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Dante's Revenge

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Fucking the bully's wife and virgin daughter wasn't enough.
10.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 07/19/2024
Created 07/14/2024
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There is non-consent, cuckolding, sex, oral, deep throat, and humiliation. If you don't like that or don't like degraded or exploited men/women, skip this story, please. And, as always, all characters are 18 years or older.


Dante Steel watched the traffic lights turn green. "Why do I do that again?" he asked himself absentmindedly, continuing the drive to the local college. He could finally make out the imposing silhouette of the old building. A building he had learned to hate all those years ago when he was the class nerd, the natural bully's victim.

"God, why did I give in when they needed an app to organize things during Corona lockdown?" he wondered for the umpteenth time. "Because you still can't say no to a nice pair of tits, idiot!" he answered the question aloud himself. Slowing down, he put on the indicator and slowly turned into the parking lot.

He never used to come to lessons in such a nice car. He didn't even own one and had to use public transportation. Walking over the old cobblestones toward the offices, he sighed. "The walk of shame. Only the teacher's pets used it regularly. All others used it only on their way to get punished," he thought bitterly. There was laughter and he turned his head to watch some sexy blondes walk over the lawn, blabbering. "They're surely the Lindas of today, the rich ones making out with the stars of the football team." He sighed heavily.

"Good memories?" someone asked from behind.

He stopped and turned. "No, Ellie, I don't have any nice memories concerning this place."

"That's so sad, Dante! We need to change that!" the Dean's secretary exclaimed. "Come, I'll have a mean cup of coffee for you before old Henson comes in."

"You know what he wants?"

"Didn't he tell you?"

"No, just that it's about the app I wrote back when Corona began..."

"Yes, that app helped us a lot... Anyway, you'll see."

"Come on, Ellie!"

"No, won't tell. Coffee first, then business," she said with a grin.

Ellie unlocked the office and made them a coffee. He took his cup, and they sat on the sofa in front of the Dean's office.

"You look uncomfortable, Dante... What is it?"

"You know, the last time I sat here, almost 20 years ago, I got suspended from school for the week right before the finals."

"I remember that!" she laughed out loud. "You had replaced Brandon's shampoo with glue and then he..."

"Please, stop it, Ellie. I'm really not proud about that..." he said in a low voice.

She gasped for air, "Well, yes, but it sure was fun, especially since his crotch was glued to Linda's ass..."

"Tell me, Ellie, what became of them? Brandon and Linda, I mean?" he asked curiously.

"Well, after the scandal had died down, they got married. They still own the family business and have a daughter, Daphne. She's graduating this year."

"Well, I had to leave town after the finals back then."

"But you made it, didn't you?" she asked.

He looked in her face for a few moments. "Yes, I had my computer and all the hate to drive me forward."

"This bad?" she asked sympathetically.

"Yes, Ellie, what do you think? They'd been after me all those years before that incident. Those two were the worst, but the rest of the gang hadn't been much better."

"I see, Dante. But you helped the college during Corona anyway. Why?"

"Today's kids had nothing to do with the past. Besides, it was a good feeling to get the name of a nerd on the golden plate next to all those bullies."

Ellie laughed out loud. "You're right."


A few minutes later, Dean Henson arrived, and they went to his office. Dante sat down and looked around, remembering the talk with Dean Norman back then.

"Don't let the past get to you, Dante," Dean Henson said.

"You're right... But still..." he replied with a sigh. "What can I do for you, Dean Henson? I doubt you just called me for my good looks."

"Hmm, how to start... The app you programmed two years ago, did its job really well. It saved us back then."

"You're welcome," Dante said, wondering where this would lead.

"Well, we have plans for a new app. And this time we have a solid funding..."

"Sorry, Dean, I'm retired," he interrupted.

"I know, but I still hoped to win you, at least as a project manager. We need that to be successful."

Dante sighed.

"It is really for the best of the student, meant to help them..." the Dean added with some hope.

"You really know me all too well, Uncle Pete. But really, why me?"

"We had another contractor first and it was a disaster. I know you could do it. But I tried anyway with someone else first, because I know how you try to enjoy your life."


"At least, hear me out," begged Dean Peter Henson.

"Ok, shoot..."

The plan was to provide an app for the students, helping them organize their school life by getting all the assignments digitally and sending in papers per college email. To make appointments with staff, to inform them about changes in schedule in real-time. And finally, a solution for a video conference system, in case another pandemic would force homeschooling again.

"That's quite an endeavor, Uncle Pete. And I must admit, my fingers itch to be part of it."

"So, you help us out?"

"I haven't said that, but I think about it."

"The best I could hope for. You stop by next week and we talk again?"

"Ok, Pete, but just because it's you, who asks."

"Thanks, Dante!"

Dante walked out of the Dean's office. When he reached the outside, he paused at the staircase and listened to some birds. "God, I always fall for those projects," he thought and chuckled about his weakness.

He leaned against the wall, trying to catch some warm Spring morning sun. His mind was already pondering the problem of the app, and he had to admit, that he most likely would take the contract building it. "Damn you, Uncle Pete," he thought and shook his head.

He looked up and decided to wander a bit over the college grounds. He finally sat at his old place, the bench widest from the entrance of the small park. Here, he had been alone with the statue of the college founder. The shadow from the trees kept the place cool and the birds made their noises. He leaned back, his arms rested on the backrest, and he closed his eyes, remembering times he had been studying his computer books. The time flew by since then. Nobody would actually read printed books these days, the knowledge had become so short-lived, that you had to follow the right channels of Twitter, wait that's X these days. He sighed and began walking back to his car.

As he passed the lawn in front of the building, a few students played with a frisbee, and he followed the bright green disk with his eyes. Those actually reminded him of Linda's gang in the days. All blonde, well-equipped, and dressed to get the pump of old men going into overdrive.

"Hey, perv, throw me that frisbee back!" one of them shouted.

He saw the green disk lying next to the path on the green of the lawn. He reached for it and threw it forcefully back, hitting the chest of the blonde. "Sorry!" he shouted back but had to grin.

An Immoral Offer

A few weeks had passed since then, the summer came with a vengeance this year and the dress code deteriorated. Peter came early this Monday and sat at the desk they had given him, to work and test the server part of the app. The door to the Dean's office wasn't fully closed and he could hear the talking inside.

"Please Peter, you have to allow me to pay the tuition fee later this month. You know I'm good for it!"

"Brandon, I can't make such an exception," he heard his uncle's voice.

"You're the Dean and nobody needs to hear of this. Peter, please, for Daphne."

"OK, Brandon, I'll give you another 2 days, but that's it, then you have to pay this month's and last month's fees. Otherwise, I can't keep her in the school. I told you back then, that this could happen if you wouldn't pay upfront."

"Peter, I don't know where to get that money in just two days..."

"The board will control the accounts next week, Brandon. When the income doesn't match the number of students, I'll be in trouble too."

"Damn, the project is due in just 2 weeks. Then I'll have the money!"

"I can't lend you the money, Brandon, sorry. Two days is all I can offer you..."

Then Brandon Weber came out of the office and turned around, looking straight into Dante's face.

"Long time, no see," Dante said.

"What are you doing here?" Brandon asked in surprise.

"I decided to take the contract of the new app, you know, to help the students here."

"You heard that just now, didn't you?"

"Yes, sorry Brandon. I really don't like you or your wife, but Daphne hasn't done anything wrong, at least not to me."

"Please, don't tell anyone."

"No fear, I wasn't the one who spilled every little dirty detail about other's problems back then, that was you, your wife, and your gangs."

"Sorry, Dante. We were dumb kids back then."

"Well, Brandon, sorry won't cut it. We'll never be friends and I'll never feel anything but disgust looking at you..."

Brandon turned then and was on his way out. Dante looked at his back and something came over him.

"You know Brandon..." he said with a smirk.

Brandon Weber stopped and turned around, a bad feeling in his stomach.

"You know, Brandon, I'll give you the 10k you need, if Linda will serve me for a month in my mansion," he said with calculated meanness.

"You can't mean that..." Brandon whispered.

"Oh, yes, I do. You'll bring her tonight; she signs a contract, and you can take the money. It's your decision, of course..."

Brandon Weber looked in the face of his enemy, looked at the perfect line of white teeth in that smiling face. He turned and left.

Dante still gazed out that door absentmindedly when Ellie came in.

"Was that Brandon Weber just now?" she asked.

"Yes, that was the man himself," Dante said with a chuckle.

"What was that about?" she asked, looking sharply at him.

"Nothing much. Perhaps the beginning of some payback?"

"Dante, we had talked about that. Nothing good ever came out of this backstabbing," she scolded him sternly.

"You're right, Ellie. Still, can't help it," he replied with a grin. "Now, let's continue with the app. Come, I have a life demo of the feature you talked about yesterday."

"So soon?"

Dante had left the office at noon and called it a day. On his way, he stopped at the bank and got 10k out of his safe deposit box, and allowed himself to dream about the possibility that Linda might swallow his cum tonight. But that was all that it was, a dream. He sat at home, the contract on the table, the money beside it in an envelope, but none of the Webers came this evening.

Family affairs

Not too far away, in the Weber residence, Brandon and Linda had a loud discussion about Dante's offer.

"Brandon, perhaps I should go to him? Perhaps even offer more weeks for more money? If he's willing to pay for it, why not? It's not as if we had much sex in the past months anyway..." Linda said bitterly.

"No way, this fucking nerd won't get you. Not even one evening, let alone a whole month. By God, I shouldn't have told you about his perverted offer in the first place!"

"But Brandon..."

"No, Linda, and that's it!"

Daphne Weber eavesdropped on her parents, and her mood sunk to an all-time low. She sat at the top of the stairs and could hear every word. With her 19 years, she was old enough to understand exactly, what Dante's offer entailed. It wasn't news to her that her dad had made some costly decisions in the past months, but that she would have to suffer because of it, shocked her.

"Please, God, let them take that Dante's offer," she thought but felt bad right afterward. "God, not for my sake, but for the sake of our family. If Dad loses the company, they'll surely get divorced." She squeezed her eyes together, and the hand she pressed on her mouth muffled her sob.

She heard her mother on the stairs and fled back into her room. Just before her mother passed her door, Daphne switched the lights off and hoped to be left alone. Daphne could hear her mumble about Brandon being a stubborn idiot.

She lay on her bed, pondering the situation. She had heard about Dante. She knew about the bad blood between her father and this man. But considering that she had heard the story from several others, she knew that the main part of the guilt was on her parents' side. As she understood things, Dante had been bullied by them and their friends all those years before he pulled that over-the-top prank and had to leave town afterward. She had googled him, even before he had come back 2 years ago. She had been surprised by how much this Dante had achieved, especially given his circumstances. She had seen some old pictures, but today's Dante was a real catch. He was good-looking and quite rich.

Daphne pressed her lips together and stood up. She walked out of her room and downstairs to her father.

"How much are we short, Dad?" she asked in a voice that brooked no excuses.

"How dare you talk to me like that, young lady!" he replied angrily.

"How much, Dad? Tell me!"

"We're short a hundred grand and I'm at my wit's end," he finally replied in a whisper and pressed his face into his hands.

She looked at him and went back into her room.

"A hundred grand! God, who would have thought..." she thought, lying on her bed in the dark. "I wonder what happens if I have to leave school. When all the people are going to know that Dad is broke, it would be the end of it all." She began to cry and as the tears rolled down her face, she fell asleep.


The next day, Daphne called in sick. Knowing she had no future there, she didn't want to attend her classes or see the other girls. She stared at the old-fashioned clock above her desk, her mind filled with static.

"Daph?", her mother called and knocked at her door. She turned on her back and sighed deeply.

The door was pushed open, and Linda stood in the doorframe, angrily looking at her daughter. "Come down, breakfast!"

Daphne rolled her eyes and got out of bed. She only wore her short Pyjamas and a crop top, in Sommer, her room got too hot for more. She went downstairs, sat at the kitchen table, and nibbled listlessly at a peanut butter sandwich.

"Daphne, you can't just stay at home!" Linda stated angrily.

"Why Mom? It's all over tomorrow anyway, isn't it?" she replied sharper than she had intended.

Linda Weber looked at her daughter. "Who told you?" she said in a low voice, leaning against the wall.

"It's not as if your voices wouldn't carry when you shout at each other, Mom," Daphne said bitterly.

"He'll find a solution, he always does..."

"How can you close your eyes to reality like that? Mom!"

"What else is there, Daphne?"

"What about Grandma? If we took her in, we could sell the house, we'll inherit it anyway, don't we?"

"We already took a mortgage for what it's worth, Daph..."

"But if we're at the bottom... Why not try Dante Steel?"

"You even overheard that?"

"Yes, Mom."

"We have a history with Dante..."

"I know all about that. I actually talked to half the town no 3 years ago, trying to find out what happened back then and why. You've been a bitch, Mom. And Dad was an ass. Of course, Dante has ulterior motives, wanting to get back at you and Dad."

"So you know... You also heard what he did to me? To us? The week before the finals?"

"Yes, and Mom, sorry, but I had to laugh, just like Grandma did when she told me about it. And if my math is right, you became pregnant with me afterward."

"Brandon couldn't pull out in time..."

"Sorry, that's the dumbest thing I heard in a long while."

"Daph..." she said in a shocked voice. "Back then I couldn't just go to the doctor and get birth control!"

"Why not, Mom, it was late 2003? Not sometimes in the Middle Ages?"

"Damn, you never wondered what my dad did for a living? He was the town's only goddamn doctor back then," she whispered, and her face became crimson.

"So, would you've married Dad if not for Dante's prank?" Daphne asked with wide eyes.

"No, I wouldn't have. I had plans, Daph. Oh God, don't look at me like that. I love you, daughter, from the bottom of my heart, but if he'd been able to pull out that day? I was already applying for jobs in San Francisco, I wanted a career in the computer industry, designing UIs."

"So, I was an accident? And you married a man you didn't love? Perhaps, us breaking apart about all of this, is just the right thing?" Daphne shouted.

"Don't say that!"

"But it's the truth. Had Dad at least a big cock? Was he a good fuck? Or was he just a trophy?"


Daphne made a sound of pure disgust, threw her hands in the air, and stomped out of her room. She closed the door with a loud bang and turned the key before she began to weep into her pillow.

"Daph! Let me in. Let me explain..."

"Go away, Mom!" she shouted, pressing her face back into the pillow.


It was late afternoon when she woke up again. She went into her private bath and took a cold shower.

When she came out, she stopped in front of her full-sized mirror. "My life is over," she said to her image. "Tomorrow, I'll be out of college. By the end of the month, we'll be out of our house. And then? Do I've to work at the burger joint? Have to face all my former friends and endure their looks?"

She dried her hair as she walked to her closet. She began to rummage through her underwear compartment. "Look at that," she thought. The black lace lingerie conjured a blush on her cheeks. Her fingers slid through the opening at the crotch, and she giggled. "I wanted to wear them when I found the right guy. To have something special for the night I would have given my virginity to Mr. Perfect." The thought made her feel warm. In an impulse, she decided to wear it today. "I might have to sell my body soon enough," she thought bitterly as she completed her outfit with a short black skirt, a black halter crop, and black socks.

"I look like a vamp on the way to a funeral," she thought and laughed sadly as she looked at herself in the mirror. She grabbed her desk chair and sat down. She turned to the mirror, and slowly slid forward, watching as her butt slid out of the skirt. She spread her legs and held her breath as the crotchless panties opened up to reveal her pussy. Her right hand went down, and she dipped her middle finger into the opening.

"I've never watched myself doing it," she thought. Her finger slowly moved up and down in her pussy. She watched intensely as the tip of her finger targeted her clit and slowly rubbed it with circular motions. She took a deep breath and bit her lower lip.

She laid her hand on her thigh and sighed. "It doesn't even get wet," she whispered frustrated.

Her mind began to wander. "Mom said herself, that Dad hadn't fucked her in months. Why not give herself to this Dante guy?" There had been pictures of him in the magazines. "Young Tech Millionaire Planning to Retire" had been the headline as he had sold his company. He was quite handsome. Perhaps a bit pale, but his shoulders were wide, and his arms had shown the promise of muscles beneath the shirt's sleeves. She closed her eyes and tried to remember every detail about him. His sensual lips, the straight nose. He had a big boy's charm, but his face had shown promise. His fingers looked stronger than one would expect from a computer nerd. She imagined his strong fingers cupping her breasts wantonly. She heard a moan and was surprised that it was her own. She opened her eyes again and watched her hand diving into her wet pussy. She took a deep shaky breath as she allowed her thumb to press against her swollen clit while her fingers massaged the inside. She couldn't look away as her fingers became more and more frantic. She imagined Dante's cock pressing into her, his face full of contempt. She imagined him, calling her a worthless slut, miserable cunt. "Oh, fuck me Dante, fuck me, make me yours, oh god, yes, harder..." and then her breath hitched as her pussy pressed itself harder against her hand.

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