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Dave and Alicia Ch. 01

Story Info
Dave fights his feelings for his sister.
6.4k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 11/13/2007
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A huge thank you goes to Mused, for all his help with this. ~Chargergirl


"I don't think I like her very well," Alicia confessed.

Elizabeth turned her head towards her best friend and laughed. "What? You don't like who very well?" Elizabeth, momentarily distracted by Samantha, had missed most of Alicia's comment.

"Stephanie! Duh, Elizabeth."

The girls were sitting on the front porch at Brett and Elizabeth's place talking about Alicia's brother, Dave, and his latest girlfriend. It was a beautiful, warm late October day and the girls were outside enjoying the afternoon sunshine. Baby Sammi was lying in the Moses basket at Elizabeth feet. She was fat and happy and in love with her toes, for the moment. She gurgled and drooled with glee, as she stuffed half her foot in her mouth.

"Why don't you like her, Alli? She seemed kind of nice to me." Elizabeth had met Stephanie two weeks ago, at the eightieth birthday party for Alicia's Grandma Ruth.

"Yeah, she seemed nice because my parents were there, and Grandma. She's an ass-kisser if there ever was one. Stephanie, not Grandma."

Elizabeth laughed again. "I knew who you meant, you dope. How long have they been together, anyway?"

"Like years, at least." Alicia snorted with a wave of her hand.

"Alli, seriously. It can't be more than a couple of months." Elizabeth had learned to count on Alicia's exaggerations.

"Well, it seems like years," she grumbled, and then added quietly, "to me, anyway." Dave's home had once been a refuge for Alicia when she needed to get away from their parents, when she needed her space. Until recently, he'd been happy to have her.

While she loved Mom and Dad with all her heart, sometimes they were just too much. "Alicia Anne, when will you be home?", "Alicia Anne, don't forget to study", "Alicia Anne, you need to get your sleep, lights out". For Christ sake, she was nineteen years old! She would have moved out and gotten her own place, but going to college full-time made that impossible.

"I never go over to David's anymore, Elizabeth. He never lets me because she's almost always there." In that respect, Alicia was not exaggerating. Stephanie had pretty much taken up residence at Dave's house. Little sister wasn't very welcome when big brother had a woman around.

"You know you're always welcome here, Alli, anytime, and you don't even have to call."

"I know Elizabeth, and thanks. But I don't want to get in the way. Brett will get sick of me if I'm here too much."

Elizabeth could only roll her eyes at that. "If he hasn't gotten sick of you by now, I doubt he ever will." It was true, and Alicia knew it. She and Elizabeth had been best friends, inseparable their entire lives, just like Brett and Dave. "Besides, Sammi loves her Aunt Alli; you're such a huge help with her, and Brett understands that. Alli, what--hey, are you crying? Alicia, look at me."

Alicia wiped at her eyes, feeling silly for crying in front of Elizabeth. She felt the way she felt for a reason yet was reluctant to tell her friend, for the moment, anyway.

From behind came a deep male voice, "Want me to talk to him?"

Elizabeth and Alicia whipped around to see Brett. He'd managed to come up behind the girls without them realizing it.

Alicia groaned. She wondered how much of the conversation Elizabeth's brother had heard. She definitely didn't want David to know she was complaining about Stephanie, by bemoaning the fact that David no longer had time for his little sister; she'd rather stick needles in her eyes. "You better not say anything to him, Brett. I'll never hear the end of it. If I hear how wonderful Stephanie is, just one more time, I swear I'll vomit." Alicia buried her face in her hands, releasing another snort.

Brett and Elizabeth exchanged a glance and a frown.

"I don't get it," Elizabeth said, as she joined Brett for dinner later that evening. Samantha was in her little bouncy seat at the end of the table, busy making faces at herself in the hanging mirror.

"Don't get what? Damn, Elizabeth, what did you do to this?" Brett asked, chewing a piece of meat.

"Is it that horrible?" Elizabeth thought the pot roast looked and smelled fine to her.

"Oh my God, no, it's great!" Brett said, through a mouthful of mashed potatoes and gravy. He turned his attention to the glazed carrots.

"Thanks. Mrs. Parker told me what to do." Brett and Elizabeth had grown very close to the Parkers, Dave and Alicia's parents, after their own parents had literally disowned them. The siblings weren't sure if the true nature of their relationship was known to the Parkers. Brett thought the Parkers suspected something. Elizabeth wasn't as sure.

"So what don't you get?" Brett repeated. He took a sip of water from the green Coke glass perched next to his plate.

"Oh, Alicia. She's being weird about Stephanie. I mean, I can understand that she feels shut out, sort of. But it's not like Dave's never had a girlfriend before. What's this one make, like a hundred?"

Brett rolled his eyes. "Hardly, Elizabeth, it's only ninety-five. Seriously, doesn't Alli realize he'll be done with Stephanie in a month or so?"

"I don't know. He was pretty goofy-acting around Stephanie at Grandma Ruth's party. He's not usually like that."

"Do you think she's jealous?" Brett wondered.

"Maybe. Dave sure doesn't spend any time with her anymore. I remember that when you had a girlfriend, I was always last on your list of people you wanted to be around."

"I didn't have that many, Elizabeth."

Elizabeth pretended not to hear. "Gerri McBride. You called me Sprite in front of her once, and she never called me by anything else ever again." Sprite had been Brett's little girl nickname for his sister. Fourteen-year-old Elizabeth had been supremely annoyed to hear anyone other than her big brother call her Sprite. That Halloween, Elizabeth and Alicia had covered Gerri's car in shaving cream and toilet paper. Afterward, they laughed harder than they ever had in their lives.

Elizabeth wondered if Brett had ever figured out who messed Gerri's car.

"You don't think Alli' know, with Dave, do you?" Brett frowned.

"You mean, like us?"

Brett nodded.

"No, but I'm getting weird vibes from her; that's for sure."

"That would be just too strange." Brett forked in the last of the pot roast and potatoes. "That was so good." He leaned over and kissed Elizabeth.

Elizabeth toyed with her napkin, twisting the corner into a point. "Do you think we're strange, Brett?"

"Nope, only you, sweet sister." He laughed at his own joke, then rose and took their plates to the sink. "I'm going to take Sam for a walk. You want to come?"

"Yeah! Let me put this stuff away, while you get her ready."

Brett put the baby in her pajamas while Elizabeth cleaned up. Elizabeth fed Sam before they left. She hoped Sam would fall asleep on their walk; because she wanted some time alone with Brett when they returned.

The late October evening was gorgeous. The brightness of the full hunter's moon lit their way down the street. Fallen leaves crunched under their feet as they walked along, with Brett pushing the stroller. It was still warm, for being so late in the day. The entire season had been unusually warm.

Elizabeth loved the fall; it was her favorite time of the year. Quite a few people had pumpkins out on their porches, she noticed. She and Brett had already bought theirs at the farmer's market. Halloween was only a week away.

Samantha was out like a light by the time they returned. She was such a good little baby. At only four months old, she was already sleeping through the night for her parents. Brett carefully picked her up and carried her down the hall to the bedroom. Samantha still slept in the pretty wicker bassinet that had been a gift from the elder Parkers. She'd have to switch to a full-size crib, before too much longer.

Brett placed her down gently and tucked the lightweight blanket around her torso.

He turned to find a partially clothed Elizabeth lying on the bed. Shirtless and braless, she had left her jeans and panties to be removed. A task thoghtfully reserved for Brett. He ambled over to her, wearing a knowing smile on his face; he knew his little sister well, and he knew what she wanted.

Elizabeth's tummy did a little flip flop as she watched him undress. That smile of his and the glint in his eyes, they both still made her quiver inside.

Ten seconds later, her jeans and panties were a faded memory, lying in a crumpled heap on the floor, and Elizabeth was spread-eagle on her back with Brett's face buried between her legs.

Brett licked at her engorged clitoris; it was swollen and hot. He nipped and stroked it with the skill of a man who knew his lover well. Elizabeth's pussy was slick with her arousal. She wanted him inside her right then and there, but Brett made her wait. He was enjoying himself far too much to give in just yet.

"Brett!" Elizabeth hissed. She pushed at his shoulders. "Brett, come on! Ohhhh yeah, oh God, Brett. I'm going to cum if you don't stop!"

"Then why would I do a silly thing like that?" He laughed and looked up the length of her body. He went back to his task. Her scent, her taste, and the way her thighs clenched and unclenched were thoroughly intoxicating.

A few more circles of his tongue were all it took for Elizabeth to grind her pussy into his face. Brett knew she was close to orgasm. His hand stole up to the juncture of her thighs. One finger eased its way in, followed by a second.

Elizabeth started to thrash her head from side to side on the pillow. Brett's fingers stroking inside her, and his tongue licking and sucking on her clit drove her right to the edge. He then shoved her over. She grabbed the other pillow and slammed it over her face. She screamed as the orgasm pulsed through her.

Elizabeth was barely able to catch her breath before Brett moved between her legs. With a trust born from more than just being lovers, Elizabeth opened herself and submitted to him fully. As always, she held nothing back. Brett filled her completely, stretching her, but never hurting her.

Brett gazed down into Elizabeth's eyes as he moved within her. Everytime they made love, it was so incredible, so special. He thought back to when he had almost lost her. She had nearly died giving birth; Samantha had nearly died. He felt the familiar pricking sensation behind his eyes as the tears threatened. He would never let either one of them go, not now, not ever; he would rather slit his own wrists.

Elizabeth cupped Brett's face in her palms and drew his head down. She kissed him deeply. She started moving her hips, meeting him thrust for thrust. Her hands moved down to grasp his butt, squeezing, trying to drive him deeper.

They were there together in their own private world, where nothing could come between them. Everything they had been through in the past, and everything they would face in the future, faded into nothingness, as they joined.

Brett buried his face in Elizabeth's neck. He groaned as he came, his gut clenching and his chest heaving. "Ah hell, Elizabeth." He rolled on his back, pulling her over onto his chest. "Did you cum?" he asked in a ragged whisper.

Elizabeth raised her head and looked up at Brett. She smiled shyly and shook her head. "Not...not right now, but I did a bit ago." She didn't add 'obviously.'

"Damn, I'm sorry I couldn't hold back. I tri--"

Elizabeth covered his mouth with her palm and shook her head. "Hush, you more than satisfied me." She laid her head back down and raked her fingers through the dark curls covering his chest.

Brett arranged the covers over them as best he could, a task made more difficult with Elizabeth draped over him. They would fall asleep that way, they always did after making love, but some time during the night they would separate, their bodies questing for a deeper sleep.

"Alicia Anne, did you just get home?" Blaire Parker stuck her head through the partially open bedroom door.

Alicia looked up and smiled at her mom. "Yeah, I was with Elizabeth."

"Studying for your test on Monday?"

"Yep." Alicia noticed her mom slip the rest of her body through the doorway. She groaned inwardly. Here it comes, she thought.

"So how are Brett, Elizabeth and Samantha?"

"Fine, Mom, they're fine. They send their love," Alicia nodded for emphasis.

"You've been over there a lot lately. Haven't been forgetting your homework, now; have you?"

Alicia couldn't hold back a sigh. "Hardly, how could I?"

"Now Alicia, there's no need to take that tone. Dad and I just want you to do well with your studies. You're so smart, and you have the ability to go so far with your life..."

There was more, but Alicia had fine-tuned the art of selective hearing. As her mother droned on, Alicia's thoughts turned to her brother. She wondered what he was up to that evening. He was probably with Stephanie. Normally, after one of her mom's lectures, Alicia would pick up the phone and call him. Now, she wasn't sure she should do that. When she talked to him lately, he seemed so distracted, leaving her with the feeling that he was only humoring her. That really hurt. They'd been so close in the past.

Alicia could sense an ever-widening gulf eroding her bond with David. The harder she tried to get close, the further he pushed her away. Two weeks ago, the party for Grandma Ruth had been torture, especially with Stephanie there.

"Well, goodnight, dear."

Her mother's words yanked Alicia back to the present. Bending forward, she accepted her mom's kiss on the cheek. Alicia loved her mom; she really did, but sometimes her mom could be so overbearing. "Night, Mom. I love you."

"You, too. Now, get some sleep; you need your rest."

As her mother retreated out the door, Alicia smiled benevolently and nodded, saying yes, she would do just that. She wanted to say that tomorrow was Sunday; it didn't matter when she went to bed. Instead, she reached for her cordless phone and dialed Dave's number. He answered on the first ring.

"Hey David," she greeted him quietly.

"Oh hey, how are ya?" He didn't need to ask who it was; he would have known her voice anywhere.

The distance was in his voice. He couldn't, or wouldn't, disguise it. Alicia shut her eyes, trying so hard to block it out. "I'm OK." It was a lie, but what the hell, she doubted he'd notice. There was a time, not too long ago, when her brother would have noticed the slightest variation in her tone, be it happy or sad.

In the background, Alicia heard a soft feminine voice ask, "Who is it, Dave?" Alicia's heart fell to her knees. She heard her brother mutter, "Alicia."

He called her Alicia, not Alli, not even Alligator, the pet name he'd created for his little sister. Alicia pretended to be annoyed when he called her Alligator, but she secretly loved it.

"What's up?" Dave asked her.

"I was just wondering what you were up to, I guess. I just wanted to call and say hi, I haven't seen you in a while."

Guilt, he felt it in his heart. It was true he'd been avoiding her, yet was unable to admit to himself exactly why. "I know, I--I'm sorry, Alicia. I guess I've been kind of busy. I'll be there tomorrow night for dinner, though."

"OK. Are know, will you be alone?" Alicia asked tentatively. Almost immediately, she wanted to kick herself for asking.

There was a pause; Dave replied softly with his own question, "Do you want me to be?"

For a tiny moment, for one brief second, the distance was gone, and Alicia felt close to her brother again. The moment was shattered when the feminine voice in the background urged, "Dave, come on."

"I've gotta go Alicia. I'll see you tomorrow."

There was frustration in his voice that Alicia hadn't heard before. She wanted to ask him what was wrong, but he told her to have a good night, before hanging up.

"So what did little sister want this time?" Stephanie's question was accompanied by a frown that he didn't much care for.

They had just finished having sex when Alicia called, and Dave knew Stephanie had been most put off by the intrusion. Stephanie had never been thrilled by the siblings' closeness. Dave often used Stephanie's attitude as an excuse to avoid his sister. The real reason he avoided Alicia was unacceptable to him.

"Nothing, just to...nothing." Dave shook his head, trying not to think of the tall, pretty blond girl he'd just hung up on. He knew how much he was hurting Alicia. He didn't have to see her face to know; he could hear it in her voice. He turned to Stephanie and pulled her close, feeling her large breasts mash against his bare chest. "I know what I want."

Trying to shove thoughts of Alicia out of his head, Dave took Stephanie again, and he wasn't gentle, not that Stephanie seemed to mind in the least. He pushed her over on her stomach and lifted her hips in the air. She was wet and gaping, with his semen still leaking out from their earlier escapade. Thank god she's on the pill, Dave thought as he entered her. That wasn't his only thought, though. That same pretty blond girl kept invading his mind as he pounded into Stephanie, Eventually, it was the pretty blond girl on her hands and knees in front of him. He squeezed his eye shut tightly, uselessly trying to block the vision.

"Fuck!" He yelled as he came, filling Stephanie's pussy with even more sperm. "Son of a bitch," he muttered as he pulled out and flopped over on his back. Stephanie curled up next to him and laid her head against his shoulder.

"Mmm, that was so nice," she purred, stroking his arm with her fingers.

Dave wanted to pull away. Actually, he wanted to shove her away, but he didn't. He liked Stephanie a lot. She was a remarkable sight, but she wasn't tall, and she wasn't blond. And she didn't hold his heart.

Blaire Parker expected a perfectly set table at all meals. So the next afternoon, as Alicia set the table, she was so intent on lining up the forks that she didn't hear her brother arrive, didn't see him watching her from the archway to the dining room.

As Dave stood watching Alicia, he couldn't help but notice how beautiful she looked, even dressed as simply as she was. She wore a light blue tank top beneath an unbuttoned white dress shirt and close-fitting jeans that made her long legs seem even longer. Her hair was pulled back into a single French braid that showed off the diamond stud earrings their parents had given her on her eighteenth birthday. Loose wisps of hair hung down, making an already lovely face even more so.

Alicia finished the table and turned to see her brother standing in the archway. It had been two weeks since she'd seen him, the longest stretch of time she could remember. It felt like an eternity to her. He looked the same, even though, somehow, she thought he'd look different.

"Hi, David." She hadn't meant for the words to come out as a mere whisper.

He moved to enfold her in his arms; he couldn't resist. Her own arms wrapped around his waist. "Hey Alli. How are you?"

Better now, she wanted to say, but didn't. "I'm fine. And you?"

They disentangled themselves, but remained standing there face to face. Well, almost. Alicia was tall for a girl, her height above average at five nine, but Dave still had to look down at her. They took after their dad height wise; though, Alicia had inherited her tiny waist from their mother.

"Doing OK," he said with a nod. "You look nice." He reached up and tucked a wisp of hair behind her ear.

Alicia looked down at herself, then back up at Dave and smiled. "Thanks."

"Smells good in here, what's Mom cooking?"

"Roasted chicken, squash, her stuffing--"

"Mom made her stuffing?"

Alicia nodded. She knew how much he loved their mom's stuffing. She loved it, too. A glance at the TV showed the football teams running onto the field. "The game's starting. We can watch it for a while," Alicia suggested. "Dinner won't be ready for an hour or so."


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