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David Number Four


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David still looked startled. "Okay..." he said.

Sydney motioned to him to follow her back. Together they moved into the studio. David walked in and immediately reacted to the size and scope of Sydney's workshop. Tools and supplies lay scattered everywhere, freshly used here, carefully stored and stacked away there. Piles of promotional materials lay spread out on the tables. He caught sight of her workspace where the familiar hole was arranged that he understood to be the opening his body had once passed through.

Though Sydney observed his surprise upon seeing the numerous erect phalluses that lay about the room, she felt she also saw a brief glimpse of wonder and pride as he scanned his surroundings, cast as they were in a pale orange glow from the low afternoon sun that streamed in through the tall windows.

"What do you think? Pretty neat, huh?"

"Yeah..." he said with a mild breathlessness. "I can't believe you managed to put all this together. I mean... I can, actually... you're good at everything you put your mind to. But... how did you- what gave you the idea to do this?"

"Amsterdam..." she mumbled, before chuckling to herself. For the first time, David relaxed a little as he, too, laughed. "Anyway, feel free to look around. I have to run to the bathroom. Be right back!"

Sydney raced off to the rudimentary bathroom at the back of the studio. She did indeed feel a nervous urge to pee but mostly she just needed a moment to collect herself and think. She moved aside the curtain, stepped inside, and slid it back, then quickly slipped down her underwear and sat on the toilet, her breath quickening as she began to reflect on what just happened. Her mind raced with panicked thoughts which became impossible to control as she peed in fits and starts, embarrassed by the way the tinkling sound would carry into the studio through the bare-bones configuration of the studio's awkward excuse for a restroom stall.

One central question was burning in her mind: how did David feel about her secret interactions with the most intimate parts of his body?

In her absence, David quickly moved about the room, his emotions moving in waves that fluctuated between arousal and embarrassment. He tried to make sense of the fact that she had seen him naked from the waist down. He was desperate to know how she felt about him having been there. Moreover, he wanted to know if she had really not been aware it was his body at the time.

David thumbed through Sydney's notes. He picked up and examined her tools. He bent down and examined a freshly-molded penis, trying to imagine what it must be like for her to experience so many men's bodies intimately. Did she get aroused, he wondered? The very question alone turned him on and he became self-conscious at the sudden swelling of his cock within his pants, something that he absurdly feared Sydney would notice even though she had in fact already seen his cock standing at full mast.

Finally, David came across a finished model of a penis standing upright by the windows. Immediately, it seemed strangely familiar to him. He walked over to take a closer look. David's heart immediately began to pound as he saw a small label beneath it. "David #4" it read.

He whipped his head around and saw that the curtain was still pulled across the entrance to the small bathroom stall at the other end of the room. David quickly turned back and hesitantly reached out to touch the cock in front of him. It felt mildly tacky. He checked the bathroom again. The coast was still clear. He lurched forward and briefly sniffed the dildo out of curiosity. The faint but unmistakably earthy smell of a pussy flooded his nose.

David's heart threatened to beat down the walls of his chest as he wondered if he just savored the intimate scent of his best friend, a girl he had dreamed of in secret for years.

Frantic for more answers, David shuffled through some nearby papers until he stopped abruptly at the appearance of a small notebook comically labeled, "My pussy." He flipped through. Sydney had detailed notes of her experiments, with sketches of her body, including one very realistic rendering of her spread vulva and the wide, gaping portal to her body.

Recent memories flashed through David's mind; all the times he had masturbated with the sex toy he had mysteriously received in the mail and which he was too embarrassed to reveal to Lauren. He'd only reluctantly even told his best male friend about it. In an instant, he recalled exactly how it felt the first time he had tried it, sitting at the edge of his bed with his boxers down around his ankles and his freshly lubricated cock twitching with anticipation between his legs. He recalled how comfortable and slippery it felt as he plunged himself inside and began moving the object back and forth, milking himself more and more rapidly with absolutely no awareness of whom it was modeled from.

The revelation hit him like a ton of bricks. It was Sydney's pussy all along. Through that surrogate object, he had been intimate with her, penetrated her body in precisely the way he had imagined his entire life. Even now, despite the relief his own actual girlfriend gave him, it was an activity he began to crave every opportunity for. David discovered himself to be rock hard. There was no hope of gaining control before Sydney returned. It was too late, anyway. The curtain slid back open and there was Sydney, shooting him a look across the room.

Sydney watched David with curiosity. It dawned on her that he'd just discovered David #4 and she kicked herself for not remembering to quickly hide it when she brought him in. However, it was too late. This was happening. Now she needed courage. Everything was about to come to light and it would either be the best day of her life or ruin her.

As she approached him, Sydney noticed the notebook lying out of place. Her heart sank again. The cat was out of the bag, so to speak. He knew the object she sent him was hers.

"Did you..." she began, gesturing to the notebook.

"Oh... um..."

"Err... so I guess you know now."

"It was..."

"It's mine. Yeah," she said with a nod and a sigh.

"Wow," was all David could say.

Sydney tried to shake off her nervousness. "Listen- I... um... Are you... okay? Like, I don't want you to be ashamed that I... touched you. I mean... you're my best friend. I love you."

Sydney wondered, "Did I really just say that?" She quickly moved past her faux pas.

"I didn't realize that I made a mold of you... honestly. I don't really get to know who's who. At least, not for sure. It wasn't until Lauren's birthday that I found out you'd been here. But honestly? I'm okay with it. Are you upset? That..." She cringed. "... that I've seen your penis?" Sydney realized she'd been rambling, but was desperate to see how he'd react.

"Um..." David mumbled. "I mean... I'm fine with it if you're fine with it..." The faintest glimmer of a smile began to quiver at the edges of his lips.

Sydney smiled. "It's not like you haven't... you know... seen mine too, now." She pointed to the notebook.

David's smile finally came alive. He seemed to turn flush. Seeing his embarrassment only turned Sydney on more.

"Yeah..." he added, struggling to contain the amused excitement that began to emerge.

Encouraged by his reaction, Sydney grew bolder. "Have you... used it?"

David gulped visibly. "Um. Yeah."

"How was it? Tell me honestly."

"I guess... I was really good," he chuckled.

"Like... not too tight? Not too loose?"

"No, just right."

"Nailed it!" she laughed, offering him an awkward fist bump. He laughed and returned it.

"You're a real-life sex-toy Goldilocks!" he chuckled. They laughed. Sydney grew excited at the release of tension between them.

"Okay, good," she said, exhaling with relief.

"You're really okay knowing that I... masturbated... with your..."

"Yeah, it's fine," Sydney quickly interjected. "Honestly, I... may have tried yours. Out of curiosity," she said with a shrug and a smile. "At least the one I thought might be yours..."

David glanced over at David #4 with a cryptic smile. Sydney's body lit up with a myriad of wild sensations as she saw him confirming his own suspicions. It was the first time she'd admitted her curiosity about him. It felt wonderful to get it out, at long last.

"I thought as much..." he said, returning his gaze to her with a smile.

"Yeah. Your... you... have a nice one. Your penis, I mean."

Again, reality and fantasy crashed into each other. She suddenly found herself in her favorite secret fantasy, saying almost the same words to him as she always imagined. Sydney's eyes briefly shot down to David's pants. It looked like he might have an erection but she couldn't be absolutely sure. David shifted nervously. It was clear to Sydney that he didn't have a response, so she hastily decided to make a stupid joke.

"Hmm, do I detect a little disturbance in the Force downstairs?" she giggled.

David laughed nervously. "Well, what do you expect?" He seemed like he wanted to hide his growing bulge but had no means to do so.

"It's okay. It's not like you've got anything I haven't seen before. I mean... we're standing here next to a model of your gigantic erect penis." She pointed to David #4.

"I know... seriously. Maybe we should go somewhere a little bit less awkward," he chuckled.

"Naw. This is fun. I like this spot." She grinned at him. David laughed. "Anyway, don't worry about it. I'm aroused by the whole thing too. Who wouldn't be?"

"You are?" David said, with mild surprise.

"Sure. Does it make you uncomfortable to know that... it's making me really wet?" Sydney gave him a hard stare.

"... N-no," he replied, staring back at her in awe.

Sydney was suddenly burning with desire. She'd now passed the point of no return. All sense and caution were out the window. This was a train that had been building speed for years. There was no stopping it. She inhaled deeply- and then went for it.

"Do you want to see how it's done? The process, I mean. I won't actually do it. But I can show you how I do it. Like... on us."

David almost choked on his own words. "You mean you want to- Like, right now?"

"Sure. Right now. Right here."


"Okay, start undressing and I'll demonstrate on you." Sydney felt a rush of endorphins flood her body. She raced to get the necessary supplies, making a very conscious decision to skip the gloves she'd normally wear.

For a few moments, David stood there blinking in disbelief as Sydney hurried to collect her things. Slowly, he reached for the fly on his jeans and tugged it downward. A tingling sensation fell like rain through his body from his skull down to his feet. As he slid down his pants and stepped out of them, he felt the sweet release of his semi-hardened cock partly freed from the constraints of his clothing which had become increasingly tight and uncomfortable. He stood there, trembling, frequently glancing down at the embarrassing bulge of his soft cotton boxers.

Sydney turned around and saw him standing there, stiffening in his underwear, hesitant to embrace the final reveal. She briefly abandoned her workstation and returned to his side, saying softly, "May I take these down?"

David nodded slowly. Sydney squatted down in front of his body. Jerking with soft twitches, she watched the plastic button of his boxers lift further away from his body. She could feel him aching. The tingling between her legs was relentless. Carefully, she reached forward and took the waist of his boxers, then began to slide them down.

In mere moments, she found herself watching the carefully groomed layer of David's pubic hair begin to emerge. Next, the base of his cock appeared. The long, hardening shaft of his penis slowly emerged as it strained against the elastic waistband that slid across it. Finally, it popped free and bounced stiffly in the air. The thick head of his cock pointed outward toward her face, swollen and surging with intense arousal. Trembling herself, Sydney quickly tugged his boxers down the rest of the way and allowed David to step out of them.

"I guess we don't need you to watch any adult videos," she chuckled, standing back up and eying his erection. David laughed nervously. "Follow me," she added, taking his hand.

Sydney led David to a stool next to her workstation and sat him down, then guided his legs apart. She observed his painful embarrassment, sitting there with a massive boner sprouting from his lap and gently wavering from side to side.

"It's okay, just relax," she said with a soothing whisper.

David watched as Sydney picked up a tube and squirted what appeared to be a clear gel into the palm of her hand. She briefly rubbed her palms together to spread it around.

"So I take your penis, like this," she began. Sydney reached out and carefully grasp his shaft. She felt him flinch then relax again. Lifting his shaft, she began to admire it secretly while starting to rub the gel back and forth over his erection.

"And then I apply this solution all over it. It's similar to vaseline. This helps prime the surface and prevent the alginate from adhering too painfully to skin and hair after it sets." She continued to massage the ointment up and down the hard shaft of his cock. It was an entirely different sensation than she'd become accustomed to when she wore disposable gloves with her customers. This was more sensual, more erotic. It was skin-on-skin.

Sydney could smell the synthetic odor of the solution reaching her nose, mixed with the pheromonic blossoming of his natural masculine scent which quickly emerged as a result of his intense arousal. She smiled.

"This must feel really good..."

"Yeah..." he muttered through a grin.

"So now that you're nice and erect and primed for the casting process, I take this paste that I've mixed. It's just a plaster powder that reacts with water. I apply it to your body like so." She began to slather some paste over his cock, ensuring that it was sufficiently thick by repeating the process until it was well coated but not heavy enough to slide off.

"And then we'd wait for it to set! It firms up quickly and becomes pretty easy to remove. But we don't have to do that now. Let me clean you off." Sydney ran to the sink and brought back a pile of moistened paper towels. She began to lovingly wipe the paste from his cock before it had time to set.

In a few moments, the soft, damp flesh of David's engorged cock emerged and glistened with fresh moisture. Sydney briefly wondered how he must be feeling, desperate to know the details of his arousal. All the tell-tale signs were there. She even noticed a small trickle of clear fluid escape the tip of his cock and knew that their interaction was already triggering the release of precum.

"That's cool," David said, fidgeting in his seat. "And... how did you do yours?"

There was no question in Sydney's mind at that point where this was headed. David was still playing it cool but it was obvious what he wanted to see.

"Casting a girl's genitals is a little more difficult. You know? There's less external stuff to work with." David nodded with understanding. Sydney took a deep breath. "Would it be okay if I took off my clothes to show you?" She watched out of the corner of her eye as David's cock twitched back to life, throbbing wildly between them.

"Sure," he replied with a transparent eagerness.

Everything was about to change between them. She wanted desperately to level the playing field. She wanted him to feel the same desire for her body as she did for his. Never in a million years did she imagine it would happen this way, here, under these circumstances, but she bit her lip and stood up, then prepared to do something that struck her with great anxiety and terror.

Sydney pulled her shirt up and over her head, revealing her bra. She watched David sitting there frozen, charged, bewildered, as she slid down her pants and stood back up. David was absorbed in the sight of her thin cotton panties which clung tightly to her soft mound. Sydney realized that it was unnecessary to be nude from the waist up but she needed to show David what he was missing out on, what he'd been missing for so many years.

She carefully unfastened her bra. Sydney felt the straps fall loose as she held the cups against her chest for a moment longer, absorbing what she was about to do and what it meant to their relationship. She moved the bra aside and tossed it down by her feet. The heavy weight of her breasts sent her chest briefly bouncing free, attracting David's full attention. He seemed not to be breathing.

Sydney tried to hide the shaking of her hands as she reached for her panties. Bending slightly forward, she felt her breasts jostling about and only became more self-conscious. She began to slide them down until they cleared her groin and could be removed completely. Sydney stood back up, completely bare, studying David's expression.

David gazed back at her, his eyes darting straight between Sydney's legs. He appeared to be in awe. She cringed as he studied the soft patch of brown pubic hair that covered her mons and the two rounded lips of her pussy nestled into the dark fuzz.

"Wow..." he said with a dumbfounded expression. "You're beautiful..."

Sydney exhaled deeply, thankful to hear his words and relieved at his response, as scant and inhibited as it was. She quickly sat back down across from him then threw each leg to the side. They both directed their attention between her legs.

"I used the same materials as I do for men. So I'd start with the ointment, as well. I just..." Sydney became increasingly awkward having to explain the scandalous details. "... I have to spread open my pussy a little bit, like this." She reached down and began to lightly separate the two hairy lips of her outer labia exposing the velvety pink flesh within. Sydney felt completely exposed but at the same time incredibly turned on, being aware of the arousal it would cause him.

She made a motion around her privates as if to illustrate how she'd coat every nook and cranny with the goo. "Originally, I shaved myself for this, but it's all grown back now," she said, sheepishly. "Anyway... do you want to try it?" Sydney began reaching for the ointment.

David quickly nodded and accepted the tube from her. He squirted a coin-sized amount in his hand and then reached out to apply it to Sydney's genitals. The moment David's fingers touched her sensitive flesh she felt herself let out a small gasp. She closed her eyes and felt herself shiver. Then she collected herself and relaxed into the sensation of David's slick fingers moving back and forth over her loose flesh and budding clit.

Sydney opened her eyes. David was looking at her and they connected. Lost in his eyes she succumbed to his gentle caresses which felt as loving as they were fueled by an increasing lust, freed from the burden of years of repression. David turned his attention back downward, slipping his fingers through her folds, exploring every inch of her femininity with generous care and great curiosity. Finally, he sat back and rested his hand on his thigh while his chest expanded and compressed with a series of heavy breaths.

"After I apply the paste and let it harden, I can carefully remove the resulting cast," she continued, her voice quaking as she struggled to get the words out. "Then I can use it as a mold to pour the silicone and make the finished product as many times as I want, from the original casting."

"That's amazing," David said, still gazing between her legs.

For the next few moments, an awkward silence ensued. Sydney realized she had nothing more to say. There they sat, one partially nude and the other completely bare. Each of them surging with sensations bottled up and ready to boil over while neither had the courage to take that final leap.

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