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Cybercock Ch. 02

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Stacy invites Liz home for some tech support.
9.4k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 06/25/2014
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Stacy woke in the early morning to an odd sensation in her groin. She flicked on the lamp and blinked against a fog clouding her vision. She growled in annoyance and stumbled to the bathroom to wash her hands before plucking the run-down contacts from her eyes. She got a fresh pair from the bathroom drawer and they quickly powered up, overlaying the real world with icons and status text from the sink, the bathroom lights, and various personal items like her toothbrush, which was 40% charged. Standing nude before the mirror, she took a minute to brush her teeth, clearing the foul taste from her mouth, as the tight, stiff feeling near her groin continued unabated.

Stacy returned to the bedroom and looked at the toy on her dresser. An icon illuminated as her gaze fixed on it, showing its status as inactive. She frowned and pulled up the menu, but most of the icons were grayed out, indicating that it needed to be turned on for the options to be accessible. With a sigh, she powered it up. A progress meter indicated its steady climb from room temperature to body temperature, but she ignored that. She had intended to search the options again, but found that it was no longer necessary. The sensation at the top of her groin had vanished the moment it switched on, replaced by the faint sensation of the desk felt around the edges of the toy's base. She squinted at the thing for a moment before looking down at the "Off" icon.

The cybercock powered down and the tactile sense from it faded. Stacy turned and headed back to her bed, but before she could slip beneath the sheets, the other sensation returned, that same vaguely uncomfortable sense of tightness. Fully awake now, she thought about it carefully, about what the feeling represented. It felt as though she had a penis, extending from just above her clitoris, and she could swear it felt like it was erect. In fact, it was exactly the feeling that she had gotten last night when she became aroused, only then it had been pleasurable. This was just distracting, like an itch she couldn't get to.

Stacy powered the toy back on and the uncomfortable sensation once more vanished. The option to flush the nano was there and she almost went for it, but a new concern stopped her. What if this feeling of erection didn't go away when the nano was gone? What if the little bots had somehow restructured her brain? She called up the sensitivity setting and dialed it down to zero. The faint sensation from the toy faded to nothing. She waited, halfway into her bed, but the phantom erection did not return. She toggled the lamp off with her gaze, rolled to her side and fell asleep in minutes.

Stacy's alarm went off at six-thirty. Her rig, which she hung from a hook near the bed to charge, triggered the pseudo-implants in each ear canal to begin playing Bach's Concerto No. 3, slowly increasing in volume until she stirred. The music faded to a murmur in the background, programmed not to stop until she actually got up and commanded it to, and to get louder again if she started to fall back to sleep. She sat up, yawned and stretched, humming along to the concerto that her ears told her was presently occupying much of the room. She turned her head to the right and found the icon for the shower, activating it as she got out of bed. A good steam was already brewing by the time she got in.

Scrubbed clean, Stacy dried off and reached for her rig. The garment consisted of a large patch of skin-toned fabric and four thin strips of cloth, two at the top and two at the bottom. She draped it across her back and the actuated fibers at the top and bottom moved to wrap around her torso at her belt line and across the top of her shoulders, using van der Walls forces to grip her skin snugly.

The large patch of fabric on her back contained capacitor fibers and a thin computer and transceiver that would interface with her contact lenses and with the world of network nodes and data streams all around her. The whole inner surface wicked sweat away through hydrophobic channels. Other fluid channels within the fabric would carry heat out into a tiny forest of fibers that sprouted almost invisibly from the back of the neck, keeping the electronics cool. At the expense of a little extra power, it could even cool off the wearer to some extent.

Stacy donned her undergarments next, her awareness of the rig fading almost as soon as it had attached itself to her skin. She headed for the kitchen next and poured a tall, steaming mug of coffee. She took a long sip, sighed in contentment, and then, looking down, uttered a single word. "Shit."

The phantom erection was back. She must have gotten too far from the toy's very short radio range. Stacy stalked back to the bedroom, coffee in hand. When she got about ten feet from her dresser, the sensation vanished. "Looks like you're going to work with me, big boy," she said to the inanimate thing. She could carry it in her purse, but it was large enough that she would have to remove items and would run the risk of it being seen if she needed to pull anything else out of it.

A wry smile crept into her lips as a completely different alternative came to mind. She went out to the kitchen and found the box the toy had come in, quickly hurrying back to the bedroom before the phantom erection could come back. She unfolded the harness and looked at it. It had articulated fibers that stretched when she pulled at them and slowly contracted it back into its former shape when released. She lowered the garment and stepped into it, drawing it up her legs to above her knees. She plucked the toy off of the dresser and pushed it out through the top hole in the harness before pulling it up the rest of the way.

The fibers subtly adjusted, conforming to her shape without constricting. She turned sideways and looked at a mirror across the room. The base of the toy fit snugly against her and the length of it stuck out. It looked like it was a part of her, simply poking out through the hole in the front of the harness. She expected the sight to unnerve her, but on the contrary, she thought it actually looked kind of sexy, in a kinky sort of way. She dressed the rest of the way and found that, with panties on and applying steady pressure, the toy flexed very slowly, allowing it to be bent downward and tucked along her body. She had been afraid that it would be obvious, but there really wasn't even a discernible bulge.

She was finding, though, that the complete lack of sensation was actually a distraction in itself, as the toy felt like a warm piece of flesh touching her thighs. She called up the sensitivity dial and set it at 10, then to 20. Now the pieces all fell into place, and she felt that she could forget that it was even there. She quickly downed a bowl of cereal and triggered the house's door locks and security alarm with a glance as she closed the door

At work, Stacy pulled up the schedule on her optics and groaned. She had forgotten that there was a training session today. The title of the module, "Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace", made her pretend to gag theatrically.

"You're up for the sexual harassment training?" That came from Mark, standing and looking down over the wall separating their cubicles.

"Yes," Stacy said. "How'd you know?"

"You sounded like you were about to lose your lunch. I figured you either got the scrambled eggs from the cafeteria, or you were assigned the training."

"I know about the eggs," Stacy said. "But these things always bore me to tears."

"Mine was a few days back. I took notes. You never know when you might need to sexually harass someone."

Stacy chuckled. "So it's not too bad then?"

"You'll want to stab your eyes out with a pencil before it's over," Mark assured her. "Have fun and good luck."

"Yeah," Stacy muttered, setting her rig to automatically link to the training session, "right."

Stacy got to work on the new proposal, but she had barely gotten the basics tweaked on the document template when a blinking icon appeared in her optics. She saved the document and selected the icon with a glance.

After several seconds of mind-numbing jazz music, her vision was filled with a virtual display showing a man and woman seated together at a table, tablets lying in front of them. Both of them were young and attractive. It was a 3D render, but a much poorer job than the movie she had watched last night. The virtual actors' looked human, but their movements had a slight jerkiness to them that was off-putting.

They were talking animatedly, but the voices were muted. A voiceover spoke in Stacy's ears. "You might think that sexual harassment will never happen to you, but it affects thousands of men and women in the US alone. You might think that when it happens, it's no big deal, but its effects go far beyond those who are the victims of it. It can also happen in ways you might not expect. Imagine if this were to happen to you." The voices of the two people were suddenly audible.

"You're really a valuable member of the team, Bob," the woman said, and put her hand on his arm. "I've been thinking that you'd be the perfect candidate for that promotion."

The man, Bob, looked down at the woman's hand in apparent confusion and back up to her face. "Well, Cindy, that's very nice of you to say. And I do hope I get it."

Stacy rolled her eyes at the bad acting and horrible dialogue. The image on her optics distorted for a second, but it returned to focus all too quickly.

Cindy smiled. "You know, it might make a big difference if I were to put in a letter of recommendation for you." She leaned closer and dropped her hand from his shoulder to the top of his thigh. "Of course, I would expect something nice in return."

The image froze. "Now, if you were Bob," the voiceover said, "what would you do?"

"I would shoot myself," Stacy murmured.

The voiceover responded back to her. "I'm sorry, I did not catch that. Can you please repeat your response?"

"Oh, shit, this thing's interactive?" Stacy complained. "Mark, you ass. Why didn't you warn me?" Interactive training modules were the worst, because you were forced to pay attention.

The voiceover waited a moment and then spoke more insistently. "I do not understand. Please pick from among these choices a course of action for Bob to take." The options, "Accept Cindy's offer", "Walk away", and "Report the incident to your supervisor" appeared on the virtual screen.

The response that she was supposed to pick was painfully obvious, but Stacy was in a foul mood. She chose, "Accept Cindy's offer".

The voiceover sounded disapproving. "Accepting favors from coworkers in return for sex is not only immoral, but it can lead to embarrassment, regret, disease and even termination of employment." The frozen image changed to a bedroom where Cindy began to kiss Bob forcefully, with the text "that night" flashing across the bottom of the screen.

"Now that's more like it," Stacy said, settling back to watch. She found that despite the poor quality of the render, she was getting aroused. Bob appeared to be having second thoughts, but Cindy pushed on with her seduction.

Unfortunately, the scene only went for a few more seconds before fading to black. It faded in after a moment, showing Bob at a new desk. He stared at his computer screen. The voiceover resumed. "Bob got his promotion, but he keeps thinking about how he sacrificed his integrity and risked his health and livelihood to get it."

A woman appeared in the frame. "Excuse me, Robert Smith?"

Bob nodded. "Yes, can I help you?"

"You'll need to come with me. We have allegations that you have violated the company's anti-fraternization policy. As you know, it is a serious charge and could result in your termination."

Stacy could see how this was going to go. Whatever choice she picked would be used to illustrate a point and hammer home the central message until there was no chance that even a complete idiot would miss it. She picked the "wrong" choice at the next scene just to be stubborn and for the remote chance of a little titillation.

"How long is this training?" she asked Mark.

He didn't answer and she stood to peek around the wall, the training in her optics going slightly transparent to allow her to see around her. His desk was empty, so he must have had a meeting to go to. Their cubicles were tucked away into an alcove separate from the main floor, so there was no one else around to talk to. Stacy settled back into her chair, annoyed at being denied the chance to commiserate with a fellow human being who had suffered through the pain she was experiencing.

She blew out a breath and, knowing that the training deserved exactly none of her attention, called up the menu for the cybercock. She flipped through the icons she had played with before, and came to a new one, "orgasm threshold". Below that was one that read "ejaculatory reflex" and could be toggled on or off. It was off by default. She chose the first option and was presented with another sliding scale that went from 0 to 100. It was currently set at 50. She dialed it down to 40 and waited a few seconds, but nothing happened. She went down to 20 but stopped, not sure what might happen if she took it all the way down to zero.

Next she went for the arousal setting. It was currently hovering at 35, so she set it for 50. Her heart rate and breathing increased with her excitement, but the physical sensations that should have accompanied it felt dull. She remembered, then, the sensitivity setting, which she had dialed down to 10. She pushed it up to 50 and was rewarded with a rush of sensation all over her body. The toy itself, almost forgotten until now, felt hard and sensitive tucked in against her thighs. She squirmed slightly in her chair, causing it to rub against her clothing, and tingles of pleasure seemed to run up its length and settle deeply into her warm center.

She had the urge to pull the thing out and stroke it, but couldn't chance someone happening by. Instead, she tried pushing the sensitivity higher still, all the way to 65. She knew she had gone beyond some tipping point when she felt the pleasure increase and the heavy, tight feeling in her body steadily build. Without warning, a wave of pleasure crested over her body. It was gentle, but unmistakably an orgasm.

Stacy clamped her teeth together to keep from moaning. The climax passed and she opened her eyes. In her distraction, she had failed to notice that the training had presented her with another scenario. She chose, "Report the incident to human resources", knowing that it had to be the best answer.

The waves of pleasure emanating from her groin continued unabated through it all. Within a minute, another mild orgasm blossomed within her. The next started before the last had even faded away, as did the next after that. They soon began to blend together, putting her in an almost continual state of mild orgasm. She remembered every minute or so to open her eyes and make a choice for the training.

"Uh, Stacy?"

Stacy started and nearly fell out of her chair. She hurriedly dialed the sensitivity back down to 10 before looking over her shoulder. "Hi, Liz."

The video from the training had paused and gone nearly transparent over her field of view, and her friend from IT was standing there with a cord dangling from one hand. "Hey, just replacing a cable in Dave's office. Are you okay? You look really flushed."

"I'm, uh, fine," Stacy said. One last orgasm rolled through her forcing her breath out in a grunt.

"Hey, if you're feeling sick, you ought to go home."

"No, really," Stacy sighed. "I'm fine. I'm just taking the sexual harassment training."

"Ah," Stacy said. "Say no more. That one felt like being lobotomized with a rusty putty knife. Just keep turning the poor bastards in to HR and you'll get through it quick."

"Yeah, I figured that out."

"Well, good luck."

The thought occurred to Stacy that Liz might be able to help with her problem. "Hey, Liz?" she said, and then hesitated.

Liz had started to leave, but came back. "Whatcha need?"

Stacy felt the flush coming back into her face. "Well, I was wondering if you could come to my house tonight-," she stopped, mortified. How was she going to explain to Liz that her problem was that she had dosed herself with unknown nanos and connected her nervous system to a sex toy, and now couldn't turn the thing off without suffering distracting discomfort? "It's a computer problem," she blurted. "If-if you could come over, but promise to be discreet about it—"

Liz laughed. "A little computer trouble is nothing to be ashamed of. Don't worry about it. How does six-thirty sound? Just message me your address. If you make me dinner, I won't charge you a thing, okay hon'?"

"Yeah, okay."

"Well, then. It's a date." Liz sauntered off, whistling a tune, and Stacy had crane her neck out of her cubicle to give her retreating back a second glance. Had Liz winked at her? No, had to be her imagination.

"Are you still there?" the training module asked her.

"Yes, unfortunately," she grumbled, and the seemingly endless training resumed.

Stacy got through it eventually and accepted the thing's patronizing congratulations for finishing. Mark had been right. If she ever needed to sexually harass someone, the training had taught her how to go about it. The work day dragged again, and she was tempted to play with the settings on the cybercock again, but controlled her curiosity. Besides, she needed to figure out how she was going to handle Liz showing up at her house this evening. By 5 o'clock, she had resolved to take the coward's way out and lie. Then she would contact Funtronics and explain what had happened. If she had to choose between having to face Mr. Okura's endless apologies and being embarrassed in front of Liz, she would go for the former.

Stacy got home half an hour later and decided to go ahead with making dinner for Liz. If she was going to come out to her house for nothing, the least she could do was make good on her promise. Besides, she made a mean fettuccine alfredo. She was still cooking when Liz arrived, a few minutes early.

"Hi," she said, when Stacy opened the door.

Stacy stared in shock. She had never seen her friend in anything but a suit and slacks, but now she was wearing a low-cut blouse, skirt, heels, and stockings. Stacy hadn't yet bothered to change out of her work clothes. "Hi," Stacy said, blinking. "You look great."

"Thanks, hon'," Liz said, and leaned over to give Stacy a quick peck. "Hope you don't mind I'm early."

"Uh, no," Stacy said. Was Liz in the habit of kissing her friends on the lips? She'd been out on a couple of company functions with her and several other people from the office, but of course she would be a little more formal in that kind of environment. "Come on inside. I'm just finishing up with the food."

"Smells wonderful," Liz said as she stepped through the door.

"Go ahead and have a seat at the table," Stacy said, gesturing. There were already two Caesar salads and a pair of iced teas waiting.

Liz sat and Stacy drained the pasta before dishing up two plates and adding the alfredo with spinach and mushrooms. She took out the breadsticks warming in the oven and drizzled them with olive oil, garlic, and basil. Liz was watching her as she brought the food over, her lips curled in a slight smile. "It all looks amazing," she said, picking up a fork. She took a bite of the salad and nodded her approval. "Most people would just go out, but I like a girl who can cook."

"Yeah," Stacy said, confused again by her friend's words." You save a lot of money that way, and I like to experiment in the kitchen."

They ate in silence for a minute, long enough for the stretch to start to feel uncomfortable. Stacy thought that Liz must be waiting for her to speak, so she broke the silence. "So how are things at work?"

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