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Daddy's Perfect Little Angel

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Lilly's pent up desires take her on a forbidden journey.
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I have always felt like Daddy's perfect little angel. I excel at everything I do from dance, to school, to soccer, to anything I put my mind to. And my father has always been the one to push me, and be there for me, regardless of the situation. So why in the world was I up to something so unbelievable!

Maybe I just wanted to reward my dad for everything he has ever done for me. Maybe all of these pent-up desires were finally overwhelming me and driving me to break free from the bonds of being the perfect little angel. Whatever it was, I couldn't stop my mission, I needed to carry through with my plan.

Chapter One -- How This All Started

My plan started in motion a few months ago when I came home from college for my 19th birthday; I could not keep from teasing my dad in a way I had never done before. I wanted him to see me as a grown up and not his little girl anymore. My Mom was pissed at me when I showed up with a tight-fitting jean skirt that was way too short, and a pure white backless halter top that clearly revealed my firm young breasts were free from the burden of a bra.

Wearing that explicitly over stated outfit; I felt free for the first time in my life, free from the bonds that had been a burden far too long. I wanted to express my sexuality; and I wanted to make sure it was my father who noticed it the most. My mom is so uptight about sex, maybe she was the reason I finally needed to be able to break loose and discover what it was like to feel physical pleasure.

That evening when I sauntered into the house; I never listened my mom's scolding. I walked right by her like she never existed. I went straight to my dad's library and stood directly in front of his desk with a poise that simply said; I'm yours daddy! His eyes were in shock, his body froze, his fingers slid off the keyboard of his computer; and we just quietly gazed at each other.

It was an amazing encounter, just watching my father; feeling the weight of his stare beaming back onto my perfect young body. No words were spoken at first; we both were pondering what this meant. I then slowly turned around and could feel his pulse coming through his eyes as he saw my bare back and partial ass hanging out from my jean skirt. When I turned back to face him his stunned stare started to relax.

I started this, I needed to break the ice at that point. "Dad, I trust we can find time to talk alone this weekend. I need more from you than I can express. Just know I love you more than any words I can say."

"Lilly, we will find the time to talk. I am to stunned to tell you everything going on in my mind. But trust me baby, I also love you more than I can express."

After that I felt compelled to get my mother off my back, so I went to my room to change into something more relaxing. I made sure to leave the door to my bedroom open just in case my father walked by on the way to his bedroom, to change into his evening comfort outfit. When I heard his footsteps, I turned my back to the open door and slid off my halter top, then without hesitation I unzipped my jean skirt from behind and wiggled my ass out from the confines of that tight tiny skirt.

God, it felt incredible when his footsteps paused for just a brief moment. All he would be seeing me wearing was the back side of my very lacy black thong. The silence spoke volumes, his footsteps started out again very quietly as he made his way to his bedroom. I knew without any doubt when we finally had a chance to speak in private, the conversation was going where I wanted it to go.

Chapter Two -- Where Did This Plan Come From

Needless to say I was not alone in this adventure. My best friend Kayla and I have grown up together. Our mother's were also best friends from childhood. Kayla was the first to start to feel this burden of an overbearing mother. Our mothers could easily be twin sisters. Both are very attractive, but they are also very controlling. And when it comes to sex, Kayla and I both wonder how we ever came to be! Our fathers would have been better off marrying Catholic Nuns, is how we would describe our parents sex life!

Kayla and I are so close that it was a perfect situation for us to be roommates when we started College. That also saved on transportation since we brought only one of our cars with us to school. It also provides us another three hours of being trapped together to gossip and plot as we travel back and forth from college to home on our monthly visit to the parents.

It was during one of our drives back to school about a year ago that Kayla wanted to withdraw from the conversation. No way was that going to happen on my watch is how I handled that situation!

"Kayla, you are holding back on me. We share everything, I deserve to know what it is that is going on in your head today. All weekend you have not been yourself."

"Give me time Lilly, I promise I will make sure you are always a part of everything I do. Right now I need to spend some time with my dad. I presented an idea to him when we were alone this weekend. He promised to dive into it and will confirm if it is to happen. Let's just say for now, I am looking forward to a proper father/daughter spring vacation."

"Now you got my attention bestie! Better serve up some details or I will bug you till you want to scream!"

With a mutual giggle we agreed to back burner that conversation until she had confirmation of her vacation from her dad. We did not have to wait that long. By Tuesday her dad called late at night and they chatted in private at length. From that moment on, Kayla was a different person. She came to life in more ways than I can explain. Everything meant more to her in every facet of her life.

We have always had fun together, but suddenly we were having fun on steroids; she was totally charged. Going to a Caribbean resort with her father for Spring Break was going to be the highlight of her life. We had a total blast shopping for outfits as she prepared for this once in a life adventure. Quality time with her dad without her over bearing mother around to spoil any of it!

At first, I was surprised when we were looking for lingerie; why was it so important for it to look a lot sexier than I imagined for a trip with dad. But then came time for us to indulge in bikinis! That's when I knew something big was going on. Kayla and I have always been behind the other girls when it came to exposing ourselves in swimwear. Probably our mothers were responsible for that little hang-up! Kayla was looking at bikinis I never dreamed she would ever consider wearing. She told me to stop holding her back and help her to explore where she wanted to go. I'll have to admit, I started to get a little tingle between my thighs when I let go of my inhibitions and encouraged her to go with less and less!

We were like little girls giggling in the changing room when Kayla tried on some of our choices.

Then the poses started when each revealing suit after another were tried on. Finally I brought back the tiniest string thong I could find. The top was a halter style that tied behind the neck and the middle of her back. The front was nothing more than two tiny triangles maybe one inch across and two inches tall; the bottom triangle barely covered her perfectly waxed mound.

"So tell me the truth Kayla, what kind of resort are you going to? Is this a swingers adventure?"

"First off Bestie, before I answer any question like that, tell me what you think of this suit?"

"I never thought about either of us being sexy Kayla, but that suit with your figure are certainly meant for each other."

"Next year Lilly, you will be going on this same trip with me and both our dads. We will chat tonight during dinner about where I am going. But right now don't do anything to spoil the incredible feeling I am experiencing. Feeling sexy and exposing it is exciting me beyond anything I have ever experienced. At dinner you will know everything."

Chapter Three -- Dinner with Kayla

Making dinner and teasing each other about our adventure that day was as much fun as the shopping itself! Two girls that have grown up together share everything with each other. As the evening went on, Kayla had no more wiggle room, she had to divulge her secret to me. It was time to get to the bottom of this escapade!

"I'm ready bestie -- What the hell is going on with you!"

The mood changed to quiet somber silence. Kayla started to struggle with words, her eyes darted about the room, her hands closed together tightly; yet her lips wanted to express everything she was holding on to.

"This is something that only my bestie can ever hear of. Please Lilly, promise me we can share everything with each other without judgement."

"God Kayla, our lives have always been an open book with each other."

A lone tear started to ease out from the inside corner of both her eyes. The teardrops slid gently down the soft lines of her cheeks, yet a glowing smile spread across her lips. She reached out for my hands and our fingers wrapped around each other's. Finally our eyes locked together and I could feel a certain relief overwhelm her soul.

"Besides each other, who are the most important people in our lives Lilly?"

"Without question, our dads."

The squeeze on my fingers gave me assurance that I answered the question correctly. It was going to take more time, but we had all night, it didn't matter how long this conversation was going to take. Kayla was right; both our fathers have always given us all the love we wanted and desired.

Kayla then let go of my hands and left the table to grab her iPad. She came back and pulled her chair close to me, so close our bodies were touching and I could feel the heat from her pulsating body. She typed on her iPad, but before she it the search button, she gazed over to me one more time.

"I am not supposed to share this with anyone Lilly, this is a secret society based in a private resort hidden from the world on an unknown island in the Caribbean. It is a place where only fathers and daughters are allowed to go."

"God Kayla, what is this all about."

"The only man I will ever trust and love is my dad."

When her iPad loaded the website, the mystery was forever gone. Kayla pushed her iPad to me and I was able to voyage anywhere I wanted to explore. At first, I could not express any emotions, I was spellbound by what I was seeing. The pictures were beautiful and sensitive, yet provocative beyond anything I ever imagined. No question about it, I was looking at a place where fathers and daughters went to discover how deep their bond was.

I saw quaint little bungalows nestled along the ocean front, each with complete privacy, yet bundled close enough together where the beaches were shared. Fathers and daughters walking together hand in hand throughout the Resort, their faces blurred. In many of the photo's the daughters were either topless or how should I say this; totally void of any clothing. A large community pool with private lounging areas and an adjoining pavilion full of cuisine, wine, and activities to enjoy. There was no internet and you were required to check your phone when you arrived. No photos' are allowed.

"Kayla, this is definitely not a place of innocence. This is where you go to become your father's lover. I need time to process this bestie."

"Lilly, I have been thinking about this for some time. I found out about this in a chat room when I finally decided I had to figure out what I was feeling. The biggest surprise came when I told my dad what I wanted, what I needed to share with him; he was supportive. Please try to understand I have been left out in the cold for so long by my mom, and my dad has always been there, even more than you when I wanted to express my every desire."

"I have the same hang-ups as you when it comes to dealing with my physical desires Kayla. I just never thought I could act on them. I have never even told you how much I want to feel the pleasure of a man loving me so much he can have my entire body."

We spent the rest of that night consoling and supporting each other. Diving deeper into the chains that were installed by our mothers and how much we wanted to break free and become expressive physically as well as emotionally. I wanted to tell her to stop this crazy plan, she could not make love to her father in this Camelot of open love. Yet my thoughts were over shadowed by the same intense emotions that were overwhelming her.

Before we fell asleep on the sofa; with only the light of her iPad breaking the darkness; we held each other tightly and shared a familiar trusting kiss. The next weeks before she left for her journey were filled with love and support that only two girls, joined almost at birth could ever share.

Chapter Four -- My Personal Soul Searching

When Kayla journeyed to Camelot with her dad, I had more personal time on my hands than ever before in my life. I kept opening the website again and again. I needed to look at the details and try to understand how this might help me. The more I dove into the website the more I craved to have the same opportunity as Kayla. I wanted to share myself with my dad, and I wanted my dad to share himself with me.

The website made it clear that the goal was to open your father/daughter relationship to all the comforts and pleasure of being physically intimate with each other. Yet it also made it clear that each party had to consent; no actually, they needed to truly desire to be intimate with each other. With that there are some rules that must be respected.

1. The first night after you arrive, you are expected to sleep together in the same bed, and expose your body completely to each other; but no intercourse. For me I have never been totally naked with a guy in my life! That was going to be a big step.

2. You are allowed to kiss and caress as much as you both desire where ever you are on the property, especially in bed that first night. Oh god the thought of feeling my dad's fingers on my body sent shock waves all over.

3. The first morning after you arrive, a Guidance Counselor will join you at breakfast. The goal is to make sure both daughter and father are ready to become intimate partners. The Counselor will be moderating the conversation to see how open and how freely you are able to discuss your feelings and desires with each other. I have a hard time talking to Kayla about sex, I hope I am able to talk to my dad about having sex with him that morning!

4. This is a very closed and special society. All members become family to each other and trust is paramount for all. The daughters are free to express their sexuality towards their fathers openly anywhere on the property. The fathers will always wait to express themselves in public until they are given permission from their daughters. In private the fathers are expected to create an environment of open sexual attraction. I kind of like that rule!

5. All new members will be "Initiated" in a very special ceremony for the entire community to experience. I never could find any more detailed information on that of course!

With all of the information I discovered, my mind was made up; I wanted to find the courage to bring this up to my dad just as Kayla was able to with her dad. I started to feel flames of passion overwhelming my body and soul. I have always been attracted to my dad, but how was I to know if he was attracted to me! When Kayla gets home, she and I have lot's to explore and confess to each other.

Chapter Five -- Kayla's Return

The hours after Kayla landed back in Miami and able to use her phone, till when she walked through the door of our apartment were longest of my life. Her dad walked in with her, and both were wearing the same smile; it was a relaxed, confident, we are deeply in love smile; with nothing to hide from me. Obviously, Kayla had confided with her dad that I knew what the trip was all about.

We ran to each other and our hug was awesome. No tears were shed, but some normal girly giggles were shared. She then went back to her dad and held his hand while he caressed her back gently. I shared in their happiness for a few moments, but then walked outside so they could deal in private with the pending separation they were going to be faced with. I could only imagine the tears and struggles they were about to experience.

To my total shock, they came out together and embraced as father and daughter. They shared a kiss you might expect from a father and daughter, and both were totally happy as her dad slid into his car and drove away.

"My god girl, you can't leave me out in never-never land; get back into our apartment and divulge everything to me!"

"Lilly, it was more incredible than I could ever imagine. We have so many new friends, all of whom feel the same way we do. I feel more than relief; I feel a release from all the chains and boundaries I have ever felt trapped in."

Once inside the privacy of our apartment, Kayla could not stop gushing out all the details I was almost too embarrassed to hear. Yes, they went through the initiation, but she was forbidden to discuss any details of that or much else on the Island. Magical -- that was the word that came up multiple times.

She focused on the closeness they now share, the openness they always embraced together was now expanded even deeper. I was focused on the more practical events of the trip; like did she really have sex with her dad!

"Yes Lilly, we had sex more times than I can count. Actually it was not sex, we made love to each other as often as we wanted. (laughing) I never knew my dad was in such great shape!"

"So those sexy swimsuits and lingerie really worked?"

"I loved feeling sexy Lilly, and I loved hearing my dad tell me what a hottie I am!"

"I don't know if I should be blushing, outraged, or curious as hell Kayla!"

"Definitely curious as hell Lilly!"

That night dinner chatter was so hot my thighs were moist most of the evening. We had never spent that much time talking about sex in our lives. It was hard for me at first, but soon I started to burst into the conversation always wanting more details. Kayla was not shy; she openly spelled out everything I wanted to know in very descript and clear detail.

Her eyes would close tightly, ever so briefly, every time the words came from her mouth as she transcended into the memory of her dad's cock plunging deep into her body. The taste of his cock in her mouth, and the feeling of his tongue driving deep into her wanting pussy. The touches and caresses as they walked together and sat near the pool. Sitting next to him and stripping off her top so he could gaze at her naked breasts. Walking totally naked with his arm wrapped around her petite body, knowing he was showing off how sexy his daughter was to the community at large.

Finally I had to cover my face and beg her stop; what I needed most was a long cold shower! My thighs and panties were dripping wet, my nipples were hard like they were showered with ice cold water. I excused myself politely and took that shower, submitting to my desires and touching myself in ways I had always thought to be distasteful. This night was going to be over, but my journey was just beginning and I knew it!

Chapter Six -- How Would I Tell my Dad!

Day after day Kayla and I would reminisce about her week in Camelot. She and her dad would talk even more often than before the trip. She knew I wanted to explore the same experience, yet she waited patiently for me to ask how to go about bringing my dad into the conversation. That is how the girl who made her aware of all of this handled her situation. Kayla had to ask for help, that way the help was really wanted.

One night after dinner, I called Kayla into my room. I was ready to be honest with myself and her, I needed to find a way to bring my dad in on this. We chatted about how she brought it up to her dad. They were alone for a weekend as our mothers had gone on their annual getaway.

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