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Dad! That's Not Fair!

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Kid's complaint opens Dad's eyes.
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It's 5:00 Saturday morning. Thanks to Daylight Saving Time, the sun won't be up for another couple of hours. I am very definitely NOT a morning person. I am not happy about being awake at this ungodly hour. The special roast coffee I've just begun sipping is doing it's best to make me a bit more human, not an enviable task.

I am vaguely aware the shower has shut off as my foggy brain begins to replay the events of the previous evening. My dick stirs, and my lips curl into a smile, as I relive that exquisite moment when her eyes rolled back into her head. In my mind I can clearly hear her as she growls my name. Beneath me, she arches her back and flexes her athletic legs, digging her heels into me, forcing me deep into her inviting pussy. I can almost feel the vise-like pulsing of her inner depths as I plunge into her. Now it's my turn to growl her name as my cock erupts inside her, finally granting my urgently needed release. The memory is so vivid, for an instant, I think I'm dreaming.

"Babe, can you pour me one of those?"

My eyes pop open as her voice forces me back to reality. My daydream fads away and once again I'm reminded: "Reality Sucks." But not in this case. The vision before me is quite lovely. My new bride has just walked out of the bathroom in her short red silk robe. She has both hands above her head, doing that magical thing women do when they wrap their hair up in a towel. Raising her arms has caused her robe to ride up and display most of her trim muscular thighs. As she works to complete her task, her robe falls open to display her well trimmed mound, her flat hard abs, and one delectable nipple perched atop an inviting C-cup sized breast. She wears no makeup, (she seldom ever does), still I am captivated by her natural beauty.

"Amy, I know you have to hurry, so here, take my coffee and I'll go get another cup while you get your scrubs on. Oh hey, do you want to take the leftovers for your lunch?"

"Yes, that would be way better than anything they'll have in the cafeteria, thanks John."

As Amy stands at the kitchen counter, refilling her coffee cup, she begins to apologize for the unwanted, abrupt change to our Saturday morning plans, I cut her off.

"Amy honey, I understand. Margaret is sick and you have to be there. How many surgeries are scheduled for today?"

"Three, I think, so I should be back home by four o'clock and I can't wait to make it up to you this evening. John, as great as last night was, I was soooo looking forward to spending a few hours in bed with you this morning. Now I have to dash off to the hospital while I'm still feeling horny as hell!"

"Oh shit, should I be worried about sending my beautiful, horny, bride off to spend the day with a bunch of God-Like Alpha Male doctors?"

"God-Like Alpha Males? Hell, all those assholes are in love with DICKS!"

"Amy, come on, you know that not one of them is gay. They are all serious pussy hounds with 20/20 vision and your scrubs do nothing to hide that sweet ass of yours."

"John, I didn't say they are gay, I said they are in love with DICKS. Let's face it, they are all narcissistic assholes, who love only themselves. So, since they are all obnoxious DICKS and they only love themselves, they all in love with DICKS."

"Ha Ha, very funny, you just make sure you have nothing to do with any Doctor dicks."

"Don't worry Baby, the only dick I care about is mine, but I'll let you keep it in your pants until I want it again. And believe me, Buster, I'm going to want it again tonight!"

"YOUR dick? When did my little buddy become your dick?"

"About four months ago, when you said, "I DO!" And there is nothing "little" about it."

Amy giggled, grabbed the lunch I had packed for her, kissed me deeply, then dashed out the door.

I refilled my coffee cup and walked out onto our deck. The early morning air was still a bit damp and cool, but not uncomfortable. The predawn moonlight cast random shadows over our sloping lawn, hiding the fact that I'll probably need to mow it today. Once settled comfortably onto my deck chair, I began to reflect on how much my life had improved in the last two and half years. I raised my nearly empty coffee cup, to the few remaining visible stars in a toast, "to the little moments in life that so dramatically change our fortunes."


Saturday morning, I sat at the kitchen table reading the sports page and sipping my coffee. I could hear my five year old twins thumping around upstairs. They were active boys, but not overly unruly. Like most Dads, I had learned to tune out the noise they made. Unfortunately, their mother, Cindy, had no such filter system.

"John! will you go upstairs and deal with that before someone gets hurt, or they break something, AGAIN? I need to get dressed. I don't want to be late picking up Sue. We want to get to the antique show before all of the good stuff is gone."

I didn't respond, but thought "Yeah sure, antique show. This was her latest excuse for ditching me and the boys on Saturday morning. Before this, it was book club, yoga classes and, oh yeah, bird watching. She started this Saturday morning disappearing act about eighteen months ago. It started off being about one Saturday per month, then she kept adding activities and staying away longer each time. Now, she and her gal-pal Sue are usually gone about four hours every Saturday. At first, I encouraged her to spend time with her friend, but this has gotten out of hand. I've complained about it, but she just blows up at me and rants about needing some Me Time. Truth is, I've never met Sue and I'm beginning to think Cindy just made her up.

I don't get the whole "Me Time" thing. She only works part-time, three days a week while the boys are in Kindergarten half of the day. Plus Tommy's mom has my twins over every Wednesday afternoon for a Play Date. I can maybe understand Thursdays, because they have school and then Tommy is at our place until I get home from work. That still gives her plenty of "Me Time." Little did I know what her "Me Time" really was."

"Cindy, relax. They're just boys. Boys are noisy."

"Damn it John, now they're jumping on the bed! Will you please just go check on them? I've got to get going. And don't let them have anyone over tonight, I just don't want to deal with all that noise tonight."

"Alright, alright! I'm going up."

Cindy is out the door before I get half way up the steps. I get no ""good-bye", no "love you," not even her usual "fuck you," just the sound of the door slamming. ... Bitch.

"Boys! Boys! You need to settle down. That's enough roughhousing."

"Hi Dad! we're just playing around. Hey Dad, can Tommy spend the night?"

"Sorry boys, not tonight. Your mom will be gone most of the day and will be tired when she gets home. So, she doesn't want any visitors here this evening."

"Dad, that's not fair!" says Dean.

"Yeah Dad, that's not fair, mommy has visitors here, so why can't we?" says David.

"I don't care what ...wait, what did you say?"

The twins explained, the other day when they came home from school Mr. Jimmy was sitting on the couch with mommy. When they came into the room, he got up and walked to the door and mommy said, thank you for visiting me today, Jimmy.

"Dad, Mr Jimmy visits here a lot, so how come we can't have visitors? Tommy is our friend, we want him to stay over."

I was stunned. Mr.Jimmy? That's what everyone called the older guy who lives just down the street from us. Cindy never once mentioned having him visit. "Mr Jimmy" is a slick looking guy who owns a couple of large used car lots. He apparently makes good money because he does a lot of local TV commercials. His ads say, "You can trust Mr Jimmy." Well, I never trusted Mr Jimmy, but obviously my wife did.

"Okay well, I agree it may not be fair for mommy to complain about having Tommy visit if she is having Mr Jimmy visit. I will have to talk to your mommy about that, but I'm sorry boys, maybe Tommy can stay over another time. Oh, by the way boys, did you say you've seen Mr Jimmy here other days too?"

"Yeah Dad, he's been here a bunch of times when we got home from school. We like Mr Jimmy, he gives us gum, he always has gum in his pocket."

Well Fuck, Cindy's been entertaining that slime ball for a while now and she sure as shit never mentioned it to me. God knows what she does with him before the boys get home. Shit, what the fuck do I do now?

"Boys, get dressed, I'm going to call Grandpa and see if we can visit with him while mommy's gone."


"Dad, I've got a problem."

"Oh, Hello John, Let me guess, it's Cindy?

"How the hell could you know that?"

"John, I'm not stupid and I'm not blind. At your last BBQ you had several of the neighbors there. You stayed busy taking care of the grill, I looked after the boys and Cindy flirted with all the men. She even disappeared for a while with that slime ball used car guy.

I overheard some of the wives bitching about Cindy's low-cut blouse and the way she was flaunting her tits in front of all the husbands. I almost said something to you, but I didn't want to stir up any trouble."

"Damn Dad, I guess I must be blind and stupid. I was completely unaware of what she was doing. Well, I think she's gone way beyond just flirting. She's had Mr Jimmy in my house when the kids were at school and they said he's been there several times when they got home. They said he's had lunch with them a bunch of times too.'

"WHAT? so she's fucking that slime ball in your house?

"Hold on Dad, the kids said he's been there for lunch, but I have no idea what they were doing before the kids got home. Of course, she's never once mentioned his frequent visits. So, if she's keeping it a secret, I can only assume something is going on."

"Entertaining men at the house when you're gone? That's fucked up! What are you going to do, Son?"

"Dad, can I drop the kids off at your place? I've got to get my ducks in a row before I confront her."

"Sure John, I'm retired, remember? You can bring the boys over anytime you want."

I dropped the boys off and headed over to my neighbor Larry's house. As expected, he was tinkering with some new equipment in his basement. Larry is a home based computer guy who loves all kinds of gadgets. I remembered at my BBQ, he hung around the grill and talked my ear off. Mostly he was bragging about a home security system he had put together using old cell phones. I told him I loved the idea and wanted to set up some monitors to keep an eye on the boys. He took my cell phone and got out a couple of old phones he'd been given. He messed with them for a while, then said it was ready. he showed me how to access the old phone cameras with my newer iPhone and how to record videos. I now had a couple of spy cams. I took them home and hid one on a shelf in my bedroom and one in our front room.

I knew I'd have to get through the weekend without alerting Cindy. I just hoped the twins wouldn't say anything about "visitors." I knew Cindy had Tuesday morning and Wednesday afternoon to fuck around, so I hoped I wouldn't have to wait too long for my evidence.

The cheating bitch and the slime ball got together right after the kids left for school on Tuesday. The video recorded her fuck fest and her saying she wished she'd never met me and never had my kids. They talked about how great it would be if she was single, like Mr Jimmy, so they could travel and live the carefree life. ... Bitch.

Armed with my video and the boys story, I met with a well known divorce attorney, Sally Hawk. She explained that in most cases the wife gets primary custody of the kids, child support, the house until the kids leave home, and spousal support.

"Holy Fuck! SHE"S THE CHEATER! What do I get out of this?"

"Well, you get to pay for everything. ... At least that's how it usually goes, but we have a bargaining chip. The video would cause a major scandal if it came out. At a very minimum, we should be able to leverage that to get Joint Custody. That would insure you get your kids at least 50% of the time, maybe more if she's agreeable. Listen John, I say we ask for full custody and the house. If she balks at that, offer her a bit more support money. Who knows, from the way she talked, she might be eager to get out of the Mommy business and be single again."

"From the crap they were saying on the video, I think she might just be willing to take the money and go away. I'll let you handle the negotiations, Sally. I love my boys, I can always replace the money, so I don't care how much you have to give her, I want her gone and I want the boys with me."

I told Cindy I was taking Friday afternoon off and Grandpa and I were taking the boys fishing. That was partly true. My dad was going fishing with the boys, I was not. I suspected Cindy would have Mr Jimmy in my bed shortly after the kids and I left. I asked Sally for the process server's number and asked she have him standing by. I drove to my Dad's house and dropped off the boys. My plan was to return and park just down the street from my house and wait for the fuckwad to show up, but when I got back, there was a big blue pickup parked in my driveway.

I parked on the street, called the process server and asked him to be there in ten minutes. I went up to the front door, eased it open, slipped inside and left it ajar for the server. I could hear them upstairs. I assumed they were fucking in my bed again. I slowly walked up the stairs, stopped in the boys room and grabbed a small bat, then walked to my open bedroom door.

I stopped dead in the doorway, mouth hanging open, as I watched some pimply faced kid jackhammering Cindy's asshole. Ass in the air, with her face in a pillow, she was moaning loudly and the young man was grunting as he slammed into to her. It took me a moment to realize Cindy was saying something to the boy.

"That's it baby, pound my ass, give it to me! Harder! Harder! Fuck mommy's ass!"

"What the fuck?' I yelled and stepped into the room.

The kid startled, pulling his skinny, still spurting, cock out of Cindy's ass. His legs got tangled in the bedding and he fell to the floor. Cindy screamed and tried to scramble under the covers, but couldn't because they were wrapped around the kids legs.

"John! what in hell are you doing here?"

I couldn't help it, the sight of the dumbass punk spraying cum everywhere while trying to untangle himself, and Cindy yanking on the sheets trying to cover her cheating ass, was just too much. I burst out laughing. I laughed so hard I had tears leaking down my cheeks and I had to hold onto the door to keep from falling down.

"Are you alright, sir? Are you hurt?" the server asked as he helped me out of the room.

I was finally able to catch my breath and told him to go ahead. I heard Cindy screaming at him as he said "you've been served," and snapped a picture of her. I laughed all the way to my car.

Turned out, the cum spraying punk was Mr Jimmy's 18 year old son. He had secretly taped his Dad fucking Cindy at his house and then threatened to send the tape to me, unless Cindy fucked him too. The day I caught them was the third time she had fucked the kid. Mr Jimmy didn't know about them and Cindy confessed it all to me, before agreeing to all my demands, in exchange for my silence. I guess she really didn't want to lose her new meal ticket.

I got primary custody of the kids, the house until the kids turn 18, and half of our savings. I only paid limited spousal support until she married Mr Jimmy about six months after our divorce. I'm not sure if she's still fucking her stepson, but I think it is hilarious, sick, but hilarious.

I spent my first year of freedom just trying to be the best dad I could be. I found a nice older lady to be a part time nanny for the boys and she has been great. The boys didn't seem too upset about mommy moving out. They don't see her regularly, only every once in a great while, when she takes the time to call and ask to see them. ...Bitch

I stayed busy trying to be the best Dad I could be for my boys. I tried to spend as much time with them as possible. One day I had the boys out biking around the neighborhood. Dean crashed his bike into a tree and cut his forehead. I ran to him and tried to assess his injuries. Dean was crying loudly and David was yelling for help.

Several people gathered around to investigate what happened. A passing off-duty nurse saw the crowd around the fallen boy and stopped to offer help. She had a first aid kit and put a bandage on his head and told us to take him to the ER to be checked out. I carried Dean home then drove us to the ER. The ER Doctor examined him and he was fine, just a small cut and likely a bruise.

As we were checking out, the nurse who had stopped to help us earlier in the day, came up to us and introduced herself. "Amy" was dressed in scrubs and said she just wanted to check on Dean. We chatted for a bit and she asked for my number so she could check on Dean in a few days. Several days later, Amy called. We chatted for a while and I asked her over for dinner to thank her for her help and her concern. That dinner led to several dates, a proposal and finally, a wedding.

Four months after the wedding, my Dad called and offered to take the kids for the weekend. It so happened that Amy was scheduled to be off the entire weekend, so we planned to spend some "quality" time together. Of course the 4:45 frantic phone call Amy got this morning put those plans on hold.

I took another sip of my coffee, damn! it was ice cold and I hate cold coffee. Well, I guess I'll have to get my lazy ass up and go get another cup. As I struggled out of my deck chair I couldn't help but think, "Yes, the last few years have brought many changes to my life and I couldn't be happier about it."

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AllNigherAllNigher18 days ago

I don't know if Mr Jimmy is a predator. Scum bag yes. Predator? Insufficient information. Maybe she seduced him we just don't know. His son is a predator clearly, though the scene we were given didn't have her seeming to mind much.

As for burning them? The woman may not have been burned getting to unload the kids and go with the other guy, and the kid maybe wasn't, but Mr Jimmy, knowing or not, was. Can't see her stopping fucking her step son, and given what we've seen wouldn't be surprised to find the son making her do his friends down the road... So maybe both Jimmy and wife ended up being burned without his help .

Don't see him as cuck, he left pretty quickly.

Good story. As usual you're ending is a bit abrupt though this one wasn't as abrupt as others.

Fun read, thanks

Cwsmooth2000Cwsmooth200027 days ago

The ending confused me a little.

Is he not. Happy with his new life and wife!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Cheating skank bought the cuck's silence

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I liked it. As for burning Mr Jimmy, if he married Cindy, he got what was coming to him, as she'll probably take all of his money.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Cindy was a piece of work.

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