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David and Becky - Foolish Choices Ch. 04

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The guards find a different way to punish me.
2.7k words

Part 4 of the 22 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 04/30/2022
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This story is entirely fictional and is intended as a fantasy in the world of female domination and male submission. It involves tease and denial with the use of a male chastity device, cuckoldry and corporal punishment. No part of this story is written to suggest such lifestyles were realistic or believable. The characters, named and unnamed, are not based on any living or deceased persons. All locations, whether named or otherwise, in this story, including the nation of Siskovia Province, are also fictitious and any similarities to any that exist anywhere, are coincidental. If you are not interested in fiction in which males, whether willingly or forced, submit to dominant females, or find such subjects objectionable and in opposition to your own preferences, I would strongly suggest you exercise your right not to read any further.

Chapter 4

Day 205 -- Sunday 21st February 2016

Of all my regular guards, Izabela was the one who gave me most trouble. She was always in a bad mood with me, always finding fault with the slightest thing and clearly itching to resume beating me with her strap. Fortunately for me, the rules laid down by Madam Popescu stated prisoners were not to be beaten by guards with any implement for a period of one day for every stroke of the cane received for an official judicial punishment caning. I'd received forty strokes of the cane which made me exempt from the strap for forty days which meant it was over three weeks before I could receive any corporal punishment. In three weeks time, I would have less than sixty days more before my release. Although there was enough time to receive one more caning, I was sure I could manage to stay out of trouble for that long. It would be tough not touching my penis, but I would make absolutely sure it was completely flaccid when washing in the shower to prevent any accidental ejaculations that could be misinterpreted.

Despite knowing I was free of her strap, I continued to obey Izabela and any other guard in every instruction they gave me and in every rule that was written. Not once, for any of the guards, did I fail to get on my knees before they entered my cell. I never once spoke without being asked a direct question and I always made sure there was nothing out of place in my cell. The deeper marks on my bottom had mostly gone, and I was told by the guards, there was only a general redness all over my buttocks with some very faint remnants of the cane strokes.

At lunchtime, Izabela stormed in and stood with her booted feet touching my knees on the ground. She stayed silent for what seemed like an age as if to provoke me, and when it was clear I wasn't going to move, she eventually snapped at me to stand.

"You think it's clever that you avoid the strap, prisoner," she said, her face inches from mine. Her black hair was tied back behind her head making her features hard and her dark eyes intense. As much as I disliked this woman, her demeanour exuded authority, and my frustrated penis grew to full erection.

"You disrespect me with your pathetic cock. How dare you get aroused and threaten me with sex. I have a boyfriend to give me pleasure, I do not need that. It deserves no pleasure from a woman, and it will get no pleasure here. If I was in charge, I would give the strap every time a prisoner had an erection to punish their disrespect. It is not long before Madam Popescu gives permission for you to get beaten again and I am waiting for that day. You will be sorry when you show disrespect ..."

She went on and on at me while I listened and waited for the first opportunity that I was allowed to speak. It came when she finished a sentence with a question: "... do you think you will escape punishment?"

"Yes," I said. "You can't touch me for the next three weeks." As soon as the words left my mouth, I knew I'd been far too abrupt with her, and I'd also said too much. I'd made the mistake I'd been so determined not to.

She went silent for a moment and a smirk appeared on her face. "That is true; I cannot beat you for three weeks. But there is another punishment I can give which is just as bad."

She didn't say another word, but from her attitude, I had reacted exactly the way she wanted. She brought my lunch, which, by this time, had gone cold; it was two sausages and a crust of bread with a cup of disgusting cold tea. When she left me alone, I spent the afternoon worrying about what would happen to me; she obviously had something horrible in mind.

Technically I hadn't broken any rules, but it was the content of what I'd said to her and the harshness in my voice. I'd answered the question she'd posed, but it was what I'd added; telling her she couldn't touch me that was the problem. From her point of view, she could interpret it as being an unacceptable answer. If I was to be punished, I went through all the possibilities; she couldn't strap me, she couldn't hit me with anything, it was against the rules. I didn't think she could make me carry more bricks in the yard as that had to come from Madam Popescu, and I already did one hundred bricks every five days as part of my 'fresh air' quota. She could make me miss a meal, but from the look of pleasure in her eyes, it was something that would be of a physical nature; something she could do me that she would enjoy.

I was troubled all afternoon and apprehensive of my next visit from a guard at tea time. I knew when the sun went down from the small window high in my cell wall, so I was aware my evening meal was late. And when the time went on into the evening, and my hunger became desperate, I believed missing a meal was to be my fate, but I was wrong.

I heard movement outside my cell; it sounded like a couple of people, and when the cell door banged three times and the door opened, I was aware of at least three sets of boots walking in.

"Get up, prisoner," Gabriela said.

Three guards stood before me; Izabela and Tilly were the other two. They were all dressed in thick fur coats, scarfs, woollen hats and gloves. They also wore heavy, leather boots.

"You expressed a wish for punishment other than the strap, prisoner, yes?"

"No, Madam Gabriela." My voice shook with fear.

"You told Madam Izabela she could not beat you. That is correct. So, we will give a different punishment you will not like. Madam Tilly, the cuffs, please."

I expected her to cuff my hands behind my back, but she cuffed them in front of me instead, then I was ordered to leave my cell.

With Tilly in front, leading the way, and Izabela and Gabriela on either side of me gripping my arms in their thick gloves, I was taken up the stairs to the outside door. At each step I took, I could feel the temperature drop, and when we reached the top, and the door was opened, a cold blast of air hit me.

Izabela spoke: "You see the chain hanging from the bar over there on the wall?"

"Yes, Madam Izabela," I answered, my voice shaking with the cold. I could see it on the tall wall of the building in the open part of the yard.

"We will attach you to that for five minutes for punishment. The temperature is minus five degrees; see if you prefer that to having your ass beaten."

I looked at her in horror. It was so cold, I feared I would die out there.

"Put on those boots; that is all you get to wear," she said, scooping my usual heavy work boots towards me. At least my feet would be protected from frost bite.

"Now, go outside," Izabela ordered when I'd put them on. "Five minutes starts when the lock goes on the chain, so the quicker you get there, the better for you."

I was shoved from behind and with both my arms gripped tightly, I was marched across the frozen stone ground, the ice cold air cutting through my naked flesh. Out in the open part of the yard, my thankfully booted feet trudged through three inches of freezing cold snow. My body was shaking with the extreme cold and when my arms were lifted so the cuffs were attached to the chain, Tilly pulled a rope which raised the chain I was attached to. My arms lifted high above my head until my heals raised from the floor by half an inch. I was standing on the tips of my toes.

My whole naked body was stretched and exposed to the freezing night air. My eyes watered and my arms and legs quivered as the cold gripped every inch of me, inside and out. The agonising pain of the freezing air that stabbed its icy needles into my flesh, was unbearable.

Gabriela pulled the sleeve of her coat and looked at her watch. "Five minutes start now."

The guards stood back from me to ensure I felt not the tiniest bit of warmth from them. Despite them being so wrapped up in their furs, they were still cold as they made steps on the spots where they stood and wrapped their arms around themselves, rubbing themselves to keep warm.

"Are you glad I can't beat you, prisoner?" Izabela asked, the air coming from her mouth gushing forth in dense clouds.

"No, Madam Izabela." My voice was barely audible.

"This will teach you not to be rude to me," she added, moving her feet around, clearly freezing cold.

"Five minutes seem to last forever in this cold, yes?" asked Gabriela.

"Please, Madam Gabriela, it's too long."

"I think he prefers the strap next time, Madam Izabela," Gabriela said with a laugh.

"I like to see him out here in the cold," she answered. "Maybe we should go inside and leave him all night." They all laughed.

"You don't disrespect me now with an erection, prisoner. What's wrong, do I not turn you on anymore." Izabela laughed at me, pointing at my shrivelled penis, my balls having disappeared inside my body.

Tilly took off her glove and came over to me and ran her hand down my body. "I'll see if I can get him aroused; maybe he will find me sexy instead." More laughter followed.

Of course, there was no reaction from my penis, I was so cold. This was a level of cruelty I did not expect even from this sadistic bunch.

"I think he finds you ugly too, Madam Tilly," laughed Izabela. "Maybe it is pain that turns him on."

Izabela approached me as Tilly stepped back. She took off her glove and pinched one of my nipples between her finger and thumb. She twisted it sharply and the pain shot through my chest adding to the extreme cold I was feeling.

"No, Madam Izabela, he doesn't like pain you give him, maybe he likes me to play with his cock," suggested Gabriela who stood before me and with her glove removed, began to play with my penis.

I was almost numb and unable to feel any pleasure from Gabriela's fingers.

"What's wrong with you? Maybe you are not turned on by beautiful women any more. Maybe you like men now. Do you want me to go to get some men from the real prison to fuck your nice pink ass?"

They laughed and moved around me, stamping their feet to keep warm. The time was really dragging; I was sure the five minutes must have passed, but Gabriela kept checking her watch. I didn't know how long I could last in the searing cold, it was utterly unbearable, but just like the caning I'd received, it didn't matter how much I couldn't take, I was compelled to endure it.

"One minute thirty seconds left, prisoner," announced Gabriela.

I didn't believe it; it felt more like I'd been strung up here for ten minutes, and I was shivering and shaking.

"Try to relax," said Gabriela. Was she showing me some support to help me through the ordeal? "Still over a minute to go."

"Let me go," I begged. "For fuck's sake, let me go."

"I will add one extra minute for speaking without permission and saying a rude swear word. We are offended. You now have two minutes left."

No, she wasn't showing me any support. That was so unbearably cruel. Gabriela must have known how bad this was; she and her friends were well wrapped up and they could still feel the cold. Did she have no compassion, no mercy?

I was moaning with the agony of the cold and my eyes were streaming, I even had saliva trickling from my mouth. I was aware of the head guard checking her watch again and was encouraged when she started to count down from ten. They waited until the very end of the time before making a move to release the rope that had pulled the chain attached to my arms. Slowly my arms lowered as my heals touched the floor again.

I was desperate to get inside and began walking as soon as the chain was released from my cuffs. My feet were frozen despite wearing the thick boots and I could hardly feel them as they scuffed through the snow. How bad would it have been if my feet had been bare? I had my escorts holding my arms as I walked with Tilly behind me this time. The warmth that hit me as soon as I walked through the doors was amazing; even a rise from minus five up to plus two degrees was significant when you were as cold as I was. I had to be helped down the stairs, my legs were shaking so much, but with every step I took, the air became warmer until I reached my cell and I felt the warmth envelope me.

"The temperature is turned to twenty six in the cell for tonight so your body warms up. Now I will get your meal, but you must go in the shower and stand in the water before you eat it. Madam Izabela and Madam Tilly will stay with you to make sure you do it."

The lukewarm water dropped onto my cold flesh from above. Every drop felt like a sharp stab from a knife heated in a furnace. I jumped about until I got used to it. I was still freezing inside, but gradually the barely warm water did the trick and I felt my strength slowly return. I made a move to switch it off and come out to dry myself, but the guards made me stay longer, increasing the temperature from a control outside my cell.

When they eventually allowed me to come out, I wrapped the towel around myself and rubbed myself dry. I still got no reaction from my penis, but at least my balls had reappeared. Only when the guards were satisfied I wasn't going to pass out, did they allow me to eat my meal of boiled cabbage and potatoes with a piece of chicken. There was also a hot cup of something that I have no idea what to call, but it warmed me up, and as a bonus, they gave me a bar of chocolate. They even gave me an orange prison jacket and pants to wear, the first clothes I'd been allowed overnight since I'd been here.

As Izabela left the cell, she turned and said: "If you speak to me with disrespect again, prisoner, I can punish you in other ways than with my strap. Do not forget."

The cell door slammed; I had learned a very tough lesson from three sadistic females.

Coming next in chapter 5: I am cleared by Madam Popescu for physical punishment and introduced to a new female prison guard.

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artty67artty6712 months ago

That was a great way to punish him.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I enjoy the pace of the story. Very imaginative and entertaining. Please keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I've been enjoying the story since the beginning, but I agree -- we need to get out of prison and on to his next misadventure.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Would be interesting for the last week if he received s constant video and audio stream of becky a d her lovers being forced to watch and listen to thei teasing of him, ant not being able to fdo anything

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

The new guard going to be Gina? Hope not. Have enjoyed her absence.

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