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Dad Dies Ch. 02

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Mum and son get closer.
5.7k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 02/20/2024
Created 01/24/2024
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All people having sexual activity in this story are eighteen and over.

Dear MLJ this story was written over 9 months ago. Before you'd given me your wonderful advice.

As we walked home from the hotel, I had my arm around mum's waist and she had hers around mine, "I enjoyed tonight, I'll cook tomorrow and Sunday as I wanted Jim to know about the funeral. Barry, as a family we didn't socialise a lot, we kept ourselves to our self, is there anyone you can think of we should invite to the funeral?"

"Mum, let me think about it, not many of my school friends came around the house, off the top of my head I can't think of anyone who was close to dad, he got on well with my English teacher, she helped him a lot when he was tutoring me, you didn't have any couples you were friendly with?"

"Not really, there's Sister Teresa, the nun I taught English to from France, she helped dad with his book, she'll come and stay for a few days, your dad and I visited her a lot, she was here about three months ago when I was going through a hard time with dad, I'll phone her tomorrow then arrange her flight. We'll sit down tomorrow after breakfast to make a list."

I did remember Sister Teresa or Isa, her real name, she was a few years older than mum, she'd been coming for years, she had a beautiful complexion she was a tall, busty, attractive woman. Since dad and mum had separate bedrooms, she always slept in mum's bedroom, on her last visit, I was up late doing some research, I was in my bedroom, mum and Isa were in the lounge drinking wine. I heard them go to bed. I was a little hungry I went downstairs for a sandwich, on my way back to my bedroom I heard Isa say, in English but with her lovely French accent, "Babs, your pussy is so wet, have you been thinking of all the nice things I'm going to do to you?"

"Isa, will I put on the strap-on so I give you a good fucking?"

"Yes later, but make me cum first with your magic mouth."

I put it down to dad not being active for so many years, before I had thought there was something going on between them but they had dad's permission. I was sure the age difference between dad and mum was having its effect dad was allowing Isa to give mum the relief she needed. At that time, I never dreamed of having anything sexual with mum but now that mum mentioned that Isa would come for the funeral after seeing her naked earlier, made me think differently?

As we got near the house, mum said, "I've enjoyed tonight, when things settle down, we must do this regularly, I'm a little tired, my mind has been working overtime since I got home tonight. Will you give me a cuddle when we get into the house, you're the only man I'd let myself do this with?"

I didn't say anything, I squeezed mum's waist she squeezed mine, I opened the door, put on the light I took mum in my arms, just before we kissed, "Darling, I could wear four-inch heels with you so you wouldn't need to bend your head, I'll get some tomorrow."

Mum's tongue slid gently into my mouth, it felt so good as she pulled me closer to her, I felt the weight of her massive melons on my chest, I also felt her push her pussy against my leg with a gentle circular motion, mum felt so good, we kissed lovingly for several minutes, everything felt so good and natural.

I felt totally relaxed with mum as we kissed, I cupped her massive left tit, the hard nipple felt incredible, I squeezed her hard nipple as I played with her massive tit for a couple of minutes, mum was pulling me closer to her, mum loved it, she purred with pleasure, "What a feeling mum, I hope it's good for you?"

"I must go to bed Barry, thanks for being with me today, I'll be up at seven-thirty, will I wake you?"

"Yes please, I want to be with you tomorrow."

We broke off, I had a massive hard on, I was sure mum was dripping wet, when I got into bed all I was thinking about was mum's kiss, her letting me have such a great feel, I fell asleep quickly but looking forward to shopping with mum tomorrow.

I woke early, my bedroom door was open, as always, I had never slept with my bedroom door closed in my life. It was six-thirty in the morning when I heard mum talking in French, mum sounded a little disappointed then ended the call. I lay in bed, thinking about all that had happened yesterday, I was like mum, I was looking forward to the funeral being over. I then heard mum in the bathroom, she was showering first, I could hear her singing a song, she must be happy.

At seven-thirty, mum came into my bedroom, she looked gorgeous in a pink top with yellow leggings, she was wearing my suggested colours, her tits looked massive they bounced beautifully as she walked, "Good morning darling, did you sleep well? I've been up since six, I've phoned Isa, unfortunately she can't come, they are having a retreat at the convent it won't finish until Monday lunchtime. I've already showered, you have a quick shower I'll make us a coffee, we'll have a good breakfast when we get back."

As we had our coffee, "Barry, after breakfast, we'll go into dad's office we'll go through his diaries, he never visited anyone's office, they all came to him he kept meticulous notes of his meetings in his diary. The diaries will tell us who to invite for the funeral brunch."

We left at eight-fifteen, I was driving mum's Mercedes Estate, mum hadn't mentioned anything about last night, she had been friendly but no morning hug, I usually got them in the kitchen but not when I was lying in bed naked. We arrived at the boutique just as the owner Doris was opening the door, she gave mum a hug, "Hi Babs, you're here early this morning, how can I help you?"

Mum introduced me, saying I was driving her today so rather than leave Barry stuck in the car she'd brought me in, I found a comfortable chair near the changing room as Doris showed mum different outfits, mum told Doris the colours she was interested in. I was surprised at how quickly mum made her choices, a wink from me told her I liked it, anything that showed mum's tits was liked. Then mum went on to the lingerie and erotic mid-thigh collarless silk kimonos, mum chose several but all in my colours, we were both happy with mum's choices, including five pairs of four-inch heels.

We left then went to the butchers and the supermarket to get food for the weekend, we got home at ten-forty-five. As I helped mum fill the fridge, "Barry, your dad's diary for this year is on his desk, although he was still mentally alert, physically he wasn't good. I want to change into one of those nice house coats, would you like the pink one today? As I do that can you please check dad's diary, every meeting every phone call he had, he took notes on everything, this will give us an insight into his business dealings."

As mum left, I went into dad's office, it was an impressive room with a large desk and four armchairs in front of it with an additional two against the wall. Dad's laptop was on his desk connected to a massive monitor, the room was full of bookcases which were full of books, I opened the diary, the last entry was for a phone call where he'd bought ten million in a pharmaceutical company's shares with the note, 'Review regularly.'

I had flicked through several pages, the detail in dad's perfect handwriting was incredible, the notes gave an incredible insight into dad's thinking, I knew mum would have her list possibly this afternoon. I heard mum in the hallway, "Mum, the dairy is excellent, it gives an insight into dad's thinking, his attention to detail is fantastic."

Mum came into the office, I hadn't seen her in the kimono, I couldn't believe my eyes, she looked stunning in it. It was collarless it sat on her neck and shoulders, it covered half of each of her massive tits then came together at the middle of her stomach, ending at her mid-thigh. She was braless she looked gorgeous, I'd never seen mum wear anything like this in her life. She looked so comfortable and relaxed wearing it.

Mum smiled, "Your dad's attention to detail was incredible, that's why his books were so good, Barry come into the kitchen as I need to start breakfast, I've something important to tell you."

I left the diary on the desk I followed mum into the kitchen, she was naked under her sexy kimono, mum made two coffees she started on breakfast, "Barry, your dad wanted to be cremated, there's a reason for this. He wants half of his ashes to be spread on the lawn here as he had such marvellous memories. Dad's biggest seller was, 'The Man They Couldn't Break.' This outstanding book had sold over ninety million copies worldwide it was still selling today. He had so much respect for that man who lies in an anonymous grave in the convent's graveyard, he has arranged with Isa, who's now the Mother Superior of the Convent, to have the other half of his ashes spread beside the anonymous grave. I agreed to do this but I'd like you to come to France with me, will you do this for me?"

I took mum in my arms I pulled her close, "Of course, I will mum, what a lovely thought dad has made by wanting to do this."

Mum kissed me on the cheek, pulled me closer to her she held me longer than normal. She went back to making breakfast as I ogled her gorgeous body. After breakfast, mum went outside she came back with the newspaper, the announcement was there it read well, "Mum, I'm surprised the phone hasn't rung, it's strange we've had no calls?"

"Not really Barry, the number is ex-directory, there's only the chosen few that know the number, I'll open the safe to get the last five years diaries out, they will give us the names of those we need to invite."

The safe was a big one, it was concealed behind the wood panels in dad's office, I sat in dad's chair, mum sat opposite. I was surprised how quickly we got through them, we ended up with sixteen names, one name that came out top was Pamela Ashcroft, a respected columnist in the Financial Times. She was also the owner of a financial magazine giving investment tips, it was a highly respected magazine. Mum got her mobile and called her, "Good afternoon, Ms Ashcroft, I hope I'm not disturbing you, my name is Babs Gibson, I'm the wife of John Gibson."

"Good afternoon, Mrs Gibson, you're not disturbing me at all, I'm having a lazy Saturday, how can I help you?"

"Ms Ashcroft, John passed away yesterday, the funeral is on Monday morning at ten followed by a brunch in the hotel beside the house, the brunch is by invitation only I'd like to invite you I'd also like to meet you, I can see from my husband's diaries that he thought highly of you."

"Mrs Gibson, I'll be there, I'm working from home on Monday, I've stayed in the hotel, it's excellent, I had a very early meeting with your husband so stayed the night so I wouldn't be late. I look forward to meeting you too."

We ended up with sixteen people that merited an invitation, a collection of Lawyers, Accountants, Tax advisors and a Venture Capital expert, the thing that we both noticed was the number of times dad had written on his notes, 'Ask Pam.' Pam was his most trusted advisor. Mum then made the calls, all but one accepted, the one that couldn't make it was in Germany. There was not one phone call of condolences which was due to the way dad and mum lived their lives.

It was now after five in the afternoon, it was a beautiful summers day, the terrace was catching all the sun, mum said, "I'll phone Jim with the numbers, we've got everyone who matters, I'm thinking Pamela is the most important, anytime dad needed advice he went to her, I've no idea how much money dad has, it's a lot, he'll have left a way for us to find out. There are five different banks he uses, tomorrow we can look through his files. I found a sheet of paper with so many accounts and passwords, darling, let's have a glass of wine then sit on the terrace then I'll make dinner."

Mum and I had achieved a lot today, she hadn't mentioned last night's kiss or feel once. I loved watching her in that sexy kimono, during the day, she had given me wonderful views of her tits. I wondered about last night's kiss and feel, was it mum looking for a bit of emotional excitement? Did it give her a thrill? Was that all she was looking for? As we sipped our wine, I chanced it a little, "Mum, I'm happy that you bought those kimonos, you look so good in them, you should buy some more as I'll never tire of looking at you when you wear them?"

Mum was sitting opposite me, a small coffee table between us, mum smiled, "I know you like to be a naughty boy, I feel comfortable wearing this but I'll only wear it when we are alone in the house, it lets you see my breasts without me being naked, do you enjoy looking at my big breasts, for my age they are still very good?"

As mum spread her legs wide open showing her gorgeous slit, there was moisture on her pussy lips, I smiled, "Mum, I love looking at you, your body is beautiful, your pussy looks so inviting, a simple question, how would you feel if I lusted for your body, you arouse me so much?"

Mum had her wine glass in her left hand as she raised it to her lips, as she did this, her right hand spread her cunt flaps open, a huge hooded clit popped out, it looked gorgeous. "Darling, let's go to bed, touch and feel me, make me cum but you can't penetrate me until dad is cremated, you make me so wet."

I followed mum into her bedroom, she took off her kimono in a suggestive manner, her naked body was amazing, she took me in her arms. We tongue kissed lovingly for several minutes, mum said, "I see a nice bulge in your trousers, would you like me to undress you?"

I could only nod in approval as I played with mum's gorgeous breasts, the way mum was acting made me wonder if I should be a little more aggressive. I had taken my polo shirt off as mum was working on my trousers, I stepped out of my trousers as mum pulled my boxers down, mum gasped when she saw the size of my erection, "Oh my god Barry, that's a big one, it's so long and thick, your father had nothing like this, your balls are so heavy, do you want mummy to give you some relief?"

"Yes mum, I'd love that, let's lie on top of the bed."

I lay mum on top of the bed, we kissed then I took her left nipple in my mouth I started to suck on it, mum loved that. I slid my hand across her stomach over her smooth vulva to check her lubrication, mum was starting to breathe heavily all I had done was suck her nipple.

I had my middle finger on mum's perineum, I circled her tight ass hole with it, she twitched as I brought it in to the bottom of her long sex slit, mum gasped as I ran my finger up the length of her gorgeous sex slit. As I got to her big hard clit, I teased it with my fingertip with the lightest of touches, mum loved this, I spread her cunt flaps open, she had a perfectly formed cunt, pink it was so wet, I could smell her arousal.

I then positioned myself in a way we could 69, mum knew exactly what was happening, there was some precum on my piss slit, one flick of her tongue it was gone. She then ran her tongue up and down my stiff cock as my mouth covered her sex, I wrapped my lips around her clit I started to suck as I finger fucked my mum with two fingers, mum was enjoying everything I was doing to her, she was taking more of my cock into her mouth and throat.

Mum cried out, "Barry, I love what you're doing to me, I can't concentrate on what I'm doing to you, I'm so close, let me cum first then I'll give you the best blow job of your life."

I came off mum, "Mum, lie back and enjoy what I'm going to do to you, you have a gorgeous cunt, I want to make it so wet."

Mum adjusted two pillows so she could look down to watch what I was doing, I soon had a delicate rhythm going with my head bobbing my thick long fingers sliding in and out of her gorgeous cunt, "Barry, give me another finger, I can take it."

I was using three fingers now, mum was gasping she cried out, "Yes, yes, yes..." in rhythm with each thrust.

Mum cried out, "I'm cumming."

I felt the warmth of her sweet cum fill my mouth, it surprised me how much there was. I swallowed some as there was so much, mum was twitching with her orgasm, she composed herself as I came off her, her eyes were full of delight. When I stuck my tongue out, there was a massive blob of mum's cum on it, I took mum in my arms we cum kissed, our mouths locked, mum's tongue busily transferring her cum from my mouth into hers, we were kissing like lovers it felt so good.

A couple of minutes later mum went down on me, her tongue foreplay was magical, it didn't take her long to get a rhythm going, the way she was massaging my heavy balls I knew I would cum soon. I was wondering if mum would swallow or would she hold it in her mouth to cum kiss like I had done? Mum was deep throating me now, it felt amazing as the head of my cock was hitting the soft walls of her throat, she was making a swallowing motion and her throat muscles were tightening around the head of my cock.

I cried out, mainly to warn mum, "I'm cumming."

Mum just kept sucking as I pumped my hot seed into her mouth, my first spurt had gone straight down her throat. Mum sucked every last drop out of me, she took me in her arms as we cum kissed so lovingly, we kissed for several minutes, "I enjoyed that so much, I enjoyed what I did for you I also enjoyed what you did for me, stay in my bed tonight, I want you to be there when I wake up in the morning."

We were both exhausted, physically and emotionally, this had been a big thing for both of us, it was so much better than last night's kiss and feel, we were both asleep in minutes.

Sunday morning was amazing, it was a repeat of last night, I sucked mum's huge clit as I finger fucked her, she came in my mouth we cum kissed mum then went down on me, she sucked me off then we cum kissed again. We showered together then mum made breakfast wearing only her kimono, she asked me to wear only boxer shorts around the house.

After breakfast we went back to dad's office, mum opened the safe and started looking inside of it, there were several gold bars a lot of pounds and euros, there was also a lot of stock certificates then mum found a sealed white envelope with the name Babs in dad's perfect handwriting on the front of the envelope, mum took the letter opener from dad's desk as she carefully opened the envelope, "I was thinking that I would find this as dad was so well organised."

Mum brought out one sheet of paper and read it carefully then handed it to me, it was so concise it read.

"My darling Babs, thank you so much for giving and caring for me also for giving me Barry, he is an intelligent young man I am sure will make an excellent lawyer. Over ten years ago I read an article written by a young student on the safest and best ways to invest money, I was impressed I made contact with her, her name is Pamela Ashcroft, she was studying to be an Actuary which she graduated in but does not practice as she earns considerable money from her writing, she has a weekly column in the Financial Times, Pam has her own publishing company which publishes her own magazine 'Ashcroft Finance', I helped her set up this business, she knows all my investments, she has incredible statistical skills her work ability is the best I've come across in my life."

"I would suggest that you make contact with her please ask her to go through my investments with you and Barry, I financed her business but she has given me a return on my investments of over thirty-six percent. I have spoken to her; she will be expecting a call from you. I own her office block, she pays a rent of five pounds per annum, I bought the property very cheaply I would suggest that one day either you or Barry should give her the property as a token of gratitude for the fantastic work she has done for me. Peter, my lawyer, has my last will and testament, Peter is a man you can trust. Thank you, Babs, with all my love, Tom."


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