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Do Over


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While she gathered clothing, I checked out the well. The circuit breaker was tripped, and when I threw the switch, the pump whirred for a second, and died with a clunk. When I threw the circuit breaker again, it tripped off immediately. I returned to the living room.

"Your pump has shorted out. It's dead."

She stood with a tote of clothing, and a frown on her face. "Is that expensive?"

"It's a couple hundred dollars. I'll loan you the money if you need help."

I looked at the tote she was bringing to my house. "There's not much stuff there."

She wiggled her shoulders. "Travel light, but travel right. You don't seem to have much need for clothing, why should I?"

We bundled the tote into a garbage bag and stashed it in the center of the canoe. She was wearing shorts and a top now so the view was not nearly as compelling on the way back. At my house, she disappeared into her room carrying the tote, then a few minutes later she came out wearing a form fitting tank suit.

"I'm going for a swim."

She sashayed down to the water very much aware that I was watching, threw her towel over the end of the beached canoe, and waded into the water. A few strokes later, Loren disappeared down the inlet and into the lake. A half hour later, she returned to the house wrapped in a towel.

"I left my suit on the line to dry," she answered the question I was about to ask.

She disappeared into her room and a few minutes later she came out in an over-size Red Wings jersey. When she twirled to show me her outfit, I saw a bit of naked hip.

"Experimenting with nudity, I see."

She looked down at the shirt. "Can you see through this? Should I change?"

I shook my head. "Your ensemble looks perfect. I can't see through it."

She gave me a sly look. "What? This old thing?"

"Want lunch?"

She nodded. "I'm famished."

I made grilled cheese. We lunched in the gazebo.

"It gets a little warm out here in the sun." She fanned herself with her hand. "Maybe we should eat inside."

"Why don't you take off that jersey. It feels pretty good out here to me."

She frowned for a moment deep in thought, "You'd like that wouldn't you?"

"I'm pretty sure you would like it, too."

She stood and pulled the jersey off before settling in her chair again. After a brief silence, she nodded. "It is much nicer when the breeze can get to your skin. Look at my goose flesh."

She never stopped exploring her nudity. Her hands would brush her midriff just below her breasts before dropping to her lap where they would explore her naked hips.

"I can't believe that I'm eating a naked lunch with a guy I've known less than twenty-four hours," she looked down at her lap once again.

"I, on the other hand, feel only happiness that a beautiful woman is sharing a naked lunch with me."

"I feel so exposed." She said after putting down her glass of iced tea. "I want to cover up, but then I realize that there's no sense in doing it. This isn't about sex, it's about comfort. Then again, I feel so..."


She shook her shoulders. "No, I think the word is aware. I'm aware of my body, and quite frankly I find it pleasant that you're ogling me."

"It's all true, but I want to remind you that I am neighbor, and will continue to treat you as one until you decide that our relationship should change." I took her plate and stacked it on mine.


I shrugged. "It's pretty simple. I don't want to be a rebound lover. I'm not your husband and I don't want to pay for his sins against you."

"You don't want to have sex with me?"

I smiled. "Of course I do; you're beautiful. I meditated this morning on my wants and what you need. Your divorce has messed with your head. From what you told me last night, you harbor a lot of anger and resentment. You're suspicious of men in general and of me in particular. I think it's going to be a while before you figure out that there are men who you can trust."

I tried to read her face. Certainly there was relief that I had no plans to seduce her. I caught a flash of anger too, but I couldn't figure out why. It sure killed the conversation for the rest of the lunch.

When lunch was done, I stood. "I'm going to spend the afternoon cutting the lawn. If you want to lay out in the sun, use my patio."

She smiled. "I would like that very much."

It took her a few minutes to gather up her towel, sunglasses, sun screen, and Kindle.

As I was leaving to get the lawnmower, she stopped me. "What SPF sunblock are you wearing?"

"SPF none."

She shook her head. "You need sunblock." A slightly evil smile crossed her face. She squeezed the sunblock into her hand. "Turn around."

She started at my neck, and worked her way down to my shoulders and my back stopping at my waist. Then she walked around front and did my chest and stomach. She did my ass next followed by the back of my legs before coming around to the front. She devoted careful attention to my dick and ball sack. I rose to the occasion becoming hard in her hand. She made no comment as she moved on to coat my ass and legs. When my feet had been adequately covered, she stood and playfully knocked my hard on with her finger. "It's good to see that. I was beginning to think you were gay."

"You're teasing me because I told you that I may not want a relationship with you."

"Me?" She put her hands over her chest feigning innocence. "You bet I am, buster. I'm standing here with all my naughty bits hanging out, and you have nerve to tell me that you may not be sexually interested in me? I had twenty years of that. You bet I'm teasing you, and now I have evidence that at least one part of you finds me sexy."

As I turned to leave, she pouted. "You're not going to do me?"

I loaded my hands with lotion and stood behind her coating her neck, shoulders and arms before moving on to her breasts. Her nipples became hard as I massaged them. They were already dark against her skin, and got even darker as they crinkled. Two can play the stimulation game. From there I moved on to her back and her ass before coating to her hips then her stomach and finally her vagina. She let out a little gasp as my hand brushed her labia as I rubbed the top of her silky thighs. I spent a great deal of time and did a very thorough job. It must have been very good work judging by the slightly glazed look in her eyes.

When I was done, she lay back on the lounger. "I don't think I've ever been so thoroughly covered with sun block. Thank you. Your attention to detail was admirable."

"I'm an engineer." I winked at her. "I was trained to be thorough."

She settled into a chaise and I walked to the shed.

"I'll probably need another application in two hours or so," she shouted as I opened the shed door.

I spent the three hours on my riding lawnmower thinking about the seductress laying naked on my chaise as I passed her on every lap. I knew two things for sure. First, I was attracted to her. Yes, she was sexy as hell, but there was a certain vulnerability to her that brought out my protective instincts. Not only that, she was also smart and cheeky. Secondly, I knew that I had to let her come to me. Any attempt on my part to initiate a relationship would cause her to bolt instantly.

After I put the lawnmower away, I grabbed two glasses of ice tea, walked to the patio,and sat facing the cutest upturned bare ass I had seen in a while. I wanted to cover it in little bites that made her ass jump as she giggled.

"Let's go swimming."

She sat up and stretched. "That was nice, I may have fallen asleep." She took a sip of the ice tea I had brought out for her. "I'd love to go swimming."

The day was hot and the water cooled us. I swam to a platform I had anchored in the middle of the inlet. It consisted of two metal drums I had boxed in with marine plywood. A pool ladder I had attached to the side allowed a swimmer to climb on top. I hung from the side and faced outward waiting for her to swim up.

She playfully slid her legs around my waist and slid her arms around my neck.

"Ha, you can't touch me. Your hands are holding us up." She kissed me slipping me her tongue.

She swam away. I followed, and grabbed her ass as she tried to climb up the ladder.

"Didst thou coppeth a feel upon my royal body?" She quoted a line from an old Woody Allen movie.

"I am so sorry, milady. Should I stop touching your royal ass?"

"No, I quite like it, and so do you."

"When a beautiful woman presses her luscious body against mine, that sort of thing is bound to happen."

She smiled, then turned and kissed me.

I kissed back allowing her to control the length and the intensity.

"I've been wondering what that would feel like."


"You pass, you're definitely a good kisser."

She patted my cheek, pushed away from me and swam a few strokes around me. The play continued, but those were the only kisses. She did cop a feel on me a time or two. Once she did swim up behind me and give me a hug.

"I love the feel of your wet skin against me," she rubbed her breasts against my back.

When I spun around to grab her and pull her in, she swam away. I enjoyed her teasing at least as much as she enjoyed teasing me.

That evening, when the heat of the day had passed and a breeze redolent of pine and marsh blew through the windows pushing the sheers away from the walls, I made fish tacos. We ate at the kitchen table. She sat across from me and stared at me with her head slightly tilted.

"Penny for your thoughts."

She smiled. "I was trying to decide if we should go to bed together. Everything we've done today has sort of led up to it."

"Do I get a vote?"

She shook her head. "You really don't. You've been out of the dating pool so long you've forgotten the rules."

I smiled. "Enlighten me." "The first rule is that I make all the rules, the second rule is when I give you the 'come hither' look, you come running."

"I like your approach. As a boss, I always liked those people who brought an assertive, can-do attitude with them. I really got tired of ordering people around."

"We're almost exact opposites. I placed myself in my husband's hands and let him control my world for a very long time. I like the fact that you've laid back, and are letting me decide how this relationship proceeds. You, on the other hand, are tired of ordering people around all day. We were made for each other."

"You said you're trying to decide if you want to take me to your bed, what are my positives and negatives? I make a list when faced with a difficult decision."

"Well, on the basis of the last twenty-four hours, I can say you seem like a very nice person. Of course, you could be a monster masquerading as a nice person."

I nodded. "Valid point."

"Then you do stuff like that, and that makes me think that you are either brutally honest with yourself or you're trying to seduce me."

"Stuff like what?"

"Like agreeing with me when I say you may be a potential monster."

I poured myself a little more wine. Potential monsters should always have a glass of wine on hand.

"I was putting myself in your place. You have a valid point. About the only thing I can do to convince you is show you my merit badges from Scouting. You're a smart woman, you looked me up on the internet the second I gave you my wi-fi password." I squinted at her. "You also called a friend, and told her what was going on. I would have to be depraved and an idiot to harm you. I am neither."

She nodded. "You're not bad looking for a guy, but you are older than me."

"Too old?" I poured a little more wine for her. "Not much I can do about that."

"I didn't say you're too old. You've got a nice body, but a little too much back hair for my taste."

I may have leered at her. I'd been waiting for her to fall into my trap. "I'd be willing to let you shave it off."

She brightened. "You would?"

I nodded. "I have no deep emotional attachment to it. Besides, hair removal can be fun."

The elicited a belly laugh from her. "I suppose that would mean that I would have to join you in the shower."

"Well, of course. How am I going to shave my own back? We could do it right after I clean up in the kitchen unless you have other plans."

"Due to mechanical problems beyond my control, I happen to have a clear schedule."

She stood and gathered up the dishes while I put on an apron and carried dirty pots and pans to the sink. After we had cleaned up, we met in the bathroom where I handed her my hair clippers.

"Shear off what you want."

She give me her slightly evil smile, turned on the clippers and began raking them across my back. Small clumps of hair began falling onto my butt and calves.

When she was done, she walked around to the front of me. "How do you feel about your chest hair?"

I shrugged. I had lived with that curly mat on my chest for my whole adult life, but really had no preference between furry and baby smooth. "Shave it if you want."

She started at my waist and removed the mat from my chest and stomach. She stood back and admired her work.

"You're still pretty wild below the belt. Mind if I clean that up a little?"

"You're not going to shave me bald?"

She shook her head. "I don't like that look on a man. I'm going to clean you up a bit."

When I winced when the electric clipper head came too close to my erection, she grinned up at me.

"Relax, I used to do this for my husband all the time. I hardly ever drew blood."

She grabbed her hand mirror and showed me her work when she was done. I had a neat triangle of pubes around my groin, and peach fuzz across my chest, stomach and back.

"What?" Her voice was suspicious.

"I've never looked at my dick in a mirror being held by a naked woman. It's a mental snapshot I want to remember." I rubbed my chin. "It's a definite improvement. I don't look like a Yeti."

She set down the clippers. "Okay. I need your razor now."

We stepped in the shower, but she was all business when I tried to play. She lathered up my back, and shaved me smooth. Then she turned me around and shaved my chest and stomach.

"Alright, you're done, now get out. I've got to work on myself."

I stepped out and toweled off in the bedroom to give her some privacy. A few minutes later, she stepped into the bedroom as hairless as a newborn baby.

"You like?" She did a pirouette.

I ran my hand across her now hairless groin. "I like it very much. The skin is so soft."

"Consider yourself special. I've never done that for anybody else. I read in one of my magazines that it makes oral sex really intense. Hint, hint."

I pulled her to me, tipped her chin up, and kissed her. She melted into my arms as eager to kiss me as I was to kiss her. I scooped her up and laid her on the bed.

"I want you," I whispered. "I want you because you're smart and beautiful and managed to shave my chest without nicking my nipple."

She chuckled. "Not only are you a weird but nice guy, you're also a goof ball. Now are you going to screw me, or are you going to talk me to death?"

I pushed her legs apart and kissed my way up her inner thigh raising goosebumps along the way. Tonguing a hairless vagina was a new sensation for me, but I learned to appreciate it quickly. I took my time kissing the outer lips and then tongued my way around the inner lips. A low moan escaped her lips. I spent a few more minutes tonguing her inner lips.

"I really like that." She rocked her hips up to give be better access.

I plunged my tongue as deep as I could then made it as wide as I could as I lapped her sex from bottom to top. I knew I was doing good when she thrust her hips up into my face. She gasped and then moaned as I laved attention on her clit stroking it again and again varying the speed and the rhythm forcing her to anticipate what I would do next.

"Oh my God." She shouted and then clamped my head between her thighs as orgasm after orgasm shuddered through her body. When she was done, I came up for air and lay down next to her. I draped my hand across her breasts because I really like boobs. She responded my turning on her side to make them available to me.

When she had caught her breath, she rolled onto her back. "You should screw me now."

I settled in between her legs. She guided me in, and I made tiny thrusts until my moistened dick could move freely in and out of her.

"Wow, you're bigger than my husband.

"Too big?"

"No, just right. You're stretching me a little and I need to get used to it."

I waited as she wiggled her hips beneath me.

"Thank you. I'm okay now."

I smiled down at her. Her flush face and luscious lips looked inviting. I wanted to make this special for her.

"Hold on tight around my neck and wrap your legs around my waist." I instructed.

When she complied, I lifted her up and then sat down on the edge of the bed. She was now sitting on my lap facing me. Her eyes grew wide as the weight of her body forced my erection deeper into her.

She gave me a slow wet kiss ending it by gently biting my lower lip. "You feel pretty good inside me." She wiggled her hips sending a tingle up my spine.

She began rocking back and forth on me increasing the tempo. She stopped, dug her nails into my back, and an orgasm rippled through her.

I held her close and kissed her neck. She sat back with a smile on her lovely face and began grinding her hips into my groin again. The orgasm came quicker this time. She hung on around my neck as she clamped down on my erection with her vagina and shivered with the strength of the orgasm.

This time when she started rocking on me, I helped her by holding her hips and moving her back and forth. I tried to time our orgasm together, but she began doing a little flick with her hips that added more stimulation to my already tingling balls. Then every muscle in my body locked up with the impending pleasure.

"I'm going to cum," I moaned seconds before I pulled her hard against me and pumped and pumped. She slid her arms around me and dug her nails into my back as an orgasm overtook her. When we were both done, I collapsed to the bed taking her with me.

She lay across me gasping for air. "Where did you learn how to do that?"

"What?" I asked between gulps of air.

"Drive a woman into a frenzy of desire, and then send an orgasm crashing down on her."

"I'd guess I'm pretty average as a lover."

She shook her head. "No way is that average." She thought a minute. "Then again, how would I know? I consider myself basically a virgin. The only sex I've had is with a gay guy who clearly would have preferred a guy in bed with him. Our sexual encounters were rare, brief and humdrum. You are far more enthusiastic than he ever was. My husband did enjoy oral sex though." She thought for a moment. "You know, I need a sampler of men so I can figure out what good sex is."

"Now is the time to do it." I refused to take the bait. "There's an upscale golf course and lounge on the other side of town. I imagine you could assemble a collection there in no time."

"You're no fun," she rolled over and kissed me. "I wanted you to go all caveman on me."

"I'm fifty. The best I can do is hire a cave man, if you need it." I kissed her on the cheek. "You poor thing. Sex can be so many things. It can be mind blowing, but it can also be comforting, it can be reassuring, it can be fun, and it can be a haven in a cold cruel world. The one thing it shouldn't be is dull. I need to put together a sex sampler for you."

She turned to me suppressing a grin. "I see, you're volunteering to have sex with me over and over again until I've experienced all that sex has to offer? How very kind of you."

I smiled back. "I'm a very giving person."

She cuddled in next to me. "I would like to spend the night here if you don't mind."

I wrapped my arm around her. "I think you should. I've saved a spot for you right here." I pulled her in until she was spooning with me.

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