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Dark Division - Dani Ch. 01

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Chance Encounters on a Job.
5.5k words

Part 1 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/19/2018
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"Look, we don't do that. We're in charge of the bunker now, so we do research and house people and things. That's what we signed up for. So, maybe send someone else on this one." Vince was pissed. His partner Nick and he were on a rest mission for at least the next two years and they had earned it. They were embedded in New Orleans for two years before they moved in here. That was the deal you were embedded and traveled between three or four states for two years, and then you got a two year rest assignment. It even worked out so the Midwest bunker was open, which was the slowest spot. Now, Oz was asking them to go help out a team nearby. They had barely moved in two months ago, this was crap.

"I would if I could, but like it or not it's only 3 hours from the bunker and the team there needs help. I mean they are sitting on a demon nest that we haven't seen in I don't know how long." Oz was adamant that they go.

"Are they really that screwed? I mean why can't they handle this one? Are we sending unqualified agents now?" The Dark Division had a pretty rigorous training program, but occasionally they would see a new agent come in that was picked up along the way and willing to do this dirty line of work. The pickings got slim on recruits if they lost a few to the inevitable in their line of work. Vince hadn't heard of a new recruit though.

"It's one of my best agents, Dani, and yes she is with a rookie. He was a straggler that had potential in her opinion. Regardless, they need help, and trust me Dani is not one to send up a flare if she doesn't have to. You and she are a lot alike, to be honest, so you probably won't hate her when you meet. Now, stop arguing with me and go. Hopefully you can be there before they execute their plan tonight. I'll text you the name of the bar, and you can just meet them there."

"Fine, but you owe me one Oz, so no questions when I submit the budget request."

"Great, now get your shit together and go."


Vince walked into the bar where they were supposed to meet this agent Dani. All they knew from Oz's text was that there was a witch and demon issue going on. Dani and her rookie partner had been in town a few days, but now they were apparently getting overwhelmed. The bar seemed to be the popular spot for this town, and sure enough when they called Oz he said the two agents were caught inside based on the intel he received and they needed some major help. They had gone undercover and interrupted some sort of love fest between creatures and it wasn't going to end well.

They walked inside Harvey's or whatever the cheesy bar name was and Vince surveyed the room. There were a few people playing pool, another handful at some tables on the other side and then maybe 4 people at the bar itself. Nick was right behind him as they both walked up to the bartender, intending to get a beer and see how things shook out.

"Vince? Oh my God, you came...I missed you so much baby." A strange woman's voice made him turn around from the bar, where he had perched on a seat. A gorgeous brunette with crazy blue eyes wrapped her arms around his neck shimmying her way in between his legs. From this spot, she was eye level. He wasn't sure what was going on, but he couldn't complain too much as she pressed her body against his. She had a nice figure and her heat made him want to get to know her.

"Darlin' I don't..." He tried to pull back a little and look at her.

"Oh quiet baby." She put her finger to his lips and leaned her mouth to his ear. "Listen, I'm agent Neil and I know you are Vince Vana. This bar is teeming with assholes. My partner and I have been watched all night. Hang on I'm going to kiss you and kiss me back okay." She whispered all of this into his ear and he was completely caught up by how much she knew and by how much she was turning him on.

When she leaned back and smiled, he seized onto her lips and they shared a passionate kiss that made his dick stir. It was enough to make him want to know her more, but his instincts had been triggered and now he was waiting for the next step as he tensed beneath her fingers. She leaned to the side of his neck and placed a few kisses as her hands guided his ass onto the edge of a barstool. The rest of the bar started to lose interest as she appeared to just be nuzzling a lover she was meeting.

"I have a gun in a holster on the inside of my right thigh. It has witch killing bullets in it. There's no way I can shimmy my skirt up and kill anyone before they notice. Can you reach it? There are five witches in here at the tables behind me. Hang on." The brunette pulled back giving him a smile and running a hand up his cheek before leaning into him once more and kissing the soft skin of his pulse point. It tickled through his two-day old dark auburn stubble sending shivers through him.

"There are also six demons at the pool table; do you have something on you to take care of them?" She asked him quietly. She pulled back running her hands down his chest. He understood completely now, she was trying to sell the scene so no one paid attention.

"Baby I missed you too, and I have something for you in my back pocket. But first, this is my friend who's here to watch my back." She turned to look at Nick who had picked up on the ruse and now had his jaw tense as he let his hand fall to where he had his blade. Vince could tell Nick was ready to go as soon as he got the signal.

"What if I go fishing for my present?" She smiled sweetly at him letting her hands roam around his waist and find the blade tucked into his belt under his coat. "On three?" She asked him quietly, and he slowly ran a hand up through the slit of her skirt as she leaned in, snaking it under the fabric. His fingers danced on the warm skin of her thigh making his breath catch in his throat as he made his way over to her holster unsnapping it. She pulled back looking into his eyes and he was temporarily mesmerized. "One...two...three."

In a flash he had pulled the gun out of the holster and she dropped down to the floor as he fired at the witches behind her. Nick jumped up seizing his blade and the brunette rolled over on the floor with the blade from his back in her hand before she sprang up and ran to the pool table. Nick followed her and Vince walked over making sure the witches were done. When he turned, Nick and the mysterious woman as well as a sturdy looking blonde man were fighting with the remainder of the patrons. The bartender was the only one there not involved and he was plastered back against the bottles in surprise.

The fight was over in a few minutes leaving all four agents breathing heavy and disheveled.

"Thanks for playing along. I heard you were smart." The brunette walked over handing him back the blade.

"No problem...so you know I'm Vince who are you?" Vince put her gun back into her hand and watched intently as she lifted her skirt to replace it in the holster and resnap it.

"I'm Dani. And, fuck, I'm glad Oz sent you and your partner. This shit was getting a little crazy. Oh and this pretty awesome blondie over here is Stan...he's new, but I'm teaching him the ropes." She dusted herself off somewhat.

"Ah, well this dark haired beauty is my partner, Nick. We're assigned to the Midwest bunker right now. Good to meet you both." Vince smiled letting his own green eyes show the interest he had in this woman.

"Holy shit! What the fuck did you guys do?" The bartender looked terrified.

"Honey, you don't really want to know. I tell you what, this town's about to go to hell in a hand basket. So, you should probably pack your shit and get out of dodge. Just don't look back and I'm sure you can find a shitty bartending job somewhere else. We're with the CIA, so don't make us detain you off the books. Understand?" Dani was looking right at him and Vince was thoroughly impressed by how easily she handled the situation.

"Yes...yes ma'am." The bartender turned and grabbed a book bag from under the bar running out the back of the room.


"So, Stan and I are in a hotel room up the street. Do you want to head over there and we can give you guys the update. Maybe we can find a way to finish this shit off soon." Dani spoke as she strode confidently towards a chair and grabbed a black leather jacket off of it.

"Yea, sounds like a plan. Do you have a car here?" Nick was quick to chime in as he watched his partner stare at her, eyes full of lust. He could never get over how much Vince thought with his dick.

"Unfortunately, no, but Stan does. It's out front." They walked out to Stan's waiting Chevy Blazer. It was maroon and a piece of shit, but all they had right now.

"Well we're over here, so we can meet you there." Nick was still the only one talking.

"Wait, are you in the GTO? Is it yours or government issue?" Dani's eyes lit up as she strode over the paved parking lot the few spots to look at the gorgeous classic in the parking lot lights.

"It's mine actually." Vince finally recovered. Leave it to talk of his car to rouse him from the stupor.

Dani's fingers danced over the rear fender before she bent to look at the back of the car. She continued to trail her touch along the sides before reaching the front and stopping.

"Jesus, this is a '69 right?" Her words were breathy as she marveled at the car.

"Yep." Vince walked over arms crossed, pride in his voice.

"My god, she's beautiful. How long have you had her?"

"My dad bought her new and gave her to me years ago, since then she's been mine."

"Hey I'm Nick, by the way." The younger agent held his hand out to the guy standing next to him as they both watched the scene unfold before them.

"Oh, I'm Stan. Sorry about this, but Dani has a thing about classic cars. With any luck she won't start humping it." He rolled his eyes walking back a pace as he waited.

"Yea, Vince's the same way. So, you're Dani's partner?" Nick asked trying to make small talk.

"Holy shit, and the full black leather interior. Is that the original wheel too? Jesus, she is just begging to be started. Ooh honey, if you were a real woman you'd get fucked every night with a trunk like that." Dani let the words trail out and Vince's mouth almost hit the floor.

"There it is. God, that's embarrassing. Oh, I guess we're partners. I'm pretty new she's training me. But we've been traveling together for about 6 months now since I got out of the academy." Stan refocused on the conversation.

"It is the original wheel. Hey I tell you what, why don't you ride with me over to the hotel and you can give her a listen. You don't mind going with uh...what's your name?" Vince turned to Nick asking silently for help. He was already angling to fuck this woman and Nick couldn't believe it. Vince had no barriers when it came to women, even fellow agents.

"Name's Stan, nice to meet you Vince."

"Yea, you too." Vince didn't even look up as he eyed Dani still investigating the silver classic he called his own.

"Sure thing, you guys enjoy the car and we'll meet you there." Nick waived and followed Stan back to the Blazer.


"That's hilarious; she might actually like cars as much as Vince, although he hasn't used the same words." Nick was making casual talk with Stan on the ride across town.

"She loves them. Hers is in the shop right now, so I picked mine up. It's shit, I know, but it's not too bad on comfort; plus, if you have to crash in it the seat folds down. So, we've been doing alright."

"Well I guess that means Vince doesn't have much chance. I hope her hitting on him in the bar didn't disrupt anything."

"Oh, do you mean with me? Oh no, Dani and I aren't together like that. I mean that would be weird. We're just really close friends at this point, almost like family. Considering we both have no family left, I guess it makes sense."

"Well, Vince will be happy to hear that you two aren't together. I'm guessing by now he's already counting the hours until he gets in her pants." Nick chuckled a little.

"Well, fat chance of that. She's more likely to fuck the car than him."

"Why do you say that?"

"Oh, Dani's a lesbian. She totally bats for the other team. Cars and women, that's her world."

"You're kidding. Oh, that's awesome. She might as well be Vince's twin. Hey, do me a favor; don't tell him for a bit, it'll be hilarious when he finally figures it out."

"Seriously? I don't know, I guess I see it as obvious now, but you know. Anyways, I'm really glad you guys came to town this has been crazy and we definitely need the help. I can't give Dani the backup she needs."


"Oh my god, listen to that engine rumble. She is one sexy little bitch Vince." Dani was listening intently before she took stock of the car around her as they made their way down the road.

"I work on her myself. She's been through a lot, but always survives." Vince beamed with pride as he watched this sexy woman run her hands over his car. His jeans grew a little tighter as her bottom lip pulled between her teeth and she let her hands glide over the leather.

"Wow, what I wouldn't give to fuck on this leather. I bet you have tons of times."

"I may have had a few escapades. It does feel nice on the skin."

"Oh shit, sorry, turn here." She gestured out of the window to the right where the red Blazer was already parked.

Vince followed her directions. Once parked, they made their way into the hotel room together.

"So, was it a good ride my dear?" Stan asked her smiling as she entered the room. Nick smiled wondering how daring his partner had already been.

"Oh it was amazing Stan. It has nice original leather and she purrs so sweet. I miss my car so much." Dani was glowing. It made Nick realize that Vince hadn't gone far enough to get shut down just yet. "Ugh, I have to get out of this dress before we chat if you guys don't mind."

"I like you in the dress, but get comfortable." Vince smiled as he leaned to stare at her ass when she went to grab clothes out of her bag. He quickly righted himself when she stood up and walked towards the bathroom.

The men all busied themselves getting comfortable and Stan started to show them what he had pulled up on his laptop. A few minutes later and the bathroom door opened and Dani walked out. Stan looked up for a second before going back to what he was doing. Nick and Vince, on the other hand, lingered a few more minutes.

Dani walked out of the bathroom in low sitting grey yoga pants tied in the front. They swept along the floor as she walked in barefoot. They may have only gotten a quick look at her pants, but the tight white men's tank top across her chest was what really made them stop. She had no bra underneath, which was normal for her when she relaxed. Nick stared a few moments too long, but ultimately looked away. Vince on the other hand was transfixed. He scanned over and over how the lines of the fabric moved up with the swell of her breasts and how her nipples were hard underneath them, making a perfect outline.

"What's up? How much has Stan told you guys so far?" Dani barely noticed Vince staring before she turned around hanging up the dress in the closet by the door. When she came back, she leaned into the huddle right next to Vince bringing her chest into easy view for him.

"He was explaining the pattern of possessions and how the witches had been a new thing." Nick tried to bring the conversation in.

"Yes, and Stan, show them the map. See, here," Dani leaned pointing at a spot on the center surrounded by blue and green dots, "this is where I think they all link up. I can't figure out why this town was suddenly a hot spot and I don't even know if the witches and demons are connected or if something is bringing them here independently."

"That is weird. I haven't ever seen them work together. I think it's usually just one or the other. So, what else have you guys discovered?" Nick was in work mode now, and as much as Vince was trying to get his head out of the space, his eyes were still fixed on Dani's tits.

"That's about where we were. Last night, we were at the diner and spotted one demon. Stan followed him and he went over to some nightclub and sure enough there were two more there and one witch. We dispatched them pretty quickly. Then, today, we were at the same diner and saw another group. That's when I called Oz and told him things were a little nuts. I mean I try to play things safe when the odds get a little crazy, especially because Stan's pretty new to this stuff."

"So, tonight, why were you in the bar, uh dressed like that?" Vince had stepped back finally righting himself from the thoughts.

"Oh, well, we had a theory that the bar was the original source, so I thought I would go in looking desirable and get hit on, hopefully by one of them and get some answers. Once we were there though, they just kept piling in. That's when I texted Oz with a 911 and told him to send you guys to the bar. Thank god too, that was nuts."

"You handled your own though, pretty well." Vince traced his tongue on his top lip, clearly flirting with her.

"Thanks, I'm just glad you are as smart as I've heard. You boys really helped us out. We do have to figure out what the hell is going on though." Dani was oblivious to the flirtation.

"Alright, well, I'm going to see if we can get a room here and we'll get on it first thing." Nick chimed in heading for the door.

"Crap, the office closes at 11. You guys can crash here though, we have a pull out and Stan and I can bunk together." Dani was ever helpful.

"If that's okay, I'm down with it. I'll grab our bags." Nick smiled; still entertained by the ruse of Vince not knowing he had no chance with Dani.

"I'm going to shower first."

"Damnit Stan you always take the hot water, better make it quick because I have to wash my hair tonight." Dani stuck her tongue out before plopping down on the bed.

"So, you and Stan bunk together a lot?" Vince ventured out trying to assess the situation.

"Only when we have to, but you know that's more often than we'd like."

"You're not together then?"

"Stan and I, oh no way, we're just friends and partners. Well, more like family to be exact." She smiled. Dani loved Stan and her time teaching him had been great for her. It was always nice to have a traveling companion and Stan was like the brother she never had. Plus, her last partner had given up on the job, too burnt out to continue. So, Stan brought a freshness that enlivened her. He really enjoyed the thought of helping others.

Nick came back in with the bags before Vince could make a further effort. He, of course, knew that Dani and Stan weren't an item, and that Vince had his charming smile plastered all over his face. He wondered just how long this would last.

When Stan came out of the shower, Dani popped up heading into the bathroom. Stan plopped himself down on the bed, laptop in hand. He was a lot like Nick and figured more answers had to be online somewhere.

'When I read the letter you wrote, it made me mad, mad, mad.'

A loud voice came out of the bathroom singing. Stan rolled his eyes. Dani always sang in the shower, it was just a matter of what song.

'When I read the words that it told me, it made me sad, sad, sad.'

"Is that Zepplin?" Nick asked looking at Vince.

"Of course it is." Vince looked at him not sure why Nick wouldn't already know the answer to that question.

'But I still love you so, I can't let you go.'

"Oh, yea, Dani sings in the shower. Zepplin is one of her favorites, just wait until the rest; it gets louder and more obnoxious.

The words continued to filter out until they heard the water shut off. They stopped abruptly then, although Vince's love struck look only grew more and more clear. Nick couldn't help but smile as he gathered his stuff together to take his own shower.


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