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Danielle's Frat Party GB

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Co-ed goes to a party, then becomes the party.
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"Look, I'm goin' with Marci and them. Are you comin' or not?" Danielle declared.

"Not," Bob replied.

"Fine," she huffed, turning to leave his dorm room.

They were talking about a frat party at another university, the kind of party with plenty of booze, dancing, and . . . well, all the things one associates with college frat parties. Bob wasn't into that scene, especially since the school was their rival. Danielle, on the other hand, enjoyed getting a little wild now and then, and with her friends going she didn't want to miss out.

Pulling her brunette hair back in a fun ponytail, she fumed over Bob and his stubbornness. They'd only been going out a few months and, even though they didn't agree on things like this party, she did think they had a future together.

She decided to wear something that just might get him to change his mind about going.

And she knew just the outfit . . . a pair of black yoga pants and a red tube top.

The pants hugged the curvature of her round little ass and were tight enough to make the pantie-line across the middle of her asscheeks visible, but not so tight as to give her any kind of camel-toe. The dark material also concealed the fact that her panties were red, like the top. Above her bared midriff, the tube top was taxed by her 36D tits and displayed just the right amount of cleavage, yet her ample breasts were firm enough that she could go braless. And since she expected to be on her feet all night, and probably a little wobbly from alcohol consumption, she wore a pair of sandals. She had a natural beauty to her so she only wore enough eyeshadow and lipstick to enhance her hazel eyes and sensual lips.

Bob's slack-jawed expression when she stopped by his room told her she'd picked the right outfit.

"Still not goin'?" she asked, giving him a chance to change his mind.

"Nope," he shook his head after a long moment.

"Ok then. Bye."


The party wasn't at just any ol' frat. It was at one of the biggest ones on campus. And it was in full swing by the time they arrived. Danielle quickly found the Jell-O shots and got a red solo cup from one of the kegs. Then she wandered from room to room, talking to people she knew and meeting others.

At one point she found herself talking to a well-built, good looking guy named Jason. At over 6' he was much taller than her 5'6". Feeling flirty, Danielle jutted her chest out as they chatted and smiled to herself when she saw him admiring her display.

This scene was repeated several times as she talked to other guys throughout the evening.

And the number of guys wanting to talk to her seemed to increase after she got her second beer, a by-product of her flashing the guy manning the keg.

Her and Marci were standing in line, talking, when a raucous cheer from about half a dozen guys interrupted them. There was only a couple of people in front of them and they could clearly see the girl whose cup was currently being filled had lifted her top to flash the guy filling it, as well as a small group of his buddies standing nearby. These were the source of the cheer. When her cup was filled, the girl dropped her top and walked off wearing a proud little smile.

That left a couple of guys between Danielle, Marci and the keg. They made a show of allowing the girls to skip ahead in line, obviously in hopes of being present for another flashing. The guy manning the keg gave Danielle a questioning look as he took her cup.

"I bet they're really nice," he smiled, locking eyes with her.

A twinge of excitement ran through her. Not because of his compliment - she knew her tits got men's attentions. And not just because he was good looking, with a great smile. No, the twinge was from the idea of flashing him . . . and the others. Danielle had been raised by a rather strict father, and in the months since she'd been at college she'd rebelled. She'd even lost her virginity within her first week there. But the idea of exposing herself . . . of actually displaying her bare tits to these guys who she didn't know . . . would be taking her rebellion to a new level.

And yet, to her slightly buzzed mind it seemed fairly tame . . . and acceptable.

So, with a little grin, she pulled her top down, revealing her ample tits. Freed, the milky-fleshed mounds rolled loose, cool air swirling over them and caressing her pink, coin-sized nipples, making them stiffen slightly.

A chorus of appreciative cheers rang out from the guys in the background. After taking a good look himself, the one manning the keg started filling her cup. The previous girl had held her shirt up until the cup was filled and so Danielle kept herself bared while the beer gradually reached the top. The act, combined with the obvious appreciation of her assets, made her feel friskier and she couldn't stop herself from putting on a little show; shaking her torso slightly so that her breasts swayed a little for the guys.

"Thank you," the guy said, handing her cup over.

"Sure," she replied, pulling her top back in place and accepting the cup. She tried sounding casual, but inside she was a bundle of excitement.

"How 'bout you?" He asked Marci as he took her cup next.

"I'm not drunk enough yet," she answered.

"Ah, party-pooper," one of the background guys said.

"Oh, go ahead, Marci," Danielle tried coaxing her. "It's harmless."

"Nope," she refused.

"Okay," the guy said, filling her cup a lot faster than he had Danielle's.

"That was crazy," Danielle giggled as they walked away.

"They sure seemed to enjoy it," Marci agreed.

"Yes, they did," Danielle smiled proudly.

"There sure are a lot of cute guys here," Marci commented, smiling at one as they passed.

"Yea. But I'm with Bob right now," Danielle didn't know why she sounded so dejected.

"Well, Bob's not here," Marci reminded her.

"Yea, yea," Danielle snorted. Then she noticed a girl walking by in nothing but a little t-shirt and a pair of black panties. "Hey, what's with that?"

"I don't know, but I've been seeing others," Marci offered.

Looking around Danielle did see other girls in similar outfits. One was in a pair of teal panties, the thin straps riding high on her hips. Another wore a pair of pink French-cut ones. And there were others too; not a lot, but a few. Like most of the girls at the party, these girls wore tops that did nothing to conceal their lack of bottom attire. And they were all walking around, acting like it was no big deal.

While this wasn't exactly odd for a frat party . . . it wasn't exactly normal either.

"I guess it isn't that much different than a bikini," Marci shrugged.

"Yea, I guess," Danielle agreed, thinking that while panties tended to be fancier, and even frillier, than swimsuit bottoms, in a lot of cases they covered more skin.

The pair wandered through the party some more, getting separated at some point.

When Danielle needed another refill, she made sure to revisit the keg manned by the guy with the smile - she learned his name was Charlie. The size of his backing group had shrunk slightly, but the ones that were there offered more appreciative cheers when she again exposed her tits for all to see.

And when she needed yet another refill sometime later, the group had grown. And again, she gave them all a show as Charlie slowly filled her cup.

It was after this that she nearly bumped into Jason as she stepped around a corner.

"Hey, Danielle," he greeted her with a happy smile.

"Hey," she smiled back, her body reacting on its own and jutting her chest out.

"You havin' a good time?" He smiled, noticing her display.


"Great. Hey, you wouldn't wanna play some ping-pong would ya?"

"Ping-pong? Not beer-pong?"

"Yea, I know it's different. Maybe even a little weird. But our president is a ping-pong champion and thinks beer pong is sacrilege. Besides, there's enough drinking games going on we don't need it."

"Um, okay. I guess I could play a game," she shrugged. The alcohol had her feeling pretty good and she thought a game would be a good distraction, allowing her to sober up a little.

"Great. Come on," he said as his hand settled at the small of her back.

The contact sent a tingle racing along Danielle's spine.

Jason confidently guided her through the crowd to a room that had obviously been the dining room when the house was new, but the frat had turned into a game room. At its center sat a ping-pong table. There were currently two guys playing, the ball bouncing back and forth over the net, while others stood around watching, or playing other games throughout the room.

"We got our next contender!" Jason announced.

Both players looked over and the ball bounced off the table, one of them missing it.

"20 - 19," someone announced.

The people watching cheered.

"Game's to 21," the announcer clarified. His name was Bill, and he'd been the recipient of one of Danielle's flirty displays earlier.

"That's Tom and Greg playing," Jason told her. His hand cuffed her waist and pulled her gently against his side.

It occurred to her that maybe she should pull away . . . that this might be allowing him to be a little too familiar with her. But it felt good. His hand was warm and comforting at her side, his body firm against hers. So she did nothing. She just stood there sipping her beer and watching the game.

The guy named Tom served the ball, sending it bouncing over the net. Greg returned it. And Tom returned it to him. Greg sent the ball zipping back, bouncing off a corner of the table. Tom managed to hit it, sending it back and Greg missed.

"Game!" Bill declared.

The room cheered as the two guys saluted each other with their paddles.

"You're up," Jason told her, giving her a side-hug.

"Huh?" She asked, confused. "I thought I'd be playing you."

"If you lose, you will," he smiled as he turned to face her, his hand slipping along her back to her other side.


"Yea, we have this tradition durin' our parties. The loser actually gets to keep the table. It gives more people a chance to play, since no one plays to lose."

"Okay..." it still wasn't clear to her, but then she thought maybe the alcohol was hindering her comprehension abilities.

"So, since Greg lost, you'll play him. Then the loser of that game plays the next contender, which if you lose will be me."

"And if I win? Not that I think there's any kinda chance I will."

"Then Greg will keep the table, and me and you can go talk somewhere..." his hand gently slid up and down a little on her side as he gazed into her eyes. "Maybe somewhere quiet."

The combination of his words, his gaze, and his touch, made her knees tremble and sent a warmth flowing through her.

"Okay, slow down there, Romeo," she giggled, compelling herself to focus. "We only met a little while ago."

"Yea," his hand tensed slightly at her side. "But you are so beautiful."

"I also have a boyfriend," she forced herself to clarify as the warmth continued flowing.

"Okay," he shrugged, but his grin told her he wasn't giving up. "Play the game, then we'll talk."

"Alright," she nodded, handing him her cup to hold. As she stepped to the table, the room cheered, making her feel welcome.

"Challenger serves," Bill announced, handing her a ball.

Picking up the paddle, she found the audience making her feel a little self-conscience. But it was too late to change her mind and so she bounced the ball a couple times then gave it a whack, sending it over the net. Greg hit it back and she returned it. She was surprised to see him miss, and the ball go off the table edge.

"1 - nothing," Bill announced and the room cheered.

Taking another ball from Bill, she served again. Again Greg returned and she did too. After a couple more hits Greg missed again.

"2 - nothing."

The next point went to Greg. Then she got another. Then he did too. This went on, each of them getting points until she had 18 with a 6-point lead.

She knew her tits were swaying and rolling with her play, the tube top offering limited stability for her ample mounds. She figured this was probably why she was winning, since Greg couldn't keep his eyes on the ball.

Then he missed again.

"19 - 12," Bill announced.

In between some of the plays they'd pause to sip at their beers and she chose then to wave for hers. Jason stepped up to hand her the cup.

"You must wanna go for that talk," he grinned.

"Don't get cocky," she smiled. "He's either really bad, or really drunk."

"Greg? Probably a little of both," he chuckled. "You wanna make it more interestin'?"

"How?" she didn't know if she was really interested, or if she just wanted a longer pause.

"A little wager," he shrugged. "Hundred bucks."

"I don't have any money with me."

"Ok, how 'bout this. You win, you get the 100 bucks. You lose, you show everyone in here your tits."

Some guys were standing close enough that they heard and they burst out with a sudden roar of encouragement.

"Um..." she hesitated. Although this didn't seem all that different from her flashing the groups at the keg, it didn't seem the same either. It had a naughtier vibe to it for some reason. Maybe it was the size of the group in the room. Maybe it was Jason and his declaration of his desires, rather than it simply being just a "faceless" group.

"Come on. You know every guy here is going crazy wanting to see them."

Some of them already have, she smiled to herself.

"Besides, you've got a 7-point lead and you only need 2 to win," he pressed.

Taking another sip of her beer she thought about it. She had enjoyed flashing those others. And if she lost, it'd be kind of exciting to do it for this hunk standing before her; give him something to think about later after she'd left . . . without having "talked."

"Okay," she shrugged, handing him back her cup.

"Alright," he smiled. "Greg, you hear that? You win and we all get to see her tits."

"Oh yea," Greg smiled broadly, bouncing the ball against the table a couple times. The enticement gave him a new determination in his play and minutes later he had shrunk her lead to only 2.

Then she got another point.

"20 - 17," Bill announced. "Game's to 21."

A male chorus of "Come on Bill," echoed through the room.

"20 - 20," Bill soon announced, as Greg managed to even the score. "Game point."

Greg served the ball.

Danielle returned it.

Greg sent it back . . . fast.

It flew past Danielle's paddle.

"Game!" Bill cheered.

"Darn it," she huffed, trying to make it look like she was unhappy, and disguise the sudden surge of excitement coursing through her. She hadn't lost on purpose. But glancing around the room at all the guys waiting for her to pay-up . . . for her to expose her tits for them, sent electricity sparking along her nerves. And those sparks grew more powerful as she looked at Jason standing a few feet away.

Her lips curled into a little grin and she set the paddle on the table with a defeated shrug. Then she grabbed the edge of her top and slowly pulled it down. Her tits rolled free, cool air swirling over them, causing her nipples to stiffen slightly again.

A chorus of appreciative cheers, speckled with a few applause, rang out.

A wave of playfulness flowed through her. Holding her top at her waist with one hand she raised the other above her head and danced around, turning so the whole room could see her swaying mounds.

This was greeted by even more cheers.

Which led to her spinning around a few more times.

Stopping, she stood there, among all of them and jutted her chest out. Her body's excitement combined with the cool air swirling over her nipples, making them stiffened more. A moment later tingles raced along her spine as Jason stepped toward her. Her exposed situation suddenly made her feel . . . very . . . self-conscience. She had to fight the urge to pull her top up and cover herself.

"Beautiful," he sighed, handing her beer to her.

"Why, thank you," she smiled playfully, her cheeks reddening.

Then she froze . . . her breath caught in her throat.

His hand was coming up . . . rising toward her.

She thought he was about to take the liberty of touching her tit and a new wave of warmth rolled through her . . . more electricity sparking along her nerves.

But then his hand simply came to rest on her arm.

She exhaled with a combination of relief and regret. Then she lifted her cup to her lips and drained it.

"I think I need a refill," she whispered.

"Greg will get ya one," he said, taking the cup from her with his free hand while his other remained on her arm. "We've got a game to play."

"Um... Yea, ok," she stammered. Unsure of what to do, she remained frozen, standing there waiting for some guidance.

"You can put your top back on . . . IF you want," he told her.

"Um... Yea, I think I will." She started pulling it up.

A chorus of unhappy groans echoed in the room.

"Sorry, guys," she said, forcing a wide smile. "But I can't play like that."

"How 'bout if you lose again?" Someone called out.

"I'm not gonna lose," she quipped back, defiantly.

"Oh, now whose feeling cocky?" Jason challenged.

"Ha-ha," she faked. "Just get over there and play."

Their game resembled the other in some ways; with her taking an early lead of a couple points, then the score fluctuating as each of them gained points. But it differed in that Jason actually took the lead and ran it up to a 15-10 spread. Then Danielle had a run of luck and managed to get to 19 while Jason remained at 15.

Throughout, members of the crowd kept calling out for them to: "Make a wager."

"Somebody's gotten their swing," he commented, waving for a drinking pause.

"Just lucky," she assured him.

"Well, I think you're some kind of hustler."

"Not even."

"How 'bout another wager then?" He challenged, receiving a roar of approval from the crowd.

"You just want to see my tits again," she smiled.

"Ha! Not denying that. But I was actually thinking about something different."

Hmm. She thought, a little surge of excitement racing through her as she wondered what he had in mind, and having a few of her own ideas. Damn it, I shouldn't be thinkin' like that.

"What'd you have in mind?" She wasn't really sure what kind of answer she expected . . . or hoped for.

"I'll put up the hundred again," he walked down alongside the table to her. "But this time when you lose, you join our Victoria's Secret Club."

"What is that?"

"It's a club we have. But only very special girls are allowed to join . . . very sexy girls."

"And what do these girls do in this club," she took a long sip of her beer.

"They walk around modeling their underwear," he stated matter-of-factly.

So that's why those girls are doin' that! She thought, her nerves tingling excitedly.

"I'm sure you've seen some of them tonight," he continued, gazing into her eyes. "And I'm also sure you noticed that they're all hot. But none of them can hold a candle to you."

"Tryin' to sweet talk me into it, huh," she managed, the excited tingle suddenly transforming into a jangling nervousness.

"Just callin' it the way I see it," he asserted.

Trying to calm her nerves, she took a long, slow sip of her beer. She thought again about her and Marci's conversation when she'd noticed the other girls; how their panties were less revealing than a bikini swimsuit. She knew she had worn skimpier swimsuit bottoms than her own lacey, red panties. They covered the tops of her asscheeks and the sides wrapped low around her hips to dip down and cover her pelvis, crotch, and neatly trimmed sex.

"All I'd have to do is walk around in my underwear?"

"That's the idea," he answered with a casual shrug.

"I don't know," she hesitated, concealing the fact that she'd already decided. The idea excited her, a fact that actually surprised her. And if she'd taken the time to really think about it she'd probably blame it on the alcohol. Still, she was curious how much Jason would press the issue . . . how badly he really wanted to see her panties.

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