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Dancing in the Dark Pt. 06


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"Yes, well I will flag it with PornHub to have it taken down and ask for details of the account that uploaded it. If they won't pass them on then I'll hack it and delete the video too because I hate this sort of thing. Just to let you know that the OnlyFans watermark is fake as well as I checked and there is no such account."

"So, if someone told me they had originally seen it on OnlyFans would have been lying."

"Certainly looks like it."

"Thanks for this Greg. I owe you one."

"No worries... oh, by the way... your girlfriend has a lovely smile... if that is genuine."

I grinned to myself.

"Yes, it is and she does. She certainly does."

We ended the call and the suspicions I had that Sophie was involved in this were now becoming confirmed. I tried to recall the exact conversation with her and I was pretty confident that she had said that she had seen the video on OnlyFans. She also had said she had got my contact details from the federation which I hadn't thought about before this point but now everything she said, needed to be reanalysed.

I rang Wendy first as I didn't know Sophie's surname. Wendy was suspicious and a bit hostile when I asked for the information as she obviously felt that I was moving on from Georgie.

"Wendy, I think Sophie has something to do with all this shit and I think she lied to me about getting my contact details from the federation..."

Wendy interrupted straight away.

"If she said that then she was lying as they wouldn't give out that information because of data privacy laws. Her name is Sophie Burns but they won't give you her number for the same reason."

"I don't actually need it as I already have it. I just wanted to test the theory. By the way, I have other news, the video is a fake, someone has put Georgie's face onto another body. The other bit of good news is that Georgie didn't intend to take the prep kit, Jenna took it by mistake. Georgie isn't... wasn't planning on having sex with someone else."

Wendy's voice betrayed her relief.

"That's good news. You seem to have been a busy bee and made lot's of progress. What's next?"

I sighed.

"Well, first off there was a phone call about 6.00 on Thursday afternoon which led to Georgie going to meet someone which is when it all seems to have kicked off. According to Jenna she was over the inadequate proposal by Thursday morning and was just keeping me dangling until the evening when was going to ring me and make up. However, she came back from the meeting and said that 'I could fuck right off' when Jenna reminded her about calling me. So something happened then but have no way of knowing who she called."

"I have. She's on my phone plan and I'm sure I can see her itemised account details. I'll look it up when we've finished and send you the number."

"That would be great but there's also a video of me doing something reprehensible, floating around which Georgie has seen which and Jenna said was the cause of her saying 'it's over'. I'm guessing it could be another faked sex video or worse, one showing me dancing with Sophie... although I have no idea how that could be done. Oh, I also found out that Jenna has a crush on Georgie which may account for her being a bit too involved in Georgie's life before she and I got together. Jenna, doesn't appear to be bitter as she says she recognises how right Georgie and I are for each other."

"Yes, you are and she would be a very stupid girl to throw it all away."

The emotion in Wendy's voice almost set me off and I wanted to end the call quickly.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence. I need to get going. Send me the number if you get it."

I rang the federation but unfortunately they were closed because it was the weekend. I would have to wait until Monday which frustrated me no end as I felt that I'd been making a lot of progress. However, Wendy messaged me the number that Georgie had rung on Thursday and I checked it against my recent calls received... it was Sophie's! Georgie had rung Sophie and then gone out to meet someone, presumably Sophie, and had come back really upset with me.

I resisted the temptation to ring Sophie immediately but spent the evening working out how to approach her to find out what was going on.

Chapter 50

I rang the federation when the office opened and they confirmed they would not give out such information over the phone. They would take my details and pass them on to Sophie if I wanted. I politely declined and hung up.

I still missed one piece of the puzzle, the video of me, but I felt like I had enough pieces to be able to finesse more information out of Sophie who would obviously feel confident that I would not have worked out what was going on.

I rang her.

"Hi Sophie, it's Jason. Look, sorry about me getting arsey on Saturday but I'd had a shitty day and I took it out on you."

"Yeah, it must have been a bit of bummer getting dumped and then seeing the video of your ex getting spit-roasted. I would not have thought it was something she would do..."

"Yeah... well I'm trying to move on from that and I've had some time to think about your proposal over the weekend and think it has some merit... maybe we should meet to talk about it... over a drink, this evening perhaps?"

Sophie was gushing with excitement.

"Jason, I'm so glad you changed your mind... I'll think we would make a great partnership... on so many levels."

The last was said with so much innuendo that she might have just have said 'when can we fuck?' and be done with it.

"Well I'm glad you think that, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. Shall we say 7.30 at The White Swan."

"Oh, OK, I would have suggested the cocktail bar, Spins, but I'll see you at The White Swan."

I laughed heartily, falsely but heartily.

"I'm an older guy so not really into cocktail bars."

Her voice was sultry.

"You forgot to say you're a 'hot' older guy."

I pretended to be embarrassed and flustered.

"Wow! You're very direct... but thank you... umm.., you're pretty hot yourself...haha... anyway see you tonight."

"Oh you so will... see lots of me tonight, I mean. Byeee"

I looked at the phone and shook my head.

"What a fucking slut!"

I rang Greg again.

"Hi JC, this is becoming a habit!"

"Yeah, sorry, can you do one more favour for me? I'm sure this is illegal but I need to know what is stored on a particular mobile phone. It's a phone belonging to the person who is behind the attempt to fuck up me and my girlfriend's lives and as such this really personal."

Greg was quiet for a bit.

"OK, I guess. What's one more white-hat hack? By the way, I have the account details for the PornHub account which I was just about to email over. Interestingly it has only been in existence for a week and only posted the one video. I had to hack that because PornHub wanted a whole lot of information which I didn't have. I've also deleted the file from view but left the file intact as it may be needed if this goes legal."

"Thanks, I definitely owe you something after this!"

"No worries, give me the mobile number and I'll see what I can do. What particularly are you looking for?"

"I'm guessing it will be a photo or photos of me, or perhaps a document with my name in it. It's something she will have shown Georgie that would have got her pissed off with me. It will have been created on or before Thursday. Other than that I have no idea."

Greg laughed.

"Maybe I'll just clone the phone and then you can go through it at your leisure."

I was incredulous.

"You can do that?"

"Everything is possible."

I sent Sophie's number to Greg once we had finished and looked at the email that Greg sent me with the PornHub account details. On a hunch I rang the university and asked who I should speak to to confirm references I had received from a student who had applied for a job. The university were far more helpful than the dance federation as they were keen to make sure that their students got jobs.

Greg sent me a huge file that he claimed was everything on Sophie's phone and I spent a long time looking through it. There was no copy of any video featuring me sexually abusing children or anything like that but I eventually found what I was looking for. I couldn't believe it wasn't genuine when I saw it and could understand why Georgie would have been taken in.

I made a few more phone calls, mostly work related and felt all was set for the evening.

Chapter 51

I arrived at the Mucky Duck early and bought myself a pint of Black Sheep and sat, ironically, at the table where Georgie and I sat the first time we had come here. The memory was poignant but I hoped it would be a good luck charm.

There was a stir at the front of the bar and then Sophie appeared around the corner looking for me and her eyes lit up when she saw me. She had gone all out on dressing for the occasion, well 'dressing' might have been an overstatement as the belt and crop top she wore hardly constituted any fabric at all. Her face was plastered in make-up and I wanted to vomit but I stood up to greet her with a delighted smile. Every other straight man in the bar was thinking 'phwoar, lucky bastard!' and I was still thinking 'what a slut!'.

"Sophie, wow... you look... gorgeous!"

She smiled in a predatorial manner and twirled to show off... pretty much everything. She then pounced and didn't so much kiss me but smear herself over my face and I had to back away.

"Well I wanted to show my new partner what he was getting!"

"Yes, well I think I get the message. Sit down, what would you like to drink?"

She ordered something that turned out to be £20's worth of umbrellas and swizzle sticks and I took it back to the table, feeling every eye in the place trained on me.

As were hers... laser focussed on me as she started her spiel which sounded practised and trite. She reached out to touch my knee in a solicitous manner.

"Jason can I say how sorry I am that you've had such a shitty weekend and hope I can make it up to you this evening. George must be crazy going and doing that... video thing... when he has... had such a hunk of a boyfriend..."

I wanted to bitch slap her for the use of the dead name and the wrong pronoun but held back.

She seemed to collect herself and got back to the script.

"... and an excellent dance partner by the way... that's what this all about... dancing!"

I managed to get a word in edgewise.

"Thank you for your sympathy, Sophie. It was just so out of character for Georgie... sorry I'm expecting an important business call, you don't mind if I put my phone down on the table?"

I put it down anyway and she did the 'whatever' shrug patented by any one under the age of 30 and didn't look at it.

"Anyway, as I was saying it was so out of character..."

Sophie looked me directly in the eye.

"Jason, I'm sorry but you can't trust them. They're not real people so they don't think like us."

I could have slapped her again right there but held my anger in check although it was becoming increasingly difficult. I needed to change the subject.

"So, anyway, us dancing together... what do you think? I know you're doing Latin with... Justin, isn't it... but I have to say I've not really done too much Latin so I'm not sure what will happen. You would continue to do Latin with him and Ballroom with me? How's that going to work?"

She laughed freely.

"Hell no! He's getting the elbow just as soon as you and I get together. I only got together with him while I was waiting for you to become available. We'll do Ballroom to begin with until I can teach you Latin."

I was taken aback by this but tried not to show it.

"Wow, you were pretty confident that Georgie and I would split up. I'm surprised you felt so confident because I don't think I gave you any indication I was interested did I? In fact I seem to remember saying you were the last person on earth I would dance with? I think I called you a nasty fucking bitch... and you called me a faggot!"

Sophie's smile faltered as my tone had got quite aggressive.

"Yeah, well... alls well that ends well! When I see something I want I go after it anyway I can... fair means or foul."

I pretended to be shocked.

"So, was this fair means... or foul?"

She smirked.

"That's for me to know and you to find out..."

She dropped her voice to a coquettish whisper.

"Perhaps I'll tell you the first time you sink your big cock into my tight young pussy... I'm sure that will be a welcome change to fucking George's arse."

I shook my head and smiled.

"And what is... err... Mitch isn't it... he's your boyfriend I believe... going to say about it if I start fucking your... err... 'tight young pussy'? By the way I'm quite into anal now so will be expecting that on a regular basis. You still got your anal V card or has that gone as well?"

She looked a bit shocked by the turn of the conversation but then tried to bounce back.

"Mitch will go the same way of Justin... he's just been a fuck-buddy, really. No, still have my anal V card as I'm a little small back there and kept boys away from it... not that they haven't tried!"

She laughed but then realised that anal might be a deal breaker.

"But I've used toys and could get some plugs."

It was my turn to smirk.

"Well I'll resize that in no time. Might be a bit of blood and pain to begin with but you'll get used to it, just like Georgie did... mind you... you should have heard her scream the first few times... Jesus!"

Sophie looked a bit ashen through her pancake make up. I kept on.

"So... fair means or foul? It must have been fair because I'm not sure what you could have done to engineer it... as seeing the video meant it was the end for me... I wouldn't have got together with her in the first place if I knew she was doing that on OnlyFans. I'm so glad you showed me it."

She seemed perplexed by my comment.

"But she had already dumped you the day before."

I looked surprised.

"Did she, I can't think why? Oh yes, we had fallen out because I'd proposed to her and she didn't want to get married. I thought she would come round in time to the idea but obviously not if she told everyone that it was over... not that I knew about it until you told me... typical man... always the last to know... you obviously heard before I did. However, alls well that ends well and I'm better off out of it once I saw the video. I have to say her body looked different than I remember but the face was definitely Georgie."

I could tell that I was keeping Sophie off balance and kept rabbiting on.

"Anyway, you achieved it without using foul means. That gives you lots of brownie points for the future. I wouldn't like the thought of us getting together because you had some hand it because I need to be able to trust my partner... in dance... or between the sheets so if you and I are going to have a future then... well... I needed to know. But it's all good! It's not like she and I are going to get back together unless she suddenly wants to reconcile about the wedding. But then the video thing would be very difficult for me to get past."

Sophie was so agitated she was almost jumping up and down on her seat trying to interrupt.

"Jason, it wasn't just the marriage... I didn't know you had proposed... "

"Yeah, well, I fucked that up completely... just said something like, 'you and me, babe, how about it?' and she went off on one about it not being romantic enough... and that was all she wrote!"

"You proposed to her? But she's trans... you were going to marry a freak?"

Sophie looked aghast at the idea and I was more pissed off by the fact that she didn't get the Dire Straits lyric rather than her trans hatred which I already knew about and didn't need the reminder to dislike her any more.

"Yeah, well, I like anal sex. What can I say?"

She fidgeted on her chair and looked away before looking back with a self-satisfied grin.

"It wasn't the proposal, I did a little bit of foul stuff!"

"You did? But it didn't need any foul stuff as you put it. I'd already fucked it up!"

"No, no, she was going to forgive you until I showed her the messages you sent me."

I tried to look puzzled but all I was doing was feeling triumphant.

"Messages? I don't know that I've ever sent you any messages. You had to get my number from the federation didn't you so if I had sent you messages then you would have had my number even if they had been on WhatsApp. I'm not sure I understand because I don't do Messenger or other social media apps other than for the business which is a different phone. So what messages were these... I don't understand?"

Sophie was now beside herself with needing to show me how clever she was.

"I created them... well not me, Mitch did it, he's very techy about these things."

I looked shocked.

"You boyfriend did it, so you could end up getting together with me, and he gets dumped. He went along with that?"

She looked a bit sheepish before going back into the big-I-am.

"He doesn't know that this is where it's leading. He just thinks it me getting back at George... which it is but if I get together with you then it will be the biggest mind fuck for George for all time."

I needed a bit more information but then I was ready to pull the rug on the nasty bitch.

"So what did these messages that you created say, that got Georgie to dump me?"

"They were from a fake account that Mitch created with your picture in the profile and it was a chain that started about 10 days ago.

She got her phone out and started reading,

"The first message was from you asking me to meet you that evening as you had a proposal for me.

"Me agreeing

"Me saying I had a great time and was looking forward to us dancing together on Tuesday and I would ring you to confirm the venue when I had booked it

"A message was from you saying you would email the video of our first practice session when you had edited it and take some stills for publicity shots

"The final message was you saying the editing was going well and you thought I looked absolutely gorgeous...

I'd picked up my phone and started reading as well.

"... but I'm looking forward to see you with less on. Emoji with hearts for eyes."

Sophie stopped reading and looked at me with huge frightened eyes as the realisation hit her.

"What? How?"

I now could let my anger boil over as I had been holding it in for too long.

"When I saw the photos of us dancing I couldn't believe how good they were and it was no wonder that Georgie was taken in by the video you sent her the following day. However, there is one fundamental problem with them, the body onto which Mitch has superimposed my face, I presume it was Mitch, is too short. I guess you used one of you and Justin because he's a short-arse and if Georgie had not been so shocked by the immediate impact of what she saw then she too would have come to realise it couldn't be me and you in that photo.

"Can I repeat what I said the first time we met. You're a nasty fucking bitch. I wouldn't dance with you if you were the last person on earth. You tried to fuck my relationship up with Georgie because you don't like trans people in general and her especially. I've seen your messages on the anti-LGBTQ forums you inhabit and the vitriol in emails and social media groups. You are nothing but disgusting prejudiced cunt!

"As for how? My techy is better than your techy and as he is that good he has now backed up your phone to the cloud and locked it so that the incriminating evidence will remain when we report you to the police. The PornHub account is locked and the video taken down and the metadata will confirm that Mitch created it for the verified account in his name. He will go down with you and will certainly never get a job in mainstream IT, perhaps he can make a living doing deep fake porn videos.

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