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Dinner Date Ch. 01

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Wife is curious of BDSM Lifestyle after reading trashy novel.
16.8k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 03/15/2024
Created 02/20/2024
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Author's Note: This will be my second submission and it is the first chapter in what I hope is a 4-6-part series. It is fictional and highly recommended you suspend belief if you wish to continue reading. Any similarities between the characters and real people are purely coincidental and unintentional. All characters are over 18 years of age. I hope you enjoy it and as with all the authors here, please let me know what you think.

All errors are mine alone, so please limit your comments to constructive criticism when concerning editing. I suck at it and I know. So that should limit some of the negative comments. Lol

Thanks in advance.


Chapter 1

About twenty years ago there was a fairly young man, an up-and-coming Dom, from the Mid-South area of the United States who was known as Master Patrick. At the time he had started earning quite the reputation as an excellent trainer for very obedient subs who had trouble moving beyond certain hard limits. His personality and style of training were quickly catching the attention of several more financially successful individuals within the lifestyle who were starting to seek his services. Then one day he just disappeared without a trace.

Many rumors were floated around at the time but due to the ingrained secrecy within the community and the fact no one was certain of his real name there was never a police report filed or subsequent investigation. Over time he simply faded from memory.

Why do I bring this up you ask? Because I was Master Patrick. Yes, I said was. As tantalizing as some of the rumors may have been, the real story was nothing more than life throwing me several curveballs I just couldn't duck. Curve ball number one was the death of my beloved, sweet, special sister. She had been born with a rare genetic birth defect which affected both her body and limited her mental abilities. Where she was lacking in physical and mental acuity, she more than made up for it in the love she shared with the world. That was until some asshole came along and took the light from her eyes. In my mourning, I vowed I was going to make his life a living hell. I guess he believed me because once he heard what I said I would do, he took off in the dead of the night before I could fulfill my promise.

Curve ball number two was my mother dying from a very aggressive form of brain cancer just two months after my sister. I believe the stress during all this was what triggered the stroke which my father had while around the same time. Being the only child left, it was my responsibility to take care of them full time for as long as I was allowed to. During this time, and because I promised my mother I would, I started going to church again and ended up giving my life to Jesus. Yes, I became a bible preaching believer in God. It may be considered sacrilege but who better to understand submission to God than someone who was used to helping women submit?

Curve ball number three was Tammy, my future wife. I will say, in all honesty, she was a Godsend. I had never thought it would have been possible for someone like me to settle down with just one woman but this one woman was a nothing less than a force of nature. With as much as I was confident and competent at being a Dom, sitting back and watching her walk-through life literally left me in awe on more occasions than I can list.

I was well and truly happy and had been for the last fifteen years. Then someone had to go and write a fictional story about what they thought the BDSM lifestyle was like. To my knowledge, my wife knew nothing about my previous way of life and I was quite happy keeping it that way. But, knowing I had become a Christian later in life, she started asking me questions about my "Heathen past" as she would say jokingly. Questions which I couldn't answer without opening myself up to a whole slew of other questions I wasn't sure she would ever be ready to learn the answers to. But my wife was persistent though, so I decided to make a few indirect inquiries concerning some of the Dommes in a nearby city we lived closed to at the time. I finally found one who operated a "House" about two hours away. Not wanting to open up and reveal too much of my past if I didn't have to I made the decision to contact the Mistress of the house.

As I said at the beginning, I'd been around for a while so I could quickly tell who was real and who was spreading a load of manure when it came to the lifestyle. So when I first spoke to Mistress Stephanie, I knew she was in over her head but hoped she was just having an off day. I told her I was hoping to dine with her and a female sub of her choice so that my wife and I could all sit down and the three of them could talk. I would provide the catering from any restaurant of her choosing as long as the meal could take place at her 'House'. After some more discussion as to why I wanted this dinner and what sorts of questions were likely to be discussed and confirming I wasn't an undercover cop looking to set her up, she finally agreed and a date was set.

Surprising my wife with the dinner arrangements hadn't gone as well as I had hoped at first. (Note to any man out there, when you decide to surprise your wife or girlfriend with a special dinner, make sure you rehearse how you are going to spring it on her. Especially any part about the additional guests who might be a Female Domme and her sub.)

After finally explaining it to her and making sure she knew it wasn't going to be some orgy and no sex would be involved did she finally calm down enough so I could tell her I arranged this dinner so she could get answers to all those damn questions she kept asking me. I guess I really should have given my wife more credit than I did at the time. After all, she kept coming to me asking me the questions.


Tammy's side

I looked at my husband sitting on the couch next to me as he told me he wanted to take me out for a special dinner. I asked him what the occasion was and he asked me if he needed one? Call me silly but I know my husband better than he thinks I do. Due to his line of work and the people he deals with on a regular basis I had to learn very quickly when he was being entirely truthful with me and when he was withholding information to try and protect me.

I have to say upfront, after reading the book series on BDSM I recognized more than a few common personality traits shared between my husband and the main character in the story. It got me to wondering, especially when he always conveniently changed the subject about his previous life, if he might have some prior knowledge of the subject matter. Add to the fact it sent more than just a little thrill through me to think of my husband being so forceful and dominating me like that. I was holding out hope my question might be just the spark needed to push him in that direction.

What I had failed to plan for was just how unique my husband's mind worked. On a couple of occasions when I thought he had been pushed into a corner and forced to respond in a certain way I was hoping for, he reacted in a totally different manner to achieve his goal successfully. It was infuriating just how much a master of chess he was at times. So, while I was hoping he would zig and might take me and do some of the things I'd read about, he had zagged and set up this crazy dinner. I will admit I didn't respond as well as I could or should have to the news and was more than a little disappointed and I let him know about it.

Once I finally calmed down enough to think clearly, I started to plan myself. I was going to do exactly what my husband had done and turn this around into something for myself. He did after all set this up for me, didn't he?

When the night finally came, I was nervous and somewhat disappointed. We arrived at a large house and was met at the door by a receptionist who asked us to wait just a moment. The dominatrix; I believe that is the proper term for this woman; came out and introduced herself to us and asked us to follow her.

I will admit she was a very attractive woman and was somewhat surprised as she came out wearing a very fashionable skirt which reached just below her knees and a matching blouse opened just enough to draw a man's attention to her "assets" being displayed with the aid of a pushup bra. I instantly wanted to hate her but promised myself I would play nice with her, at least until I got what I wanted from my husband.

True to his word, dinner was catered by a very high-end restaurant and it turned into a lovely and pleasant event once the awkwardness of the situation had eased. I started politely asking some probing questions about the house while explaining to our hostess the only knowledge I had of the lifestyle was limited to the book series I'd read. She surprised me by admitting that while certain parts of the book might be a fair representation of the life, most of it was sadly fiction and not to be believed. She was kind and went on to explain to me many of the different aspects which fell into the BDSM lifestyle.

She explained there were three main areas with various other fetishes, or kinks as she called them, thrown in as well. The first was Bondage and Discipline. She explained while the bondage was just what it implied while using items or materials to limit or restrict movement, the discipline was more of an open area as it all depended on the person being disciplined. It could mean anything from humiliation to actually spanking or whipping to forced orgasms or denied orgasms she called edging.

The Dom/sub side focused more on one partner taking control while the other gave up control. The Dominant partner would control what happened during the course of the scene and if the sub "slipped" then the Dom might seek to discipline them. She explained it could also be referred to as Power Exchange.

She went on to say the third element was the S&M everyone thought they knew about. This was in her opinion the darker side of the lifestyle. The people who mixed the pain with their pleasure. Naturally, she said this is what most of the vanilla world thought of when someone even tried to broach the subject.

I think we were all having an extremely wonderful evening until I noticed my husband get a look in his eyes. It was almost animalistic and I thought he was about to take me right there on the table but he suddenly jumped up and ran down the hall and crashed through a locked door. All three of us jumped up to follow as soon as the screaming started.


Robert's side

The night of the dinner had actually turned out to be a quiet night for Stephanie and her crew especially for a weekend night so we were left relatively alone for the most part and my wife after the initial introductions warmed up to the company and seem to be having the time of her life. I could tell Mistress Stephanie was still learning to get her feet under her on the business side of the Dominate lifestyle which I feared but her answers for the most part had been spot on. All in all, it was turning out to be a very pleasant evening until I heard the distinct, hard and very loud crack of leather across flesh.

As hopefully anyone who's ever been in charge of issuing a punishment knows, there is a very distinct, almost addictive sound of leather meeting bare flesh followed by the cry of pain. As a former Dom I grew very acute to this cry. It told me just how far I had gone and how much more my sub could take. The cry I heard immediately brought me to full alert. There was no way someone could take much more of this abuse without safe wording out for their own protection. The second crack of leather was followed by a wail of pain and what I hoped was the safe word. When the third crack of leather sounded, I was out of my seat and rushing towards the door where the flogging was taking place only to find it locked when I tried the knob.

Mistress Stephanie, bless her heart, (It's a Southern thing) was clueless as to what was going on. Not waiting for permission, I forcibly broke through the door and came face to face with what I had feared, a small Hispanic beauty was suspended from the ceiling by her wrists about four inches above the ground and was bleeding from at least six different cuts. Two across her ass, one across her left breast, one about the middle of her back and finally it looked like one might be across the back of her right thigh. All the while it sounded like she was whimpering "Red", the house safe word.

"Who the fuck are you and what gives you the right to come barging in here like that?" came this scream from the dirty blond amazon with crazed fueled eyes while holding a one and one-half inch leather strap.

As I switched my attention to her, I saw her just in time trying to rush me while swinging the belt at me. Where youth is supposed to give you speed and agility, my age gave me experience and a higher pain threshold. In a move I had sadly practiced over the years, I sidestepped her second swing and let her momentum start to carry her past me as I caught her neck in the crook of my arm. As soon as I felt her neck, I immediately clamped down cutting off the blood flow through her carotid arteries while pulling her to my chest and locking my other arm over the top of her head effectively controlling her head as I began to squeeze for all I was worth. In professional wrestling it was called the sleeper hold. It's actually very effective if applied correctly. A slight adjustment and it's all for show. Because of the one hit she gave me I made sure this was going to be for real.

While I squeezed her neck, I also kicked her left leg out in front of her and pulled her to the ground into a sitting position so she lost the use of her legs to hurt either of us. I wasn't trying to choke her out, just cut off the blood flow to her brain causing her to black out and render her unconscious. This is usually a very effective maneuver if you are bigger than your attacker and not trying to do any real harm, as long as you remember to let go. The woman attacking me was maybe 125 lbs and amped up on adrenaline so I used my size and kept her on the ground to prevent even more serious injuries from the belt she was flailing around and stop her from trying to kick me. As soon as I felt the woman pass out, I yelled at Mistress Stephanie to take care of the woman hanging while I secured this wildcat to the saw horse before she came back to her senses fully.

When dealing with an unconscious person the amount of time you have to secure them varies on several factors. Size, stamina, gender, mental and emotional state when they were rendered unconscious all play a part in it but if done properly you usually have about a minute to secure them. As rusty as I was with the leather cuffs it took about 20 seconds longer than I had. I had managed to clamp both legs in the device and was working on completing the first wrist when she started to come to. Talking to a person calmly sometimes can keep them disoriented long enough to finish the job. Sometimes. This was not one of those times as she swung her arm at me aiming for my voice. I caught it easily enough and pulled it back behind her and gave her a satisfying swat across her ass with my bare hand. Satisfying to me at least. I leaned over and whispered in her ear that if she didn't behave and allow me to secure her final arm, I would take a cane to her ass until she gave up all hope of ever thinking she could sit down again. To emphasize my point, I gave her one more solid swat across her ass causing her to yelp in pain. She reluctantly agreed to let me secure her final arm after that.

Once that was done, I turned my attention back to the poor creature that had been strung up just moments ago. My wife, whether not used to seeing me operating in my Dom persona or just in shock at the abuse the woman suffered asked if we wanted her to call for an ambulance or the police. Mistress Stephanie, finally back among us, and myself both said "no" at the same time. I tried to explain while also examining the young woman at the same time that this community was a closed, secret group. They try to keep most everything "In House" so to speak. Most higher end establishments when I was operating all had access to private doctors on call in case accidents did happen. Fortunately, Stephanie was already ordering her pet, Tory, to call the doctor in and let him know it was an emergency. Hearing the commotion two more of the house subs appeared at the door and she ordered one of them to get the first aid kit and bring it to her immediately.

Old habits die hard. I looked at Stephanie and did something I wished to never have to do again, I forced her to act as my sub. Taking her chin in my hand I turned her to face me. "Alright my kitten, I need to know the names of your friends here. Let's start with this little darling you have your arms wrapped around."

Stephanie hackles went up immediately recognizing I was replacing her as the dominate within her own house. "This little cutie is Debby. But the real question is who do you think you are?"

Fixing her with a gaze that froze every sub I had trained in the past I answered, "You will address me as either Sir or Master Patrick." Then not giving her a chance to respond I turned to my wife who was looking at me as if I was a complete stranger, "My Love, I need your help. Come, sit next to Debby and let her know you are going to love her and protect her as your own. Be careful of the welts and cuts though." Once my wife had claimed a sit on the bed next to Debby, I turned back to Stephanie and grabbed her by the arm dragging her with me. Completely giving myself back over into my Dom persona I bent Stephanie to my will. "Now, you are going to tell me who this is and what she is doing in your house, behind a locked door, completely unsupervised?"

Stephanie dropped her eyes to the ground refusing to meet mine knowing she had failed to follow the most basic safe guidelines for operation of a dungeon. "She goes by Dame Kelly. She moved here from California a couple of weeks ago and when I called, they gave her a very glowing recommendation. She was supposed to be highly competent and we've had no problems in the week she has been here."

"This is no Dame. She is a complete amateur. She has no respect for you, this house, her sub or the safety rules we operate under. The door was locked, she was unsupervised and she repeatedly ignored the stop command. You would do yourself and your clients well by getting rid of her."

"You unshackle me and I'll teach you all about proper respect." Kelly shouted.

I just looked down at her and made the decision Stephanie didn't know she needed to make. I turned and looked back to Stephanie, "You say she's been here one week, my kitten?"

"Yes Sir."

I knelt down and grabbed Kelly by the back of her head and pulled it up so she was forced to look me in the eyes. Growling, I said the one word she didn't know I knew, "Banishment".

The questioning look she gave me told me I was right in my assessment she was an amateur. After a couple of minutes, she knew her cover was blown with me. She started yelling I wasn't in charge of this house and it wasn't my decision to make. She was right on all counts as she tried to bluff her way through her predicament. Unfortunately, Stephanie didn't know what banishment entailed either. I informed my new pet, Stephanie, exactly what banishment entailed while continuing to look at the woman bent over the saw horse.

A person may be barred from a house for a set time or permanently depending on how the Master or Mistress of the house rated the severity of any infraction. Banishment was having all doors closed within the local community permanently, effectively ostracizing them from our world and houses but a minimum of three Dominants used to be needed to carry it out. Stephanie looked stunned when she realized she had never known this existed. I explained to her it was a last resort measure and should never be taken lightly. We were still left with the problem of needing a third Dom to vote.

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