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David and Becky - Resolution Ch. 13

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I confide in the woman who still means a lot to me.
4.6k words

Part 13 of the 19 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 09/02/2022
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This story is entirely fictional and is intended as a fantasy in the world of female domination and male submission. It involves tease and denial with and without the use of a male chastity device, cuckoldry and corporal punishment. No part of this story is written to suggest such lifestyles were realistic or believable. The characters, named and unnamed, are not based on any living or deceased persons. All locations, whether named or otherwise, in this story, including the nation of Siskovia Province, the city of Keara, and Casavana Prison, are also fictitious, and any similarities to any that exist anywhere, are coincidental. If you are not interested in fiction in which males, whether willingly or forced, submit to dominant females, or find such subjects objectionable and in opposition to your own preferences, I would strongly suggest you exercise your right not to read any further.

Chapter 13

Becky went back to Liam and Gina's after our stroll on the beach, leaving me alone with my thoughts in the apartment. When I came home from Casavana, and for the weeks that followed, it was I who had kept my distance, refusing Becky's desire to move back, and laying down the way things were going to happen. All of a sudden, Becky seemed to be running things again having enticed me back to doing things her way, and she wasn't making it easy for me having to pass these tests. She was also the one turning down my invitation to move back in with me.

She was so skilled in manipulation, but that was her personality; it was how our partnership had worked ... it was how we had wanted it to work... and it seemed to be heading that way again, as long as control was shared this time. But there were other factors which were raising my stress levels. Josh! He was stalking Becky and now leaving vaguely threatening notes for her to leave me and go off with him. I wasn't worried about her accepting his invitation, especially as his actions were now bordering on criminal, the question was, how far was he prepared to go to try and take Becky for himself? At least she was staying with Gina and Liam, but when I went to Casavana for the month, she would be moving back to the apartment, living on her own. Ok, the building would also be occupied by holidaymakers, but she would be alone in our top floor apartment.

I didn't see or hear from Becky for almost a week, by which time, my thinking had drifted towards my upcoming stay in Casavana prison. Did I really want to go there again? I had to admit, when we spoke about it becoming stage three of our getting back together, I felt a stirring of arousal at the thought of mistreatment in a female domination prison again, knowing that this time it would be for a much shorter sentence with a guaranteed release date.

However, as the days passed, doubts began to drift into my mind, and when my phone pinged the day before Becky was due to fly out to see Madam Popescu, I discovered I had an email from the Siskovia Province Justice Department. Those doubts turned to panic. It read:

Siskovia Province State Justice Department:

Casavana Correction Facility:

Case Reference: EmersonD 3428

To Mr David Emerson.

You are summoned to attend the Siskovia Province State Court of Justice at Casavana Correction Facility on Monday 1st May 2017 at 3:30pm to answer a charge made against you. You are required to provide your own transport to the above location as none will be provided. On your arrival, make yourself known to the Officer at the gate. The case against you will be considered, and if applicable, you will be formally charged, stand trail and if found guilty, be sentenced. Should a guilty verdict be the court's judgement, the sentence will be formally given and begin with immediate effect.

You are required to acknowledge receipt of this summons by email within 48 hours. I will take this opportunity to remind you that failure to comply with these instructions will be considered a further violation and additional charges may apply.


Izabela Costin (Court Administrator)

Oh shit! It was happening all over again with the slight difference that I wouldn't be confronted and placed in handcuffs at the airport when I arrived. At least, I was to be spared that humiliation. I picked up my mobile phone and called Becky.

"I knew she was sending the email out to you this week," she said, when I told her what had just dropped into my inbox.

"It doesn't say what I'm charged with. It better hadn't be anything sexual in case Elena gets hold of it again."

"No, don't worry, David. Tashrina admitted to me and to you she made a mistake allowing a sex offence to be recorded against you last time. She didn't realise more would come of it when it happened, but she probably hasn't decided what to charge you with yet. It'll be something trivial. I've talked to her about this, she knows what our stage three is all about, so she will not give you anything more than one month in prison. And that's a promise from me!" She ended the sentence emphatically.

"I do wish I knew what the charge was before I get there, Becky."

"I'm not going to say anything to her about it when I get there tomorrow, David. I trust her to do the right thing. Oh, does the email tell you to respond like last time?"


"Don't forget to send it within the time period. Remember it's all official, so you don't want to break any real laws."

"No," I said with a sigh. "I'll send my reply straight away."

"And make sure you book a flight. Do that today, before you reply to the email."

"Yes, I'll book the flight as quick as I can, but I'm sure there'll be no problem getting a seat. Then I'll send confirmation to Casavana."

"Ok, David, I'm going to have to let you go, I've a mountain of stuff to do."

"Have you done anything about your stalker yet?"

I wasn't surprised when she snapped her answer at me. "Leave it, David. How many times do I have to tell you?" Then her attitude softened. "I know you're worried about me and what he might do. But he won't do anything bad, he's too much of a coward. I have everything under control; you will see."

I decided not to push it any further and we ended the call amicably. I had no problem booking a flight; an early morning one for the day I was to appear in Madam Popescu's court. I then returned the confirmation email, receiving an immediate automated acknowledgement. So, I was all set up for my trip to Siskovia Province in just seven days. Becky would be going tomorrow, leaving me with a week to get my head right, because I certainly didn't feel comfortable with what I'd agreed to.

On Wednesday night, I had another trip to Rina's Casino with Paul, Phil and Ben, even managing to play some blackjack and coming away with a fifty pounds profit. Going out was an attempt to take my mind off going back to the femdom prison, but with doubts continuing to haunt me, I was constantly imagining I caught glimpses of Cassie strolling around the floor carrying out her old job of trying to entice punters into losing money. It told me, the woman who had done so much to help me recover from my eighteen months ordeal in prison, was still very much on my mind.

As the weekend arrived, at least the Saturday kept me occupied with changeover day for a couple of the holiday lets, but with it being just two days to go before I boarded my flight, I was becoming very stressed. When Cassie and I split up back on that fateful weekend in Edinburgh, there seemed no circumstance that I could justifiably contact her again for advice concerning my complicated life, but I felt I needed to.

Going up to Edinburgh to see her was out of the question; not enough time and I didn't know where she lived or worked. I didn't have the confidence to call her as she probably would have slammed the phone down on me. I thought of sending her a text, but you can't say much in a text. The best way to contact her, I decided, would be by email.

I sat on the sofa with my laptop on my knee and signed into the email account I used exclusively for Cassie. It was the email address we had used to swap messages while I was in Casavana. I didn't have a clue what to say to her, so I ended up looking for inspiration by checking the final set of messages we'd exchanged during my final days in prison.


Day 547 -- Saturday 28th January 2017

Hi Cassie. I am over the moon. I'm leaving Casavana on Monday. Somehow, my lawyer managed to get the point across to the Judge that the staff here are a bunch of lying bastards twisting the truth to keep me here. The Judge said she wasn't happy with how my original sentencing was decided and ordered my release as scheduled. I'll be home on Monday night and finally I'll be able to tell my bitch of a wife what she can do.

I'm so happy for you, David. At last, some good news! I bet you can't wait to get your life back together and you know I'll be there right alongside you. Just make sure you keep out of any trouble for the next 3 days.

Day 548 -- Sunday 29th January 2017

Hi Cassie - You're right about keeping out of trouble. I was so euphoric last night when I emailed you, I forgot to tell you how pissed off the guards were about Elena losing her case. The evil bastards wanted me to stay, so, as soon as they got me back to the cell, they laid into me with their straps for no reason at all. But, just today and tomorrow to get through. I will be as good as gold! I can't wait to tell Becky she shouldn't have broken up with that boyfriend of hers. Maybe she can crawl back to him and ask him to take her in again. He's already given her one black eye; he's the sort of bloke she deserves to be with. But the guards won't succeed in winding me up. If they want to whip me with those paddles, I say, bring it on, I can take anything they want to give!!!!!

David, I'm so worried you're going to get too carried away and you'll do something you'll regret. You sound different, as if you're bursting with too much energy. I know how happy you must be, but try to calm down. Your words sound like they're bouncing with life, but if you get too over excited, I'm fearful you'll give them a reason to keep you.

Hi Cassie, you're right. I'll tone it down a bit. I'll lay on the bed and relax. Emailing you gets me so excited because I can't wait to see you and I know it will really happen in two days. I've finished writing my account of life in here for today, so I might keep off the laptop until tomorrow night and send you my final email then.

Day 549 -- Monday 30th January 2017

Hi Cassie, I've just had my final evening meal, a disgusting cold, burnt sausage with a heap of dry potatoes, barely any warmer. But I loved every bit of it as it's my last in here. I doubt I'll get any breakfast off them in the morning. This is my last email I'm sending from this hell hole, and you were right about me getting too excited about coming home. Emailing you after the court case did help me get the excitement off my chest, I had to give you the good news. I just can't wait to see you. So, I'm all calm and collected atm and I want to finalise and confirm what I've already told you I'm going to do when I get out. Having calmed down a bit, I've changed my plan slightly. I was going to lay into Becky as soon as I was outside the prison gate, but I've decided to keep things friendly until I'm safely standing on UK soil. Even then, I'll wait until we're back in the apartment before telling her to pack her bag and leave. Then I'll call you and you can come over. So, that shows you how calm and under control I am. I can't fucking believe I'm going home tomorrow. I want to finish my final email with the following: FUCK GABRIELA! FUCK IZABELA! FUCK TILLY! FUCK JUSTYNA! FUCK ELENA! FUCK MADAM FUCKING POPESCU! And last but not least, FUCK BECKY!!!!

David, I loved your closing comments, but GO TO FUCKING SLEEP. Cassie xxxxx

Wow, I thought, reading those final emails. I did lay into Becky quite hard, especially that last bit. It reminded me how frustrated Casavana had made me and how annoyed I was at Becky. And here I was just two days away from returning voluntarily to spend another month. So much seemed to have happened in the almost three months I'd been home, my mind had cleared quite considerably, and I think Becky really had changed, but I knew what I needed to write to Cassie to try to get one final opinion from her as to whether I was doing the right thing.

'Dear Cassie, I know we didn't exactly part on the best of terms when I came up to Edinburgh, but hopefully you've had time to forgive me for turning up with cane stripes all over my backside. I should have told you I'd backslidden before I'd even set off, I realise how much of a shock it must have been to you.

I hope you got that job you were having the interview for, I'm sure you were successful as it sounded like a formality, so I hope you'll be happy up there and some day we can meet up and become friends again. I really miss you not being in my life.

The reason I'm sending you this is it to let you know, Becky and I have set ourselves tests, they're sort of tasks, and our reaction to them is telling us whether we can make our marriage work again -- there are three tests. That might sound a bit odd to you, but it's actually been quite a good idea she had. I won't go into too much detail about the first two tests, but we came through them with flying colours. The third test is the hardest one, and it's really got me questioning whether to go ahead with it. Even writing it down seems to be confirming my doubts. She wants me to voluntarily spend a month in Casavana so she can prove to me we can do something like this without it getting out of hand.

To be honest with you, Cassie, I'm quite stressed out about it and would love you to respond with any thoughts you might have about what you think I should do. Love, David.'

I checked for a reply every half hour for the next four hours, which was pointless as my mobile would have pinged to tell me of any personal emails I received. It had never occurred to me that Cassie might just ignore the email, or not even check her inbox until it was too late. But after experiencing the longest four hours since sitting in a cell in Casavana, my phone finally pinged. I had a response!

'David, I suppose I always knew you would cave in and scurry back to her. The tell tale signs were always there while we were together. You couldn't really let go of the cruel treatment you got from her, and I don't think you ever will. I was sorry we parted the way we did and a massive part of me still loves you and wants you, but I doubt it will ever be. How do I answer your question -- what do I think you should do? -- First of all, I don't understand what you expect from me. What will you do with my answer, because my answer is - Don't go to Casavana! Get as far away from Becky as you can. Even after what happened between us when we were together last week, if you wanted to come back up to Edinburgh, we could wipe the slate clean, and I would still be open to giving us a chance to see if we had a future -- now is your chance, your last chance. But I think I know what your response will be.'

Cassie x'

So, there was my answer. She didn't pull any punches, she had told me to leave Becky once and for all and she was even giving me a means of escape, with her in Edinburgh. And this is after everything I had done to her. I didn't deserve to have a friend like her. I think I was expecting more of a 'go to Casavana and see what you think', something that would give me encouragement to return to the life that was best for me. But, coupled with my extreme doubts about getting on that plane in the morning, and being offered the chance to change my life completely, I was left with more turmoil than if I hadn't emailed her for advice.

I don't know how many times I changed my mind about whether or not to go to Casavana over the next half hour. I sat down in front of my laptop on three separate occasions to reply to Cassie. I felt I was leaning towards accepting her offer, but I knew, if I went up to Edinburgh, there would be no way back to Becky. It was that thought that stopped me from sending a reply. I checked the time; it was just coming up to eight. I was planning to set off at five in the morning, so I packed a small bag and got my passport ready. My mind was still not made up, but I thought it best to have everything prepared for whatever decision I made.

With everything ready and my alarm set for four in the morning, I got into bed for an early night. I felt the warmth of my sheets, the bedcovers, the softness of the mattress, the general comfort of home. I was going to give this up for the next month if I got on that plane in the morning. But, if the trip was successful and we 'passed' our test, it would be worth it just to show Becky I could trust her again... But what if it was all a ruse to get me back for a long stay?

I sat up in bed and reached for my laptop. I wasn't going!

'Dear Cassie. I was overwhelmed to receive your email and can't believe the compassion you are showing me. I think the solid advice you gave me was what I needed to hear. I am very much drawn to the incredible suggestion and offer you made about me leaving Becky and going up to Edinburgh to be with you. I'm supposed to be leaving at 5am and will be up an hour before then. I will sleep on my decision to be absolutely sure until then, but the way I feel atm, I'll be on a train instead of a plane tomorrow morning xxx'

I got an instant reply:

'Please make the right decision! Cassie x'

After that, I'm surprised I got to sleep at all, my head was in such turmoil. My brain must have worked so hard trying to fathom out some sort of order, it must have overheated and shut down, because the next thing I remember was my phone chiming its 'wake up' warning at me. I sat up in bed and looked at the almost black sky through the window and quickly realised it was already four 'o' clock and I had about an hour before I'd planned to set off. I had a quick think about the emails between Cassie and I last night before considering getting up for a shower. What was the point of getting up if I wasn't rushing to the airport? I lay back and thought about Becky and how disappointed she would be when I didn't turn up this afternoon. Cassie was right, if I went to Casavana, I would be back in that world, and I would never escape from it.

Having made my decision to choose Cassie, doubt immediately struck me like a dagger to the heart. Almost on cue as if written in a movie script, my mobile phone rang; it was Becky.

"Hello," I said, in a neutral voice.

"Sounds like someone's tired, I thought you'd be all bright and happy and looking forward to seeing me in Casavana today. A little secret -- All the guards are looking forward to seeing you, too. And I don't just mean so they can beat the crap out of you, although they're looking forward to that too, but they are quite fond of you and genuinely loved you being over there."

"They're looking forward to seeing me? Really?"

"Of course, they are," she said, encouragingly. "Are you ok, David? You seem a bit quiet."

"I'm having doubts about coming over," I confessed.

"David," she said, "you have nothing to worry about. This is totally different to last time."

"I can't help thinking something is going to go wrong and I'll be stuck in that prison and never get out."

"We've been through all this. You really can trust me this time ... and every time from now on. I learned my lesson in nearly losing you and I'm not going to let that happen again."

"I know." I was being drawn back to her.

"I know I said this to you many times during those bad times when I'd got it all wrong, but I love you, David. I loved you when I was being far too hard on you and I still love you just as much, if not more, for you standing up to me and making me realise it. I ... Love ... You." She emphasised those last three words and I knew I loved her, and I was going to have to make this work.


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