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Diane & John Ch. 03


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Then John shoved hard, and I could feel something give way in there and heard kind of a crunch from way up inside me. I heard it from the inside, not through my ears. Like the way I can hear my teeth come together when I chew, but nobody else can hear it. It didn't really hurt, it was just a feeling that something broke or got moved, and things were never going to be quite the same up in there. Something inside me had been permanently rearranged.

I still had my hand between us, and I felt for his penis, but it was gone! John's pubic hair pressed tightly against the outside of my pussy, but Herman had disappeared completely inside me. I thought I felt full before, but it was nothing like this! I'm being stretched inside, and it feels wonderful. Oh, that feels so goooooood. I'm so full of him and he's sooooooooo hot!

John held still as he throbbed inside me, then he pulled back an inch or two and slowly slid back in, all the way. Then he pulled back further and slowly slid back in. Then he pulled out so far that only Herman's head was still inside me. He slid slowly back in, all the way. Each time he put the full length in me, I could feel the tip push something out of the way so it could get past.

I whispered, "Darling, we're fucking, aren't we?"

John said that we were fucking and that my cherry had definitely been popped. I would have giggled, but this was no time for it. Maybe fucking is going to cure me of giggling.

John whispered, "Oh, Baby, that's so good. Your little pussy feels like it was just made to fit me. Warm, soft, wonderful."

Then he pulled almost all the way out and pushed really hard, almost roughly back in to the limit of me and held Herman there, throbbing and jerking. I could feel a hot wetness spreading inside that hadn't been there before, and I asked John if he had climaxed. He said not a real orgasm, but enough to make him fill me up with semen and cool him down so he could go on longer without coming. I'm not sure what he means, but this isn't the time to discuss it. He's sliding in and out of my pussy, and he slides along my button every time he goes in. I'm full of his sperms now, it's really slippery and smooth, and if he keeps this up ..... I'm .... going........... tooooooo .......

Then, before I really knew it was going to happen, my dam suddenly burst. I heard myself grunt and moan, and I wrapped my legs around John's waist so I could pull myself up against Herman's thrusts. It was like I was trying to get even more of him, although I could hardly take what I already had.

It wasn't the same kind of orgasm I'd had when he licked my button. This one came from way up inside and was overpowering. A hundred times stronger, a million! I got the roaring in my head, I could feel myself gritting my teeth, my eyes were tightly closed, red and yellow flashes inside them. I was holding John with my arms and legs, and I was having an ORGASM. Long, straining, crying out, wonderful, fabulous ORGASM. No thoughts, no emotions, hearing nothing but the bells going crazy in my head, seeing nothing but flashes inside my eyes. No room for feelings other than ORGASM.

I don't know how long my climax lasted, but I don't think I could have stood that kind of intensity for another second. As I came down, feelings and recognition returned, and I could feel John kissing my cheek and whispering, "I love you," in my ear.

I took my legs from around his waist, said," I love you," and pulled him to me for a long, deep kiss.

John raised back up on his hands and started sliding in and out of me with long, slow strokes. Each time, he pulled almost all the way out before sliding back in, all the way.

I said, "I want to feel," and I reached down between us. John pulled his penis all the way out and slid him up my mound. I felt the length of him with my fingers, and he was very hard and hot, the skin silky smooth. He was also very wet and slippery from the Astroglide, semen, and my juices.

Oh, my Herman is wonderful. So big and warm, just made to slide into my pussy. I think he was made especially for me. I can't believe that I can take all that inside me. I took him in my hand, guided him back to my entrance, and felt with my fingers as he slid back in and disappeared into my depths. As he glided in and out, I kept my fingers there, and It was sometimes hard to feel what was John and what was me; where I ended and he started. What a wonderful way to be, so close that I can't even tell who is who.

My cleft was being forced so wide that it was in an "O" shape rather than a split. The outer lips were tight around him and my button riding along the top of his shaft. I loved the feel of myself opening for him each time he plunged into me.

After a while, just as I was starting to feel a little sore from all the rubbing at my entrance, John started breathing faster and fucking me harder and faster. He was breathing like he had the previous night just before he had his climax in my mouth. I knew what was about to happen, and I could feel my own orgasm starting to build along with his.

He whispered, "Oh, Baby, I can't hold back any longer. I'm going to come." He started stroking in and out of me hard, fast, and even a little roughly. It felt wonderful, and I was getting to close to my own climax when I felt him grow huge inside me and he plunged very hard and deep, moving whatever that was deep inside me roughly aside as he stretched me more than ever before.

John moaned into my ear, and he thrust all the way up inside me, throbbing and jerking. I know what's happening deep inside my vagina, I felt it in my mouth last night when he had his climax. He's huge, throbbing, jerking, and he's gushing into me.

That thought, coupled with what I was feeling almost caused my dam to burst. John's orgasm was coming to an end, though, and I never quite got there. I'm glad my dam held that time. It's already burst once tonight (twice if I count my orgasm in the bathtub), and it was wonderful to feel John have his climax inside me. If I was having one at the same time, I wouldn't have been able to enjoy his. I hope this was half as wonderful for him as it was for me. I seem to get as much of a thrill from his passion and pleasure as I do from my own. Almost.

John and I were both breathing as if we had run a mile when he lowered himself to kiss me. It felt so good to put my arms around his big shoulders, run my hands over his smooth back, and open my mouth for our kiss. I could feel that Herman had shrunk inside my vagina, and he popped out while we were kissing.

John got from between my legs, trailing a very wet penis across my thigh as he lay beside me. He put his arm around me, and I turned on my side, nestled myself against him, and lay my head on his shoulder. We didn't say anything for quite a while, and I just lay there in kind of a lovely afterglow.

We did it, and it was wonderful! I had a beautiful orgasm. He made me big enough inside to take all of him. Oh, how I loved it. I never really understood why people make such a big deal of sex, but I sure do now! I can't believe that a few days ago I thought it was just something I had to do to get close to John. Oh, I love him so much, and in a way I never could have before.

I could feel a warm stream running out of my pussy and down the crack of my behind, and it was making a little puddle under me. John turned to me and told me he loved me, and after a kiss, said he wanted to get up and to the bathroom.

I decided I had better clean myself up before the puddle beneath me became a lake. I got out of bed to go to my room and use the bathroom. As soon as I stood up semen started streaming out me and running down my thigh. I cupped my hand under my pussy to catch it so it wouldn't dribble onto the carpet and walked spraddle legged to my bathroom.

By the time I got there, I had about half a handful and the river had flowed all the way down my thigh to my knee. I looked at what was in my hand, and there was the same stuff I had swallowed, wiped off my face, and gotten in my hair the night before. This time, though, it was a pinkish color from getting my cherry popped. At this thought I couldn't help but giggle, the first time since before our bath. It's strange that what we just did was the most pleasurable thing I ever experienced, but I sure didn't feel a bit like laughing or giggling while it was happening. It was better than a hundred Disneylands, but I didn't even want to smile. That pleasure was way, way too serious for any laughing or giggling.

I cleaned myself up with a damp washcloth. I put the washcloth with my blood on it aside to dry. I knew John would never miss it, and I wanted to keep it as a souvenir of getting my cherry popped. As if I would ever need anything to remind me ot that.

When I used the towel on my pussy, I had to be very careful because it was sore. I guess big, warm Herman rubbed Miss Kitty a little raw. It was sore enough so I had to blot it dry rather than rubbing.

I wanted to find out what had happened to my vagina, so I slid my finger in. It was huge in there and still slippery with John's semen. Kind of like putting my finger into a warm pudding. I couldn't get a Tampax Junior in before, but I'll bet a Super would go in now. It would probably slide right back out, too. I wonder if I'll be this way permanently.

When I got back to the bedroom, John wasn't there. I got my robe and slippers on and found him standing on the patio. I came to him and he gently took me into his arms and gave me a lovely kiss. I just put my head on his chest and held him, he felt so good. We didn't even say anything.

After a little while, he took me by the hand and led me to bed. He kissed me on the shoulders as he helped me off with my robe, and I got under the covers while John blew out the candles. It was pitch dark when he slid into bed beside me. I hope he doesn't make me put on his PJ shirt. I want to sleep skin to skin with him tonight. John lay on his back with his arm around me, and I was on my side with my head on his shoulder and my hand on his chest.

"John, Darling?" I whispered.

"Yes, Baby."

"Is your penis happy?"

"Well, Herman's not so big now, but he's very, very happy. How's your pussy?"

I giggled a little and whispered, "She's better than she's ever been. Bigger, too. It's kind of sore and bled a little, though. I'm sorry if I ruined your sheets."

"Diane, Baby, please don't ever say you're sorry for something that happened while we were making love. The hell with the sheets, as long as you're okay. Besides, I already cleaned up the wet spot we made. I'm the one that should be sorry, because I hurt you."

"It only hurt for a few seconds. Besides, it was in a good cause, wasn't it?

"The best of causes, Baby."

"Darling, I'm sorry I said that word. You know, the f-word."

"Diane, you shouldn't be sorry for that. Sometimes that word needs to be used, and there isn't any word to substiture for it. I don't think it's a swear word when you say it like that. It's a great word at the right time. It seems very appropriate when you're fucking or about to."

I giggled and said, "I think you're right. It was the perfect word for what I wanted to say. Mom would wash my mouth out with soap if she heard me say that. John, can we do that a lot now? Can we do it all the time?"

"I'd like to make love to you a lot, but I can't just do it continually."

"Why not? I'd like you to do it to me again right now. I'm kind of sore, though, and it would probably hurt."

"Sweetheart, a penis just doesn't work that way. It takes time to recover. Besides, if we tried to do it too often, we would both be so sore we wouldn't be able to do it for a long time. I'm rubbed a little raw, myself. Your little pussy is so tight that there's a lot of friction. Wonderful friction. How about at least once a day and twice on Sundays?"

I giggled, "That would be okay, I guess. Especially since tomorrow's Sunday. You said "at least once a day." I hope that means there's no upper limit on how many times we can do it. John, did I do the right things when .... I mean ... Well, was I ... good for you? It seemed like you did all the work."

"Baby, your little pussy was wonderful. It was like hot velvet. You are a wonderfully beautiful and sexual woman. We're going to make love a lot in the days to come."

" I'm different inside now, though. I mean I'm really big. You made a huge change in there. I hope I'm not going to stay like that. I put my finger in there and hardly touched the sides."

"I'm sure you'll be as good as new in the morning. Minus a little thing that isn't there anymore."

"Yeah," I giggled, "my cherry. I hope I'm not too sore to do it tomorrow. John, Lover, my first time, our first time was perfect. It only hurt for a moment, I had a wonderful climax, and I got to feel you come inside me. It was perfect, wonderful, and I'll never forget it. Thank you for being such a wonderful lover and teacher."

John whispered, "Sweetie, I don't think you should thank me for that. Besides, I might be a lousy lover, and you just don't have anything to compare me to. Anyway, how could I be less than wonderful when I made love to you. You are the sweetest, warmest, prettiest, and most enthusiastic little bundle of love that I've ever encountered."

I asked if we could sleep naked together, and he said that sounded like a good idea. We had a long, lovely kiss and exchanged "I love yous" and "goodnights." He had me turn on my side and we were like spoons, his warm breath on my neck.

I decided I was going to stay awake and go over all the marvelous experiences I'd had on that wonderful day, the biggest day in my whole life. I don't think I got past remembering breakfast.


Part 2 - JOHN

I took Diane out to breakfast that morning, and as usual she ate everything in sight. I then placed her in the care of a female friend who ran a beauty salon. While I did my usual Saturday morning thing of skeet shooting, my little sweetheart was getting hairstyled. I've always preferred women with short hair, and little blondie was much too beautiful to wear that juvenile ponytail. My friend then took her to several dress shops, and when I finally picked Diane up, she had a new wardrobe to go with her hairstyle. I felt my money was well spent on making my little beauty look like the woman she was becoming.

I took her to a nice restaurant that evening, and she enjoyed wearing her new evening dress and high heeled shoes almost as much as she did the prime rib. It was a delight to me to enjoy the pleasure she got from simple things like new clothes and great food.

We had taken a taxi to the restaurant, and we snuggled in the back seat on the way home. In the two previous evenings, we had done everything sexual except for actual intercourse, and it seemed that she was getting anxious to try that. She asked me if we were going to "pop my cherry" when we got home.

I wasn't prepared for that, and I'm afraid I laughed. I thought that expression wasn't used anymore, but apparently I was wrong. My laughter embarrassed Diane, but I apologized by kissing her, and that seemed to make everything okay. I told her that we would just see what happened, but I was determined to relieve her of that little membrane that night. My dick was quivering with anticipation.

Diane regular and frequent kissing, and there was a lot of that as soon as I got her home. Her new evening dress left her shoulders bare, and I delighted in kissing her smooth, warm skin as I stood behind her. She liked that alomst as much as I did.

When I invited her to share a bubble bath with me, she was very enthusiastic. I had introduced her last night to the pleasures of bathing together, and she had loved it. Diane particularly liked the part where she had gotten her little pussy kissed and had two lovely orgasms.

Before she joined me in the tub, she removed the gauzy nightie she loved so much. I asked her to stand there a moment so I could admire her. She blushed but did as I asked. I never tired of looking at that lovely little body. Slender, sleek, firm, and perfect. When she took that long step down into the bathtub, I was treated to a nice view of her smooth little pussy. I had some definite plans for the very near future involving that delicious part of her.

We got our arms and legs around each other in the warm water, and she was as delightful to hold as she was to look at. I had a rampaging erection, and she quickly found it. She slid her cool hand up and down it several times, and I had to make her stop before I lost control. The little tease loved her newfound ability to give a me a hardon, and she took advantage of every opportunity to do so.

After a little soaking and petting, I had her sit on the shelf next to the tub. With my head between her parted knees, I had a perfect view of smooth thighs and what had to be the most beautiful pussy in the world. There really wasn't any hair except for a little patch of silky fluff up on her prominent mound. Other than that, Diane was completely and wonderfully smooth. With her new haircut, she had no hair below the neck. Her outer lips were closed, hiding the delicate pink inner lips, but her clitoris was so large that the top of her cleft couldn't completely hide it.

After a few kisses on her silky thighs, I slid the tip of my tongue between her outer lips. I was rewarded with a gasp of pleasure from Diane. By the time I'd parted her pink inner lips, she was humming continuously. I was learning that Diane was very vocal with her sexual pleasures, and I loved that.

I used the tip of my tongue to verify that her delicate little hymen was still there, and my erection became almost painful at the thought of entering that warm vagina.

When I found her clitoris with my tongue, there were two reactions: She started humming louder and used her fingers in my hair to hold my mouth just where she wanted. Diane had only recently learned about having her pussy kissed, but she had very definite preferences about how she wanted it done. I delighted in pleasing her, but I usually teased her a little before letting her have an orgasm.

This time there was no teasing, though. She muttered, "Oh, Lover, don't make me wait. I've been thinking about it all day. Lick my button, John. Make me come."

I was anxious to please her, so I immediately started licking the length of her erect clitoris. From where it started at the top of her cleft, down the firm shaft, to the prominent head. Her button became so large when she got excited that the protective hood was too small to cover the head and much of the shaft. When I pushed the hood back with my tongue, almost the entire clitoris was exposed and accessible.

There was little teasing, but I managed to slow my licking when she came to the brink of orgasm. She pulled my hair and told me that I was driving her crazy, but I knew she was loving it. I must have delayed her orgasm for all of a minute.

When it became apparent that there was no way of holding her climax off any longer, I sucked that big beautiful button between my lips. I started swirling my tongue around the head and along the shaft. After only a few seconds of this, my little sweetie let out a lovely squeal, yanked my hair, and started to come.

It was only the fourth orgasm Diane ever had, and it was by far the biggest. She bucked her hips so much that her pubic mound hit me in the nose and I had to find my place again. She never missed a beat, though. I licked and sucked, and she came, and came, and came.

Diane's finally reached the point where she just couldn't come any longer at about the time I thought my tongue was going to give out. After some postorgasmic licking to prolong her pleasure, I let her come down from her climax.

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