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Display Wife Ch. 01

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The porn shop.
6.2k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 02/19/2008
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Chapter One -- The Porn Shop

It was the same year the "dot coms" went bust that Mark lost his high paying job. Unemployment covered him and his wife for twenty-six weeks, but when that money ran out he was desperate; willing to take any job that paid money.

Mark ended up with a job that took him to the inner city, to the red light district, to a porn shop. It was the only thing he could find. There were just too many other professionals out looking for work. Mark was not proud that he was working the porn side of the tracks, so he hid it from his friends and family. Interestingly enough, there were some benefits to this job: it paid better than minimum wage, and he was learning more about sex than he had ever thought possible.

Mark had invested six years of his life after high school to earn two degrees. He worked hard to get through school, worked hard in the job that he just lost, and applied this work ethic to all his endeavors. Mark was still driven at age thirty-five and knew it would only be a matter of time before he'd be back in the computer field once again. For now, this job would have to do, and he made the best of it.

Sam was the owner of the little porn shop. He had taken an immediate liking to Mark as soon as he had stepped into his business. Sam desperately needed the help after firing the last guy he caught stealing from him. He knew as soon as Mark opened his mouth that he was dealing with someone that did not have the best street smarts, but had brains. Mark was clean cut and looked like he could be trusted. Sam offered him a job immediately and Mark accepted it.

Sam was twenty years older than Mark, a product of the love generation, trying to run an upscale adult novelty shop. A few had suggested that he should place video booths in the back, but he opted not to do this; figuring this would attract the wrong kind of clientele. Instead he sold movies, magazines, clothing, and novelty items he thought most open minded couples would be interested in purchasing. During the week the shop would see mostly single men who came in to browse. They usually migrated to the back of the store, away from the front store window, always looking down to avoid eye contact. Sam enjoyed watching their reactions, especially when they finally had to approach him to pay for an item. He was pretty sure he could tell those that were just embarrassed for thinking about sex, apart from those that could use a shrink.

Sam looked over to where Mark was working. He would never tell Mark directly, but part of the reason he hired Mark was due to his strong physical features. There stood a tall, muscular young man with a full set of wavy brown hair that definitely would attract a pretty lady. He was hoping that just having Mark visible in the store would help bring some women into the shop to check out the "male eye candy". Sam was a good business man and fully understood what the balding, over weight, old man he saw in the mirror was telling him.

Sam's shop was only a few blocks away from the movie district. On the weekends the couples would come pass the shop and a few would come into the store. Sam really enjoyed watching these pairs. They would float through the shop, picking up items, giggling, exchanging naughty thoughts, until they found an item that they could use later in the privacy of their homes. In most cases the guy would hold his head up high when he paid for the item, locking eyes with Sam, giving him that I'm getting some tonight look , while the woman hung on his arm, looking down, shyly trying not to make eye contact.

Sam would take their money with a knowing smile and hand the change back without saying a word. Sam's eyes spoke for him, yep -- you're getting lucky tonight. And you'll be using this. Not bad!

It was one of those nights after an attractive couple had just paid for their toy and was leaving the store; Mark had just come up from the back of the store carrying a box of items that were being readied to restock the shelves.

Sam turned to Mark. "I sure wish I could attract more twosomes like that into this store. Not only is she easy on the eyes, but having both of them in here would help to attract more males/females like them." Sam sighed as Mark started to stock the shelves.

"If you want to attract more couples, you will need to change the window display outside to get their attention." Mark remarked almost mechanically.

"What do you mean?" What's wrong with the window?" Sam asked indignantly.

"What isn't wrong with the display," Mark answered while he continued to stock the shelf. "What you need is a display that would get the attention of couples."

"And what would you suggest that I do?"

"Put a display in the window that would create a fantasy. That is what I would recommend." Mark answered with a matter-of-fact tone as he continued to stock the shelf.

Sam reflected on Mark's comments for a few seconds and then responded. "Okay smarty-pants. I'll give your idea a chance. And because it was your idea, you get to set it up."

Sam's answer caught Mark by surprise. He was not expecting him to agree and agree so quickly. Worst yet, he now had the responsibility to make it happen. "Whoa, not so fast. I would need a lot of props that you don't have." Mark thought he had figured a way out of his predicament.

"There you are wrong," answered Sam with a smile. "I've got a storage shed out back with stuff that would probably do the trick. I'll show you the room after we close tonight and give you a few weeks to make it happen.

Mark did not say much after hearing about his new task other than to say, "Okay, we'll take a look at the room later." And returned to stocking the shelf.

Later that evening, Sam led Mark out into the ally, across the access road, back to what looked like a small storage garage. He unlocked the door and ushered Mark into a large high ceiling room. He flicked on a single light that hung from a wire high above the floor. In the room Mark found a blend of items that ranged from things you would find in a home to objects you would find in a clothing store. What caught Mark's attention were the mannequins. Most were in the form of females with a few male dummies. There were a number of wigs and assortment of items that could be used to dress the fake bodies. Now Mark's mind was starting to work in overdrive as he considered the possibilities.

"Okay, here's the deal." Sam started, "Two weeks next Friday I want you to have a new store display in the window. Use what ever you can find in this room and we can talk about anything else you might need from the store. Have fun, but just make sure I see more couples in the store over the days that follow. Do we have an agreement?"

Mark turned to look back at Sam, and then lowered his eyes in thought. Thinking quickly he added, "Okay, if I do this, what's in it for me?"

Sam was half expecting this response from his smart employee, "If you do this and we increase sales by ten percent, fifty percent of that profit will be yours."

Mark smiled, held out his hand, "We have a deal."

***** ***** *****

Mark shared his new task over dinner with his lovely wife two years his junior. Morgan immediately opened up a line of questions, clearly showing her interest in this new activity of her husband.

Mark and Morgan had developed a very healthy attitude towards sex early in their marriage. During their honeymoon in Hawaii, Mark had no problem with Morgan running around topless, wearing only a small tight thong on the beach. They both enjoyed her being half nude. He had no problem enjoying the tan lines she displayed in the privacy of their room later that day.

Morgan had been concerned when Mark first took the job with Sam. Not really knowing what went on during the work day at the store played in her thoughts until he brought home a few 'girlie magazines' he said were popular with the clientele. For a few of the pictorials, Mark pointed out his favorite models. The following afternoon she took one magazine into their bedroom to compare her body to the women in these pictures. Morgan quickly realized her large breasts and tiny ass were more than comparable to these models; she was 'HOT'!

"Have you picked the fantasy yet?" she asked between bites.

"Yep, it's my favorite fantasy." Mark answered while glancing up into his wife's green eyes and flashing a smile.

"And what fantasy might that be?" She asked using a playful tone.

"The one you keep teasing me about."

Morgan knew exactly what he was talking about. She had stumbled upon this fantasy during one of their wildest love sessions. Morgan had found herself describing how she would act if someone surprised her while she was answering the door in a bathrobe. She placed her naked body into a white robe and watched his penis grow as she opened the white material to illustrate her story. She reflected on this fantasy, quietly taking another bite of food through a smile.

Mark recognized the look on her face, "Yeah, I thought you might like that one. And that is why I picked it."

"When do you expect to be done?" She asked quickly.

"Sam has given me a deadline of two weeks to complete the display"."

"Mmmmm, could I come down and take a look when it's complete?"

"I don't see why not."

Morgan lowered her head and grinned. She was having fun thinking about what their fantasy might look like in the window. She was thinking how nice it might look through the eyes of a voyeur.

***** ***** *****

Mark threw himself completely into his new project, coming into the store early and leaving late. He had erected two sets of curtains: one to block the view from the street, and the second to hide his work from within the store. Sam saw very little of him over those two weeks, except for an occasional glimmer of him running through the store to extract another item from the back storage garage.

Morgan saw even less of him. Only over a late dinner, just before he crashed into bed could she ask a few questions on how the new project was coming along. This continued for a full two weeks. Mark finally came home early for dinner Thursday night, the evening before the unveiling. He was all smiles.

"I'm done with the work and ready to unwrap our fantasy." He announced over dinner with the biggest of grins.

"Are you pleased with it?" She asked, hoping he would tell her more.

"Yep, and it is time to see what others think of my work."

"Can I come down tomorrow night and take a look?'

"I would rather you wait and see if I need to make any adjustments before you take a look."

The smile on her face disappeared with his answer. He had just asked her to wait and she didn't want to wait. But she understood and respected his request. "Okay, but I do want to see it eventually."

"You will." He quickly added with a twinkle in his eye.

***** ***** *****

Mark was in early Friday, just before Sam arrived to open the shop. He wanted to present his work to Sam before they were distracted by any shoppers.

Sam came through the back door and walked up to Mark. "So is it done?"

"Yes, and I thought you should be the first to see the display." Mark said sounding like an excited teenager.

"Okay, show me!" Sam snapped.

Mark walked towards the front door and motioned for Sam to follow. He unlocked the door and directed Sam to stand out on the sidewalk, running along the front window of the store. Once Sam was in position, Mark walked back into the store and climbed over to the front line of curtains. Sam watched as the curtain slowly moved away from the center of the window to fully expose the scene.

The view Mark had created was a cutaway scene. To the right was a living room, equipped with couch, rug, lounging chair, torch light, and TV. In the middle of the window was a door frame, positioned to present a side view of the door; the door was open. In the living room stood a female mannequin with long flowing brunette hair covered only by a towel held by one arm draped under her breasts. She was naked otherwise. To the left of the door was another mannequin, dressed as a deliveryman with his arms reaching out presenting a pizza box to the naked lady.

Sam smiled. He recognized the fantasy being presented to him and actually was guilty of having had this as one of his own naughty thoughts when he was married. "Okay, this looks good." Sam said as Mark came out of the store. "Let's see if it catches the attention of the couples that we spoke about." Sam let a small smile appear across his lips as he turned and walked towards the shop's entrance.

Mark stood for a few minutes longer, enjoying his art work and trying to translate it into the fantasy that he really wanted: looking at Morgan and not a dummy in the window.

Sam looked back at him as he opened the door, "Time to do some real work. Come on."

***** ***** *****

Mark could not wait for the evening crowds to come. He was very interested in the reaction his display would elicit from the couples walking by. It was hard to concentrate on his work, but he was finally able to focus on some cleaning he had neglected for the past two weeks. The work helped take his mind off the clock, allowing time to move a little faster.

It was after ten that evening when Mark took a break from lifting and wandered over to help Sam behind the counter.

"I'm not seeing much difference in sales tonight." Sam said after he finished ringing up a purchase for a young man. "Actually, I don't see many couples in here at all."

Sam's remark did not set well with Mark. He had put too much of his energy into this project and now was feeling very disappointed.

The next hour wasn't any better, Mark decided to wander out to the street and take in the reaction outside. He put on his coat, telling Sam that he was taking a short break, and walked out the front door.

Mark moved over to the street light just to the right of the store and stood. It did not take long before his first couple strolled up the street. His heart beat faster with excitement as they stopped and looked into the store.

"Well what do we have here?" Chuckled the man, as he held his arm around the woman at his side. "Looks like a special pizza delivery, one that I wouldn't mind having." The woman said nothing, only listened.

Mark's ears perked up straining to ease drop on their conversation.

"Not bad, not bad, but there is something missing," the man added.

Missing, what's missing?" thought Mark as his disappointment started to mount.

"Let's move on, it's getting late and I'm tired." The woman said, as she tugged on the man's arm as they moved away from the store. Mark's chance to find out what was wrong had been missed.

Mark was clearly disappointed. He had worked so hard to put this display together and it was not getting the reaction that he had hoped for. He stood by the street light for another thirty minutes, getting the same reaction from two other couples that wandered by. Mark was now miserable.

***** ***** *****

Morgan had waited up for his return only to find a dejected person walk through her front door.

"How did it go?" She asked.

"Not well. There is something wrong with the display and for the life of me I do not know what. I thought it captured the fantasy perfectly, yet the couples that walked by the store had just the opposite reaction," he said in a low, disappointed voice.

"I'm sure you did the best you could." She tried to encourage her husband as she planted a kiss on his cheek. "Why don't you go to bed and sleep on it. I'm sure you will figure it out." She pushed him towards the bedroom, having decided that tomorrow she would secretly go down to the store to see for herself what was going on.

"Goodnight babe."

***** ***** *****

The sun was low in the west sky as Morgan put on her coat and left their apartment. She walked down to the bus stop and caught the 'Q4' bus that would take her downtown. Half an hour later the sun was setting and she was stepping off the bus just a block from the shop. She was wearing a scarf and shaded glasses in an effort to conceal her identity from her husband as she continued on her clandestine activity. Ten minutes later she was standing in front the store window, viewing her husband's work.

Morgan smiled as her eyes wondered over the scene. She could see the long hard hours that her husband had spend on this task. It was a good scene, yet there was something missing and she did not know what it was at that moment. She let her eyes move over to the naked mannequin standing behind the towel. Morgan smiled as she studied the dummy in the window. She recognized the fact that Mark had tried to make the woman look as much like her as possible. The long brunette hair, red lips, and long legs were hers, like a hundred other women, but the tattoo heart on the woman's ass in the window was a dead give away he was thinking about her. She smiled thinking about her husband, when she suddenly realized what was bothering her about this display. It was the lines on the female's body. Since the mannequin was naked, it could not hide the fact that the arms and legs were designed to move, exposing a joint that could not be hidden. That was the problem. She was pleased with herself and she would tell her husband over dinner later that evening.

***** ***** *****

Mark returned home, as dejected as the previous day. The display had generated the same reaction and he was at a loss for what was wrong.

Morgan took his coat and told him that she had prepared a sandwich and beer for him and pushed him in the direction of the kitchen. He did not resist, silently taking her direction.

He had just taken his last bite of the sandwich, when she started to talk. "I went down to the store today to take a look at your work."

This surprised him and now he was somewhat irritated because he wanted to change the display before she had a chance to look at it.

"Morgan, I really wanted..." Mark started to speak but was interrupted.

"I think I know what is wrong."

This remark caught him by surprise, because for the last two days he was trying to figure out what was wrong and with one short visit, his wife was telling him she knew what was wrong.

"It's the mannequin."

"What's wrong with the mannequin?" He shot back, dipping his eyebrows, and starting to become defensive.

"It's fake and it shows."

"Just how does it show being fake?"

"The lines around her shoulders and hips."

This was like a ton of bricks hitting him in the face, when he realized what she was saying. He had to agree, but he still didn't know what to do. "You're right. I missed it. But now that you have pointed this out, I do understand. But how do I fix it?"

"Use a real model and not a dummy." Thrusting her chest out, striking a sexy pose where she sat.

"Yeah, Right! Where am I going to find a real model that will stand naked in a porn shop window?"

"How about me?"

"What do you mean, YOU!" Now he was concerned.

"You remember that I had done some modeling before we were married."

"Yes, but that was before we were married and now we are married."

"Well I also did some 'freeze modeling' once, when they opened a new store in town."

"Freeze modeling, what is that?" She had his attention.

"That is where the store owner uses live models in their store displays. It gets people's attention faster and helps get the store on the map."

"You've done that?"

"Yep, and it was fun to stand perfectly still and watch the reaction from the street." She added as her mind wondered back to her first experience as a 'freeze model'.

"Wait a minute. You're suggesting that I replace the female mannequin with you, right?"


"I'm not sure I would like my wife to be standing naked in a store window with all those people looking at her," he said, but the excitement growing between his legs was saying something else.


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