumb cunt! Don't think, just lick. Let me ride your face!"

Donna really tried to lick but, in fact, the lady was just rubbing her vagina across Donna's face, which was now rapidly getting wet.

"Fuck!!!" The lady shouted out, as she sprayed her juices over Donna's face, after which Donna was roughly pushed away.

"Yesss! ...I needed that." The lady said, breathing heavily, as she collected herself.

She picked up her panties and slipped them on.

"How much?" She asked Donna.

"Uhmmm?" Donna could only say, still flabbergasted by the experience.

"Dumb cunt, don't you know your own rates?" The lady fumed and pulled out her wallet. "Here fifty bucks for a lousy job! I basically had to do all the work. Now go back to that nice family of yours, you fucking whore. Give them my STD."

The lady slammed the fifty dollars on the side table and got out of the car.

Donna breathed heavily as she recuperated from this... this assault, this rape.

After a few minutes she heard a familiar voice come over the limo's intercom: "You have to get out too, Cutty."

Donna quickly seized the money, adjusted her bra, buttoned up her blouse and got out. She saw a BMW driving away in the distance, probably her 'client'. She grabbed her fur coat a bit tighter and ran off the parking lot.

She made a detour to the toilets to clean up her face, apply her make-up again. She looked at herself in the mirror. Her make-up was smeared all over her face, together with the juices of the lady. She had even traces of her own lipstick on her forehead.

"What do I allow Ms. Brendan to do to me?" Donna wondered. "I have just been raped! And instead of being distraught, or run to the police, I am simply assessing the damage as if this is the most normal thing to happen."

Donna looked at herself in the mirror. She needed a drink and fast. She hated her own weakness, and at the same time knew it was not yet the time to rebel. The safety of her family had to be guaranteed first. But her emotions where running wild again. She had just been paid a lousy 50 bugs for a oral job! She was just treated as a common prostitute!

She focused back to the job at hand. She completely cleaned her face and did an emergency make-up. She did not have the time for much more. She quickly applied a foundation again, followed by new eye shadow and mascara. The finishing touch was the bright red lipstick. When she placed the sunglasses on her nose, she saw that nobody would notice the difference from afar.

With confidence she walked out of the bathroom and on towards the bar. She ordered a white whine and went back to her table outside. In all, she was within 20 minutes back at her table, just as Lisa and Trixy came running up.


"Mom! I set a personal record time for the 440 sprint!" Lisa plunged into the seat to Donna's left. "I feel really great!"

"Probably because you did not go out last night." Trixy laughed, as she sat down to Donna's right.

"You were out all night, Miss Lisa?" Donna asked.

It was good to find out Lisa did not really go out, but Donna was not so happy to learn Lisa had not returned home until early in the morning. Also because she, as her mother, was supposed to know where her daughter was. Especially at her age.

"Yeah, after the shopping spree and a movie we stayed at Jenifer's all night to gossip." Lisa explained. "We never went out."

"The night life crowd must have missed the slut-crew." Trixy mocked her sister.

"Miss Trixy!" Donna admonished, looking angrily at Trixy. Donna was too happy Lisa was in such good spirits, and talking to her, for Trixy to ruin it.

"Nah, just teasing, mom." Trixy smirked. "Don't worry, after the shopping spree yesterday, with your credit card, Lisa is bought and sold for."

"You have abused the card too, little minx." Lisa shot back, "I think your collection of 'Zara' maxed Mom's card out."

"Girls, girls!" Donna said, trying to sound lighthearted, "I am just glad you guys enjoyed it and we are now sitting together again, as a family."

"You bought me, Mom." Lisa said happily, "How can a girl resist a gold credit card?"

"Not to speak of 'Jennifer', so surprising how muscular she has become." Trixy went on.

"Trixy!!" Lisa shouted angrily and sent a paper coaster flying her way.

Donna looked at Lisa, understanding now that she had spent the night with a boy, not with the girls. Trixy has hinted at a boyfriend, but staying the night? Without asking permission?

"Miss Lisa, care to explain?" Donna asked.

"No, 'Miss Lisa' does not care to explain. I spent the night with Jennifer. Trixy is just saying things to upset me."

Now this was a blatant lie, Donna knew. She had to be very careful now, she did not want to jeopardize the current shaky truce there was between them, but she needed to know the truth. That was her motherly duty.

"Who is he?" Donna asked. "Someone we know?"

From the corner of her eye Donna saw that Trixy was about to say something, so she raised her hand to silence her youngest daughter. This one had to be answered by Lisa herself.

"I do not want to tell you just yet." Lisa answered sheepishly.

"That is ok, I guess." Donna answered, "But please do not lie to me again. And next time tell me beforehand. I need to know where you are."

"Mom," Lisa answered, "do you even know where you are?"

There was a moment of silence as they looked at each other. Donna could see the pain in Lisa's eyes. She had said a great truth and hit a painful spot for the both of them. Lisa needed her mother, yet Donna was unable to be that mother. She was wrapped up in her own problems, in this terrible blackmail.

Donna grabbed the hands of her children.

"I really don't know." She answered Lisa and Trixy, looking them in the eye. "It is a difficult time for me, for us. But we have to stick together, no lies between us."

Donna chided herself inwardly, given that now she was constantly lying to everyone she loved. But she wanted Lisa and Trixy to be open towards her. She had to know what they were doing, what they were thinking. If she knew that she could protect them.

"Who was that woman that you followed out, just now?" Trixy asked, completely changing the subject of the conversation.

"A business acquaintance." Donna answered, "She wanted a talk with me about something urgent."

"Hmmm." Trixy smirked.

Donna looked at her and wondered how much of what was going on Trixy knew? Was this her test if she was being honest with them?

"I have been seeing this guy..." Lisa said, breaking the silence. "I kinda like him, but he... is a bit of a 'bad' boy."

"Not really, really bad." Lisa hastened to correct herself, "Just... everybody thinks he's bad."

"What is his name?" Donna tried again, also remembering how her friends had told her Lisa was hanging with the 'wrong' crowd.

"I do not want to say." Lisa responded. "Not yet. When we're serious I will introduce you."

Donna looked at her daughter and wondered why she would not say his name. And how could it not be serious if she spent the night at his place? And how could Donna avoid that happening again?

"Trust me, mom." Lisa said, as she held Donna's hand with both hands.

"That's a good one, after you've spent the night with him." Trixy remarked.

"Trixy!!" both Lisa and Donna said, silencing her for the moment.

"It's Miss Trixy." She only mumbled softly.

Donna sighed deeply. This was really awkward. She had to correct her daughter, yet was so afraid of upsetting her. And what could she do if she upset her daughter? She was not in control of her own life at the moment, let alone able to control Lisa's life. But it was her daughter...

"It is not good to sleep with someone at your age. Let alone sleep over. Your too young, Miss Lisa." Donna explained, "You are giving the wrong signals to your new friend. Move slowly, get acquainted first."

"Mom, I moved slowly." Lisa assured her, "We have been going out for quite some time now."

"It can't be that long."

"Long enough, Mom."

A long silence followed where Lisa and Donna looked at each other. No hate, no fight, just trying to reconnect again.

"Drink your water, we are running in the next race." Trixy said, breaking the spell.

"Yes," Lisa said with a reassuring smile towards her mother, and the kids jumped up and ran giggling back to the field.

Donna was left in her thoughts, believing things could work out. As long as they were together, they would be ok. Wouldn't they?

She shifted her attention back to her children; they still had an hour to go before they had to go back again. She took a large sip from her wine, almost emptying it. She needed another one.

Lisa gave her a wave, which she responded in kind. A look at her other daughter saw Trixy laughing with some friends. All was well on the track field, so she stood up and went for a refill. It would be a bit much alcohol for the morning, but how she needed it!


"Hey Donna, how are you?"

Donna looked to her right and saw her friend Tammy smiling at her. Her friend was dressed in warm sport shoes, jeans and a thick, wooly, sweater. Or in other words; how she used to dress. She immediately envied her.

"I am fine, how are you?" Donna said, a bit reserved, recalling the last time they spoke. That was a few days ago when they tried to intervene after Bridgette had spilled the beans regarding her psychiatrist' alternative method. After she had left her friends alone in her own house to visit Ms. Brendan they had not spoken anymore.

"You left us rather abruptly." Tammy said, "And I see you still dress ...weird."

"Yes, I had things to do. I was just back you know. I had work to do."

"Tell me, what job do you have?" Tammy asked, not believing her friend really was so busy with work.

"I help out with a huge building project, revamping the old district."

Tammy was obviously surprised at this. She obviously had expected her to lie. "Wow, that is really big. Really? What are they planning?"

"As I said; drastically restoring the old district. We try to save what can be saved, and the rest will be brought down and replaced with buildings in similar style. We want to make it into a thriving shopping and entertainment center, day and night."

"Right now, I would not set one foot across 44th street at night." Tammy laughed.

"There is a lot of work to be done." Donna agreed. "What can I get you?"

"A lemonade, it is still early." Tammy replied.

Donna ignored the subtle critique, as she ordered an additional lemonade when her wine was served.

"Are you dealing with your issues?" Tammy asked, sincerely worried now her friend drinks at such an early hour.

"I am. It is hard, though." Donna acknowledge, "This helps at times."

"You should not drink too much." Tammy touched Donna's hand as a gesture of understanding, "Try to keep it within reasonable bounds."

"I will." Donna assured her friend.

"Your issues... You still have them, obviously." Tammy looked her once over again as she said this. She did not say so but it was evident she thought her attire was ridiculous.

"Yes, they will not go away so easily. It will take time." Donna took a sip of her wine. This would be hard.

"How come you have them? You seemed so normal? Happy with your family, happily married." Tammy asked, trying to understand her friend.

"Let's not talk about this." Donna sighed, "It is hard as it is. I really do not need my friends reminding me of it. Support me by letting me go through this."

A short silence fell as Tammy looked at the top of the bar, wondering what to say next.

"I am sorry for what I said about Lisa." Tammy said sincerely.

Donna recalled Tammy's angry remark about Lisa having 'bad friends', which she now linked to the new knowledge of the new boyfriend.

"Don't be. I know you mean well." Donna assured her, "What do you know?"

"Only what my daughter told me." Tammy replied, glad Donna was talking to her, "So do not run and scream murder. It seems she hangs out with a couple of those colored dudes who we suspect are selling drugs around the school and at parties. You know how girls at Lisa's age are lured by the 'bad boy' image."

Donna looked worriedly at her friend. "She is sure?"

"Nothing is sure, this is gossip." Tammy said, "But my daughter was quite confident, though. I really believe there is some truth in what she said."

Donna was thinking. What could she do? Take her time and approach Lisa slowly to ask what was going on? She had no time to follow her around. She could ask Ms. Brendan to help her... But what would that cost her again?

"So, I would talk with her, if I were you."

"Yes, I will, thank you." Donna's mind was racing through her options; what should se do, what could she do?

"And apart from that, Donna, how can we help? You know we are always here for you?" Tammy laid her hand on Donna's shoulder to enforce the message.

"I do not think you can help, apart from accepting me as I am now." Donna said.

"We'll try. But... what Bridgette is saying sounds so outlandish." Tammy said, offering a reassuring smile, "None of us has ever heard of a mental sickness like this. I mean... having an affair, ok. Bad, but we understand. But outright becoming a slut, a nymphomaniac. Let alone the cure that you follow. Indulging in these crazy erotic fantasies. It just does not sound right. How is Robert dealing with this?"

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