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Dance like Nancy

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Jessica Alba gives a lap dance... Sin City style.
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Author's Note: This story is completely fictional and did not happen. All characters and names are fictional and were made up. I do not make money from these stories. Please do not copy and plagiarize my work.


Los Angeles, California

A series of loud booming sounds were audible moving across the black marble stone floor. Across the room stood two men near a large staircase with a red velvet interior over what was originally black matching the floor below. Two men stood at the top of the staircase, both of them glancing over their cellphones as the booming noises soon climbed up the stairs one by one. A small hand brushed over the right side rail as a woman made her way up the staircase. The black heels over her feet were responsible for the sudden stomps heard throughout the large room. A long red dress overflowed beyond her shoulder while her brunette hair was fixed up with a wavy style. Dangling from her ears was a pair of gold hoop ear rings, radiating from the sunlight offered from the windows at the top of the stairs.

Jessica Alba brushed her way past the two men as she carried on down what was a long hallway shared with more men standing around. She was on the set for a new film where she had an important role in the casting. It didn't matter to her if the film was a success or bombed badly in the box office, at least she was making a heavy pay check for starring alongside a cast of nobodies. The script was composed of several tropes to mafia styled crime families. Jessica had been cast as the trophy wife to a retired aged drug baron, who's son was now getting mixed into the wrong crowd. Much of the story centered around a classic dysfunctional family with a criminal history. Their residence was in an upper class Los Angeles neighborhood. A mansion had been rented out by the studio, used for filming all through the months.

The script was filled with various question marks, plot holes left and right. Despite the mediocre story, Jessica took the role for an easy pay check. She felt it would be a good warm up before she moved back to acting on a TV show again. The studio who was financing the movie included a crew that had a close friend of hers. Roland Sanchez bonded with the actress after he met her on the set of a television commercial for a product advertisement last year. He was an ordinary man when compared to Jessica's status of a name among the rich and famous. She would never admit it, but his presence on the set was one of the reasons she was enjoying being there every day. Roland worked as a director's assistant. His job was usually as a camera man, though sometimes he was thrown into filming as an extra on the set. It was a job he had been working for almost a decade now. Prior to Jessica, he had never grown close to any famous people he had met outside of a few directors. After she had walked down the hallway, Jessica turned to go into a room that was used for set equipment. It was a simple guess of where she could find Roland hanging about now that the set was clearing.

"Hey handsome!"

Her lovely voice alerted a man sitting by himself in one of two chairs. He glanced up, offering a smile in return to the actress. His hair was of the color black, short and slicked back while his face had the look of a man who had not shaved in over forty eight hours. Roland wore a button up white shirt over his slim frame. His legs were covered in a pair of black pants while his shoes were in a pair of sneakers that didn't match his dress code for today's work. His brown eyes glanced back up at Jessica before he raised an eyebrow.

"Well, look at you. Someone is all dressed up for a night on town, unless you forgot where the changing room is."

Jessica smirked, placing her hands on her hips as she stood there.

"Or maybe I just wanted to show you this fine dress before I have to take it off."

Roland laughed at her words. It was in Jessica's nature to flirt with him on any given opportunity she had. He nodded before replying back to her.

"Maybe if we were back at my place or somewhere private, I'd hold you up to that."

"Yeah, I know you would."

"Got time to hang out within the next hour? Or do you need to hurry back home to the kids?"

She folded her arms, tilting her head to give him a look of impatience. Jessica replied.

"I already told you enough times that I'm out here all by myself, so the answer is. If you wanna hang out, you know where to find me."

"Great! Give me an hour and I'll be with you."

Rising up from his seat, Roland stood up while Jessica stomped her way out of the door. He listened to her heels pounding over the floor before the sound became a muted thump over the carpet in the hallway. Since the first time he met her, she had given him the impression of someone similar to himself. The actress was now thirty-eight years of age and a married mother of three, meanwhile Roland had just two more days away from achieving the age of the big four-o. He had made a considerable amount of money in his career, establishing enough to afford the rent on a large and luxurious hotel room in downtown L.A. yet he still felt that he had failed in life. With his age, marriage and children should've long come by now, but Roland had a different kind of life. Women came and went but nothing of serious passionate love.

That all changed during the year when he had met Jessica Alba. Despite such obvious differences when it came to financial standings, Jessica was someone he felt that he could relate to. It all began when they had met on a studio set for a television commercial. Jessica was advertising for a beauty product and it was Roland's job to film her in front of a set of cameras. After the short filming time was over, Jessica had approached him coming off the set and offered to talk. It was funny to him, as he had rarely interacted with someone as famous as her. Usually his time as a camera man was spent alongside a director and he was just another body working in production. Jessica had admitted to him the only reason she approached him was that she found him to be handsome. A joke she often played by addressing him with the single word.

Their friendship had quickly turned into a lustful affair almost overnight. Jessica had his phone number and had called him over to her hotel later that night to share a drink. One glass of wine turned into a romantic evening of passionate heat. Though she had just become a mother again with a third child, Jessica had old habits when it came to her lustful desires. Her husband was aware of some of her affairs but didn't complain, or at least that was what she had told Roland. He considered it only as a one night stand but Jessica had reassured him that they would probably meet again in the future. That chance was given when she signed up for the current movie they were in the process of filming. Almost everyday through the past month, Roland was on the set with Jessica. It had been several months from their short affair but now they were face to face on a daily basis. She didn't waste any time getting to know the man better.

Roland tried his best to keep this affair hidden away from the rest of the crew. Though some people had witnessed Jessica laughing and flirting around him, he didn't believe anyone had witnessed enough to write a story to a tabloid rag. She was away from home for now, as Roland tried to piece together the puzzle that had to be her private life. Jessica had told him that she and her husband split their life into two distinct categories. One side was for work and the other was the family life. All Roland could do was take her word for it when she claimed her husband had no problem with her seeing other men from the work side of her life. Whether it was true or not, why would he care? This was a dream for many men like him, to be in an affair with a famous actress, let alone it being Jessica Alba of all women. Roland counted his lucky stars every night before going to bed. She was a delight that he never would've lucked into from any of his trips up to Vegas for gambling fun.

It was his hobby to sometimes roll the dice and hope for a lucky break. When Roland had told Jessica of his gambling habits, all she did was laugh. She had told him that she liked to roll dices too with the roles that she took. Taking on the role of a trophy wife in a crime based movie was indeed a gamble on her part since the movie looked like it was going to be a failure. Her filmography told the tale of such struggles. After putting away the filming equipment among the room, Roland went to the bathroom to wash his hands before it was time to make an exit and meet back up with the actress. Outside in the driveway of the mansion, all the crew members were climbing into their vehicles to make an exit for the day. Jessica stood waiting by her black Lexus car. Her long brunette hair had been fixed up in a pony tail. Over her chest, she had switched out her clothes back to a simply light orange shirt while her legs were pushed back into the same pair of black pants she had worn to the set. Roland spotted her, approaching the actress as she grinned while crossing her arms over her chest.

"Were you waiting for me, Jess?"

The smirk across her lips suddenly disappeared as her eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, I mean, who else would I be sitting here waiting on? Of course I was waiting on you, silly ass!"

Roland couldn't hold back the chuckle among his breath to her words. She was easy at times when it came to flirtatious words. Her come back of labeling him a 'silly ass' had made him blush.

"Mind if I ride passenger with you?"

Wanting to shake her head, Jessica held back the instant urge. It wasn't rumors among the set that was her first concern. She didn't want gossip stories spawning into tabloid reports from paparazzi cameras snapping photos. It didn't surprise Jessica one bit that he would ask for a ride, since Roland didn't drive himself to the set for the day. He had mentioned it earlier today during their lunch break, as a subtle hint of them to get together after today's work was complete. Stepping away from Roland, she glanced beyond the mansion's driveway. So far, it seemed to be clean. If there was a paparazzi photographer lurking outside the estate, they were hidden quite well. It was a risk and she figured it was worth taking.

"No, I don't mind. Go ahead and get in."

To take precautions was something Roland understood from Jessica's perspective. At least to him, he considered her public image as a married woman. He couldn't complain about being in a situation like this with her. Many men throughout the world could only fantasize and dream of finding themselves next to this beautiful actress. Sometimes a lucky break came in life, but Roland had assured himself not to take this for granted regardless what his affectionate feelings were telling him. Getting in the car with Jessica, she made a simple remark that she would be driving him through downtown L.A. At this point in their affair, she had marked his hotel on the GPS tracking app on her cellphone. Roland slipped on his seat belt, as always after settling into the seat. The GPS system made good use navigating through streets she was unfamiliar with. As the wheels continued to roll down the streets, Roland glanced out the window to see the motion blur of trees and side walks. It wasn't long before Jessica caught his curious gaze from beyond the glass window.

"What's on your mind, Roland? I can't remember you ever being so quiet in the car with me."

He glanced over to catch her eyes fixated on the road ahead of them. Jessica slowed the car down as they were close to a red light.

"Oh, it's nothing. Just considering the days going by. I will be a man of forty years in age come soon."

"Oh, wow. Your birthday is coming up?"

"I'm afraid so."

Jessica almost frowned upon gripping the steering wheel between her fingers. She understood his pain of nearing middle age, but didn't quote know what to say. Roland continued on.

"I wish I could look forward to turning forty with a pretty Hollywood wife and kids to come home to."

Now she couldn't prevent herself from her face becoming a frown. Every now and then, Roland would utter these kind of remarks knowing that it bothered her. Without taking her eyes away from the road with the red light turning green, Jessica swiftly replied in a snarky tone.

"Right then, you would make a fine husband to me with your gambling problems. Wonder what you'd tell our kids after coming home from a weekend in Vegas blowing God knows how much money."

Her response had caught him completely off guard. Roland gasped, turning his head to look at her.

"Jessica, I didn't mean-"

"No, you meant it alright! Do not go there with me, Roland. You don't wanna have that conversation, trust me."

Just like that, she stirred control of the topic at hand. Still driving the car through the streets, Jessica sighed before she continued on with her words.

"I shouldn't even be doing this with you. I don't ask you to mock me for being a married woman and a mom back home."

"That's not what I meant. I just wish I could be your husband, that's all."

She turned to give his face a momentary gaze before looking back at the road ahead.

"You and a countless number of other men."

Roland chuckled.

"Yeah, I'm enjoying what is a privilege being with you. I guess for my birthday I'll head down to Vegas and go a little crazy. I've got about four-hundred dollars put up for a card game anyway. Maybe I'll get lucky and strike some gold. It's been a while since I had a good win, so I like my chances."

Jessica contained herself from rolling her eyes or sighing audibly. Despite the bickering they went through, Roland was a man she cared about. Still driving through the streets, she thought to herself as they were nearing the street where his hotel sat.

"Maybe I could do something for your birthday that would make you happier. We could have some fun together instead of you blowing all your money on those stupid card games."

"Really? Like what?"

Turning to glance at his face for a moment, Jessica smiled.

"Tell me something, honey. What's your fantasy with me?"

He laughed at her words. Roland shook his head as Jessica focused on driving down the roads once again.

"My fantasy? Making love to you, something I've done already a number of times."

She quirked her eyebrows up while grinning. They were so close to reaching his hotel at this point, yet Jessica was almost sad this trip would come to an end. They would have more time to spend together later on though, as she reminded herself before replying to him.

"No, I wanna know what's your REAL fantasy! Come on, I know you've got something in the back of your mind that you'd love to tell me about. Go on, I wanna know."

Roland smirked as he fell quiet for several passing seconds. The car continued to move down the street as he uttered his reply.

"You as Nancy Callahan in the Sin City movies. I'll never forget those dance scenes for as long as I live. You looked great in blonde hair too, it fit you perfectly for all the dancing. I knew right then and there, no woman in this business could close to you."

Jessica smiled, turning the steering wheel as she replied back to him.

"That's flattering of you to say."

"So, are you basically saying you would do a fantasy scenario for me on my birthday?"


Her one word answer put an end to their conversation. Glancing out the window of the car, Roland let out a silent sigh as she slowed down approaching the hotel. It was always sad knowing that their limited time came to an end. When the car stopped near the sidewalk, Roland unbuckled his seat belt. Upon pushing the door open, he stepped out of the car and looked back at Jessica. He gave her a smile before they had their final words of the day.

"Thanks for the ride, Jess. I'll catch you later."

"No problem, stay out of trouble for me."

Tossing him a wink, Jessica smiled before he shut the door. He stood there, feeling the heat of the sun high above as she drove off. After gathering his thoughts together, Roland didn't waste anymore time outside. He was ready to check in his room and call it a day. Once he was upstairs, he took his clothes off to take a long hot bath, thinking about the upcoming milestone age in his life. It was considered something of an achievement for anyone to reach their forties, but at what costs? Roland wasn't married yet and despite managing a success in life, he could easily squander it away with his addiction for action. The gambling issue had become a problem, though he denied it at every turn. To be in a romantic affair with Jessica Alba was one good slip of luck from his job working in Hollywood, but it most likely wouldn't last. She was a married woman after all, regardless if it was true that she and her husband practiced an open relationship.

After getting out of the bath tub, Roland put on a robe and walked around his lonely living room. His mind wandered back to the Las Vegas trips as he looked over a few picture frames sitting on the counter. There was something about the action and thrill of winning that always overtook his heart when sitting at the poker table. He could tell anyone about his wins, but never reflected on losses. Again, he found himself pondering Jessica's words. She had a point when it game to his gambling, but he didn't care. Life was a game of thrill seeking in Roland's mind. As long as there was a roof over his head and good money to pay the bills for a comfortable life, he felt he had a right to go on thrill seeking adventures. Winning was the ultimate high. With reaching middle age coming soon with his birthday, Roland didn't care that he should've grown out of these habits by now. At least he could enjoy the company of a woman he had dreamed of having years ago. Life was going well, despite how much he didn't look forward to his coming of age.



The sun had risen in the hours past before Roland crawled out of bed. He didn't linger around his bedroom long before getting into the shower. The hard rain of steaming water from the shower faucet was enough to truly awakening him from a dream he couldn't remember after waking up. After taking a shower, he proceeded to shave his face clean. While gazing back at his reflection in the mirror, he looked into his wet hair, just to make sure there were no visible graying hairs. Knowing that he would be forty years old soon, the thought of his hair fading put a subtle fear in the back of his mind about his appearance. Luckily for today, he was off set on what was considered a break. The director wanted some time to go over a bit of his scene work, leaving the cast and studio behind for some time. After Sunday, they would be back on the set ready to resume filming. Roland wasn't sure how he would spend today until his phone went off with a text message. It was from Jessica, alerting him to a plan for the day.

'Hey hun! I need you to meet me at this warehouse down the old Green St, you know the one. Check the old warehouse, I've got a surprise for you.'

Standing in just a pair of gym shorts and a white shirt, Roland found himself raising his eyebrow. A surprise from Jessica? She had something up her sleeve, he could feel it. Green Street was a place they used to hang out earlier in the year when they were seeing each other in the off time. The street itself had an old abandoned warehouse, a piece of property that had been purchased by the film company and used on location for shooting various things. The building itself was over thirty years old, had previously been a strip club and a bar in the decades past. A rapper had come through town a few months ago and used the warehouse to shoot a music video, all after paying a hefty fee to use it on location. Roland wasn't sure what Jessica had planned for them, but he quickly sent her a text message letting her know that he would be on his way soon.

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