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CvsN 25: Tour de Spain

Story Info
Jack sees more of both Spain and his Spanish Beauty.
7.9k words

Part 25 of the 29 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 06/17/2001
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Tx Tall Tales
Tx Tall Tales


Jack sees more of Spain, and of his Spanish Beauty


Ana Isabel had left me with an immediate problem. A hard-on that just wouldn't quit. And with her departure, I was forced to consider alternatives. First and foremost, the woman next door.

Before I tested those waters, I knew I should call home. It was nearly 1:00 am, but it would be around 6:00 pm on the east coast. Give or take an hour. I was never very good at those time conversions.

I got the girls on both lines and regaled them with our success and our night on the town, describing the tapas and the flamenco dancing. "We just had to get out of there. The dancing continues until after one. We've got a plane to catch in the morning," I told them.

"Who's 'we'," Beth asked.

"Chris and I. She's in the room right down the hall. Poor girl was nearly mauled by all those men," I laughed.

"I bet you're getting your fair share of attention," Beth continued.

"Not like her, that's for sure. The odds aren't much in my favor."

"Was your Major there?" Debbie asked.

"Yes, and she and Pablo served as our guide. But I'm back in the room alone now, and I've been a good boy. No new girls for poor Jack," I insisted.

"Be careful of her," Debbie said. "I'm sure a guy like you would be a real catch."

"Not for her. She's some distant cousin or niece of the King, and off limits to mere mortals."

"If you find yourself slipping, find some nice young Spanish chippie. Keep away from her," Debbie said, more forcefully than I could imagine. I couldn't help but wonder what was going on with her. Maybe Karen was rubbing off.

"Debbie!" Beth squealed, "Did you just tell him to pick up one of those Spanish girls?"

"Better on of them, than ending up in that woman's web, and never coming back," she said, entirely serious.

"Stop it, Deb. Nothing is going to stop me from coming home to you. And I'm not about to go out and pick up some local kid just to get my rocks off."

She sounded upset. "I'm sorry. I keep getting this feeling that I'm losing you. That you're not coming back."

"I'm coming home in three days, and the only beauty I want is you."

"Hey!" I heard Beth's indignant reply.

"The both of you."

"Don't forget us," Debbie said sorrowfully.

"Hurry home Jack," Beth interrupted. "I'll see if we can't plan another coming home surprise for you."

"As soon as I can, Angel. As soon as I can."

The call left me a little perturbed, but I shook it off, and decided to check in on my boss. I hadn't heard any noises from her direction in a while.

The adjoining doors were unlocked, and I peeked in carefully, to make sure I wasn't interrupting anything. The lights were off, but the entry light was on, and I could see Chris lying on the bed, naked, on top of the covers.

I slipped into the room and sat down on the side of the bed, gaining Chris' attention. She turned and smiled at me, sleepily.

"Did we have fun tonight?" I asked her.

"I don't know about you but I did," she giggled.

"I could tell from the screams. Those two old guys must have had a hell of a time."

"Just the General," she said. "We kind of came to an understanding that the Colonel would have to wait a bit."

"Poor Colonel. So how was the General?" I asked, teasing. I stretched out beside her and caressed her breast.

"Very attentive. Not much for stamina, and pretty much a one trick pony, but he seemed quite happy to make sure I was well taken care of. I guess experience counts for something. You want to know something weird?" she asked.

"I'm not sure, how weird? Chicken or feather weird?"

"Nothing like that. It's just that was my first time ever using a rubber. 30 years old, and my first time. Weird huh?"

"Not too weird," I told her. "I was afraid he made you march around the room and salute him," I teased.

"Oh yeah. That too." She laughed. She leaned down and started playing with my cock, "How about you? This fellow seen any new pussy tonight? You and the Major seemed to be getting along awfully well."

"No such luck. I mean, she's nice and all, but I think we're playing on two different fields. Unless my ancestors lived in castles and were living off the work of down-trodden peasants, I'm not in the running."

"Aww. The mighty Jack strikes out? Say it isn't so!" She seemed to really be getting a kick out of my situation. I was almost tempted to tell her about the close call, but for all my moral lapses, I wasn't the kind of guy to kiss and tell, particularly when the lady was interested in keeping things quiet.

"At least one of us got lucky tonight. Two, including the much honored General."

"Three, if you can wait a minute for me to take a shower and freshen up. Shall I join you in your room, in 10 minutes?"

I couldn't turn her down. "Love to. See you in 10."

Back in my room, I realized there was a lot of evidence I hadn't been alone. I rolled the champagne cart, dirty glasses and all, into the hallway, then straightened out the bed. I could still smell the fragrance of Ana Isabel in my room, and I took care of that with a spray of cologne around the bed. A little strong, I opened the window a bit to get some air movement. One last scan of the room, and I saw a tube of lipstick left on the dresser. I barely had time to stash it in a drawer before Chris made her appearance.

She was wearing a tempting little bit of lingerie that barely hid the goodies underneath. It only took me a few seconds to get her into my bed, and a couple of minutes more for me to get inside of her.

All in all, not a bad night. Not at all.

* * *

Zaragoza wasn't the slam dunk I was hoping for. We had several issues getting the system to communicate with the server before we found the problem. Even then, we weren't able to bring all the units up, and found another issue with the database. For some reason the Zaragoza records were firewalled, and it took a bit of work to get the access tunnelled. It was late by the time we were finally up and running, but managed to get the demo up before we'd lost any credibility.

Pablo was great in support, and Chris managed to keep the brass from breathing down our necks. My favorite Major kept her distance, watching all, but staying out of it. When the demo was fully functional and running with access to all necessary data, I stepped back and let Pablo drive again.

He was getting good at it, and asked around for suggestions, providing the required results almost instantaneously. I was finally able to slide out of the limelight, and hunt down a coke.

Major Ana Isabel de Borbon is a demon. She sees all, knows all. And in this case anticipated all. While I was asking a trembling non-com where the soft drinks were, she appeared at my side, a 16 oz ice cold bottle in her hand. She gave me the first smile of the day.

"I didn't know if you were going to pull it off," she said. "It looked close there."

"A lot closer than I had hoped for," I admitted.

"But once more, you're the conquering hero, and still you let Pablo get all the praise."

"I'm happy enough to know I'm doing a good job. And he's been a great help. If I can help him a little, great. I hope he comes out of this smelling like a rose."

She casually reached out and brushed my arm, giving me goose bumps. She look still and hard today, not the sensuous creature in my room the night before. Still, I knew well what was hidden, just barely out of sight.

"Noblesse Oblige," she said.


"Of course you put on a show for the brass, they pay the bills and make sure the right approvals go through. Your boss understands the politics well, doing her best to keep the General happy, very happy. And the Colonel as well. But you make those beneath you look good, and feel good, even though it gains you nothing. You are above that."

"Don't go spreading rumors like that," I teased. "I'm not all sugar and spice you know."

"Sugar and spice?" she asked.

"And everything nice - a children's poem."

She leaned in to whisper in my ear, and my hopes shot sky high. "Looks like you may have to bail Pablo out, I think he's having some difficulty."

I looked up to see the Captain switching back and forth between two screens, and I was fairly certain I knew what was up. I moved quickly back to his side, and reminded him of the basic system configuration. In the settings, he hadn't selected the 'clear on exit' check box.

With a quick review of the settings, and two quick changes, he was back in the saddle again, his momentary nervousness in check.

"Sorry about that. My fault. I changed the settings during testing. After initial installation, they'll be at the correct configuration."

Once more I stepped back. But not too far in case of anymore gotchas.

That about settled it, and after just a few more minutes, we were shutting down the system, and being shuffled off to another night of celebration in the ancient and fascinating city of Zaragoza.

There was a short break while the party was assembled, rides were found, and a few additional lovely escorts were requisitioned for our outing. Ana Isabel returned after a short hiatus, wearing a simple, yet striking little black dress that once again had me staring. She certainly cleaned up nicely. I understood the purpose of the large tote bag she'd brought on our short trip.

The locals were very proud of their history, and the history of northern Spain where hundreds of years of battle kept the moors from crossing the Pyrenees. The landscape was dotted with castles and fortified churches, and our little tour began downtown at the Plaza of Pilar, where ancient Roman ruins from 20BC stood alongside a Moorish tower and a huge Spanish basilica, a pilgrimage sight for the miracles performed by the Virgin Mary. It was a strange blend of old and new, and utterly fascinating.

We were given a tour of the Basilica by the proud locals, viewing the 15th century Sagrado Imagen, and La Columna, the column where Mary appeared to the Apostle St. James. The same column whose holy properties protected the Church throughout the years, particularly from the bombings during the Spanish Civil War. We were directed to look at the frescoes painted by Goya. The busboy from 'El Botin' had done well for himself.

My guide was a pretty little Lieutenant named Pilar. The same name as the Church.

"Pilar. That's a pretty name," I told her, still looking about for the Major.

She laughed. "In the North, every other girl is named Pilar, it seems. Here it is as common as John or Robert, in your country."

"Ah, but I am quite certain not every Pilar is as lovely or as kind a host as you are," I told her in my rusty Spanish.

Our tour took us down a series of side streets, where we stopped for the requisite tapas, at a few different locales. I was attended to nicely by our hosts. When they weren't filling me in on their local history, they were querying me about the D.C. area, and even an occasional discussion of the new system. Pilar stuck to me like glue, and my partner in crime, Chris, was never lacking for attention, her favorite Colonel never far from her side. The Major was always in the crowd, often nearby, but somehow always a short distance away. My buddy Pablo was often by my side, but he was enjoying the outing as well, and using the opportunity for some face time with the big brass, and to chat up a cute local who'd attached herself to him.

By the time we reached our final destination, I was glad the walking was over. I couldn't imagine what it was like for the ladies in their high heels. La Bastilla restaurant was on the river, across from three bridges that joined northern Zaragoza, all residential neighborhoods I was assured, from the historic southern side of the city.

No show for us, just a gastronomic orgy of tastes, starting with what I was told was the best ham in Spain, although Pablo, once again seated nearby, told me it was only the second best. It was sliced paper-thin and melted in your mouth. As the first entry, it was a great start. My only disappointment was that Ana Isabel was separated from me, sitting opposite and at an angle. Beside her was another General, who seemed intent on talking to her, although far less 'friendly' than most at the table. He'd occasional speak across the table to me, and we would discuss differences in programs and bases I'd visited. The conversations would never get very far before Ana Isabel would gently recapture his attention.

Most of the evening, I flirted with Pilar, who was very open to my attention, and as the wine flowed, and the excellent food kept coming, I found her more and more enchanting.

"Tell me more about Buenos Aires," she begged, while offering me a taste of the mysterious food on her plate.

"The downtown is incredible. Avenida 9 de Julio is a full block wide, it must have 20 lanes. Of course the oldest buildings there would seem brand new in your beautiful city."

"They say it is very beautiful, very Spanish."

"In some ways it is. It is many cities, rolled in one. La Boca, downtown, is like a piece of Italy, where Italian is spoken, and the restaurants are like stepping into Rome. And the steaks, unbelievable."

She sighed, "I joined the military to see the world. And yet, I've hardly left my home town. Someday I'd like to see the great cities. Paris, Buenos Aires, Rio, Washington, London, New York."

"I'm sure you will. When you come to Washington, I'll show you around. It is a fascinating city, so open, so many parks and museums. You'll love it."

She was flirting outrageously, accepting my caresses and returning them in kind. "I'd love to have you show me around."

Her raven tresses reminded me of Ana Isabel, but her petite body was very different. Small and rounded, with abundant curves that promised wonderful experiences to anyone so fortunate to explore them. Her eyes were so dark they were almost black, and it was easy to get lost in them.

I knew we had intended to return to Madrid that night, but wondered if that plan had been changed. It was close to midnight and things were still going strong.

I turned to my Madrileño companion. "Pablo, what are the plans? Are we still flying back tonight?"

He looked surprised. "Impossible. If you wanted to return tonight, you shouldn't have done so well getting everything working. Too many happy people tonight. We'll be staying at the Hotel Tibur; we passed it walking here. We'll return in the morning. I thought you understood."

"Is Chris aware?"

"Certainly. She was asking if it had private baths. So many of the downtown hotels share bathrooms."

With that information in hand, it was time, I decided, to see if Pilar was interested in continuing our tour.

"Do you live nearby?" I asked her.

"Oh no. I live on the base. It will be a long lonely drive back tonight," she said.

"Perhaps you'll join me in a night-cap at the hotel, afterward."

She looked a little surprised. "Señor Jack, I'd love to but I think you should know that I have a fiancé." She leaned closer, rubbing my arm. "You are here tonight, very charming and handsome, but tomorrow you'll be gone. And Miguel will still be here for me."

"Miguel is a very lucky man," I told her, sincerely.

"And is there no special woman in your life?"

Amazingly, I found myself opening up to her, and on the long walk back to the hotel, where about a dozen of us stopped in the bar for nightcaps, I told her far more than I intended about my living situation at home.

She was wonderful to talk to, curious and easily amused, teasing me about sleeping alone in Spain, with all those women waiting for me at home. "You tempt me, Jack. What kind of man can keep two women happy?"

"A very luck one," I admitted.

Our Madrid contingent was at the bar, along with a few late night lingerers. The Colonel was monopolizing Chris's attention, no surprise there, and Pablo seemed to have landed his cute young escort. Ana Isabel was being entertained by two of the brass, but it looked awkward, like they were trying to hard to be interesting and charming, and she was letting it all pass her by. The locals, minus Pablo's friend, left en masse, all headed back to the base, leaving the rest of us to snatch a few hours sleep before catching an early flight back to Madrid.

Chris and I had no bags, and had to get toiletry basics from the main desk. The Colonel and Pablo each claimed to have everything they needed in their briefcases. Ana Isabel seemed to be ready as well, and wished us all good night as we split up for our rooms.

I was feeling lonely, without the opportunity to hunt down Chris in the night, if the Colonel's intentions were what I believed they were. No adjoining rooms for us. We weren't even on the same floor. I noticed that the Colonel was right down the hall from her.

In my room, I made my call home, catching Debbie. Beth was out but would return shortly.

"I miss you," I told her.

"Not as much as I miss you," she said softly.

I talked a bit about our day, and our evening tour.

"Was your Major the guide again?" she asked, carefully.

"Hardly spoke to her all day. A lovely young lieutenant kept me company most of the night, but she's returned to her fiancé, leaving me alone, once more."

She laughed. "A country of beautiful women, and poor Jack sleeps alone every night. What would your buddy's think?"

"They'd think I'm the luckiest man in the world to have you waiting for me at home. Just two more days."

A few minutes later Beth picked up the line and made me go over my activities once more. "Hurry home, Jack. We're lonely. All the toys in the world can't fill your place in our bed."

"I swear, I'm tempted to let Chris handle the rest of this and jump on a flight tomorrow, if I didn't think it would get me fired."

"Don't worry, baby. We'll survive, and I promise you, we'll make it all up to you," Beth said.

I said my goodbyes, pleading tiredness and a need to get up in about 6 hours.

"I'm almost sorry your lieutenant had a boyfriend. It might have made for an interesting story," Debbie teased.

"Deb! Stop that! He has all he needs waiting for him right here. Even Jack can last a week without. Can't you Jack?"

"As long as I know it's you I'm coming home to," I assured her before ending the call.

I was undressing when the phone rang.

"Jack? I'm not waking you am I?" I heard Ana Isabel say.

"Not at all. I was just getting in bed."

"If you have a few minutes, I thought we could talk."

"I'd love to, anything in particular?"

"Perhaps you'd come to my room. I'm in 510."

That was an offer no man in his right mind could refuse. "Give me just a couple of minutes and I'll be right there."

I cleaned up a bit, threw on my pants and shirt, and slunk off to her room. At the first knock she opened the door, peeking out from behind the chain, then closed the door for a moment before letting me in.

"I hope you're not mad at me," she said stepping back from the door, as I closed it behind me.

How could I be mad? She was wearing another knock-out lingerie combination that instantly elicited a response in me.

"Mad? At you? Never," I assured her, stepping closer and reaching behind her neck, gently touching her.

She spun away from me and sat on the bed. "The General is an old family friend, and I didn't want too many tongues wagging," she explained. She giggled, "Sorry about Pilar. I thought you might like her, but I knew she's still in love with her young pilot. I'm surprised she stayed as long as she did."

"She was nice, and very easy to talk to," I admitted, sitting beside her on the bed.

"I believe so. You certainly seemed to be opening up to her," she giggled.

"And was my favorite Major eavesdropping?" I asked.

She leaned back on the bed, looking devastating. "Just a little. Am I really your favorite Major?"

Tx Tall Tales
Tx Tall Tales

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