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Daddy Learns To Obey. Pt. 02

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Dad's obedience grows.
3.9k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 05/01/2024
Created 03/04/2024
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This is a story that involves female domination, piss drinking, femdom incest, small penis humiliation, spanking. Please don't read it if any of those are not to your taste. It's a work of fiction and all characters are 18 and over.


Taking my 18 year old daughter Rosie to visit my mother and sisters had introduced her to female domination which came naturally to her. On the return journey Rosie quickly learned to use her power over me and by the time we set off for home back to our normal family suburban life I was my daughter's obedient slave.


Rosie dressed in her usual top and jeans for the journey home. It was Sunday, she had college the next morning and I had work.

"Back to normal now Rosie." I said as we pulled off the motorway.

Rosie laughed. "Just because we're at home, school, work doesn't mean you don't have to obey me. I don't care if mum's there, if you're at work or whatever, you are my slave. Disobeying your princess is not an option."

"I'm sorry. I know. I must obey you." I whimpered.

I meant it. I knew that this was my life now, for always, but I couldn't see how I could possibly conceal my submission to my dominant daughter from my wife, neighbours, work colleagues. I accepted with dread and excitement the inevitability that my pathetic, incestuous subservience would sooner or later become a public humiliation.


Daddy Learns To Obey. Part 2

That evening I ironed Rosie's college skirts and blouses while she chatted with her mother about the trip.

"It was funny seeing daddy getting told off by nan." She confided.

Emma laughed. "Don't tell me she pulled his pants down, over her knee and smacked his bottom in front of you.! She did that the first time he took me to meet them. I couldn't believe it."

Rosie giggled. "No. Nan said he was a good boy. But Auntie Fi and Auntie Pip teased him and so did I. It was fun. I did smack his bum though mum."

Emma gave me a look before replying. "Did you indeed Rosie. Oh dear, he probably liked it. I'd love to hear all about it but it's late and I've got to leave very early for work; I'm at a conference up north. And you've got college tomorrow. Go up, daddy can tuck you in. Goodnight, I'll be gone by the time you get up. So I'll see you tomorrow night and you can tell me all about it then. Sweet dreams."

Rosie kissed her mother goodnight then turned and glared at me.

"Come on daddy. Chop chop. Upstairs. Now."

I looked at Emma nervously, uncertain what to do.

Emma just laughed: "Go on then David. You heard what your daughter said. Quick before she smacks your bottom again!"

I couldn't tell if she was joking but I ran upstairs after Rosie.

I tidied, ironed and hung out Rosie's clothes for tomorrow and cleaned her room while she had a bath.

Emma came upstairs to go to bed. She poked her head into Rosie's bedroom and saw me folding our daughter's panties neatly.

"Don't let Rosie stay in the bath all night Dave. And don't wake me up when you come to bed. I've got an early start and a long day tomorrow."

Emma gave me a kiss before going into our bedroom. I heard her take a shower in our ensuite.

Rosie called me to come into the bathroom. She was clean, dry and glowing from the hot bath. "I really need a wee dad. Kneel, open your mouth,"

I did as I was told. Rosie grabbed my hair, roughly forcing my head back. She put one foot on the side of the bath, pushed her cunt to my face. I kept my eyes on her face and opened my mouth as she pissed, catching the hot stream of pee between my lips as much as I could. When she had finished she pushed my face against her pussy and let me lick her, eagerly lapping between her moist sticky lips.

Rosie's phone rang. She stood up to answer it.

"Oh Hi Stacey. I'm just getting out of the shower. No problem."

She put a towel around her and left the bathroom, leaving me kneeling with my tongue out.

I washed my face, brushed my teeth and took my wet shirt off. I crept into mine and Emma's bedroom and changed into my pyjamas in the dark. Emma had her eyeshades on and earplugs in but still muttered and rolled over at the disturbance.

I was about to get into bed when Rosie came in and told me she hadn't finished with me yet.

I scurried after her as she stomped angrily into her room.

"Daddy, did you try going to bed without being punished by your princess?"

I shook my head.

"Sorry. I thought you were too busy to spank me."

Rosie's cheeks flushed with anger:

"If I'm too busy to spank you I will tell you. Now I'm really cross so you will get an extra hard spanking. And it will hurt. So I'm going to stuff my dirty knickers in your mouth to stop you from making a noise. We don't want to wake up mummy, do we?"

Gagged with my daughter's damp knickers, I lay over her lap. She smacked my bottom till I cried with pain, my howls muffled by her panties.


Eventually she stopped. She pushed me off, ungagged me and I curled up on the carpet crying and gasping for breath while Rosie chatted to friends on the phone and posted on instagram.

"Sorry about the noise, it's my pathetic dad still crying from being smacked, he's such a baby. I better have a look at his bum."

I squealed as I felt her hand poke my raw buttock.

"Oh dear." She giggled "that does look very sore, I was so cross I may have overdone the spanking. I better go and rub it better. See you tomorrow."

Rosie told me to get up. She inspected my sore bottom, I winced when she stroked it. She made me lie on her bed while she rubbed soothing cream on my buttocks. Then she let me kneel on the floor, my head on her lap while she stroked my hair and made soothing noises. I cried and told her how sorry I was to have made her angry, thanked her for spanking me and promised to always obey her.

Rosie got into bed and told me to sleep on the floor at the foot of her bed, in case she needed to go for a wee in the night.

I slept lightly and woke up when I heard Emma get up, wash and dress for work. It was 5.30 in the morning.

She opened Rosie's bedroom door, saw me lying there and whispered "Oh you're sleeping on Rosie's floor now Dave. Okay. Weird."

I muttered an apology and began to explain how I'd just fallen asleep, tired after my long drive but Emma shook her head and told me to shut up, "I don't really care Dave. Bye." then shut the door and left

A couple of hours later Rosie woke up with a full bladder.

"Mum's out so we've got the whole house to ourselves daddy."

She led me downstairs and made me lie on the conservatory floor. She sat on my face looking out to the neighbours gardens and pissed in my mouth.

"Ooh I can see Mrs Brown next door daddy." She waved. "I wonder if she can see?"

She giggled.

I dressed for work. Rosie made me wear her panties under my suit trousers.

"No jerking daddy. Remember I'll know and I will chop it off." She frowned.

"You jerk it when I tell you and only when I tell you."

I gave her a lift to college. She saw her friends, jumped out of the car and ran up to them excitedly. I could imagine her telling them everything.

I drove to work in a state of arousal and anxiety.

All day I struggled to keep myself from masturbating.

At lunchtime I got a text from Rosie: "Come to college right now. We need to pee."

I hurried to my car and drove to the college.

I parked up and looked around for Rosie.

The place was busy with students sitting and standing in groups, talking and eating.

I saw Rosie with three other girls, one of them was Stacey. I recognised the other two; May and Sophie, the twin daughters of our neighbours who Rosie had known since junior school.

I went to them. Rosie glared at me: "Here he is. My pathetic dad." Her friends giggled.

"Come on slave. Down on your knees in front of us and explain the reason for keeping us waiting."

She spoke loudly so other people looked at us.

I went red but fell to my knees as she ordered, bowing subserviently before my daughter and her friends.

"Yes princess. Sorry. Thank you. I came as quickly as I could."

Rosie pressed her foot against my mouth:

"You see how pathetic he is? Pervert."

I kissed her boots eagerly

"Sorry to have disappointed you. Do you still need me to...?"

Rosie grabbed me by the hair and pulled me up to face her.

"Do we still need you to be our toilet?" She sneered.

She made me face her friends

"My friends are all bursting for a piss. Aren't you girls?"

They were all vocal in agreement.

"See daddy, lots of smelly teen girl piss for you to drink."

I looked around.

Some students were watching and listening.

I hesitated. This was very public but I daren't disobey Rosie.

I lay on my back between the girls and opened my mouth.

They burst into squeals of laughter.

"OMG, he's doing it. In front of the whole college Rosie"

"Oh don't be so stupid dad. Not here. You'll get arrested. Get up. Idiot. Follow us."

Rosie led us across the quadrangle to the other side of the playing field into an overgrown copse behind a wooden building.

She pointed at a patch of dirty puddles, twigs and leaves

"Lie down there slave."

I lay on my back in the wet mud.

Rosie spoke to her friends.

"I'm first, I'll show you how to use his mouth as a toilet."

She hitched her skirt up and took one leg out of her knickers. I looked up at her sweaty bottom and cunt.

My dick went stiff.

Her friends squealed in glee and disgust:

"OMG Rosie he's got a little hard on."

Rosie slapped my dick hard.

"Small dick pervert."

She squatted over my upturned face emptied her bladder. I opened my mouth, and swallowed but my hair, face and shirt were soaked.

Her friends took turns to use me as a toilet.

One girl lost balance and sat back on my face, her large fleshy bottom pushing down, my nose pressed into her smelly arsehole.

When they had all used my mouth as a potty they looked down at me with looks of disgust, laughing scornfully.

"Rosie I can't believe your dad just let us pee in his mouth. That's so funny."

"He's still got a little stiffy. Can we look at it? Is it really only 3 inches?"

Rosie nodded

"Dad. Get up and show my friends your pathetic little baby willy. Trousers down now"

In front of Rosie and her friends I dropped my trousers round my ankles. When they saw that I was wearing my daughters tiny frilly knickers they gasped and giggled with derision.

"Rosie? Why is your dad wearing your lacy panties?"

"Because I made him. And because his little dick's too small for men's pants. Look. Knickers down dad. Now."

I tugged them down, my three inch stiff pinky sprang out before their young scornful faces.

"Oh what the fuck. That's ridiculous. How does he even jerk it? He must have to use tweezers!"

Rosie laughed. "He's not allowed to jerk it. Are you slave?"

"No Princess. Only when you tell me to."

"Good daddy. That's right. And what'll happen to it if you do?"

"You'll chop it off Princess."

They all laughed.

"Oh go on Rosie. Tell him to jerk it now. For us. I want to see his little baby pee pee spurt."

I looked at their sneering faces, and at Rosie. Hoping for her command to jerk in front of the teenage girls who had just pissed on me.

Some of her friends had taken their phones out and were filming me.

"Go on Rosie. Make your dad jerk for us. I'm putting it on TikTok."

I heard the college bell in the distance mark the end of the lunch break. Rosie looked at her watch and smiled at me.

"Okay. Jerk it. And be quick. Before the rugby players catch you behind their store room!"

"Yes my princess. Thank you."

I gripped my raging stiff pencil member between fore finger and thumb and jerked. I allowed my eyes to wander over their young breasts, their contemptuous, pretty scornful faces, their phones out filming my humiliation.

They taunted me: "Yeeuch look at him, covered in our piss and jerking his tiny dicklet in front of teenage girls. Loser."

"Baby dick pervert. This is going on TikTok"

The thought of the public humiliation was too much and I instantly spurted, gasping, open mouthed, cum dribbling down my fingers onto my crumpled pants to a chorus of "Eeurgh. Is that it?"

My dick shrunk to a soft sticky button and I bowed my head in shame and gratitude.

"I'm sorry. Thank you. Thank you my princesses."

The girls turned around at the sound of approaching voices, the sound of footsteps heading toward us across the grass.

"Time to go. Bye toilet. Better put your trousers on quick."

They ran off.

I shuffled behind a bush, pulled up my muddy trousers and walked back keeping to the edges of the college playing fields. Students were heading back inside to their classes and lectures but I got lots of quizzical looks, laughter, expressions of disgust and pointed fingers before I reached the car.

I went home to change before returning to work. I took off my piss soaked shirt, my crumpled dirty trousers but kept my daughter's panties on. I could taste the stink of pee on my breath, my eyes and lips stung with it's saltiness, I could feel my belly full of piss; four full teenage bladders inside me, my hair was wet and sticky with piss.

I was about to shower when my phone rang. It was my boss, Lorraine.

"Where the fuck are you Dave? You left the office hours ago. We've got a meeting in ten minutes. Get your arse back here now!"

I arrived back at work in a fresh shirt and trousers hoping the copious amounts of aftershave, hairspray, deoderant and mouthwash would mask the smell of piss. I got through the meeting okay but Lorraine called me into her office afterwards and told me I smelled like I'd been pissed on.

"If you're into golden showers David I don't really care. I had a boyfriend who was into it, that's how I know the smell. It was fun, for a while. But wash it off before you come to work please. You can use my private shower if you need to."

I thanked her and apologised. There was no point in denying it. Lorraine is an astute business woman who can read me like a book. I hurried home to shower and change before Rosie and Emma came home.

I was just getting out of the shower when I heard Rosie call up from downstairs.

I explained what had happened at work and what my boss had said.

Rosie giggled.

"Oh dear. Poor daddy. It's hard to keep this secret isn't it. As long as mum doesn't find out. I've made Stacey, May and Sophie promise not to tell anyone. You must tell Lorraine not to tell mummy."

That meant admitting to my boss that it was my own daughter who used me as a toilet. But I nodded.

Rosie smiled haughtily at me.

"My friends wanted to come over and piss on you again but I told them I needed some one on one time with my slave before mum gets home."

I thanked her.

"Now you can put a clean pair of my panties so I don't have to see your pathetic little shrimp, run me a bath while I undress then come and kiss my feet...."

I spent the next two hours pampering, worshipping, scampering after my bossy princess. Rosie bossed me about, teased me, made me serve, grovel and obey her.

She put me across her knees and spanked my bottom.

Then she applied cream to the wounds while I sobbed and thanked her.

When she needed a wee I lay back and caught every drop while Rosie looked down at my obedient face.

Just then I heard the front door open and Emma call out.

"Hi, I'm home. Where are you?"

Rosie stayed where she was as she called back.

"I'm in the bathroom mum. Just a minute."

She stood up. "Come on dad. Mum's here."

Emma called. "Where's your dad?"

"He's here mum. Washing his face. Come on dad."

I wiped my face and gargled with mouthwash while Rosie ran downstairs to greet her mother.

I put joggers over the girly knickers and joined them.

I made dinner while Emma unpacked. While we ate she told us about her work trip.

"Anyway, Rosie, I've been dying to hear about your trip with daddy. Did you really smack dad's bum? Tell me everything."

Rosie told Emma all about my sisters teasing me, and encouraging her to join in. Emma smiled and nodded. Shaking her head at me from time to time.

"But when did you smack him? And why?"

"On the way home. I had to. He made me so cross. It was so gross mummy. Such a perv."

"Tell me what he did."

"When I went for a wee outside he looked, at my fanny, at my piss. Then he made me give him my smelly panties. And he kept on staring up my skirt, down my top, gross. He wanted me to pee on his face. He couldn't keep his hands off his tiny little stiffy, I wanked it in front of me and when I told him what a dirty baby dick pervert he is perving over his own daughter he got more excited and spurted. i was so angry I put him across my knee and spanked him till he cried like a baby. You should see his bottom mum. I really hurt him." She giggled.

Emma gave me a cold look.

"Is this all true?"

I looked at Rosie. She fixed me with a threatening smile and nodded. I had no choice but to confirm my daughter's account.

"Yes. I'm sorry."

Rosie continued:

"After that I spanked daddy whenever he tried to look at me. And I told him that if he jerks his sad little twiglet dick I will know." she looked at me "And what will I do to it dad?"

I muttered: "You'll chop it off."

Emma laughed. "Oh dear. You clever girl."

Rosie smiled: "Thanks mum. It stopped him from perving and wanking his dirty peepee. Mum, can I ask you something?"

Emma nodded. "Okay."

Rosie leaned toward her mother and began:

"It's about you and dad. How do you manage about sex. Dad has a really small dick, like a little boy. And he's totally submissive. Do you two fuck? Can his dick do anything? I never hear you make any sex noises like my friends parents. How do you put up with his tiny dick mum? "

Emma nodded. "Okay. Time to be open. You're old enough to know. You're right. You dad's penis is too small. I need more. A lot more. So I fuck other men. Men with big cocks. Actually Rosie I'm a total slut. But I've always been very discreet. Dad knows. I've worked hard to keep my sex life out of my home life. So it wouldn't affect you."

Rosie gave her mum a hug. "Oh mum. Thank you. But I'm glad you've told me."

Emma told me to open a bottle of wine and bring two glasses. She and Rosie talked while I tidied and washed up.

"So mum, who are you fucking at the moment?"

"I've got four steady fucks. There's Mark at work, Sam, he's a truck driver who does me when he comes into town every other week, Steve, the butcher in the high street, I know he's fat and kind of gross but that turns me on and I get his best steaks cost price. Then there's my dad's old boss Ray, you remember, you danced with him at Grandad's wake, he's been fucking me since I was younger than you. He has a poker night with his pals every month and since his wife passed he has me play hostess, serve drinks and snacks and let them use me. Dirty old men." Emma paused to check how her daughter was taking this in.

"Sorry if this is a shock darling. I can stop there if it's all too much."

Rosie shook her head. Her cheeks were flushed and her breath fast. She appeared to be excited by her mother's confessions.

"No mum, don't stop, please. More."

Emma smiled at our daughter.

"Well, I've had most of the men in our street. All of them have got bigger cocks than your dad but some of them have been a bit of a let down. And there's a new one, Howard, he's a student, plays basketball. He's gorgeous. Look."

She showed Rosie a picture on her phone of a young athletic black man. Rosie cooed in appreciation.

"Mum! Wow. He's incredible. How old is he?"

Emma blushed. "I know. I'm old enough to be his mother. He's so fit though. So big, so perfect, I'm obsessed. Look." She showed Rosie a picture of the young man naked.


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