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Daddy and Little One Ch. 15

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Daddy's new camera and Little One must learn a lesson.
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Part 16 of the 23 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 06/01/2006
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Daddy was already out of bed when Little One woke up. She barely remembered him kissing her, wondering if had been a dream. She could smell toast and coffee. The morning air was chilly and she realized her robe was across the hall, in her closet. She slid slowly out from under the covers and into the cold air. Her nipples were hard and she could feel goose bumps spread across her breasts. She cupped her breasts in each hand as she crossed the hall. A shiver ran down her back when she felt her warm hands against her nipples. Little One quickly pulled her robe and slippers on.

She suddenly had to pee. She stepped quickly into her bathroom, pulled her robe up to her waist and sat down. The cold toilet seat was a shock and her bladder began to empty immediately. Little One smiled, thinking if Daddy were upstairs he would hear her. The girls at the home could see, hear and smell each other pee all the time. There was no privacy at all. Daddy had never seen her sit on the toilet. It was the only bit of modesty she had.

Little One thought of the first time Daddy peed in front of her. They were about to take a shower together. She stepped into the shower and turned back to see Daddy standing before the toilet, holding his penis. Suddenly urine started to spray from the tip. Little One's heart raced. She had not expected to see this. If she had been a step closer, she would have reached out to touch his cock or maybe dip her fingers in the stream. Little One knew her face was turning red. She had never thought about it before, but it was wet, warm and coming out of his penis. She was fascinated and could not look away.

Little own wiped her pussy and remembered the night before. She was deliciously sticky. She loved the feeling of Daddy's weight pressing on her as he completely lost himself in his orgasm. It was not always the same. Sometimes Daddy froze without a sound and she could feel his penis pulsing inide her, but last night was a frenzied orgasm. She liked those better. Daddy started thrusting faster and harder. Little One tried to curl her legs around his waist and lock her ankles, but Daddy bucked so hard, it pushed her legs apart. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her mouth to his neck, biting and scraping with her teeth. Daddy's hands snaked under her and his arms wrapped her tight, pressing her lungs empty so fast her head swam.

Little One clenched her eyes tight and held on to Daddy's neck. She knew it was only be a few seconds, but it seemed like it would last forever. Daddy quickly collapsed on top of her and she was pinned under him again, unable to move. Little One had learned what to do. She gently kissed and nibbled Daddy's neck, just under his ear until he returned to this world. He pressed down with his left arm and rolled onto his side. Little One squirmed to pull her thigh from under his leg and snuggled up close to him. She could feel his slick cock soften against her stomach and his cum leaking between her thighs. Little One rested her head on Daddy's arm and he kissed her forehead.

"I love you, Little One," he whispered. "I love you so much." Little One stretched to find his lips and kissed him lightly.

"I love my Daddy very much," she whispered back.

For a moment Little One wanted to stay and rub her clitoris and relive the previous night one more time, but Daddy would think she was still asleep and would leave without waking her. She decided to wait and take a bath after he left. Little One looked in the mirror and ran a brush through her hair and a toothbrush through her mouth . That will do for now, she thought. She pulled her robe tight and tied the belt snug. . She pulled the silk tight under her breasts and her nipples were perfectly formed in the fabric. Little One licked her lips and smiled in the mirror. Now she was ready to kiss Daddy goodbye and see him off for the day.

Daddy sat at the small breakfast table, a cup of black coffee in one hand and a thick book in his lap. The title of the book was Complete Digital Camera System Operation. Little One saw he was not wearing his usual blue shirt and tie. His shirt was not even buttoned. She stood in the door, bowed her head slightly and waited for him to notice her. Daddy looked up and smiled. Little One's yellow robe clung to her waist and hips, showing her shape perfectly in the morning light.

"Little One, you look like an angel this morning," he said. "Would you like breakfast?"

"Thank you, Daddy," Little One answered and made a slight curtsy for him. "I will have just coffee." Little One poured coffee in her cup and mixed in sugar and cream until it was the cocoa color she liked. She bit her lip, thinking of what Daddy said the color reminded him. Every night her anus received gentle and sometimes not so gentle attention. The thought caused a small quiver in her pussy and her bottom. There were some mornings she was certain Daddy's favorite part of her must be purple, instead of cocoa colored.

"Daddy, are you going to the dress shop today?" Little One asked.

"No, Little One," he answered. "I am expecting a delivery of a camera, this morning"

"You have several cameras, Daddy. Is this a special camera?" Little One said with a slight hint of tease. She had become accustomed to Daddy and his toys. She could not imagine buying a gift for him because if he saw anything that interested him, he bought it.

"This a very special camera, Little One," Daddy said, smiling at her tone. "It is a digital video camera that can produce still photos and portraits. I have no photographs of you at all. We will correct that today."

"Will you take picture yourself, Daddy?" she asked. "I would like to have a picture of you, too"

"Certainly, Little One. That makes me very happy. There will be plenty of pictures. We can take thousands of pictures and print the ones we want to keep," Daddy answered.

The gate chime began to ring and Little One heard a large truck nearing the house. "The delivery truck is here, Little One. You need to dress for visitors."

"I will go take a bath, Daddy." Little One said with a smile. "I'm all sticky from last night." Daddy smiled back at her.

"Please do that, Little One and pick out a dress for the photos," Daddy said.

Little One heard Daddy open the door as she reached the top of the stairs and entered her bedroom. She filled the tub with hot water and soaked for a few minutes, before sitting on the edge to shave her legs. The fine hair on her legs only grew halfway up her thighs. The razor slid easily over her shins and calves. Little One was glad that Daddy kept her pussy smooth with his straight razor. She was still afraid to touch her pussy with a razor. Little One sat back down in the water and ran her hands up her legs and then leaned back until the water covered her nipples. She rolled each nipple in her fingers until it stood up, even in the hot water and slid her hand down her stomach to her pussy.

Her thoughts quickly went back to the night before. Daddy had been excited all evening long. The kiss at the door when she met him was longer and harder than usual. Daddy kept her close to him as they prepared dinner and set the table. His hand was always reaching out to stroke her shoulder, pat her back or a gentle squeeze of her ass. Each touch made Little One more eager for bedtime. She was soon naked on their bed and her first thought when Daddy pulled her to him in the bedroom was that he seemed hungry. Daddy's mouth moved quickly from her lips to her shoulders, kissing, licking and biting her. Each bite made her shiver. Daddy rolled her face down and ran his tongue and lips down her spine. He put his arm around her hip and under her stomach.

His weight came down on her back pinning to the bed. Little One opened her eyes to see Daddy lying on his stomach, his knees beside her head. She stroked his thigh as she felt him pull her ass open. She closed her eyes and Daddy's mouth to covered her asshole. His tongue was warm and felt wonderfully hard and smooth at the same time. The hand under her pushed two fingers into her slit and wiped cream across her clit. Little One spread her legs as far as she could and buried her face in the pillow. Daddy's tongue was probing and pushing inside her as his fingers kept a steady stroke across her button.

It was exactly the way she did it when she was alone. How does he know, she wondered. The pillow muffled her moans and her hot breath trapped against her face drove her higher as the mouth and fingers worked her asshole and pussy. Little One tried to raise her ass against his mouth, but she could not move. Daddy held her in place and it made the feeling more intense. Little One felt the heat in between her legs move into her stomach and her first orgasm hit quickly, it seemed with no build up. Daddy did not relax or let up. His tongue pressed harder against her asshole, which was opening and then clenching tight as she came. Daddy's fingers kept the same steady motion over her clit and he sucked harder on her asshole. Another orgasm raced through her.

Little One quit trying to move or push. She lie limp as Daddy's tongue kept pushing her over the edge again and again. Finally she found her voice.

"Daddy, I can't do it anymore. I don't have any left. I can't feel my legs," she whispered. Daddy released his grip on her and rolled her on her back.

"That's my good girl," he said.

Little One felt warm water on the back of her neck and realized she had slid down into the water almost to her chin and her hair was floating over her shoulders. I'll have to wash my hair now, she thought. Daddy and his special camera will have to wait a little longer.

Daddy knew he should pay attention to the crew as they assembled the camera system, but he all he could think about was posing Little One for his new camera. It was all he had thought about since he received the phone call confirming the delivery time. When he came through the door the evening before, the smell of Little Ones hair made him crave the taste of her. He wanted to run his mouth over her entire body, lick and suck every part of her. He resisted the urge to push her down on the table and push his cock into her from behind. He had something much better in mind.

When they went up the stairs, Little One paused by her bedroom door and asked if he would like to give her a bath, he said to let the bath wait until morning.

"Daddy, I worked all day. Are you sure?" Little One asked. She caught his hand, curled his arm around her and rubbed her ass against the crotch of his pants.

"I'm quite sure, Little One. I've waited all day for this," he answered.

Little One giggled and ran ahead of him into the bedroom. She was sitting on the bed, pulling her panties off when he walked through the door. Little One rolled back and sprawled on the bed and watched him pull his shirt and pants off.

He climbed on the bed with her and kissed her, tasting her mouth, running his tongue over her teeth. Little One's tongue was sweet against his, but now it was a distraction, keeping him from tasting what he had been craving all day. He rolled her on her stomach and traced a trail straight down her back with his feet touching the headboard. He shifted his weight and slipped his arm around her waist. Her scent caught his nose and he stopped to inhale slowly. The musk of her anus and the cream of her pussy filled his head. Daddy reflexively ground his cock into the bed.

He pulled her ass open to gaze at her sweet asshole. The mix of sweat, musk and cream made him drunk. It looked so delicate, perfectly tan with streaks of darker brown. A perfect asshole, he thought. Daddy slowly lowered his mouth to Little One's anus and swept his tongue across it, tasting her sweet sweat. He began to stroke her clitoris in rhythm with his tongue. Little One's bottom was getting hot against his face as her anus softened and relaxed. She spread her legs apart and squirmed under his weight. He was lost in his own pleasure of her taste and smell, when Little One's anus squeezed back against his tongue, forcing it out. He could feel the muscles of her buttocks and thigh harden under him as she came. He did not let up, keeping gentle pressure with his lips and fingers until Little One whimpered she couldn't cum again. Daddy kissed her anus gently, happy with his work.

"Sir, we have it set up and ready," a voice said, bring Daddy out of his reverie. Daddy turned to see the delivery man with his clipboard. Daddy signed the invoice and the man and his crew were quickly out of the house. Daddy studied his new toy. The high ceiling room had once been a small ball room and now it was a forest of tripods. Three of the tripods held a stack of high intensity lamps with reflectors and shades. Each lamp had a motor attached to allow it to pan sideways as well as up and down. The camera was on the central tripod. It also had a motor attached. A large tripod held a twenty seven inch flat screen monitor a little above eye level. A large printer and the lamp control box were on a steel rolling cart against the wall.

Daddy picked the remote control unit and stepped in front of the camera. His thumb rolled the track ball on the remote and the camera came to life. Daddy rolled the ball until he could see him self in the monitor. He held up his hand and compared it to the hand on the monitor. The color was perfect. He wished Little One would hurry. He was anxious to create portraits of her. Daddy stepped back and reentered himself in the monitor for a full length portrait. The lamp motors whirred and the lights dimmed slightly as the camera controls adjusted for the new shot. This is nice, Daddy thought. This is going to be a lot of fun.

Little One dried and brushed her hair, sitting naked at her vanity. She carefully considered her clothes for the afternoon. Little One pulled the drawer open and looked at the row of folded panties. She picked an ivory thong with a wide lace waist band and slipped it on. Little One stood in front of the mirror and straightened the thin fabric. She liked the way the thong laid flat over her smooth mound. She pulled the waist band up high which made a slight cleft through her pussy lips. This will please Daddy, she thought.

Little One picked an Ivory lace dress with a thin lining and slipped it on. It fit tight around her waist and hung delicately from her hips. The spaghetti straps were so small they barely showed against her pale shoulders. Little One smoothed the fabric around her waist and adjusted her breasts so her nipples pushed through the lining and were caught in the eyelets of the lace. Little One liked this dress because the low neck line pressed against her breasts. She raised her arms and felt her nipples pull against the lining. She knew she would have to be careful how she moved.

When she went to close the vanity drawer a pair of white socks caught her eye. The socks had a band of lace around the top and matched her dress. Little One slipped on a pair of ivory ankle strap high heels and stood before her big mirror. She bent down and folded the lace sock tops into a cuff just above the ankle strap. Daddy will like this very much, she thought.

Daddy heard Little One's heels clicking in the hall way and turned to see her in the door way. She stopped and stood still, waiting for his approval. Daddy smiled, raised his hand and made a circle in the air. Little One pulled her skirt out full from her thighs and twirled for him, turning back to face him with her right shoe turned to the side, the toe pointed to the floor. Daddy studied her, looking at her as if it was the first time. How did I ever find a thing so beautiful and graceful, he thought.

"Little One, you are beautiful in this dress, "he said at last. "The socks are perfect." Little One looked down. Daddy told her she was beautiful many times a day and it still made her self conscious.

"Thank you, Daddy," she answered. "I wish I was as beautiful as you think I am." Daddy's face became stern.

"Come here, Little One," he said. Daddy raised her chin and looked into her green eyes. This was the firm Daddy voice. "We have talked about this before and it is very important. When a person compliments you, do not insult them in return. What you said, questioned my judgment, as if I do not know beauty when I see it."

"I'm sorry, Daddy," she answered shyly. "Thank you, Daddy. You are nice to say I am beautiful" Daddy smiled again.

"That is the correct way to answer any compliment, Little One. Please remember it. You will be meeting many new people soon. You will receive many compliments and you must be gracious."

"Yes, Daddy. I will remember it," Little One said with her shy smile.

"Come sit here, Little One," Daddy said with a gentler voice. Daddy led her to a flat leather upholstered bench, placed at the center of all the stands. Little One looked at all of the equipment and felt a little silly for teasing Daddy earlier. It was a special camera. Daddy moved the monitor stand to beside the camera and pressed a button on the remote. The camera and the lamps buzzed for a second and Little One saw her face appear on the monitor.

It was surprising to see herself a little larger than life size. Daddy ran his thumb across the remote and the image shrank to show all of her sitting on the bench. "Smile, Little One. Smile for me."

Little One suddenly felt very self conscious. She wanted to look away from the camera. Daddy stepped behind the camera and held up his hand above it. "Look here. Little One." Little One tried to focus on his hand but she felt more nervous than before. "Little One, think about last night." Daddy said in a low soft voice. "What was your favorite part?" Little One was looking in the monitor and watched her face turn red and the blush move down her neck.

"Daddy," Little One said and smiled. "You are embarrassing me. I liked all of it." Daddy smiled and ran the focus in for a closer shot of her face.

"I'm sure you did, Little One," he said. "What part did you like most of all?" Little One saw her face return to its natural color, but felt a little warmer between her legs. She shifted and crossed her knees. Her face on the monitor was different than her mirror. She looked at it carefully. The camera is like Daddy's eyes, she thought. This is what Daddy sees. A sly smile tightened Little One's mouth. She raised her chin a bit and looked into Daddy's blue eyes.

"I know what your favorite part was, Daddy," she answered. "It was the part just before you stopped moving." Little One's tongue snaked down towards her chin and curled up over her upper lip. She squeezed her thighs together, remembering Daddy's weight crushing her and grinned at him. Daddy looked right at her, but she could tell he was someplace else at this moment. The same grin slowly pulled his cheeks back.

"That is always my favorite part, Little One," he said. "When you smile like this, you are the most beautiful creature in the world."

Thank you, Daddy," Little One said. "You are very nice to say so."

" Look to the left and then back to the right," Daddy said. Little One slowly turned one way and then the other. "Perfect. Now stand up and twirl for me, like you did before." Little One made a slow spin, faced the camera again and curtsied as she had for Daddy earlier in the morning. Her left strap had slid down her arm and her breasts were pushing against her neckline, nearly showing her nipples.

Little One looked at the monitor and then at Daddy. Daddy had his content smile on his face. She shifted her shoulders and her left nipple slid out of her dress. Little One watched Daddy's face carefully. She could see the pleasure in his smile and reached behind to tug at the dress's zipper. Daddy made the same circle gesture with his hand and she turned her back to the camera. Her hand slowly pulled the zipper down, exposing her white back until just above the waist band of her thong.


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