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Daughter's Hot Camping Trip Ch. 01

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A father comforts his nubile daughter one dark night!
7.5k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 10/29/2022
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Comforting His Nubile Daughter

Dave Philips

The birds chirped in the pine trees that flanked the trial. My daughter hiked before me, looking so cute in her big backpack as she walked with such a determined stride. Her black pigtails bounced around her shoulders as she marched in her hiking shorts and hiking boots.

Eighteen, and out here carrying all her own gear, even her own tent and sleeping bag.

Okay, I had most of the food, but she was still here.

"I can't believe Mom and Lana chickened out," Aubrey said as she marched up the hill. "This is great! It's so pretty out here."

"Well, your mom never liked camping, and Lana..." I chuckled. "No cell reception out here."

"True, she would be so lost. She'd try to use Google Maps to tell her which branch in the trail to take, and it wouldn't work out here."

It was just me and my daughter on a weekend camping trip up in the Olympic Mountains. We had gotten up early, way before dawn early, to be here. I was fueled by coffee while my daughter had slept on the ride up here.

Looking just so cute as she did it.

I had to take a picture of her waiting at the top of the trail. I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture of her in her t-shirt and jeans, a big smile on her lips. She looked like a conquistador who had just conquered the hill.

"That's right," said Aubrey. "Lots of pics. Mom would kill you if you didn't take at least five hundred a day."

"And we don't want that," I said, turning my phone off and slipping it back into the fanny pack I wore. Such a useful place for a pouch when out camping.

The sun rose higher as we moved deeper into the mountains. Aubrey bounced with excitement when we spotted a doe with her fawn crossing the valley below by moving along the treeline. She cooed and bounced with such joy.

I was glad to share this with her. The outdoors was amazing.

Not long after, we came across some people heading down the trail. An older man and woman who nodded to us. "Beautiful day," the woman said, a fit grandma. "Great day for a hike."

"And a weekend camping," said Aubrey. "Dad and I are going to fish! I'm totally going to catch us dinner!"

"I bet you are," the grandfatherly guy said, chuckling. "The fish were biting up at the Lake of the Angels. That where you heading if you keep going up the trail."

"Yeah," I said.

"Didn't see anyone else up there," the woman said. "We spent the night there. That water's brisk."

"It comes right off the glacier, right?" asked my daughter.

"Yep," the guy said. "About six hundred feet up the slope's the glacier. Water runs down. Brisk. Very brisk. Wakes you right up!"

My daughter grinned at me. I wasn't too keen on swimming in a glacial lake, but I had a feeling she'd drag me into it. We said goodbye to the couple and kept on down the trail. It was pleasant. And pretty safe. There were black bears and cougars, but so long as we were careful with our food, we'd be fine.

We stopped for a break at lunch and pressed on. She was managing it well, and she was in great shape. We passed a cliff with a waterfall, the outlet for the Lake of Angels, our destination. It would be another hour before we arrived.

I was glad. I had the stamina, but I was feeling it in the knees. I would need some of the Ibuprofen I brought when we reached the lake. But it was a good sort of soreness. The kind that came from moving around and seeing things.

We arrived a good three hours before the night would fall. It was so gorgeous to be out here at the Lake of the Angels. We walked past the lake, which was only about a half-mile wide of pure glacial melt. It was crystal clear even from the shore. It was water you probably could drink without getting sick.

Well, definitely the creek running off the glacier. But, still, we wouldn't take chances.

"God, this is amazing, Daddy," she said, skipping along the trail on the east side. On the west, there was a rock outcropping that thrust into the lake about twelve feet up. "Ooh, ooh, can we jump off that!"

"Just get ready to freeze your toes off," I said. "That is cold water. Even in summer."

"Okay, Dad," she said in that way that didn't quite sound like she believed me. I was surprised she didn't, "Okay, Boomer," me there.

Well, she would learn.

We reached the north side. There was a good place to camp with a nice lee to keep the winds off us and let us have access to the melt water creek flowing by. There were woods around the lake, so firewood wouldn't be an issue, and there were no burn bans going on where we were. We could still have a fire for cooking during a burn ban, but now we could have one for light, too. Of just to have one going.

I set her to gather firewood while I pitched the tents. I was an old hat at it. I soon had the tents ready and pushed some stones around to make a fire pit. I organized the tinder and kindling while she stacked the bigger pieces around the edge.

"Fishing?" she asked. "They'll be biting now that the sun's setting."

"Sure," I told her.

We put together our poles and tack. I had some live bait I brought up, wiggling earthworms, and we sat on the shore. It was great to be away from technology. One with nature. My daughter grinned as she cast for the first time, her red and white bobber landing on the surface.

As the light faded, we caught three fish, enough for dinner. They were rainbow trout. My daughter blanched at gutting them, but she did scale them. We ended up working with Coleman lanterns, both of our stomachs growling.

But when we had those cooking on the little grill that we placed over the fire, it was worth it. The smells filled the night, seasoned with some salt, pepper, and lemon zest we brought up in little bags. They were succulent.

Worth having to keep picking out their little bones.

The stars were out. We sat and watched them for a while. They were crystal clear. Stars you'd never see in the city winked above us as the fire burned down to coals. A black so profound swallowed us. A beauty that could only be seen far from civilization.

Then we turned in. I had pitched us separate tents since I figured a girl of eighteen would want her own privacy. I know I didn't want to have to do the changing in the sleeping bag or waiting outside. She vanished into hers with a, "Good night, Daddy!"


"It'll be raining tonight," I said. "Don't sleep pressed against the side of your tent, or it will bleed through and soak your sleeping bag. Should be cleared up by morning."

"Kay!" she said as she zipped up her tent. Her flashlight glowed. The silhouette of her body appeared on the outside of it as she...

Started stripping. I blinked as I realized she was getting naked in there. She turned to the side, and I caught the swell of her... breasts. Warmth washed over my cheeks. I dove into my tent, shaking that image out of my mind. She wasn't my little girl any longer, was she?

I sighed and pulled off boots, socks (which I tucked into my boots), and started stripping the rest of my clothes off. I liked to sleep naked--okay, so I had two tents so I could have some privacy, too. I grabbed the clothes I'd wear tomorrow and shoved them into my sleeping bag so they'd be warm.

I climbed in and zipped up. I used a sweater for a pillow and closed my eyes. The sounds of nature bled through. It was the best ASMR. It might be a tad uncomfortable, but I was exhausted. Sleep dragged me down into dreams.

* * *

I was sleeping when the rumble of thunder woke me up.

The rain drummed on my tent. I stared up at the top, lying on my back. The tent shook, but the sound was soothing. My eyes started to close as I slipped back toward sleep. I was just hovering on the boundary when lightning flashed.

It illuminated the inside of my tent. A moment later, the hot growl of thunder swept over my tent. It shook from the force. The lightning was close. Less than a mile away. A second bolt came down, the thunder snarling with rage.

My daughter screamed in her tent.

Shit. I started to sit up when I realized I was naked. I had to find my clothes. They were in my sleeping bag somewhere. I reached around when I heard a zipper rasp. Footsteps splashed then my tent opening was being unzipped.

"Daddy! Daddy!" Aubrey cried as she opened my tent and dived in.

Lightning flashed.

I caught a brief glimpse of my daughter's wet form. Was she naked? Why was she naked?

"Daddy!" The thunder rumbled as she dove into my sleeping bag. Before I could stop her, my naked and shivering daughter slipped in beside me and hugged me.

I was so aware of the warmth of her body. I could feel her small breasts. They were just ripening, on the verge between A's and B's. She wrapped both her legs around my thigh as she clutched to me, her leg perilously close to my cock.

The warmth of her body squirming against mine with nothing between us sent a rush of warmth down through my body to my nuts. My cock twitched. Oh, no, this couldn't be happening. I couldn't be getting erect as my daughter sought me out innocently for comfort.

"Daddy!" she sobbed, her face pressed into my neck. She lay on my left arm which instinctively held her against me. "That's so--"

Lightning crashed again. The thunder shook the tent. My daughter screeched in terror. She hugged me even tighter. This time, her leg slid up and over my cock. I shuddered, throbbing against her. She rubbed her little titties on me.

There was nothing I could do about this. I was trapped with her squirming against me. She whimpered, her nipples so hard against my side. I swallowed, my heart thundering in my chest. I enjoyed her squirming against me.

I really, really did.

That was so wrong. I was her father. I shouldn't have a hardon throbbing against her thigh. I shouldn't be enjoying her small breasts rubbing on my body. This was my child, for Christ's sake. This was my baby girl.

And she felt so good wiggling against me as the storm raged outside. She had her face pressed into my neck. My hand rested on her hip, holding me to her. I could feel her pubic hair rubbing on my thigh while my cock kept throbbing hard against her.

I was going to prison. My wife would divorce me. My daughters would hate me. They would think I was a pervert for being excited right now. I just couldn't make this any less... sexy. I hated myself so much as I felt her squirming.

"Daddy," she whimpered.

"It's okay," I said, hoping she wouldn't notice what she was rubbing against. "You're perfectly safe. The lightning will hit the mountains around us or the trees. We're perfectly safe. I won't let anything hurt you."

"I know, Daddy," she whimpered. "You'll keep me safe. I love you, Daddy!"

"Love you, too," I breathed, my cock twitching against her. The curls of her pubic hair, that soft down signified that she wasn't a child any longer. She was eighteen. An adult. Sexually mature. I swallowed as her nipples rubbed hard against me. That had to be from the cold.

It just had to be.

Her knee kept rubbing on my hardon. My dick pulsed with my heartbeat. It was growing so hot in the sleeping bag. The rain drummed above. I wanted to get out of this so badly, but I couldn't. I had to comfort my daughter. My naked, nubile, squirming daughter.

I felt the smooth, hot skin on my hip. Wet skin. I could feel... God, was that her pussy? Why didn't I feel any pubic hair? Was she shaved? Did my eighteen-year-old baby girl shave her cunt? That was insane. That couldn't be true.

She couldn't be doing that at her age.

Lightning flashed. Thunder crashed. She whimpered and hugged me tighter. She slid on top of me. My eyes panicked as my cock was pressing right between her legs. That smooth, hot flesh pressed right on my shaft. I was going to jail. To hell. This was so wrong. That was my barely legal daughter's pussy on my dick.

"Aubrey," I whispered, her small breasts rubbing into my chest, her nipples so hard. Her pussy slid up and down my cock. She was... getting wet. Slippery. "This really isn't... good."

"I know, Daddy," she whimpered, squirming that pussy on my dick. "The storm is going to kill us. The lightning's going to hit our tent."

"Shhh." Guilt rushed through me. Here I was getting so hard while she was so scared, she didn't realize she was rubbing her shaved vulva on my hardon. She was such an innocent thing. I stroked her back. "Shhh, we're not going to be hit. The lightning will strike the trees. We're perfectly safe."

"But..." She trembled as I stroked her back. She hugged me so tight. She quivered, sliding her pussy up and up my cock. "Oh, Daddy, I feel so safe in your arms."

"Just go to sleep," I said. Once she was asleep, I could get dressed. Get myself out of this situation.

She slid up me so her face was right above mine. I could just make out her features, her pigtails hanging around us. Her eyes had a gleam that caught some errant light that bled through from the outside. Her pussy lips slid over the crown of my cock and...

My tip pushed right against her vulva, nestled right into her folds.

"Aubrey," I gasped as my daughter was poised to... to... Jesus. "You have to stop. Don't you see what's going on?"

"I know, Daddy," she moaned. "You're going to be my first. I knew I would get you on this trip. Mmm, I just didn't know it would be tonight. I had thought to make my move while swimming in my itty bitty bikini, but learning the lake is so cold... This is better."

"Wait!" I gasped as she pushed her hymen against my cock. I felt her maidenhead stretching. My virgin, eighteen-year-old daughter pushed and pushed against me. My eyes widened in panic. This could not be happening.

But it was.

This was really, really happening. My heart leaped in my chest as she shoved harder. Her cherry popped. Then her hot cunt engulfed my dick. I felt my daughter's silky, tight, deflowered pussy swallowing inch after inch of my dick.

"Daddy!" she sighed in delight as she wiggled her cunt down my dick. "Oh, Daddy, you're so big in me!"

"Oh, god," I groaned as her pussy felt so amazing around my cock. Tight. Like my wife used to be. I shuddered as she worked down me more and more. She took every inch of me. She shuddered in delight, her head resting on my chest. "Oh, god, this is real."

"This is no wet dream, Daddy," she purred. "You're really in me. Every inch of your dick is buried in every inch of my pussy." She clamped her cunt down around me. Her hard nipples rubbed on my chest as she squirmed there. "I could just lie here all night like this."

I shuddered, my dick throbbing in the warmth of her pussy. Her hot hole squeezed and relaxed around me. I had never felt anything like this. It wasn't just being in cunt, it was being in my daughter's cunt. My barely legal daughter. This was incest. Taboo. The most forbidden hole in the world.

My cock gloried in being in her. My dick reveled in her hot snatch squeezing and relaxing around me. Groaning, my hands rubbed up and down her back. I didn't want her to get off me. I wanted to stay in my little girl's pussy forever.

"This is magical," my little girl purred, her hot pussy around my dick. She wiggled her hips.

"Oh, god," I groaned as she stirred her cunt around my cock. "Don't do that."

"Mmm, doesn't it feel so good?" she cooed. She wiggled again. Pleasure shot down my dick and rippled through my body. My nuts tightened while the ache built at the tip of my cock. "I know it feels amazing for me, Daddy!"

"It feels too good," I groaned, the drum of the rain pounding on the tent. "I'm your father! This is incest! You're my daughter! It's illegal!"

"And it's our little secret," she said. "Mmm, I've loved you for so long."

"What about your mother?" I groaned as she squeezed her cunt down on my dick."

"Oh, I don't mind sharing with her," she said, a wicked grin on her face. "I'm not here to steal you from Mommy. Just to love her like you do."

She slid her pussy an inch up my dick. The pleasure spilled through me. Intense pleasure. Too intense. I shuddered at it washing through me. This heat swept through my body as my cock loved what she was doing. Then she worked her pussy back down me.

"Aubrey!" I groaned, wanting to pull her off me. "I'm not wearing protection! What if I get you pregnant?"

"Ooh, that sounds so hot!" She rubbed her face into my chest. "Ooh, I want to have your babies, Daddy! Let's make one right now. Then we can tell our child--I hope it's a daughter so you can make love to her, too, when she's old enough--how we made such sweet love while the thunder rumbled."

"Shit!" I groaned, my cock lurching. Just the idea I could breed her sent this powerful rush through me. "You have to get off me. I can't knock you up."

"But you feel even harder now," she purred. "I think you want to knock me up, Daddy. That you want to pump all your virile seed into my juicy womb. Do you, Daddy? Do you want to give me a baby? I want to have your baby so much!"

She started to move now. She slid her pussy up my cock then back down it. That hot, tight sheath massaged my dick. Her slippery sheath massaged me with the most amazing delight of my life. I groaned, wishing I had the strength to rip her just off of me.

But I didn't. I was too weak. My daughter felt too amazing around my dick. I shuddered as her little boobies rubbed into my chest. My nuts tightened with a load of cum. I couldn't release it in her. I really might get her pregnant.

This was wrong. Incest. Illegal.

Her pussy felt so amazing around me. There was nothing more fantastic than this hot snatch squeezing around my dick. My little girl's juicy twat was the best hole in all of existence. I groaned as she worked her pussy up and down me.

"Mmm, I know you love it as much as I do, Daddy," she purred. "We were made to come together."

"You're my daughter!" I gasped, my dick lurching in her hot snatch.

"I know! You started me in Mommy's womb, and she brought me into the world so I could pleasure your amazing cock." She rubbed her face into my chest. "I'm a gift to you, Daddy. A wonderful gift for you to enjoy. You're such a great guy, the universe rewarded you with a horny daughter who loves you!"

"Fuck!" I groaned.

She giggled, her cunt clamping down on my cock. "That's what we're doing, Daddy. Fucking!"

I shuddered as she kept working that hot twat up and down me. The storm raged outside as the pressure swirled in my nuts. A mighty gale brewed in my nuts. I had to fight it off, but her hot twat massaged the crown of my cock.

She was relentless. Aubrey gripped me with such a tight cunt. She had to know she was driving me wild. That I would cum so hard in her. She had to know that. How could she not know that the way she was massaging my snatch with her wonderful cunt. I was so fucked.

And felt so good. I just wanted to relax away into her melting embrace. Just roll over and fuck her. Fuck this little slut that had crawled into my ed and put me in this position. Just pound her naughty cunt until she squealed.

She wanted it. That was why she was here. She wanted to be fucked like her mother. Fucked and pounded by her daddy's dick.

The thought burned through me as she worked her tight twat up and down my shaft. She whimpered on me as the pressure in my nuts grew closer and closer to erupting. This was so wrong. I had to put a stop to it. I had to...

"Shit!" I groaned.

I erupted.

My cock spurted my cum into her barely legal, fertile flesh. She gasped as she felt my jizz splashing on her cervix. Her cunt went wild around my dick. She felt so good as she milked my erupting cock. Her flesh massaged my dick.

"Daddy! Daddy!" she squealed as she came on my dick. "This is fantastic!"

My climaxing daughter squirmed on me as her pussy went wild around my cock. This amazing bliss swept through me. I groaned as her jizz pumped into me again and again. The ecstasy was outstanding. The pleasure was fantastic.

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