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Daughters and Fathers Ch. 10

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It must run in the family; the girls' Mom, uncle and Gramps.
8.4k words

Part 10 of the 14 part series

Updated 10/02/2022
Created 10/04/2013
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The next couple of nights and days, they slept together and enjoyed more orgasms together. When the weather report said that it would rain on Sunday, they agreed to return home on Saturday and cleaned the cabin and packed up.

During the drive back to Bergen, they were rather silent. When he murmured:

"But we're not going to at home," the girls nodded their agreement.

His wife, their mother, was surprised that they arrived a day earlier than planned, but pleased to see them. They asked how it had been with her parents, and she asked how they had enjoyed their three weeks at the cabin. Her reply was more truthful than theirs - but not entirely. Then they all slipped back into their family routine.

After three weeks of day and night sex with his daughters, he was apprehensive about how it would be with his wife, if she would notice any difference in their relationship, worried that he or one of the girls might say something. But nothing changed, as they all slipped back into their accustomed roles. He shave off his beard, recalling that his wife had objected to it, even though he had always let it grow during their cabin vacations.

Before going to bed with his wife again - after so many nights sleeping with both his daughters, and attuned to more sex than the two of them ever had - he was again apprehensive. They still had good sex with each other, but certainly not every night, and not like with the girls, and never having oral sex to orgasms. After all the nights with Britta and Maren, just getting into bed had a sort of Pavlovian effect, suggesting sex in one form or another. With his wife now, too, he wondered as they got into bed.

He forgot about his daughters, however, when she cuddled up to him, murmuring that she had missed him. He agreed, and they did what they always did, especially after having be separated for many days. He couldn't help but recognize that her pussy wasn't as tight as the girls', but only in an abstract thought, pleased and relieved that nothing had changed between them.

The following night, when she again cuddled up, he was pleasantly surprised, just reminded of the girls' tighter pussies, but enjoying that his wife's was just as effectively and satisfyingly arousing. That thought returned to him as they were curling up to go to sleep. He wondered if it had been as satisfying because he hadn't come two or three - or four? - times that day, as he had with the girls. He fell asleep wondering if his balls had produced more sperm in response to all that "activity" - not to use a more precise expression.

With the girls, everything went on normally. At the weekend, Britta went out with Lars again, but only to dance, as she told him in private. The following weekend, his wife returned to visit her parents again, as arranged, that she would return every two weeks, staying Friday and Saturday nights.

Friday night, he slept alone, recalling the many nights with his daughters, who had both gone out for the evening. Saturday evening, they remained home. They had supper and watched TV, none of them referring to their previous activity, although there was a slight sparkle in the air. They all went to bed, he again recalling their nights together, as he fondled his cock.

Why not, he thought, considering that the girls must also be thinking the same. He got up and went in the dark to their room and knocked on the open door.

"You, Daddy?"


"You said we wouldn't."

"I know."

"Hmm? If you want to."

Her sister snorted and added:

"We were about to do something."

He recognized that both voices came from same bed, as the other one agreed:

"Um-hmm, but we'd rather with you."

"Um-hmm," the other agreed.

"Me too," he murmured.

They did, the girls suggesting that he lie down on the empty bed, and then both joining him, one immediately over his face, the other arousing his cock and then settling down on it. In the morning, they did it again, with the girls' exchanging positions.

When they got up, somewhat reticently they agreed that it been nice, and he returned to the other bathroom. They dressed and had breakfast, just slight smiles referring to how they had spent the night. His wife returned in the afternoon, and everything was back to normal. That evening, she was again more affectionate than he expected, pleased, however, and also pleased to know that he could enjoy more frequent sex than he had thought a few weeks earlier, also with his his wife.

During the week, Britta saw Lars and then asked if they could spend a week together at the cabin. Her mother also knew that they had already slept together, so her request didn't surprise them or meet any opposition. She was surprised, however, when Britta then suggested that Maren could join them. He repressed a snort, just raising his eyebrows, as his wife remarked:

"Two is company, three's a crowd."

"We don't mind," Britta replied.

Maren gave her a veiled smile. Her mother snorted softly, glancing at him, and replied:

"I guess so, if your father agrees."

"If they want to, why not," he agreed, hoping his wife hadn't noticed his slight smirk.

The girls probably did, but replied together:

"Oh, thank you, just for a week."

"I hope the weather will be good," their mother replied with a smile.

He nodded and hoped that his smile didn't look like a smirk.

The following Saturday, the girls set off with Lars with supplies for the week. That evening, when he joined his wife in bed, she remarked:

"Hmm? The three of them together for a week? Didn't that surprise you?"

He was torn between telling the truth and having to prevaricate, recognizing that the truth could lead to a question about how he had spent the weeks with his daughters. His problem wasn't simplified by her fondling him. They hadn't done anything the previous evening, although they had returned to sleeping naked, as they did before Britta was born. He hesitated and replied:

"Well, they were both with Johan last year."

"But one of them hadn't slept with him - Britta and Lars - and he is sort of shy."

"He was."

"'He was'?"

He just nodded on the pillow.

"They, ... one of them ... didn't sleep with him?"

"I think so."

"You do? Really?! Which one?!"

"Both of them."

"Both of them?! Why do you think that?"

"They told me."

"They told you that?!"

He tried to backpedal:

"That they were all naked together, so I just assumed that they must have."

"They told you that?! Why?"

"They wanted to go naked, sunbathing."

"They did?! Did you let them?"

"Couldn't stop them."

"Hmm?! Did they?"

"Already, when I was returning from the outhouse the first morning."

"Hmm! What did you have on?"


"They really did? And stayed that way?"

"'fraid so."

"And you?"

"Kept them on ... for a while."

"Hmm! Just for a while? And then ...?"

"Seemed stupid to be a prude."

"Hmm? All of you naked, and your assuming that they must have slept with Johan?"


"Oooh! I hope, ... well, you know."

She fondled his cock, which was responding, and added softly:

"Well, I hope not, ... but seems unlikely."


"'Um-hmm', what?"


"They saw it?"

"Hard to hide."

"Hmm! I guess so. ... Hmm? Did they say anything?"

"Hmm? hmm! You're probably going to want to kill me."

"Uh-oh! What?"

"One of them told the other one that it looked like it want to be held."

"Oh, my gosh! Maybe I should think about killing one of them."

"Oh, no! It did. Just a little outspoken of her."

"'A little'?! What happened?"

"Only if you promise not to think of murder."

"Not right now."

"That's a relief."

"What happened?"

"I said that it wasn't a good idea, but the first one said that it would stay like that, if she didn't."

"Hmm! I guess so. ... Don't want to ask, ... but did she?"


"Hmm? You let her. Which one?"

"Doesn't matter."

"Hmm? ... And then?"

"You shouldn't ask."

"Hmm! ... Everything I could imagine?"

"Probably, or that I could, ... everything they could have done with Johan."

"Hmmmm!! And we thought he was so innocent, just along to keep them out of trouble."

"Oh, he did, well, from anyone else getting them in trouble."

"And they told you all that?"

"Um-hmm. They had sort of seduced him the year before."

"When we were there?!"

"Um-hmm, after his parents left, and he could sleep in the double bed."

"While we were in the other cabin? Not with both of them?"

"Just as well that we didn't know."

"Maybe. With both of them? And then with you, and now with Lars?"

"Something like that, I suspect."

"Hmm?! Hmm?!"

"You're not going to kill me?"

"Hmm? Hm-hmm! I guess not. ... Hm-hmm!"

"Why are you chuckling?"

"Hmm? I guess I have to tell now."


"This is embarrassing."

"Not more so than what I admitted to."

"I guess not."


"I slept with my brother."


"When he came to visit our parents the second week."

"Just like that?! Now I am shocked."

"Embarrassing, ... not 'just like that'."

"What's that mean?"

"Uh, ... well, ... we sort of always have. The parents now use our bedrooms, and I was sleeping in theirs. They suggested that he sleep on the sofa, but I said that he could sleep in the other bed, so he did, ... and well, ... we did, ... again."

"Like you 'always have'?! Since when?!"

"Since I was eighteen."

"Oh gosh! Maybe why you don't want to kill me?"


"How did it start, ... if I may ask?"

"Hmm! You really want to hear?"


"Hmm. ... Well, you know the cabins belonged to my parents, and he and I used the bunk beds, no problem when we were smaller, also seeing each other naked, our parents too, like we did with the girls, when they were younger.

"Hmm! Before they started looking at me."

"Um-hmm, like that."

"And then? I like this, tell."

"I like this too," she replied, fondling his cock, then snorting softly and adding:

"All three of us, I guess."

"Um-hmm, four, I like it too."

"Hm-hmm! Of course, you would! And they we do."

"Especially you. And?"

"Hmm? Well, ... when he came back from his military service. I had only seen him at Christmas. The next summer we were back at the cabins. It had sounded like all the girls in my class already had.

"Like our daughters?"

"Only Britta, I think."

"Yes, I think Johan was Maren's first."

"Hmm?! If you say so. So there we were, he and I again in the cabin, and he was more a man the guys in my class. Oh, I wasn't thinking about doing anything with him - with my brother! - but, well, I did want to see him. After we stopped running around naked, we were more discreet about changing clothes, turning away from each, not looking. If I wanted to see him naked? Oh, I had grown some, kind of liked my better figure."

"I do too, even if you still aren't an eighteen-year-old."

"Hmm, thanks. Stop thinking about our daughters' figures."

"I wasn't! And then?"

"So the second time we were changing, I let him see me. It was pretty late in the evening, but not too dark for him to look."

"He did."

"Um-hmm, and my nipples popped out. Oh, they already had, but he was looking, and he took off his shorts, letting me look."

"Nice brother! So you did?"

"Not that evening, nor the next, but we were enjoying seeing each other, my nipples and his cock, and he wasn't being embarrassed about it. Oh, this is getting too long."

"Like his cock?" he interjected.

"Hm-hm-hmm! Yes, it was, what he wasn't being embarrassed about. But yours isn't."

"Too much talking," he replied, as she fondled his soft cock.

"You asked."

"Um-hmm. And his?"

"Hm-hmm! Not just long."

"Sort of inviting to be held?"

"You're thinking about what one of them did."

"No, but thanks for reminding me, and now I know where she got the idea."


"Oh, one of them said that she held his - whose? - before she saw it, so I guess it's just natural for girls to want to hold one."

"I guess it is. I didn't ask if I could," she replied, fondling him.

"Never asked me, either. Just did it?"

"Hm-umm. It looked so big. I didn't know what to do or say. This was more than I had anticipated when I had started it all, just wanting to see him naked, and wanting to let him see me, I guess."

"Sure sounds like it. And then, since I know what happened?"

"He said something, can't remember exactly what: that I could touch it, or that it would feel good if I did. Whatever, I did. He liked that I had to ask him what to do, and I, that he told me."

"Nice brother."

"Um-hmm, very. Don't know why, but then I licked it up drop, not the first time. Tasted awful, why I didn't want to taste it again."


"You've wanted me to?"

"It would have been very good."

"You know? Always knew? Before we married? Who was she?"

"Just knew it would be good."

"Hmm? But no one did?"

"Not before."

"Oh? Oh! ... They did that?! Do that? And like it?!"

"Oh, it still tastes funny, but they like to do it, think it is the nicest thing they can do."

"They both did it to you?!"

"And to Johan."

"Oh! They told you? Where did they learn about that?"

"Um-hmm, they read about it in the kind of story we wouldn't want them to read."

"And they told you all that?"

"Um-hmm, not many secrets after ..., well, you know."

"After you three had done everything you could together?"

He nodded on the pillow in the dark and asked:

"Didn't you with your brother?"

"Not that."

"Pity. What else? Did he?

"Like that, with his mouth? Hm-hmm! Um-hmm! Real good. Did you too?"

"If you don't mind; you know I like to."

"Um-hmm. Oh this is funny, well, sort of. All the way?"


She shook her head in slight disbelief. He added:

"Um-hmm, like Johan did, and they liked it as much as I did."

"Oooh! Have you been wanting us to do it ... all the way?"

"I sure do now."

"Hmm? And they like it? ... Maybe, ... I guess I have to dare to try it again. They really like it, well, don't mind the taste?"

"Just tastes strange the first time. So what did you do then?"

"Back then? Oh, he didn't do that back them, later. Of course, I wanted him to do what I did by myself, and he did - nice big fingers. Couldn't have been the first time he did that. We got good at that. And then he showed me that he had condoms. I hadn't thought about really doing it, even after he had shown me them. ... Anyway, of course I then did, and we did. He was still surprised when I said that I wanted to, but, ..."

"But why had he shown you his condoms?"

"What I thought.

"No misgivings about really doing it?"

"Hm-umm. I just wanted to know what could be even better."

"Was it?"

"Must have been for him, but I didn't, not like he had made me come with his fingers. He must have known, so I told him to continue - no, that was the second time - and he did, and came again. Oh, it was arousing, so big and deep in me, but I didn't have an orgasm, nor the next time. I had had a couple the way we had done it before, but then he suggested that I rub myself, and by then he didn't come as soon, and then - Wow! - I did! And two more that week, but then we didn't have any condoms. Had to find a reason to go back to Bergen with our parents, a reason for him to be in town alone. Can't remember what our excuse was, but after that, we never ran out of condoms."

"Nice, ... very nice! 'After that'? Till when?"

"Until he got married, even after he met her and was engaged, well, after they were, they could sleep together."

"But he didn't forget his sister?"

"When we could."

"And when you could, with a boyfriend?"

"More difficult and not as good. I couldn't tell a boyfriend what I wanted to do, admit that I had more experience than he did."

"You did, with me."

"Um-hmm, but by then, we both assumed correctly that the other knew we had slept with someone else."

"Um-hmm, and I enjoyed that you had."

"But you were so agreed to what I wanted to do."

"Enough to want to marry you, just didn't know that I could want you to do that."

"My good luck, your incestuous wife."

"If I don't have to thank my brother-in-law."

"I hope not! ... Oh, I've been forgetting him, all soft after all our talking." She fondled his cock.

"Mostly yours, thank you."

"Now you have to tell me."

"How much they like to do something you don't?"

"And everything else."

"Not tonight. But I would love to do what they liked me to do."

"Mmmm! Hmm! Can't let my daughters enjoy something I haven't."


He crept around under the covers. As they were getting comfortable with their heads on each other's thigh, she held his soft cock and kissed it, then murmuring:

"If they like it, I ought try to, too."

He nodded. She more than just tried to. But when his fingers brushed over her asshole, she started and held still for a few moments, but then snorted with his cock in her mouth, and then tentatively found his. He nodded, and then they continued to arouse each other. Her moans became louder, and her hips began to twitch. She almost bit his throbbing cock when her orgasm overcame her, but her hand continued to urge his hips to thrust it in her mouth. She started again when his first spurt went deep in her mouth, but then moaned with each of his following spurts.

They relaxed with sighs. Before she let his cock slip from her mouth, she snorted again, and then murmured:

"Still tastes strange. ... You didn't tell me about that."

"Sorry, hope you didn't mind. Just sort of happened."

"Hmm! Like with them? They taught you that, too?"

"Um-hmm, feels good."

"Hmm! Um-hmm, just very surprising."

"For me too, the first time."

"Hm-hmm! You're going to have to tell a lot."

"Only if you don't want to kill any of us."

"Oh, no! ... Well, I don't think so, if you make it sound good. ... You made it feel good. I like that, ... also doing it."

"Mmmm! Not as much as I enjoyed that you did."

"Maybe not that much, ... but it was good to feel how good it was being for you."

"And for you; I love the way it tastes when you come like that."

"Hmm? ... Like the way they taste?"



He crawled back around, and they embraced and kissed. She licked around his mouth and snorted, remarking:

"I like the way I taste, too."

"Probably better than I taste."

"Hmm? But I think I could get accustomed to it."

"I hope so!"

"You would, of course! ... I want to do it again, ... just by myself."

"Um-hmmm! And then you can lick where it feels so good."

"Hm-hmm! How did you know that that was what I was thinking?"

"Just hoping."

"But not before you tell me everything."

"Maybe just a little? 'Everything' could take a long time."

"I'll decide that in the morning."

"That's a good idea. Good night."

"Good night."

She turned over, and they curled up together.

When he awoke in the early morning, they were lying separated, as usual. When he recalled the previous evening, that they both had admitted to incestuous sex, and then had done something that they hadn't done before, he snorted and rolled back towards her, putting his hand gently on her breast, appreciating that it was larger than it had been when they got married, but still not sagging, as he imagined that the breasts of women with bigger ones in their youth must do. She stirred, and he murmured:

"You still have nice breasts."

"Hmm? Nicer than whose? ... Hmm? Not nicer than Britta's or Maren's."

"Maybe, ... when you were their age, but now."

"Hmm? Long time since you gave me a compliment."

"Sorry, I should have, but it only occurred to me now."

"Hmm! After having seen theirs, ... no others, I hope."

"Hm-umm. Well, pictures, of course."

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