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Detective's Gangbang, Town Secret

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Service for the town's most prominent men.
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Woman Gets Fucked By Three Men

To the outside world, the small town was a quiet place between the mountains and forests. The people were friendly and everyone knew each other. Famous authors would stay for months long seclusion. Tourists came during summers to enjoy the lake.

It was also the place that led to her sexual depravity...

Detective Celine Sullivan was born and raised in that town before moving to the big city to pursue a law enforcement career. She knew most of the people well. Her mother was a popular teacher at the high school.

There were two reasons she was back in town:

1. She completed her leave after being involved in a shootout during a major crimes investigation. After being fired upon by drug traffickers, she returned fire, striking and killing a man. Other officers on the scene engaged in the firefight and arrests were made.

Psychologists at the police department evaluated her mental state and recommended a less stressful assignment for the moment. She'd had a chaotic year as a young detective with crime on the rise. As fulfilling as the job was, it had also taken its toll.

2. An informal corruption probe opened against some of the town's leaders after a complaint was filed, and when Detective Sullivan was offered the role of lead investigator, she agreed. It was exactly the kind of job she needed. One that was low on stress but allowed her to remain active.

It felt good to be home again. She stayed in a remote cabin where her mother used to live. In town, she was treated as a local celebrity. Her name was in the newspaper and she'd been featured on local news reports.

When the timing was right, she went out to dinner with some old friends. Afterward, when they went outside for a quick chat before parting ways, a friend passed a message that changed the direction of her investigation.

"By the way," he said. "Have you been to the wine shop yet? The owner has a special bottle saved just for you. He said you're an American hero who deserves the best."

When they parted ways, Celine walked across the street towards the wine shop. It was almost closing time and she had to hurry. Inside, the place was quiet, but the lights were on.

She noticed a light in the backroom, and as she stood still, she heard a faint noise. A woman's voice. Danger? Her instincts as a detective kicked in and she felt something unusual was going on.

Gingerly, she walked towards the backroom. The noise was clearer and she heard a ruffling sound. There was commotion and people were talking in husky voices, using plenty of curse words.

Had she been led here on purpose? Had the man set her up? Or was she being tipped off about something because she was a detective?

Celine kept composure as she peeked her head around, careful not to be seen, so she could look into the backroom.

A young woman had just been stripped naked by three men with hungry eyes. The guy who seemed in charge was Mayor Braddock, a large man who was always charming with everyone. Beside him were a lawyer and the man who owned this wine shop.

"Bend over the table," Mayor Braddock said to the naked woman.

When the woman complied, the Mayor and his friends undid their pants.

Celine watched from the discreet place. It was the first time she witnessed anything like this. Although she was used to having to think fast in moments of danger, this was something different. She enjoyed being a voyeur.

The men shared the naked woman. They used her mouth, mauled her breasts with their hands, and took turns having sex with her. It happened so efficiently that it suggested a certain level of casualness between them.

When the lawyer, thrusting hard into the naked woman, made eye contact with the voyeuring detective, she walked backwards to leave. The man smiled at her, but said nothing.

Celine left the wine shop wondering if the men would all know that she'd spied on them. Maybe they'd find it humorous that a woman with her authority had caught them in the act? Or maybe the lawyer would keep quiet.

When she drove back to her cabin, she lit the fireplace and put on music. She changed her clothes into comfortable nightwear and sat by the fire.

Her laptop was open and she wondered if this should go into her report. She decided against it. Instead, she emailed her Lieutenant:


I saw a gangbang today. A literal gangbang. Mayor Braddock was there along with two other prominent men (one of which is the city lawyer). It happened in the back of a wine shop and the owner was part of it.

The lucky woman who was ganged is a young school teacher. I met her once. She's a nice person. She was nervous during the ganging but enjoyed it. The men seemed way too experienced for something like this. I'll spare you the rest of the gratuitous details. You can use your imagination.

Should I continue with the probe? Things are dry. Everything looks clean, except for tonight's ganbgang, of course.

Let me know,

Detective Sullivan


She almost laughed after sending the message. She wished she could see her boss's expression. It must have been glorious, either with frustration or humor. What most people don't realize is that cops love humor as a form of stress relief.

Putting her laptop away, all she could think about was the attractive school teacher who was naked and used. Valerie was the woman's name. A new teacher who came here from France to start a new life. What an interesting twist of fate.

Just thinking about it made her aroused again. One of the benefits of living alone was that she could masturbate as much as she wanted, wherever she wanted. It had been a while since she last had sex. Almost a year, to be exact.

In front of the fireplace, she removed her pants, spread her legs, and rubbed herself thinking about the French teacher named Valerie. It was the first time she'd ever given herself an orgasm from anything related to a case.

Morning arrived and she rolled across her bed to check her phone for new messages. Skimming the list, she saw a reply from the Lieutenant:

Keep digging. As you know, crooks enjoy fucking like anyone else. Who cares if they're fucking a teacher? Good for them. Now do your job, Celine. Or are you allergic to dicks and cunts?

It made her giggle. The Lieutenant had the driest sense of humor in a person she'd ever met. For now, this preliminary investigation would have to keep going.

Celine Learns The Town's Secrets

After spending two days investigating and finding nothing of value, a major twist came when she ran into the lawyer down the street. Celine finished having breakfast with a friend and the lawyer was on his way to work.

They made small talk, but the tension lingered between them. The man blushed and Celine wondered if the topic of what she saw would come up. As it turned out, he was the one who decided to mention it.

"About the other night," Alan said, still blushing. "Sorry you had to see that."

Celine waved it off. "Forget it. It's nothing."

"I'm glad you're forgiving. A lot's changed since you left."

That statement was all Celine needed to know that these men did this routinely. The only question was, did they only do this with the same school teacher? Or were there others?

She forced a smile. "Next time I'll promise to knock."

"Or not," Alan replied with a smile of his own.

"Excuse me?"

"All I'm saying is, you're family here. You can go wherever you'd like. Especially with the investigation you're still doing."

Celine got the hint. "Okay, just admit it. You did that on purpose. You wanted me to see the Mayor having sex with that teacher. Why?"

She expected Alan to crumble, given how shy he originally appeared discussing the gangbang, but that wasn't the case. Instead, the man's confidence remained. Oh yes, they had intended for her to watch the sex show.

"You're misunderstanding things," he replied. "I'll tell you what. Come to my house tonight. I'll arrange a small gathering. You can either watch it secretly. Or you can watch in the open."

She seethed. "Are you crazy? What the hell are you talking about?"

"Calm down, calm down, Detective Sullivan. This concerns your criminal probe. Come to my place at 9 pm tonight. You'll see how business is done around here."

"This is the most unusual defensive strategy I've ever seen from a lawyer."

Alan nodded. "We're not corrupt. We just do things differently."

Excusing himself, the man winked at her and they parted ways.

This was supposed to be a basic probe. Ask questions. Look at documents. The works. It should have been textbook procedure.

For the rest of the day, her mind wandered, with the past shooting still weighing heavily on her mind. She stayed in her cabin and reviewed her notes and documents. Everything appeared clean, although the strange vibes from the men kept her suspicion going.

Alan picked her up at night. Unlike their previous interactions, this felt professional. Gone was the friendly banter. Gone was the humor.

Now it felt like Celine barely knew this man. She asked about what would happen and what she'd see or hear. It was like talking to a brick wall. All she got were canned responses about how she'd soon get her answers.

The large home by the lake had a modern feel to it. Outside looked rustic, but inside was like a new home you'd find in a city. The lights were bright and the furnishings were stylish.

"We're early, so you'll have to wait a while," Alan said. "Would you prefer to be a voyeur? Or would you rather join the fun?"

Somehow, it felt like they had different definitions of the word 'fun.'

"I'd rather be a voyeur," she said.

"Alright, my wife Leanne will keep you company."

When Alan disappeared to tend to the guests who'd soon be arriving, she got acquainted with a woman named Leanne, who seemed like a middle-aged trophy wife. Blonde. Spoiled. Expensive clothes. Oozing sexuality.

"You're the detective?" Leanne asked, eyes going up and down. "You're not what I expected. You're kind of young for the job, aren't you?"

Celine shrugged. "I worked hard, very hard. And I got lucky because there were several early retirements and the department needed more detectives."

"Yeah, and I'm sure you've sucked a few dicks along the way."

There was a sly smile on Leanne's face, like that statement was something to be proud of. Like it was a normal thing for women to suck dick for what they want.

"I've never done that," Celine replied, not wanting to ruin whatever this night was about.

Leanne raised an eyebrow. "Never done what? Sucked a dick or messed around with a superior?"

"I'd rather we not discuss this."

"I'm only joking," Leanne laughed.


A car pulled into the driveway. They heard it from where they stood.

"Come on," Leanne said. "I'm supposed to take you into the hiding place. Do you need to use the bathroom first? We'll be there for a while."

Declining the offer to use the bathroom, Celine was hurried off into a small room down the hall with the lights off. The door was left slightly open so they could see the guests and they'd remain hidden in the darkness.

One by one, guests arrived. Mayor Braddock was there. Other prominent men who ran the city appeared. There were plenty of laughs and jokes amongst them as they had close relationships.

What surprised Detective Sullivan -- or not -- was that Valerie showed up again, accompanied by a city councilwoman. Unlike the men, the women were more reserved, more nervous about tonight.

Spying from the room, she watched the men gather around a table to play cards. She also watched the respectable, neatly-dressed women get naked near the men, who were unsurprised by the stripping.

As the men played their card game and had drinks, the women got on their knees underneath the table, and performed oral sex.

Was this how they normally did politics? Perhaps the lawyer was right. There was no corruption. No quid pro quos. No exchange of money in exchange for government favors. Instead, she was watching the boy's club getting blown together.

The conversation changed when Valerie was ordered to stand. The city councilwoman followed. With the card game over, the men wanted a different form of entertainment. Valerie laid naked over the table while the councilwoman ate her pussy. The men were amused with their cocks still out.

"Don't make a sound," Leanne whispered in the detective's ear from behind. "If you're loud, they'll hear you."

While the detective did her best to observe, she felt the wife's hands roaming cupping her breasts. Celine froze. If she made a noise and they got caught, the probe would be compromised.

The hands went up her shirt and tugged at her bra. With a pull, her bra was lifted and the hands were groping the bare flesh of her tits.

"So fucking soft," Leanne whispered in the detective's ear, pinching the nipples.

Celine enjoyed the touch and kept quiet to watch the group sex. The situation was rougher than the wine shop. More hardcore. It aroused her to watch this heinous act of deviance. She wondered what a gang fuck would feel like. She listened to the slapping noises and cries of pleasure.

All while Leanne mauled her tits. The wife's hands slipped below and tried to undo her belt buckle. Celine fought off the attempts, then allowed Leanne to undo the top of her pants and one hand went to her pussy.

"Well, well, well," Leanne whispered with delight. "Your cunt is all worked up."

"Your fingers feel good," she whispered back, their voices concealed over the loud group sex in the other room.

Whatever signal Celine gave made the wife hellbent on making her cum. Fingers worked her clit and pussy while she watched the hardcore session. Celine's orgasm was silent, which made it hotter.

The men in the other room finished by cumming all over the women's faces, laughing about it. At the same time, Leanne pulled her fingers out and fed the detective, making Celine taste her own orgasm.


While being driven back to her cabin, Celine was silent. She was trying to process everything that she'd seen along with having her first lesbian experience. Alan saw the aftermath of that orgasm when the men left; her exposed breasts, her undone pants, fluids around her mouth.

The first thing she did in her cabin was brush her teeth and take a warm shower. Then she drank hot chocolate while sitting on a rug by the fireplace. She got on her laptop and typed only the relevant information:


At approximately 8:12 pm I arrived at the residence of Alan Parker. He's the city attorney. I asked about the nature of this meeting and he declined to give a firm answer. I was offered a role as "voyeur" and I accepted. In another room, I observed the following:

Mayor Braddock, Mr. Henley (lawyer), Mr. Lancaster (police chief), Mr. Delfario (fire chief), and two other persons unknown, arrive at the premises. All prominent men in the city.

Accompanying them were a local school teacher and a city councilwoman. Names excluded for lack of relevance.

I later observed the men engaging in a card game while smoking cigars. There I witnessed the two women undress and sexually service the men during the card game. The women got on their knees and performed oral sex on the men. This later resulted in the men taking turns having sex with the women.

At no point did I hear cash-for-play discussions. At no point did I hear discussions involving payments for contracts.


She omitted the names of the women to avoid shaming them. She omitted the lesbian acts with Leanne.

Detective Sullivan opened her robe and spread her legs. She was still sitting on the rug and she laid her upper back against the couch for posture. She played with pussy thinking of everything that happened. She'd never report the lesbian sex act.

Her sex life was no one's business. All that mattered was the work she produced and the crimes she solved. So far, there was zero evidence of corruption, and that was good enough to keep her conscience clear while she made herself cum.


It was days later when Mayor Braddock reached out for a private meeting. Thus far, their relationship could be described as courteous, but limited, since she was conducting an informal investigation.

By this point, Detective Sullivan was on the verge of closing the investigation, finding nothing of legal value. However, based on the tone the Mayor had while they spoke on the phone, she knew sex was on this man's mind.

They met at the local fitness center where the Mayor often held meetings in the sauna. Only men could meet there, and women were purposefully excluded.

Making her way towards the sauna, men were gazing with leering eyes and sleazy smiles, saying 'hello,' to her. She said 'hello' back, knowing they were thinking sexual thoughts. Were they involved in these sexual activities, too?

It seemed the more Celine learned about her hometown, the more questions were raised. Outwardly, the quiet community looked the same as she had always remembered it. Now, she barely knew the place.

There were naked men in the sauna, some in towels. The Mayor asked everyone to leave, and they did. He was a large man with a large belly, and his arms and legs were spread, wearing only a towel across his lap.

"What's this about?" she asked, getting to the point.

"You've gotten more than you bargained for, haven't you?"

"Are you talking about the poker game?"

"Yes," Mayor Braddock replied. "What did you think of it?"

"I don't have opinions about irrelevant things."

They both knew that was a lie. They both knew that she had an orgasm while hiding in the dark. She was positive that Alan told this man everything. Why else would he be grinning with confidence?

"I want us to talk more," he said. "You must be sweating under those clothes. Why don't you get undressed? There's a towel over there."

Celine held firm. "I'd rather this be quick."

"Fine. The word around town is that you're asking fewer questions. Is it fair to say that the investigation is over?"

"I'm not going to discuss that with you. But I will say that you should learn to treat women better."

Mayor Braddock shrugged. "You think it's that horrible? Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Leanne make you cum?"

"That bastard," Celine seethed, silently cursing Alan.

"Town secret," he laughed. "That's what we call it. Our town secret. That's why you've never heard about this until now."

"How long has it been going on? I'm curious."

"Long before I became Mayor."

Celine paused for a moment. "How did you get that French woman Valerie into it? Did you pay her money? Did you blackmail her?"

"What a beauty that Valerie is. Her ex-boyfriend got her involved. I say 'ex-boyfriend' because she's not dating anyone right now. We take turns with her a few times a week. She's one of the town's best assets."

It was stomach churning to hear this powerful man talking about a sweet young woman in a despicable manner. She believed him, too. They looked comfortable the way they shared her.

Deep down, despite her disdain, Celine felt herself becoming aroused. Her legs nearly crossed from a pulsing sensation she felt. This was something primal. So raw and deviant. She wondered how women could enjoy being treated like that, but she already had an idea. It's always been a dark fantasy.

"How many women do you gang-fuck?" she asked.

"The right amount, I'd say. Enough to keep important men happy. But not enough to have rumors spread."

"That explains why law enforcement wanted a corruption probe. They think you're corrupt, but in actuality, you just peddle sex."

Mayor Braddock smiled, "I take it the probe is over. However, I believe we can be of service to each other."


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